Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Secondly, it's not about what happened, it's about how it makes her think/feel. If we take her description of her trigger as truth, then being trapped and lonely and unable to effect her situation with an angry/uncaring adult amd being unable to understand exactly what's going on around her is, basically, how she triggered.
Eh, no. Her Trigger was more about not knowing (both why and that it was happening at all): Thinker, remember? Her parents from memory was more why she left, not why she Triggered. Lung trying to murder her? I hope she could figure that one out :rolleyes:.
Only if the first trigger was being locked in a regular box while a regular angry man was rampaging outside. Second triggers aren't just bad days, they're specifically your first trigger except worse.
No, that's not the only way. I can think of some others for that situation:

1. OG Trigger: Trapped in a small space. 2nd Trigger: Trapped in a small space while someone is trying to kill you.
2. OGT: Trapped in a small space. 2T: Trapped in a small space while everything is on fire.
3. OGT: Trapped in a fire. 2T: Trapped in a fire, while in a small space.
leaving weather or not TT is actually dead aside, as long as ppl think Lung killed her, would that be enough to earn him a kill order? you know killing a helpless child in PRT custody
i can't imagine much that would be worse PR, except letting him get away with it
leaving weather or not TT is actually dead aside, as long as ppl think Lung killed her, would that be enough to earn him a kill order? you know killing a helpless child in PRT custody
i can't imagine much that would be worse PR, except letting him get away with it
His minions are an explosive psychopath and a serial suicide bomber, I don't think he cares about PR very much.
If he gets a kill order, I think it's far more likely to be because he's backing Bakuda's terrorist campaign than for ganking Lisa.
This. Also Lung is one of the few Parahumans capable of standing up to an Endbringer solo. (So far as the characters in the story know.) If they can get Lung to show up to Endbringer fights he would be very valuable. Until the government / PRT / Protectorate give up on getting his help any kill order on Lung will be based on what other people are doing.

In this case that's Bakuda.
i can't imagine much that would be worse PR, except letting him get away with it
Kill orders have complications, though. People who hunt kill order bounties might not be the kind of people you want in your city.

Presumably, there are levels between 'kid gloves' and 'kill order'. Somehow, I doubt anyone would mind if he got killed, purposefully or otherwise. I suspect Lung isn't exactly the poster child for victim of police violence. :V
leaving weather or not TT is actually dead aside, as long as ppl think Lung killed her, would that be enough to earn him a kill order? you know killing a helpless child in PRT custody
i can't imagine much that would be worse PR, except letting him get away with it

No. You get kill orders for things like nailing the corpses of preschoolers to church doors. Murder isn't enough, it has to be spectacularly extravagant murder. Burning an enemy cape to death when they're helpless and in police custody isn't nearly heinous enough to count, especially when the cape in question has a history with him.
Another possibility of survival by Farmerbob1
It's a joke because Ensou randomly made Kid Win's last name Roberts when there's already a famous Chris Roberts.

Chris Roberts (game developer) - Wikipedia

Ah, so it's like me giving Uber and Leet the names Bert and Ernie because I was irritated that Wildbow never gave them names. :D

leaving weather or not TT is actually dead aside, as long as ppl think Lung killed her, would that be enough to earn him a kill order? you know killing a helpless child in PRT custody
i can't imagine much that would be worse PR, except letting him get away with it

I believe we now have a legitimate reason for Relentless vs. Lung, part 2.

There is another possibility for TT's potential survival that I haven't seen mentioned yet.

She could no longer scream. Her voice was gone.

Lung released her left leg then inspected the carbonized stumps of her arms and other leg before looking into her eyes for a moment, then smiling at her. He turned to walk through the mangled doorway of her cell, not even looking at her as he strode to freedom. "I'm sure you will survive. Your arms and legs are cauterized. Panacea will doubtless be asked to heal you."

The enormous man stopped and turned so he could see her with one eye. "Remember the pain. Next time, if I ever see you again, I will not grant you the mercy of life. Next time, if you are foolish enough to allow there to be a next time, your experience will be far more painful because I will take longer to burn you alive, an inch at a time. Do you understand? Nod once for yes."

If she did not nod, he would kill her. She nodded.

After Lung walked out of her sight, she looked down at her body, assessing the damage as the pain quickly grew more and more intense.

Lung had been very careful to shield her head from the heat with one hand while burning her appendages off, to preserve her eyes and lungs. Her power told her that she would be unconscious in less than a minute as the still living flesh bordering the carbonized wreckage of the stumps of her legs and arms started to fully register the abuse done.

Her body shivered from the pain, and flakes of carbon and ash fell to the floor from her left leg.

Suddenly, a bright rectangle formed in the air in front of her, and a woman appeared on the other side. Middle-aged, wearing a fedora. The woman opened her mouth to speak.

Tattletale's power, which she had used to convince Lung to maim her rather than kill her, provided the questions that would be asked of her before the woman spoke. She answered them before she passed out, forcing the words out in a raspy, almost unintelligible voice. "Yes, I will come with you, and will pay your price."

