Pretty sure that's a feature, with the mind wipes to stop any naughty personality and programming to make sure that doesn't happen.

Tho there's been a lot of droid rebellions in galactic history
IIRC there's canon evidence that the droid rebellions have all been staged by the companies that make droids in order to implement laws that would let them maintain control over droids with those memory wipe and limiter plug methods remaining legal.
Why exactly did you cut the "Slavers don't count as people" and take the statement out of context?
Option 1: droids are sentient/sapient, and droid ownership is slavery.
Option 2: droids are NOT sentient/sapient, and droid ownership is NOT slavery.
Given OP statement, it follows that droids are not sentient/sapient, and i'm happy to see it. Too many people think literally every droid is R2D2.
Option 1: droids are sentient/sapient, and droid ownership is slavery.
Option 2: droids are NOT sentient/sapient, and droid ownership is NOT slavery.
Given OP statement, it follows that droids are not sentient/sapient, and i'm happy to see it. Too many people think literally every droid is R2D2.
So you did go on a non-sequitur because the OP was talking about Tatooine and other such places, with droids never entering the equation in the first place.
Option 1: droids are sentient/sapient, and droid ownership is slavery.
Option 2: droids are NOT sentient/sapient, and droid ownership is NOT slavery.
Given OP statement, it follows that droids are not sentient/sapient, and i'm happy to see it. Too many people think literally every droid is R2D2.
Option 3: Nobody was talking about droids. Knock it off.
I found like three different translators so I prolly just used a different one. Basically he's saying "I know this is super important on a huge scale but I'm too fucking excited about trying it myself to care about all that!"
"I orwhoooh aoacwo ahscakanahoaraaoahoowhc ooww aoacahc rarcwo aorcwowo cacraorahwhrr rhhuao akworccoowhraananro I'sc shhucao aooooo wokoaahaowowa rarhoohuao anworarcwhahwhrr wwoorc scrocanwoww!" A wookie news anchor declared before slamming his fist onto the desk in front of themself.
Okay, knowing what it actually said is still amusing. But even without that context, I started laughing like crazy when I got to the part. Just... the image of it in my mind had me start giggling.

"Look, all I'm saying is the Dark side can't be as dangerous as he makes it out to be. Like yeah obviously there must be risks if you throw yourself into it like a power mad moron but Kesel dips in and out of it all the time for his videos. Not going to skimp on the practice because that would be outright stupid but he's still coming at this from a Jedi background so I'm sure some of the worry is just residual bias."
Aaaaaand there's the local idiot.
Aaaaaand there's the local idiot.
He might be overconfident, but he's not wrong about the institutional bias John is starting out with. For "village idiot" he's approaching this in a remarkably cogent manner. You can't make rockets without playing with bombs and explosive chemicals, but if you're careful while doing so, that potential danger often fails utterly to materialize.
"Today's top news story is something of a shock, Ladies and Gentleman. For several months now a man named John Kesel has been posting lessons about the Force on several major video sharing sites across the holonet. One of his most outrageous and enticing claims being that even those not sought out by the Jedi Orders can train and develop a connection to the Force." The news anchor spoke sensationally.

"Initial responses to those videos were highly skeptical but Kesel's claims of being a former Jedi initiate as well as interest in the subject kept people coming back. But in recent weeks videos have gone up featuring not only one of our very own Coreliian Jedi knights but also a video lesson contributed by Grand Master Yoda of the Coruscant Order. This sudden boost in credibility has caused the lesson's credibility, and view counts, to soar above and beyond anything but the most wildly popular memes. And the number of views is still climbing with no signs of slowing down."

"The lessons are very rapidly becoming a point of contention across the galaxy."
Looks like the videos have come to the attention of the galaxy at large.

"These unseemly videos are a blatant attack on the Jedi Order! It is reprehensible that one man lashing out over his own shortcomings would choose to attack the foundations of an organization which has worked to guard and guide a thousand years of galactic peace!"
Yeah some people where inevitably going to be afraid of what this means for the galaxy.

"There has been a literal flood of support for these videos as the spiritual and faithful have launched themselves into practicing. Parks, dojos, even less than busy parking lots have seen impromptu use as practice areas for the lessons on Matukai training."
Not surprising that a lot of people would want in on it.

"Look, I appreciate the never ending stream of warnings he gives about the Dark Side of the Force. Hell, I even appreciate the frank explanations of why it's so dangerous, but that doesn't change the fact that he's freely spreading information he regularly insists is dangerous and leaves it up to the individual to choose if they want to take that risk or not! Most people are idiots! And we're all just supposed to accept their judgment about their own mental fortitude?!"
That's fair most people are idiots.

