Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Had a thought: Taylor should get a look at a cheap off-brand phone and make one from nanomachines, son. That way, she doesn't look like some weirdo standing in the middle of the street. Instead, she'll be standing in the middle of the street with a phone, which is completely normal.
Don't we see Fog ships floating a couple of times? I remember one point where someone splits the ocean and floats over the gap.
That's a feature of the gravity-based engines (and spinal cannons) of the ship hulls, not the Klein Fields the Fog use for their force-fields. Klein Fields are something the Mental Models are capable of projecting on their own, without the infrastructure of a ship to support them. The gravity drives and cannons are big and require a ship hull. Mental Models are also capable of physics-defying jumps, strength and agility, but that's because they're made of nanomaterial not biology.
At the end of the day, the Fog have a good understanding and the ability to use multiple dimension technology (see Klein Field, Mirror Ring system, etc.) of which gravity is just another dimension to manipulate, or gravity is the thing in which other dimensions "reside", either way manipulating gravity is something the Fog have a pretty good handle on.

Note I am not saying they have mastered gravity control, there are some pretty had limits on what they can do and the bigger feats we see all require significant power and/or computing resources to pull off, but when you have the ability to do stuff like the super gravity cannon and the Mirror Ring system, that is pretty far up the gravity/dimension manipulation tech tree.

So ensou has a pretty broad base of things to draw on to use in the story that (in and of themselves) would fit with Relentless and/or the Fog's abilities. (Of course putting them into the story in a plot logical way and making them a good part of the story is a whole different question.)

One thing I have not seen touched on is that for all the Fog have a good understanding of multiple dimensions, Relentless seems to be their first experience with multiple universes.

This contrasts with the Entities who's entire ability set revolves around multiple universes and transferring data/energy between them. The entities do seem to have some understanding of multiple dimensions to make all the powers we see work, but their primary tech tree is Alternate Universe, not Alternate Dimension like the Fog.

Once (if?) Relentless starts looking into how powers actually work, the whole alternate Dimension vs. Universe thing could turn into a big deal.

So... I have a thought. Kongo's bullship fleet teleport/printing press module. If Taylor ever the thought to build it, could she theoretically bring more Fog ships to her dimension?

Also Kongo parts the ocean for miles in that same sequence, Taylor making a personal stairway to heaven is nothing in comparison. FoF makes math it's bitch.
I mean, isn't Taylor supposed to be an experimental model too? The fact that she can do this stuff is less the Fog can't do it, and more why didn't I think of that?
Ok, I don't remember any specific examples from canon, but how wording-dependent is Dinah's power?

I mean, the Tattletale/Lisa persona is pretty much nonexistent at this time, and neither one was her real name. Will asking questions about Tattletale/Lisa automatically target on Leah? Would asking about Sarah work? (That's at least still her legal name, I think.)

Or would Dinah's power instead indicate a high probability that Lung actually killed Tattletale? (I mean, you could make an argument that he essentially did, minus the (small?) probability that Leah will actually fully recover that persona.)
Rule 1 - Do not link to copyright infringement.
That's a feature of the gravity-based engines (and spinal cannons) of the ship hulls, not the Klein Fields the Fog use for their force-fields. Klein Fields are something the Mental Models are capable of projecting on their own, without the infrastructure of a ship to support them. The gravity drives and cannons are big and require a ship hull. Mental Models are also capable of physics-defying jumps, strength and agility, but that's because they're made of nanomaterial not biology.
I'd recommend reading chapter 69 of the manga found [LINK REMOVED]. In the first few pages Gunzhou describes how Haruna , Kirishima, and probably all large Fog vessels utilize their Klein fields during the firing of a Super Gravity Cannon.
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I'd recommend reading chapter 69 of the manga found [LINK REMOVED]. In the first few pages Gunzhou describes how Haruna , Kirishima, and probably all large Fog vessels utilize their Klein fields during the firing of a Super Gravity Cannon.
Remove that link. AFAIK that is not a licensed translation and as a result a direct rule 0 violation.
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Had a thought: Taylor should get a look at a cheap off-brand phone and make one from nanomachines, son. That way, she doesn't look like some weirdo standing in the middle of the street. Instead, she'll be standing in the middle of the street with a phone, which is completely normal.
Just put on a headset with microphone, or even a fake one. Nobody will bat an eye at somebody talking to an unseen person with fake earphones and a fake microphone on her face.
If it's for her spacing out while surfing the internet or sending texts, then your plan makes sense.
@Datcord, we summon thee:
Fool! That won't wor-
*Places large bottle of Scotch on the ground under a propped up box*
-hey, bottle of scotch!