The woman nodded and stepped through the portal to pick her up.

The instant the woman shifted Tattletale's body to lift her a cascade of pain snuffed her consciousness like a pinched candle flame.
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You're missing the point of the discussion. If she survived long enough to scream, especially the way Triumph described it then even if she's dead the fire that killed her was unrelated to the reason they didn't find a body. Given that, the most likely explanation is that Lung didn't decide to waste time attacking her and someone set it up to look as if he did.
I had not considered the patsy option. Thanks for pointing it out.

The degree of burn has to do with layers of skin. There is only 3 layers to human skin. Therefore there is no such thing as greater than 3rd degree burn.

I could believe that it is like the Mach, a simple misconception. The speed of sound has to do with the material you are moving through not just the objects speed.
4th-6th is a more modern take on it. Effectively, it is just detailing how bad the 3rd degree burn is, so it is all still 3rd degree burns. E.g. 6th degree with be done to bones and tendons, muscle fibers consumed. At that point, amputation is the only possible treatment, while 3rd degree in a small area, could be treated over months, so that post-treatment ends up being similar to pre-burn, at least on a functional level. That would require skin grafts though.

As you said, it isn't accepted officially. Understanding 1st-3rd is plenty (and realistically, the only ones you need to, since 1st degree is treatable by personal methods, 2nd needing professional help, and 3rd degree is terrible regardless).
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So was just thinking this scenario.
What if TT second triggered as one of the wonderful ships while she was being burned alive?
She jumps in the ocean to put the fire out but loses all her nano machines to being burned and only her union core survives.
Taylor follows her SOS signal, finds her union core, gives it a new home in a teddy bear.
So we get Kirishima!TT, the smugbear.
But it's just a theory, a ship theory.
No. You get kill orders for things like nailing the corpses of preschoolers to church doors. Murder isn't enough, it has to be spectacularly extravagant murder. Burning an enemy cape to death when they're helpless and in police custody isn't nearly heinous enough to count, especially when the cape in question has a history with him.

it's not so much the level of heinousnes (is that a word? ), but that it happened inside the PRT or Protectorate building and the message that sends...
and a kill order is pretty much the only official thing they have left to escalate to in regards to lung
after all he is allready headed to the birdcage
So was just thinking this scenario.
What if TT second triggered as one of the wonderful ships while she was being burned alive?
She jumps in the ocean to put the fire out but loses all her nano machines to being burned and only her union core survives.
Taylor follows her SOS signal, finds her union core, gives it a new home in a teddy bear.
So we get Kirishima!TT, the smugbear.
But it's just a theory, a ship theory.
...Why do people jump to these things? Random 2nd triggers used to shoe-horn in random other bits of source material just 'cause is not a good idea.
it's not so much the level of heinousnes (is that a word? ), but that it happened inside the PRT or Protectorate building and the message that sends...
and a kill order is pretty much the only official thing they have left to escalate to in regards to lung
after all he is allready headed to the birdcage
Let's phrase that scenario another way:
Hookwolf: Kills multiple people, literal Nazi. Birdcage
Lung: kills multiple people, Birdcage. Kills a single person who is imprisoned by the PRT (i.e. their responsibility to protect): kill order.
It sets a bad precedence: that killing someone who the PRT's got more secure is more important than anyone else. (You'd also have to justify that to a judge). Yes, protection of image etc is important, but...

They do have other methods of escalation: birdcage is the 2nd worst form of legal punishment. Why can't it be applied to Lung? Answer: it can. PRT: ENE just doesn't have the power to enforce it. If it's a big blow to PRT/Protectorate image and a retaliation is needed, bring in outside aid i.e. escalate force, not escalate punishment, for a crime that isn't as bad as stuff he's done previously.
So remember a while back I considered possible Fog "Ambassadors" and it looked like the Area Assault and Supression Ships would be the best with Zuikaku having good odds for it? Well I think our fishing carrier might have to move over as it looks like Lexington might be able to take the role considering she's 1) Able to integrate into society enough to be a professor at a College 2) Has an intense interest in history, great for connecting the dots of what are the Points of Divergence are both pre- and post- emergence of capes 3) Has an outfit that easily could be viewed as some weird cape if she wanted (also a Nanomaterial Mace) else just blend in as just another woman with quite real paperwork. Just check the systems 100% real.
You know, one very simple explanation for Tattletale is that Lung tried to make an example of her by setting her alight to burn relatively slowly before farting off to freedom, and she tried to put herself out by jumping into the water. Still probably dead/very badly injured depending on how much narrative causality has intervened, but it does explain both the screaming and the missing body quite well.
You know, one very simple explanation for Tattletale is that Lung tried to make an example of her by setting her alight to burn relatively slowly before farting off to freedom, and she tried to put herself out by jumping into the water. Still probably dead/very badly injured depending on how much narrative causality has intervened, but it does explain both the screaming and the missing body quite well.
Depends on if the cell was breached or not, and also the Protectorate/PRT not catching her in a sweep of the bay.

