Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]


Word of Ensou, Local Deity:

"The amount of nanomaterial doubles every five (5) hours."

I'll look for the actual post to quote later, unless I get imped by someone else.

Found the post. And by Word of Ensou, Local Deity, no we can't Grey Goo Endbringers (unfortunately, of course it would be too easy if that was possible)

Endbringers are ever-regenerating blocks of increasingly dense crystalline matter, and Taylor's nanomaterial replicates at a rate of doubling every five hours.

Something that came to mind from trawling Endbringer discussions and Taylor/Relentless ship hull discussions on this thread.

Would Taylor/Relentless possibly go Leviathan hunting once she gets her ship body and armaments? To establish she's the one who controls the Oceans as per her Fog instincts?

Just reread the Lisa Interlude, and trawled a few pages before I realised: Is the relationship between Taylor and Lisa going to be more Mother-Daughter, or sisterly, or a hybrid of both?

I will add more to this post once I reach further down the story, so expect it to have some extra bits sometime soon.

Maybe not, but it seems to be a common courtesy not to do so regardless, both here and on SB/QQ. I don't tend to see many people double or triple posting, at least.

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Would Taylor/Relentless possibly go Leviathan hunting once she gets her ship body and armaments? To establish she's the one who controls the Oceans as per her Fog instincts?

@ensou ☝ I like this idea. Seems like a good post-end adventure.
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@ensou ☝ I like this idea. Seems like a good post-end adventure.

To quote a previous poster:

"Here, Levi Levi Levi~"

Although, I wonder who would join her on such an adventure. Would special suits be required? And, I wonder how the rest would react. Plain crazy, or "hey, this looks plausible now,".

Oh the sheer hilarity of having a massive super battleship rising from the ocean like some fairytale ghost ship, then proceeding to dive into the dark depths of the ocean, chasing Leviathan without relent.

(If anyone knows how to do a proper separation, I'd love to know, thanks.)(Discovered. Thanks @LZB1285)

Based on the description of the events, that's pretty much what happened. Eden did a multiverse face-plant into a planet because she was paying attention to an info dump from Abaddon, and not paying attention to where she was going. Metaphorically she was reading texts while driving, and crashed.

Late, but how did Taylor's mom die in canon again? Was it texting while driving? If it was, that would be quite the metaphor there you have.
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Thank you!

It's a metaphor I recall seeing a bunch of times in the fandom. :)

Is it common for a connection to be drawn between Annette and Eden? Then again, the only thing both have in common are how they died, so, eh.

As for the latest chapter, I find this Panacea's mindset to be fascinating. I also wonder: Did Panacea ever discover that she was addicted to Vicky's aura, in canon?
Memory Gem threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 14
2 2 1 1 9 9 2 2
Memory Gem threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 83
4 4 79 79
Only two days? Pah, beginner. :)

Speaking of dice, I was a guest at a wedding between two gamers. The priest asked the guy "Do you take this woman, yadda yadda"

He pulled at D20 out of his pocket and rolled it. After checking the numbers, he looked at the priest and said yes.

I sometimes wonder what he would have done if it came up a nat 1.
For a wedding prop, it shouldn't be that difficult to make a loaded die that always rolls a 20. Embed a magnet in the opposite face, and roll on a magnetic surface.
Welp, manga chaper 112 dropped on Crunchyroll...
Gunzo plots an escape in an old submarine...

Kirishima regains her body...

Yamato shenanigans...

And three mysterious thrones with Yamato's sigil in the center, a broken throne with Musashi's sigil, and a third throne...possibly Shinano?