...why is it dark all of a sudden? Well, nothing to do now but sleep... or C&C! Let's do that second one, yeah!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Awww, yeah! 4/11, BAY-BEEE!

...yeah, I know there's nothing special about 4/11, but it's a NEW CHAPTER OF TRANSPOSITION. I've decided to celebrate however I can!

I stared up at the blonde girl in my doorway. "Seriously?" I dragged a hand down over my face. "What's going on?"
Leah's finally come to admit her sudden, massive crush on you and invite you to dinner and cuddling?

...stop looking at me like that. I choose to have HOPE!

I sat up. "Well come in, or you'll wake my dad up."
Taylor, I assure you that Danny is doing his best to sleep through anything he might hear ever, because there are things he DESPERATELY doesn't want to know and Leah visiting your bedroom in the middle of the night is one of them. For... multiple reasons.

Some of the E88, Lung, couple Merchant capes, a few no-namer small time parahumans and people who haven't even been a real problem,"
Huh. So THERE'S a change from canon. I wonder why he went with all the extras this time? Didn't have Tattletale around long enough to get all the E88, maybe?

I doubt they're going to go down without a fight.
Yeah, Kaiser seems the type. Always "I'll get you back, I promise!" and then just falling asleep or something. Asshole.

I let my head fall back and thump quietly against the wall. "Fuuuuuck."
Despite my normal suggestions, I'm honest enough to admit that's PROBABLY not the best solution to the problem, Taylor.

...probably. 95%., what the hell, let's get Armsmaster and Kaiser drunk and see what happens. Maybe they'll calm the fuck down afterwards and talk it out. Or maybe Dragon will lose her shit and destroy the E88 from her Orbital Death Platforms. Either way, win-win!

The E88 ran Medhall?
Did... did you not think there was something weird about their "HITLER HAD A FEW GOOD POINTS ...for KIDS!" vitamins?

they don't deal with it all while it's still valid they could be seen as either inept or ineffective,
And god forbid they act like the reality of the situation!

instead of working in an ideal scenario where a group of the Protectorate can outnumber a villain and come down on them hard,
*puerile giggle*

Even twenty officers against a scared, experienced cape…
Yes. Golly. Whatever could you do to equal the odds against a cape like that? How could you defeat a scared, experienced, squishy, NON-BULLETPROOF cape like that? GOLLY, IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME WAY OF TAKING OUT A THREAT FROM A DISTANCE THAT WAS READILY AVAILABLE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL.I GUESS IT'S JUST AN UNSOLVABLE RIDDLE!

Haaaaaah. God, when it rained it poured, didn't it?
Well, that IS why they add the calcium silicate....

Not that I don't appreciate the warning, but what can I do?
I have a list Chart! ...that I'm not going to share or joke about. Because I'm a *checks palm* "hack who already used this joke in my AFHB C&C"?

Also, I'd get punched by the Staff. Probably metaphorically, POSSIBLY literally. (I'm honestly not 100% certain Xon CAN'T punch someone's heart out through the internet.)

At most I'd probably get in the way of the PRT doing their jobs more than help them if I tried to.
"And they have being inept and getting in their own way all tied up already, you know?"

"New Wave." …And Victoria, I thought.
Oh-ho! Concerned for Victoria, are you? For your new friend? Your new friend who is a girl? Your... okay, we all know where this is going, right? Right.

New Wave can work around a highly mobile close-quarters Brute because they have two of their own.
"And if that doesn't work, Brandish will be a bitch at them until they give up just to shut her up!"

And frankly Taylor, you're kind of terrifying in your capabilities as a cape, so you shouldn't have too much problem with things.
"Well, I could always-"
"You're not allowed to drop your real body on them."

