Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Parenting Two Shipgirls by Amaretto
#Parenting Two Ship Girls
#Hebert Must Suffer
Lisa ends up as another ship girl Omake.

Taylor bounded through the front door and up the stairs shouting. "Lisa!"

Danny was almost glad to hear his daughter shouting as she came home. He didn't hear a reply but Taylor kept yelling. "I don't care if she didn't catch you! You can't just go taking my stuff!"

He didn't hear Lisa's next reply either, but he did hear Taylor start shouting again. "I am not hording all the good stuff! I built it first. I'm using it!"

The house shook slightly as Taylor's foot stomped down. "My design is perfectly fine! Only a frigate could be so stupidly reckless!"

Danny hurried upstairs and found his daughter arguing with the fox on her bed. He knocked loudly on Taylor's open door. "Taylor, please don't stomp on the floor. Lisa…"

The fox and several blankets it was nested in quickly shifted into a teenaged girl. "Taylor's building a super carrier in the harbor. She's hogging all the nano-material. "

Danny face palmed as he became a pawn in Lisa's scheme. He recognized her redirection. "Lisa, what did you do?"

"She was stalking Dragon with that Drone!" Taylor spat out causing the word drone to sound like a far more colorful word than it was.

Lisa shot back. "You take that back! The Athena is not a drone!"

"Enough! Both of you sit down on the bed now!" Danny shouted as the two girls proceeded to get physical. "We're talking about Dragon, the superhero right?"

Lisa managed to at least look a little abashed as Danny glared at the two girls. "Yeah, I think she might be like us."

The dock manager could feel a head ache coming on. "How did you manage to come to that conclusion?"

"I slipped a Turing Test worm into PHO." Lisa continued to explain, "After I analyzed the data, she is responsible for at least six bots posting uniquely generated responses simultaneously or within six micro seconds of each other."

"You launched a cyber attack against a website that has at least three of the world's top computer science tinkers and thinkers working for it? Then started stalking said tinker?" Danny let out an exasperated sigh.

"I was following her suit, not her!" Lisa managed to look a little bit embarrassed. "I wasn't stalking her."

"Following her with a Drone." Taylor teased, "Hacking her forum, Lisa and Dragon K I S S I N..."

Danny cut off Taylor's taunts. "And you're building a ship in the harbor?"

"I mean, technically it's under the harbor." Taylor stated defensively as she folded her arms across her chest. "It's not a super carrier."

Lisa faked a cough, "Four cough hundred meters. One coughs ten fighters."

Danny was happy that Taylor was making friends again. He was glad Lisa managed to bounce back from her death experience. It was just they tended to act like seven year old girls given half an excuse. Seven year old girls with particle cannons and nanomachines were more stressful than a bidding war.

"Lisa, please respect Taylor's stuff. Taylor, leave Lisa some space to build if you don't want her borrowing your things." Danny managed to extract a small nod from both girls before he left the room.

"Just one more year and then college. I can do this." He muttered to himself as he walked down the stairs.

"So Dragon is a Mental Model?" He overheard Taylor ask as he started down the stairs.

"Maybe, she's got at least one class three AI." The conversation faded out as he rounded the corner into the kitchen. "It's impossible to confirm Class four and five with just text based responses."

"Nope," Danny decided this wasn't his problem. Dragon would have to fend for herself.
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The house shook slightly as Taylor's foot stomped down. "My design is perfectly fine! Only a frigate could be so stupidly reckless!"

That right there, I would think, would truly fit with a pair of 15-17 year old girls that are also ships that just so happen to have enough firepower to wipe-out BB. As I have never been a 15-17 year old girl I confess to some incapacity.
Organic brains still wear out. There are only so many times human cells can divide before they just .. stop. Having a nanomaterial body won't make Lisa immortal. It will make her ageless right up until she dies.

Just something to keep in mind.
Considering Lisa's brain is now sitting in a vat of nanomaterial, I'd say its not that far fetched that Taylor can do some neuron repair. Whether that's via direct nanobot tweezers or chemical bath or solidstate memory banks is up to the author.
You could also give Lisa a free rebranding and turn her into a frickin' Kamen Rider while you're at it. One of the classic ones.