Still moderately plausible if the rig isn't too high above the water.
@Pyrotech51 , bay sweeps are expensive and manpower intensive, if they do anything at all they'll have some extra patrols along the beaches. Also, the cell was breached. Lung doesn't have pyrokinesis strong enough to kill/maim someone unless he's ramped up enough to cause damage to surrounding areas by moving around. If it's at all plausible for them to think TT was killed the cell would have to be breached.
Let's phrase that scenario another way:
Hookwolf: Kills multiple people, literal Nazi. Birdcage
Lung: kills multiple people, Birdcage. Kills a single person who is imprisoned by the PRT (i.e. their responsibility to protect): kill order.
That's certainly how Coil would phrase it, but another way to phrase it is:
Hookwolf: Kills multiple people, mostly in fights. Birdcage (him being a Nazi has nothing to do with the penalty, officially at least)
Lung: kills multiple people, Birdcage. Escapes en-route to the Birdcage, attacks PRT officers and takes the time to torture and kill a child: kill order.

Not that I actually think he'll get a kill order for this, but if the PRT wants to it can be presented in a way that justifies it.
For the first one, it was Grue who lied about his trigger.
Hmm, I'm fairly certain there was WoG that summed up as essentially Wildbow laughing about people who thought anyone gave away their real trigger events, except Taylor because she was the PoV character. Not in a position to find it right now, but the idea seems at least 100% plausible given how disliked the event is supposed to be to each parahuman.
...Why do people jump to these things? Random 2nd triggers used to shoe-horn in random other bits of source material just 'cause is not a good idea.
Because it's interesting, that's why. There are three possibilities for what happened when Lung busted out:
1) Tattletale really was killed by Lung (or killed by Coil under cover of the breakout),
2) Tattletale was recaptured by Coil under cover of the breakout,
3) Something else happened.

The first option is... well, in stories like this TT and the Undersiders often end up sacrificed because Taylor wasn't there to pull their butts out of the fire. It's regrettable, but it happens.

The second option is dull. Coil and his omnipresent Blofeld impersonation has been done to death and reincarnation a hundred times in a hundred different stories. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

The third option allows for a lot more interesting shit to start filtering in from the crossover or even just an alternate tack on the main source material. We're already off the rails as it is, might as well go full ham and see where this road goes.
That's certainly how Coil would phrase it, but another way to phrase it is:
Hookwolf: Kills multiple people, mostly in fights. Birdcage (him being a Nazi has nothing to do with the penalty, officially at least)
Lung: kills multiple people, Birdcage. Escapes en-route to the Birdcage, attacks PRT officers and takes the time to torture and kill a child: kill order.

Not that I actually think he'll get a kill order for this, but if the PRT wants to it can be presented in a way that justifies it.
Sure, they could try and spin it like that (and they'd basically have to). But I mean...Hookwolf has escaped on the way to the Birdcage...twice I'm pretty sure. Of course he's going to have attacked PRT. And I wouldn't be surprised if he's taken the time to try and torture/kill children. Wouldn't be hard for Kaiser/Coil to spin it otherwise, and even random Joe on the streets is likely to look at that spin a bit suss. Essentially, spin doesn't help if nobody buys it.
The third option allows for a lot more interesting shit to start filtering in from the crossover or even just an alternate tack on the main source material. We're already off the rails as it is, might as well go full ham and see where this road goes.
See, I don't mind interesting stuff being added from the crossover. The thing I have issues with is that a random 2nd trigger from out of nowhere is a bad way of doing it. 2nd Triggers should be impactful narrative events, not a cheap excuse to dump something new in. They're incredibly rare in story, caused by extreme trauma, so...why?
The second option is dull. Coil and his omnipresent Blofeld impersonation has been done to death and reincarnation a hundred times in a hundred different stories. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

As dull as it may sound, it also makes the most amount of sense. It is canon that Coil has infiltrated the PRT to the point that Tattletale never even considered running to them for safety because she wouldn't have been safe. So the fact that Tattletale was somehow placed into a holding cell that she shouldn't have been placed in, the missing body, and the supposed screaming that lasted for a long time and through prison/secure walls that should be soundproof, is nothing more then indicators that something fishy has happened. And the first possible explanation is Coil.

Granted, it is boring and predictable. But you have to agree that if Coil didn't grab Tattletale and she really did die after all of these hints, then almost every single person is going to start complaining just how unrealistic it is that Coil didn't do something. It is well known that Coil considered Tattletale to be very valuable, not as valuable as Dinah but still very valuable. He would have never left her to be arrested by the PRT.

And I just realized that I'm probably not very clear. So I'm sorry if that is the case, I really don't want to make this a couple thousand words or more to try and get my point across. So you can ignore me if you want.
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