"I'd never even considered what I would do if one of my children were scouted by the Order. Who would think to worry about that? The odds are ridiculously low, but I can't imagine giving up either of my children. And honestly that's what it comes down to for me. This gives parents another option."
Hadn't considered that but most people wouldn't really want to give up their kids and this gives them another option.

"Look man, the talking heads can argue all they want about how this is going to screw up the galaxy but me? I want this. Not for power, or fun bar tricks, or whatever the hell else. I want to be able to lose myself in the Light side of the Force. I mean, look, my life's kind of shit alright? Like I know plenty of people who have it worse but I'm not happy, and I've got no way to move up in the world. This guy says I can spend a few hours meditating and the whole damn universe will run through me and let me feel at peace? Kriff man, I'd pay for that. I know addicts that are kriffing up their lives for a shadow of that. But nah, all I got to do is work out for a few months and learn to sit quietly? I'm sold, anyone says I don't deserve the chance at that kind of peace can kriff right the hell off."
This is so real that it shook me for a bit, this is the dude who's not in it for the power or religion but for it making his like better.

"Look I know this is going to sound shallow, but it's the Force!" The man waved his hands energetically. "What kid didn't imagine flying between stars and stopping evil with a lightsaber in hand? Maybe it's stupid that I don't have a better reason for wanting to learn but… it's that childhood dream we all had to give up on and the only thing in my way is putting in the effort? How could I not want to learn?"
Can't blame him it's like a dream come true.

"Kriffing morons going to kriff up the whole damn galaxy for revenge. I mean don't get me wrong, mad props, that's some serious dedication to telling people to get kriffed, but yeah, I'm going to learn. Sooner or later this shit is going to cause trouble and I want to be ready. No way the Jedi can keep a lid on this much chaos. Going to have to be ready to take care of ourselves ya know? Which, Kriff this John guy, is probably half the point. Man, it's a hell of a revenge scheme, but seriously kriff him."
I like that the person respects and dislikes John for his revenge methods.

"I'm beyond excited! I've already submitted a research proposal to my university. If they approve, I'll be organizing volunteers for the study by the start of the next semester! I honestly can't wait, no one has ever tried to study the Force under laboratory conditions before and even just from the material available it's clear that some skills are more innate than others especially this foresight ability that Captain Kesel so obviously struggles with. We know so little about all of this but now, now we have a chance to study and learn! It's going to be fascinating!"
Actually lots of people have tried that and there is whole force orders that have done it.

"I'm a little conflicted about all of this. Of course it's a wonderful opportunity for my children! We're actually planning to make practicing into a family bonding activity. It's just… all the warnings about the Dark side. My husband and I are old enough to really grasp the risks and neither of us are willing to risk it… but the way it was explained… I just don't know if our kids have the discipline to avoid any accidents. Honestly how do the Jedi possibly get entire groups of children so disciplined that no one ever slips? We're going to take everything very slowly."
Yeah making sure kids don't use the Dark Side is going to be a problem.

"I don't buy it for a second. No way in hell this random guy just waltzes out of the Jedi order, wanders the galaxy and a few years later knows enough about the Force to train up anyone and everyone who wants to learn. It cannot be that simple. I refuse to believe this nonsense. The video of Grand Master Yoda must be CGI; it's the only thing that makes sense. Give it a week and the Order will denounce all of this insanity and things will blow over, just you wait!"
John isn't Master level just yet but he's getting there, I'd say he's peer level with Obi-Wan.

"It's everything I ever wanted to know; you know? Like… Ok everything else you could want to learn about in the galaxy? All you have to do is look it up. And if no one knows yet that probably means someone's researching whatever the topic is and someday we'll know for sure. But the Force? Nothing. We know it's real, there are videos of Jedi in action on the holonet, but actual explanations, lessons? Nothing. And sure, there's still the whole mysticism angle even with Kesel's lessons, but at least he's giving real answers that anyone can understand instead of just waving off people's concerns with that "it is the will of the force" you sometimes hear about Jedi giving people. At least Kesel tried to explain what that means. Now it's down to research and study and practice, the last great mystery of the galaxy is finally being explained, and I for one am thrilled to be here to see it happen."
John would really appreciate this commnet.

