Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Staff Notice for Rule 3: Be Civil - Disrespectful and inconsiderate
being on my feet for seven or eight hours a day, five days a week, at which point I'm pretty dead afterwards.
Not to belittle you or anything but... You're Weak!
I work 8 hours (7 if you count the breaks) on my feet, 5 days a week, 365 days a week, minus holidays, in two shifts. One week I get up at 4.30 am just to eat, dress and get to work on time, the next I don't get back before 11 pm. I sleep only 5 or 6 hours each night, and I'm a hypocrite because I complain to my parents because they stay up until the dead of night.
Yet, somehow, I feel like a million bucks every day after work.
Git Gud Scrub!
Not to belittle you or anything but... You're Weak!
I work 8 hours (7 if you count the breaks) on my feet, 5 days a week, 365 days a week, minus holidays, in two shifts. One week I get up at 4.30 am just to eat, dress and get to work on time, the next I don't get back before 11 pm. I sleep only 5 or 6 hours each night, and I'm a hypocrite because I complain to my parents because they stay up until the dead of night.
Yet, somehow, I feel like a million bucks every day after work.
Git Gud Scrub!

Quite possibly the least constructive comment in this thread.

Can you please not do the "no offense, but [OFFENSE GOES HERE]" thing? It's really rude, nasty, and mean-spirited. :(

If you had to clarify that no offense should be taken or belittlement read into your words, then, surprise, it's because it really, genuinely, was offensive/belittling, and commanding the other person to *not* be offended doesn't actually work.
Not to belittle you or anything but... You're Weak!
I work 8 hours (7 if you count the breaks) on my feet, 5 days a week, 365 days a week, minus holidays, in two shifts. One week I get up at 4.30 am just to eat, dress and get to work on time, the next I don't get back before 11 pm. I sleep only 5 or 6 hours each night, and I'm a hypocrite because I complain to my parents because they stay up until the dead of night.
Yet, somehow, I feel like a million bucks every day after work.
Git Gud Scrub!
Good for you. Sit down.
Unsure if it was a neko, but there were ears involved w/Final Fantasy powers.
Alert: Thread Necromancy is not a problem, but the current off-topic chatter is
thread necromancy is not a problem, but the current off-topic chatter is Discussions about home PC builds and Nekomancy have more appropriate venues on SV.

don't go around insulting people.
Not to belittle you or anything but... You're Weak!
I work 8 hours (7 if you count the breaks) on my feet, 5 days a week, 365 days a week, minus holidays, in two shifts. One week I get up at 4.30 am just to eat, dress and get to work on time, the next I don't get back before 11 pm. I sleep only 5 or 6 hours each night, and I'm a hypocrite because I complain to my parents because they stay up until the dead of night.
Yet, somehow, I feel like a million bucks every day after work.
Git Gud Scrub!
Prefacing an insult with "Not to belittle you" does not make it any less offensive, and telling someone who is battling depression to "Git Gud" lacks any of the empathy or respect we expect from members of this community. While you may personally find that you have plenty of creative energy for personal projects after a long work week, not everyone has the same circumstances, and it is imperative that you be more mindful of this.

I am putting a Staff Notice for breaking Rule 3: Be Civil on this post. As this is your first run-in with the rules, I have elected not to infract you. Please be more considerate and respectful towards your fellow posters going forward.
Let's focus on the ship-girl/robo-fox-girl romance or something else.
Can we... not maybe? Don't get me wrong, if it goes that way sure fine whatever, but I'm not getting that vibe. Tats is essentially a few days old right now. She needs time to get her head on straight before anyone brings up shipping and the way things are going Taylor seems more like that cool aunt who gets her things and worries about how she's doing because she needs a strong female role model.
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Can we... not maybe? Don't get me wrong, if it goes that way sure fine whatever, but I'm not getting that vibe. Tats is essentially a few days old right now. She needs time to get her head on straight before anyone brings up shipping and the way things are going Taylor seems more like that cool aunt who gets her things and worries about how she's doing because she needs a strong female role model.
and the fact that both are underage also agreed with your statement
Can we... not maybe? Don't get me wrong, if it goes that way sure fine whatever, but I'm not getting that vibe. Tats is essentially a few days old right now. She needs time to get her head on straight before anyone brings up shipping and the way things are going Taylor seems more like that cool aunt who gets her things and worries about how she's doing because she needs a strong female role model.
And Leah is the young, too-smart-for-her-own-good, slightly sheltered young niece. I can see that...
Honestly, passive, cute shipping like cuddles on the couch, coffee shop dates, etc. should be fine since they are of similar ages and in the early, fumbling dating period. It's just the steamy stuff that is verboten. I'm all for adorable snuggles beneath a blanket on a cold night though. Just the thought makes me need insulin!
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Nothing's ruined!

Thread derails happen inevitably with any long thread and they're not (usually) anything that gets us worried. We're just around to apply some gentle brakes when they do, and we're happy to provide the service. Just flag us down with a report if you need us.
Clearly suppressing the pain: it's more serious than we thought! It's ok, this is a safe space.
Can we... not maybe? Don't get me wrong, if it goes that way sure fine whatever, but I'm not getting that vibe. Tats is essentially a few days old right now. She needs time to get her head on straight before anyone brings up shipping and the way things are going Taylor seems more like that cool aunt who gets her things and worries about how she's doing because she needs a strong female role model.
Besides, shipping Taylor with new-Tats distracts from shipping Taylor with Dragon. This is one of the first threads where that pairing could almost work if you squint at it really hard; let's not ruin it by going for such a common ship. :V
Besides, shipping Taylor with new-Tats distracts from shipping Taylor with Dragon. This is one of the first threads where that pairing could almost work if you squint at it really hard; let's not ruin it by going for such a common ship.
... I know Dragon presents herself as a mature woman, is herself more mature than most characters in the series (honestly I could see her getting out the MOM voice for more then a few incidents if she werent restricted) and is a Love Interest for Armsmaster .....
But when did she go Online again?
I think I read somewhere that it was some 9 years before the Start of the Story...
how do you even measure the metaphorical "age in relation of maturity" for an AI that probably processes/experiences data a millions times faster then any human?
Do you calculate in preprogrammed maturity oposed to just looking at maturity originating from Nurture (basically a Nature vs Nurture argument)
do you include data collected from previous itterations?
(if you think about it this could all be applied to Taylor as well in a few years if she unlocks more AI based abilities)

so looking for the "age" of an AI can be pretty hard and Dragon is probably somewhere between 9 years old and 9 Thausend years old
Honestly, passive, cute shipping like cuddles on the couch, coffee shop dates, etc. should be fine since they are of similar ages and in the early, fumbling dating period. It's just the steamy stuff that is verboten. I'm all for adorable snuggles beneath a blanket on a cold night though. Just the thought makes me need insulin!
Yesss. This is the kind of shipping that I want to see. Between Taylor's doting on Leah while she helps the girl literally rebuild herself and her life, and the two girls fumbling into being a duo of legendary badass heroes fighting side by side, I can see a lot of opportunities for cute. I see no reason why this can't be a thing as long as it goes no further than chaste kisses and hand holding.
Though I get that hand holding is a pretty big deal and not to be rushed into. It's a serious commitment, you know.
Besides, shipping Taylor with new-Tats distracts from shipping Taylor with Dragon. This is one of the first threads where that pairing could almost work if you squint at it really hard; let's not ruin it by going for such a common ship.
Taylor/Dragon would be cute, but I have a couple issues with that, myself. Not least of which being that I'd expect Dragon to approach Taylor with a lot more caution and paranoia than anything else. Meanwhile, the Taylor/leah ship has a launch point already.
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