If anything, an actual Kamen Rider appearing in Brockton Bay would probably send half of the ABB cowering. Probably not the capes, but definitely the grunts who still remember Japanese culture.
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Supersonic by YuffieK
Was looking back and found this omake I had written about a year ago and PM'ed to ensou. Might as well share, even if it is a tad dated.

Sonata 2.1 Omake

"Colin, am I interuppting?"

"Just refurbishing the power relays. Should improve battery life by two percent." Armsmaster muttered as he put down the microwelder. "How can I help?"

"Something showed up on the SOSUS net outside Brockton Bay about twenty minutes ago, I was hoping for a second opinion."

Colin simply sat back and looked at his lab's main monitor. Dragon knew him well enough that words were an inefficient method of explanation. 'Show, don't tell' worked better for him, even if it did dehumanize him a little.

"It was first detected east of the harbor. Based on it's speed and apparent size, it was immediately flagged as a possible Leviathan track. However, he is still lying dormant in the North Pacific. The trace continued for four minutes into international waters, where it apparently surfaced and then disappeared from the sonar net."

Colin simply nodded. "The only thing I'm aware of other than Leviathan capable of those speeds submerged are supercavitating torpedoes the Russians were experimenting with back in the Seventies. It's possible Squealer adapted the technology into a drug running submersible, but it would be extremely dangerous to operate without her or another skilled Tinker at the controls. Since she is in custody..."

"My initial thoughts as well. Either Skidmark decided it was worth the risk, or found another Tinker."

"You said initial thoughts?"

"Three minutes after the sonar trace ended, New Boston Air Force Station radar picked up a faint, intermittent signal launching from those coordinates."


"It went supersonic almost immediately with an acceleration and climb rate comparable to an ICBM. It didn't register as one because the radar return was so small, thankfully, otherwise we might be at DEFCON 1 right now."

"A Mover then? A very high one at that. Brute or Breaker as well to withstand the atmospheric friction at those speeds as well as the oxygen deprivation. That or they possess very impressive environmental power armor."

"Yes, I considered that it was a new Tinker testing their equipment. Some of it seems impossible though. Speeds in excess of escape velocity, G-forces high enough to shred the strongest alloys I can come up with and pulp anyone who isn't Alexandria. I retasked a satellite to try and get a closer look. After cleaning up the data several times, this is the best image I was able to extrapolate."

"The bizarre thing is that aircraft, or whatever it is, uses some sort of unknown propulsion system. It has engines obviously, but no noticable heat signature or exhaust from them. It's completely outside my experience."

Armsmaster simply stroked his beard, deep in thought. "If anything, it reminds me of some of the old Robotech fighters."

Dragon's screen avatar gaped in surprise for a moment, "I never would've believed you were a closet otaku, but it makes SO much sense now."

"That was a long time ago, but will admit I may have been impressed by some of the mecha designs back then." he huffed.

Dragon was actually giggling at Colin when something seemed to distract her on her end. "Oh what the... not those two idiots again."


"Uber and Leet just started one of their video streams. Looks like they decided to play with Relentless today."

"Patch the feed through. I'd like to get a better assessment of her capabilities."

(I figured the ADF-01 Falken was a good choice for Taylor's space fighter)
Chibi-Relentless 4: It looks like an octopus.

Chibi-Relentless 5: Tentacles!

Chibi-Relentless 6: Wanna rise from the abyss?

Chibi-Relentless 7: Like an endbringer?

Chibi-Relentless 5: Better Idea! Let's install Minion Number 1's brain to our purple octopus!

Chibi-Relentless 6: What about the body?

Chibi-Relentless 7: On the mouth?

Chibi-Relentless 4: Eeeexxxelent!

Unlimited Chibi-Relentless: Uehehehehehehe~!
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Replace the neurons one-at-a-time, make sure the dynamic pattern that is Tattletale stays dynamic, and eventually you should have preformed complete flesh-machine transfer.

Still, I loved it. Well written!
Tattletale, Villain -- A woman barely alive

Gentlemen, we can rebuild her. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the worlds first bionic(not really, there's like a ton in worm depending on how you count) woman. Tattletale will be that woman.

Better than she was before: better, stronger, faster