"Look, all I'm saying is the Dark side can't be as dangerous as he makes it out to be. Like yeah obviously there must be risks if you throw yourself into it like a power mad moron but Kesel dips in and out of it all the time for his videos. Not going to skimp on the practice because that would be outright stupid but he's still coming at this from a Jedi background so I'm sure some of the worry is just residual bias."
This person isn't taking the Dark Side seriously enough.

"I'm learning with my little sis. None of the Dark side bits, I mean, she's ten and her tantrums are legendary, and I'm… I try to be level headed but sometimes, anyway, yeah, we're practicing together. It means a lot to her you know? And when she said she wanted to learn and we watched the first few videos I decided I was going to learn with her. It's been good. We've been getting along a lot better since we started practicing together. Finally have something in common you know?"
Respect for knowing themself well enough not to touch the Dark Side.

Considering that the Republic is okay with corporations getting seats in the Senate I sincerely doubt they care about that sort of thing.
They're rich and John isn't.

I want to see how this turns out for the Wookies and other species that live on force heavy worlds. The Miraluka are all mildly force sensitive just so that they can see throw in training that teaches them to connect to the force in a stronger manner? Hutts and Wookies live for centuries think how much power someone like that could accumulate if they started at a young age.

Well to paraphrase "Chaos is a ladder, let's see the galaxy climb."
Things are going to change.
I found like three different translators so I prolly just used a different one. Basically he's saying "I know this is super important on a huge scale but I'm too fucking excited about trying it myself to care about all that!"
... Is this Wookie a member of the same tribe as Blue from my Omake?
My personal reaction would be paranoid that all this data has seemingly been out there but lost:

"You know we should probably make copies of these videos available offline in case the government decides to take them down. And considering The Captain is recovering information that has been lost through time and data corruption, make some sort of hard copy for future proofing? On sheets of corrosion immune metal maybe?"
Well now that everyone is getting into practicing the force more or less, I look forward to all the new force sects that will start the form and the ones that already exist to be swamped with requests to join them.
Well now that everyone is getting into practicing the force more or less, I look forward to all the new force sects that will start the form and the ones that already exist to be swamped with requests to join them.
By the time of the clone wars, the confederacy will probably start recruiting force users into their ranks with Dooku as their instructor but Dooku will probably be bad at it bc apprentice-master system is not a good system to train them. Remember Dooku has like 2 padawans under his entire Jedi career.
Begun. The. Flame. Wars. Have.

So his videos have gone mainstream so it will be a few months before potentials millions of people start feeling the force and lifting small objects with there minds… I honesty have zero damn idea how this is going to play out.
"I'm beyond excited! I've already submitted a research proposal to my university. If they approve, I'll be organizing volunteers for the study by the start of the next semester! I honestly can't wait, no one has ever tried to study the Force under laboratory conditions before and even just from the material available it's clear that some skills are more innate than others especially this foresight ability that Captain Kesel so obviously struggles with. We know so little about all of this but now, now we have a chance to study and learn! It's going to be fascinating!"
On the one hand, factually he is wrong and the force would have been very heavily researched (though perhaps not with the latest scientific lab equipment, but Star wars tech doesn't evolve particularly fast, and can often be lost).
On the other, would he know that / would scientists know that...

I'd say probably? Their used to be a large with empire and a similarly large and important Jedi order.

And their are important tests that they did, like midichlorians (Including all the tests to see how it effects each aspect of the force) and cloning are most notable, but that likely would mean they did pretty much everything else too. (And I'm not fully aware of the canon, so I am likely missing a whole lot)

That, and its pretty arrogant to say 'No one has ever tried' it.
1. There are 1000s of years of history of space travel and sith and Jedi, and lost scientific knowledge, technology and data.
And 2. It would just likely have normally been hidden by the Jedi, like any other Force information. (Doubly true if you consider how many very immoral Sith Experiments there were.)

This should probably be changed to something like "There is no scientific knowledge available about studying the Force under laboratory conditions". Or something similar.

But its not particularly important, hes excited and could be miss-speaking anyway.
On the one hand, factually he is wrong and the force would have been very heavily researched (though perhaps not with the latest scientific lab equipment, but Star wars tech doesn't evolve particularly fast, and can often be lost).
On the other, would he know that / would scientists know that...

I'd say probably? Their used to be a large with empire and a similarly large and important Jedi order.