It would let me use the new armor I had based on Greg's designs.
...but not the armor from his SECOND thread: "Alexandria's Secret (Armor)." You know, the one in the Pervertedly Parahuman sub-forum.

If Leah, who seemed to be a pretty high-level Thinker from what I'd been seeing,
*glances at canon*
*wild, hysterical laughter*
Yeah, that's... that's one way of putting it.

I turned to the blonde sitting on my bed, and she looked at me expectantly.
Hopefully. With reservations to a lovely restaurant and a beautiful black dress just ready to go the second you say the word....

"Alright, I told Victoria. Er, Glory Girl." It was so weird thinking of her like that.
Well, how would you LIKE to think of her? Feel free to list any potential pet names or romantic portmanteaus of your names, either cape or civilian!

Leah nodded. "She's how you coordinated with them during the bombing?"


"That's cool," she commented nonchalantly.
*narrows eyes* Is... is she...?

...I'm keeping an eye on you, Leah.

I felt odd calling Victoria 'cool' after what I knew about her.
Oh? How would you prefer to call her? Exceptionally dateab-
More like unexpectedly normal.
-oh. god dammit

"Yeah, she's actually pretty nice."

The corners of Leah's mouth twitched and it looked like she was holding herself back from saying something, before she just nodded.
...I recognize that behaviour. That's the behaviour of a member of the Order of the Ship Shippers! SISTER! WELCOME TO THE FOLD!

'so im guessing you want in'

No possible jokes to be made here hey look a bottle of scotch

'cause we still gotta get suited up andd everything so you could come over here now'
again no possible jokes to be made about victoria inviting taylor over while she is en deshabille excuse me can i get more scotch in here... like... ALL the scotch? ...IMMEDIATELY?

Leah unfolded her legs and stood up as I fluidly moved off, before I lifted the mattress and grabbed the sword that still sat under it.
*facepalm* I'm pretty sure I've already said this, but... Taylor, the best place to hide an infinitely sharp sword is NOT the same place teenage boys hide their porn mags!

which would ensure there wouldn't be any accidents,
Danny will be exceptionally happy you won't have any 'accidents' with your... sword, Taylor. Incredibly so.

Alright. You should get comfortable, because this is probably going to be pretty disorienting as it is. You can stay in here if you want,"
It's... not the WORST way I've seen someone get invited to get into someone's bed. ...but it's pretty close.

"Anyways, I'm probably going to be pretty quiet unless I have anything I can add, so that it doesn't seem like you're talking to someone and won't distract you."
Wait. Not interject something just to prove how smart she is no matter how smart it would be to just shut the fuck up and let something slide?


"Um. I'm not imagining things, right? You look different?" she asked, sounding confused and a little bleary.
Victoria is not "morning people." ...of course, there's probably not a lot of people who ARE "up to fight a gang war at 3 am in the morning people." So... I feel we can give her a pass, here.

"'s cool. Looks really nice. C'mon in," she said tiredly.
I want you all to know that I'm not proud of how I'm counting that and making a note of it on The Chart.

...not that it'll STOP me, but still.

It felt weird being in a normal house with a helmet on, but there was nothing for it.
(The armor, of course, was perfectly normal and fine.)

She was the kind of person I could have seen in the halls at Winslow and wouldn't have even given a second glance.
So... dressed in gang colors and selling drugs directly in front of (and to) a teacher?

"Yes, ma'am," I said, still feeling a bit self-conscious around her.
Is it because she's a strong, assertive woman in a skin-tight outfit? Does it matter what you actually answer, because I'm going to put whatever I want on The Chart anyways?

The answer to these questions will... honestly, be exactly what you're expecting if you've been paying ANY kind of attention.

However, Glory Girl seems to trust you
I'll take it! That's parental approval, right there!

Then again, you and GG might be able to do enough damage you can still hurt them,"
...yeah, there's no possible joke I can make here. Despite how much I want to quote Hellsing Abridged.

