@Fencer - I, err, have a question.

I've been rereading the story and just got to the point where John is talking about feeding his emotions while "tucked in" with a girl he cared about, and how that caused a feedback loop, leading to him being a sappy, soppy fool.

So that's just begging for the question:

...What happens if you feed an orgasm into The Force as it happens?

Depending on the answer, I think there might be some...issues in upcoming days.
I mean, I feel like that is self explanatory. And more of reason to take the warning seriously.
now i'm imagining a Very embarrassed John making a special edition episode detailing what to do, and what Not to do when using the force for those kinds of things.

it makes more money than his previous episodes combined...

John: "Now, using lightning in bed Is possible, but only, and i mean ONLY when the user has learnt to weaken the voltage to safe levels. best to keep medical supplies and Bacta patches nearby even after the user is capable of such a feat, it might not be needed, but its better to have them just in case, i'll be going through a few healing techniques afterwards as a bonus"

John: "Telekenesis is handy, yes it can be used like that. it is still reccomended to have pillows and other soft stuff at hand in the event of a lapse of concentration"

Master Yoda, at the temple: "Hmm, amateur he is. not gotten to the specialized techniques he has"
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Temple Jedi are not anti-sex, they're anti commitment. So they could totally be going out and having sex every night, as long as it's always a one-time thing.

I mean how do you think they know where to find those young force sensitives X months later?

...why did this comment come out of my brain? Pardon me, I'm off to bleach my brain.
Temple Jedi are not anti-sex, they're anti commitment. So they could totally be going out and having sex every night, as long as it's always a one-time thing.

I mean how do you think they know where to find those young force sensitives X months later?

...why did this comment come out of my brain? Pardon me, I'm off to bleach my brain.
Please don't restart this debate again. I know I dropped an information thread mark explaining my opinions on the details of this already and I really don't want to go over it again. The variety and strength of opinions on this when we have essentially zero evidence is just migraine inducing.
So @Fencer how many people are planning how to get a hold of John right now?
Take the number of populated planets in the galaxy, multiply that number by… gosh anywhere from 10 to 100 and you probably have a ballpark estimate of the number of people with the kind of power or money to send mercenaries after him. That's not counting smaller groups that might jump him given the chance. Politicians that want him nailed down for a half dozen or more reasons…. Poor John didn't expect the videos to take off until he'd been posting for a year or two. Figured it would take that long for people claiming success to draw attention. Instead Yoda tried to get ahead of him and things escalated, quickly.

Honestly I wrote the last update because with Yoda's video I couldn't justify delaying any longer. But it also complicates the hell out of some of my plans. John's casual life transporting cargo and people is about to get upended smuggler style life lessons I have zero knowledge about are about to become important.
He's gonna have to disguise himself and his ship, or find a place to hide out; either a place that is out of the way, or with a wealthy & powerful patron.
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It's worth remembering that even if his face is known to... Like a trillion people collectively for whatever reason. He's still going to be pretty much unknown to the other 30. He's famous. Likely to become mega famous even, very quickly at that. But the anonymity of the crowd is still plenty possible with basic in universe precautions.
No, but Anakin would.

Just have him ace-pilot it out of dodge.
I still feel there are situations where enough raw resources poured in can overcome any skill the two jedi can bring to bear. I mean sure they can probably help deal with a certain level, but as people fail attempts will get more exaggerated; and at some point quantity beats quality and the jedi only need to fail once. And I feel like John and the jedi would know that.
I still feel there are situations where enough raw resources poured in can overcome any skill the two jedi can bring to bear. I mean sure they can probably help deal with a certain level, but as people fail attempts will get more exaggerated; and at some point quantity beats quality and the jedi only need to fail once. And I feel like John and the jedi would know that.
Well dealing with things below that threshold still improves survival chances so...