Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

That reminds me of a certain World of Warships meme I've seen around where someone will play Carnival Para a Bala while doing something really epic. Often accompanied by a gif of Sherlock taking off his scarf, captioned "Lets Dance".

Something like the opening 90 seconds of this video:

Also, HERE is the full song on the official channel if anybody's interested.
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There's Belated Battleships, lurking somewhere on SV (KanColle story w/ multiple authors)...
There was an aborted Worm/KanColle crossover, where Taylor becomes the ship girl for USS Montana...

There's also "The Little Ship That Could" on SB, but that one seems to be in indefinite hiatus. It also has two aspects: Taylor as a Fletcher-class Destroyer in Earth Bet, and a much older (and upgraded) Taylor as a Fletcher-class Destroyer who gets summoned to Kancolle Earth. The latter is a sort of "written at the same time" sequel to the former.
There's Belated Battleships, lurking somewhere on SV (KanColle story w/ multiple authors)...
There was an aborted Worm/KanColle crossover, where Taylor becomes the ship girl for USS Montana...
There's also "The Little Ship That Could" on SB, but that one seems to be in indefinite hiatus. It also has two aspects: Taylor as a Fletcher-class Destroyer in Earth Bet, and a much older (and upgraded) Taylor as a Fletcher-class Destroyer who gets summoned to Kancolle Earth. The latter is a sort of "written at the same time" sequel to the former.

Thanks, but I meant the Movie Based on the Bestselling Game where generally competent alien invaders are opposed by an incompetent U.S. Navy lead by a commander....

You know what? Just fuck that guy and the writers who came up with him.
It certainly didn't help that the latest Transformers movie back then was Dark of the Moon. When Battleship released, it led to more Transformers memes.

I just think Hollywood is adverse to competent main characters in action films.

Edit: Now that I think about it, it had to be done deliberately to avoid exposing any actual SOPs the US Navy uses, hence the incompetence.

It would make sense that any modern military obfuscate the methods to prevent the enemy from obtaining that level of knowledge, even if it makes them look bad.
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It would make sense that any modern military obfuscate the methods to prevent the enemy from obtaining that level of knowledge, even if it makes them look bad.

Nah, it's just Hollywood using people with art majors instead of command and tactical training to write the scripts.

Check out Act of Valor for what happens when you do it the other way around. Just be warned, the acting isn't the best... but that's what happens when you use real Navy SEALs to play Navy SEALs.

They basically gave the guys an objective and asked "How would you handle this?" then built the scene around that.
Hm, that's true. AoV was far more realistic and didn't have space locusts to worry about.

Damn, I gave them the benefit of the doubt more than what they deserve. Maybe realism wasn't what they had in mind for humans. Could they have made people more competent? Sure, but that's boring for a popcorn flick, which this clearly was.
Hm, that's true. AoV was far more realistic and didn't have space locusts to worry about.

Damn, I gave them the benefit of the doubt more than what they deserve. Maybe realism wasn't what they had in mind for humans. Could they have made people more competent? Sure, but that's boring for a popcorn flick, which this clearly was.

Hollywood/ TV pretty much should be assumed to get everything wrong in some fundamental way unless proven otherwise.

See medical dramas (for medicine)
CSI (for forensic technology/ methodology)
Ready player one (for video games)

So on and so forth. They very rarely do things right. And people don't tend to pay more for the entertainment that does things better then those that don't so this is unlikely to change.
Hollywood/ TV pretty much should be assumed to get everything wrong in some fundamental way unless proven otherwise.

See medical dramas (for medicine)
CSI (for forensic technology/ methodology)
Ready player one (for video games)

So on and so forth. They very rarely do things right. And people don't tend to pay more for the entertainment that does things better then those that don't so this is unlikely to change.
It is possible for Hollywood to get close to facts and still make good spectacle. Embellishing is fine so long as the suspension of disbelief is reasonable.

The problem with Battleship is that the main character makes absolutely no sense as an officer. Hell, he somehow enlists, and then makes LT in six years. And he's a TAO on his ship, despite the fact that he has severe behavior problems. The suspension of belief required for me to give that a pass is just too far. I wouldn't trust the guy to drive the ship, never mind fight it.
It is possible for Hollywood to get close to facts and still make good spectacle. Embellishing is fine so long as the suspension of disbelief is reasonable.