Okay, I'll inform the PRT that we'll be handling them.
Yes. Handle them. Handle the two giant hot blondes. About which handling I will be making no jokes. *twitch* None. *twitch* *twitch*

this is who we've been requested to handle. And surprisingly politely, coming from the Director,
"She only called us 'independent menaces who should be flogged in the street and dragged through broken glass and hot sauce until we agreed to submit to her almighty authority twice! That's a new record low!"

Lady Photon said. "Good luck."

"You too," Brandish returned.
Yes, here's hoping you get lucky tonight. *cough* I mean "are lucky!" HERE'S HOPING YOU ARE LUCKY TONIGHT!

Flashbang's orbs can still affect Fenja and Menja's senses, as we know.
You're... you're talking about his powers, right? ...right?

Relentless, is there anything we should know about your abilities?
"I'm a BOAT!"
"...oh god, she's one of those. fucking fishmalks"

I can contain things in my forcefields, but if they try to grow I'll have to keep increasing the size so they don't crush themselves.
Alternately, and follow me on this 'cause it's a wacky suggestion... you could NOT increase it and they'll stop trying to grow once they run out of room.

I've never had to surround anything as large as they can get," I said.
I'm... pretty sure she just called Fenja and Menja fat?

"I'm coming."

Everybody looked at the exhausted-looking brown-haired girl.

"…Panacea—" Brandish started, but was cut off again.

"Mom, I'm. Coming."
*burbles into a scotch glass*
*burbles into a scotch glass for a LONG, LONG TIME*

Brandish's lips formed a thin line, her face starting to scowl before her eyes darted over to me for a second and then returned to her daughter, her expression flattening out.
Congrats, Amy! The fact that Brandish doesn't want to lose face by arguing with you in front of Taylor trumped her desire to not have you killed and/or injured! That's... that's good, right? ...right? I mean, it's certainly something, that's for damn sure.

"Fine." The way it was said made it sound like it was the complete opposite of 'fine', with the added Mom-tone of 'we'll be talking about this later.'
What? No. She said it was fine! When someone says something is fine, that means it's okay and everything's cool! ...why are you all looking at me like that? S-stop shaking your heads! DON'T LOOK AT ME WITH PITY IN YOUR EYES!

The blonde next to me nodded before she turned to me.
As opposed to the blonde back home. Laying in your bed.

...starting to think you've got a type, Taylor.

"Let's go, I wanna see how you do this," she said,
And this is where we make the obvious joke about Relentless making Glory Girl... curious.

"Well?" she said, looking interested. "I completely missed it when you came to the strip mall, so I've never seen."
There's... uh... there's a lot in there, so why don't we just keep it all neatly in there AND DRINK HEAVILY?

Just as she was about to reach me, I started running towards our destination, laughing. I wasn't at full speed, because I doubted Victoria could keep up, but I was going fast enough that she couldn't catch up easily.
There's certainly no way anyone could turn this into any sort of playful teasing and/or flirting! Not at all!

...what is this Chart-shaped object I'm writing on? THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT LET'S MOVE ON.

Despite the entire experience, she wasn't out of breath and not a single hair had been disturbed, it looked like.
(Taylor knows this, because she keeps track of Victoria's hairs. All of them. #3,582,173 by Victoria's left elbow is her favorite.)

Victoria grinned. "Then let's go and ruin some Nazis' night."
"Brockton Bay Nazis. I hate Brockton Bay Nazis."

Suddenly there was the sound of a throat clearing. "Yeah, hi, sorry. Had to remove the mic for a bit. I'm here," she said with what sounded like a repressed giggle.

…I figured it was probably better not to ask.
Yeah... that's because she just found the Armsmaster/Legend slash fic you and Emma wrote together years ago. No one should ever use "throbbing" THAT often in a story, Taylor. Remember, the maximum is THREE TIMES per sentence!

I shot downwards, my aim true, and just before landing twisted around, slamming into another Armor panel I'd put millimeters above the street.

I assure you, Taylor: You can make awesome speeches to slightly concussed people just easily as non-concussed people. Even easier, in fact!

I stood up slowly, looking at the story-and-a-half-tall women who were now in guard positions thirty feet in front of me,
Hmmm, I had something for this, but the only thing my notebook says is "Climb Mt. Valkyrie!" and then there's a bunch of doodles of large, curving hills? Not sure what I was thinking. Meh, let's move on.

