Boss It's been a while sense I read this thread and I don't even completely disagree with the argument but I do have a question about how much knowledge does John have about the history of the Galaxy from before the Russan Reformation? I ask because their have been force users capable of killing Planetary populations almost by themselves or thousands at once if they put in the effort sense we are dealing with mostly Legends stuff. It takes a powerful force user but Exar Kun for example was able to drain the life force of thousands of Massasi at once to fuel the ritual that separated his spirit from his body before he was trapped on Yavin by the Jedi's Wall of light. Even the Thought Bomb Skerri Khan ended up using killed hundreds directly and messed up the planet and the surrounding space at a lot, so the argument he has that he is not making people a lot more dangerous then they already are does have some weak areas considering possible outcomes in the future.
Yes, but here's the problem with your supposition. These super powerful Force users (which do happen, and have happened, and will happen in the future) tend to get noticed at an early age. And then they get training in an actual 'school' (Sith Academy, Jedi Temple, Pious Deus Fortress Ship, etc). With massive access to vast libraries, the teachings of their elders, and a environment set up to promote the growth of powerful Force users.
In modern day times it's the equivilant of geniuses getting noticed in their single digits age, sent to specialty schools that cater to their intelligence, hit the top end colleges by their mid teens, and graduate with multiple doctorates by 20. Think Tony Stark. What John Kessel is teaching is basic CAD work and engineering on Youtube. So I'm not saying that it couldn't happen, but those once in a lifetime super-talents got massively supported and yet only came about
once in a lifetime, if at that. Without the support, it's even less likely to happen. What's more likely to happen is if someone that crazy and determined to cause chaos comes about, they build bombs and do just as much damage. It's in fact far more likely, and quite frankly easier to pull off.
Now I did have another thought on what a possible response could be to the Kessel Channel. Mandolorians haven't been mentioned yet, and I was running down what their most likely response would be. After some thought most Clans probably are pretty happy overall. Think about what's this situation going to cause: Chaos, with Force users on both sides of the divide, and no one with actual training in how to deal with Rogue Force users other then Jedi who might or might not even be in the Sector, never mind the solar system or planet. And what could an enterprising and smart Mandolorian Clan offer? Well, a couple of things. Protection for one. Hire us and we will leave warriors in every system to deal with your tantrum throwing Force users. Or, and heres the big one imo: Training. Hire us to train your forces, and keep us on retainer in case of dire problems.
Fixes several problems the Mandolorian Clans have atm, no money, nothing for their warriors to do, and a government that's oppressive to their way of life. It gets them money, fixes the idle hands problem, and gets them far away from the New Mandolorians. Not to mention, the pansy's of the New Mandalorian faction can't really complain because your acting on the sides of Law and Order!