The problem with Battleship is that the main character makes absolutely no sense as an officer. Hell, he somehow enlists, and then makes LT in six years. And he's a TAO on his ship, despite the fact that he has severe behavior problems. The suspension of belief required for me to give that a pass is just too far. I wouldn't trust the guy to drive the ship, never mind fight it.

The problem is that as far as I can tell the difference between things making no sense and a film just having reasonable requirements of suspension of disbelief is actually if you have any expertise in the area that is depicted in the media in question.

Nonsense generally looks reasonable to some one who is not all that knowledgeable in a topic.

One of the reasons I like fanfiction, I often get to see some one with expertise different then the author exploring a setting with different expertise and try to make sense of it.
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The problem with Battleship is that the main character makes absolutely no sense as an officer. Hell, he somehow enlists, and then makes LT in six years.

I suspect the problem there (without seeing it, mind you, I knew better) is the same as one I see in many many fanfics and stories -- people treating getting promoted analogously to levelling up in an RPG. It doesn't matter if he has behaviour problems, he successfully accomplished X missions, so he's an LT now!
It is possible for Hollywood to get close to facts and still make good spectacle. Embellishing is fine so long as the suspension of disbelief is reasonable.

The problem with Battleship is that the main character makes absolutely no sense as an officer. Hell, he somehow enlists, and then makes LT in six years. And he's a TAO on his ship, despite the fact that he has severe behavior problems. The suspension of belief required for me to give that a pass is just too far. I wouldn't trust the guy to drive the ship, never mind fight it.

Yes! Exactly!

Going just by the action scenes Battleship is a very watchable movie, but the main character is just such an insult all the way around it drags the whole film into the dirt.

I suspect the problem there (without seeing it, mind you, I knew better) is the same as one I see in many many fanfics and stories -- people treating getting promoted analogously to levelling up in an RPG. It doesn't matter if he has behaviour problems, he successfully accomplished X missions, so he's an LT now!

No, not in this case. Put it this way, the first ten minutes or so of Battleship are the oft-repeated trope of showing the main character getting into trouble and being sent to the Navy by his family in order to make something of himself. The problem is that during that scene the filmmakers hammer the point home - unintentionally I have to assume - that not only should the drunken idiot not be anywhere near the Navy, but he would be legally prohibited from entering even if his brother were an Admiral - which he isn't.
Taylor, on the bridge of her submarine, grinning from ear to ear (in a manor that is subtlely freaking the fuck out of Leah): "Radar Master Race, Bitch."

And lets all her VLS missiles fly.....
Then Ziz dodges all the missiles in true Gundam or Marcross style.
There was an aborted Worm/KanColle crossover, where Taylor becomes the ship girl for USS Montana...
I don't know of any with Taylor as Montana, but there was one with her as Massachusetts

Sparky's Story Storage

So, I have so many story ideas, and not enough time to write them all. So, I'm just going to write as many snippets as I can, just for you. Short stories are complementary with your purchase of 1 thread follow. Shipping and handling not included. DISCLAIMER: Though there is a lot of Worm...

Could you link to the Montana one?
Just caught up and I must say that I'm enjoying the ride.
The only way to top Iona giving Taylor and QA (unrestricted!) access to Fog-tech would be to fit them with a Buster Machine and set them loose.
Danny is taking things surprisingly well. Either he's seen horrors/cape shenanigans up close before or it just hasn't sunk in yet. Considering who Annette hung out with, both are possibilities.
Dammit, Coil. At least Amy got to get her bad-ass on, though I do wonder how Carol is going to react to that.

Slap a "Wide Load" sticker on it and call it a day
Did you just call Taylor fat?
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Information: Derails and Hostility
derails and hostility

While a derail does happen sometimes the thread has a bit of a tendency for it.
I am also not happy with the way in which some of you commented on other peoples post and the hostile way in which some of you read and commented on these.
Don't snipe remain calm and if there are issues call the mods.
And assume that the other posters are not out to get you and that everyone has a mental framework that means that posts can be interpreted differently. So be more excellent to each other.
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