And their are important tests that they did, like midichlorians (Including all the tests to see how it effects each aspect of the force) and cloning are most notable, but that likely would mean they did pretty much everything else too. (And I'm not fully aware of the canon, so I am likely missing a whole lot)

That, and its pretty arrogant to say 'No one has ever tried' it.
1. There are 1000s of years of history of space travel and sith and Jedi, and lost scientific knowledge, technology and data.
And 2. It would just likely have normally been hidden by the Jedi, like any other Force information. (Doubly true if you consider how many very immoral Sith Experiments there were.)

This should probably be changed to something like "There is no scientific knowledge available about studying the Force under laboratory conditions". Or something similar.

But its not particularly important, hes excited and could be miss-speaking anyway.
The funny thing for me on his point is there used to be a massive ship funded by the Jedi that basically had duplicates of the Orders own info, and it wasn't armed. It was a mobile lore repository and Jedi training center that was eventually shot down over Dathomir about 100-150 years before Episode I.
On the one hand, factually he is wrong and the force would have been very heavily researched (though perhaps not with the latest scientific lab equipment, but Star wars tech doesn't evolve particularly fast, and can often be lost).
On the other, would he know that / would scientists know that...

I would imagine that the Jedi Order does conduct research into the Force but they just don't publish the results often.

It would be interesting to see a study done outside the Jedi Order because a university professor/student will want to try a bunch of different theories that the Jedi don't do because of traditions and beliefs that are so old no one actually knows why those traditions and beliefs would passed down.
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Let me put it this way. You are a tiny scattered group traveling around doing some good deeds and passing on your knowledge master to apprentice where you can be mostly sure that the student won'y abuse those lessons.

Now everyone knows about you. Anyone can at least get moderately skilled in your art/abilities without any kind of oversight. And you know some people are going to abuse what you have dedicated your life to. No, they are not happy.
On the other hand they may actually find more people who would subscribe to their philosophy. It's hard to abuse Matukai training properly without devoting at least a decade to it. And that induces certain habits. If you are just doing moving meditation in your spare time you will not go beyond parlor tricks. It may allow you to keep in shape a little better but you are not going to be superhuman.

The very reason Matukai branched off from Jedi was because very few people wanted to deal with their training (and ideological differences of course) to achieve results that could be emulated by Force powers even if it is impossible for most Jedi to emulate all of them at once. Jedi don't really want to spend 10 to 20 years on Force assisted physical training even if the results are pretty spectacular.

And most people won't be able to stick with it.
If your university librarian can't find it, it's not unreasonable to claim it's never been done; if it's not available to the public (even if you have to dig for it and then pay for it), it doesn't exist from any practical point of view.

I imagine we're going to see lots of tiny force sects springing up; I wouldn't be surprised to find some places doing force meditation in schools or akin to tai chi in public parks, etc.

I can see the Hutts as a whole being annoyed; getting in touch with the force will hit the drug trade directly, and there are going to be force-assisted slave uprisings.
The 'net is going to explode, I think. Lots of people sharing their experiences and their discoveries on TheForce.hol, or whatever.

Soon, someone's going to have the bright idea of collating it all on a wiki system, so anyone who wants to learn any of the techniques at least has a starting point to work from and an endpoint to work toward.

I've found that having the group mind working on stuff gives a fuckton more results than what happened prior to the internet. Just look at the sheer amount of information regarding system mastery for 3rd Edition D&D, for instance, compared to any edition before then. That was the first edition that came out with full internet support, and there are literally hundreds of thousands of hours' worth of reading on every subject you could imagine.

I can't imagine The Force getting less attention than an edition of D&D.
Well the butterflies have gone full hurricane now.

Now the real story starts.

It will be fascinating to see what cracks first in society. My bet is that it is a kid that watches the video, gets pushed into a bad situation and the Force makes everything worse. My second choice is the heroic opposite, some random person learning this stuff stops a tragedy because of a bad feeling.
from: Xazcik Wookiee Language Translator ― LingoJam
"I orwhoooh aoacwo ahscakanahoaraaoahoowhc ooww aoacahc rarcwo aorcwowo cacraorahwhrr rhhuao akworccoowhraananro I'sc shhucao aooooo wokoaahaowowa rarhoohuao anworarcwhahwhrr wwoorc scrocanwoww!" A wookie news anchor declared before slamming his fist onto the desk in front of themself.

I ksow xhf implicaxiost on xhit arf xrff thakisg bux pfrtosally i'm jutx xoo fkcixfe aboux lfarsisg nor mytlfn!

I know the implications on this are tree shaking but personally i'm just too excited about learning for myself!