There was a loud crack as Victoria pounded her fist into her hand,
*breaks the top off the scotch bottle*
*pours down throat*

Her shield and sword had grown with her, the sword now almost twice as long as my claymore despite being an arming sword and starting out half the size.
Don't worry, Taylor! I have some advice from an expert on this very subject:

Well, if she got a sword then it was only fair I used one, too, right?
...oh god i'm running out of scotch I'M RUNNING OUT OF SCOTCH!

I brought mine up to block her as she brought her blade down on me, bearing the weight of the two-story-tall warrior-woman with barely any effort.
Annnnd this certainly won't result in any fanfiction of... a certain type on PHO's NSFW section. Certainly not. No.'re gonna regret having your brain plugged into the internet, that's all I'm saying, is all.

I was proud of having engineered a custom body more and more.
Yes. Proud. Not jealous. Not of the giant woman and her giant... just general giant-ness. Not at all. It doesn't matter! Not in the least! Besides, you've already decided to correct your lack of... giant-ness in a sane, responsible fashion and GOD DAMMIT LEAH STOP GIGGLING!

and as much as I wanted to stop her, I didn't want to have "potentially lethal maiming" over my head.
Counterpoint: She's a NAZI. I'm not saying you should start with the lethal maiming, but... let's just undull that sword see where the night takes us, hey?

I didn't need to hurt her,

Fenja went to bash me with her shield,
(Fenja's been determined to bash Relentless ever since she saw the rumors about Relentless and Glory Girl on PHO.)

There were not words to describe how absolutely done with this shit she was.
Are you sure? Have you checked German? They have words for EVERYTHING.

Three AM. Three AM. Couldn't this at least have not happened until sometime during the day? Was that really too much to ask?
(Coil deliberately timed this just to fuck with Amy's sleep schedule. Because he's a dick like that.)

"Panacea, you are to stay in the car unless we need you, is that clear?" her mom said,
"We'll crack the windows and leave your favorite station playing on the radio, sweety, I promise!"

Victoria hadn't shut up about [Relentless] for the past two days, and Amy had to crush the jealousy that rose.
hahahahaha THE CHART FEEDS

Half the time she thought her mom was against it for no good reason rather than to "protect" her.
Ah, yes. That ol' boring mom thing of "Not wanting your kid to be murdered by super villains." SUUUUPER LAME!

Fuck, she could probably take the two giantesses down faster than anybody else, all she needed was skin contact
There's a joke here to be made about "going down at a touch," but I ain't gonna make it.

she was effectively blocked off, unless she was willing to risk getting in the middle of the entire fight and exposing herself.
Amy, I assure you that exposing yourself in the middle of a fight is the WRONG MOVE. Void_Cowboy is NOT a valid source of advice!

Brandish and Victoria getting hurt, all for nothing?
Not for nothing! Victoria learned a great lesson about why pitchers throw something other than just fastballs! And Brandish learned what it's like to be used as a soccer ball. So it's just been a fun night full of sports-themed lessons!

The branches twined around Menja's limbs even as she struggled, and Amy felt some kind of… excitement? at the way she effortlessly reshaped the tree and reeled the woman towards her.

I... I beg your pardon?

fuck me ensou's trying to kill me

She was breathing heavily like she'd just run a mile on the track,
Yes. Breathing heavily. I'm... I'm sure you were. jesus christ i'm gonna have to inject the scotch directly into my brain

Amy followed her and realized that sometime in the chaos her hood had fallen down.

She didn't put it back up.
I mean... that's probably for the best, though? Seriously, who thought a WHITE HOOD in BROCKTON BAY was a good idea?! Is it one of those "protective camouflage" things? Were they supposed to go "Oh, white hood, she's alright!" and just think the crosses were red because of flames?

Someone's a ship-shipper.
I ship ships shipping ships!
I now have a new pasttime: Reading Datcord's C&Cs while drunk! I'm not saying there was a lot of giggling involved, but... I'm alone at home so I don't have anyone else to blame it on... Unless, the cat? Yes the cat was giggling it's all the cats fault.