Look when I started this project I was working with the movies as a foundation. Not disney, and certainly not the never ending stream of "what the hell" that came from the extended universe. The most impressive thing we see? Palps throws lightning, yoda lifts a single man fighter, the prequals? Maybe a bit more on the heavy lifting and they really push the whole ability to deflect blaster fire up a notch but we don't see anyone consume the life force of a planet. We don't se anyone stop a ship with sub-light engines running, we don't see anyone pull capital ships into a planet from low orbit. And we aren't going to. Because I'm not that kind of writer and this isn't that kind of story. I'm not, I won't, and I refuse to feel sorry about that. If anyone with a laptop could write up stories that broke canons power scale and get it rubber stamped so Lucas can rake in money I can absolutely nock the power scale back down to where it started for a story I'm writing for free.
I was asking because you have mentioned things like the Russsan Reformation in the story so you are bring things in from outside the moves. The way the battles for Russsan Ended and the War of Light and Dark is kind of important for how the Jedi order does things at the start of the Prequels as a example. That's why I asked how much the MC knows about Galatic History for this story because their were points in Galactic history when their were a lot more Jedi then their were at the start of the Prequels. They were spread out across the Galaxy being more then just monks and knowledge of how to use the force was a bit more widespread which could help John work out what his goals really are and the impact he could have.
If things like Thought Bombs for example are over powered to you then then is it more the number of living being across the Galaxy that could gain a little bit of ability with the force that is really worrying to council on Corascant. The "power levels" of force users was not really the point of my question so much as John understanding of the impact the Jedi and Sith have had on the Galaxy over time.
You are free to do your story how ever you want and I am happy you are keeping the story going.
John's training is honestly vastly better set up to create a lot of minor force users than to create any truly exceptional ones. The training to gain force sensitivity works better on the low end and he isn't providing intensive training. So while a lot of people may gain some skill creating a exceptional force user probably requires more than holovids.
I don't disagree but then how much trouble could people who pick up only the bare basics from watching the videos really be. The story and the premise have been good but that is a bit of a question in my mind.
i mean if a single person can drag a ship out of Orbit why can't a group of force users work together to achieve the same effect but no, only the special person gets to use the ability)
While I get were your coming from and even agree we never actually see a group of force users in quite the situation the USA presented in the Force Unleashed game at any point in any official media so it could be possible. Also the game does not present what happened as something Starkiller could do whenever he wanted but something he was able to pull of only because of a unique set of circumstances. The Star Destroyer was only a couple of miles from the Planets surface and all he really did was help the Planets gravity pull the ship down to crash into the surface, Star Destroyers are not the most aerodynamic things.