Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Hmm...but how would Coil get a Lisa-echidna-clone into the cell and extract Lisa without being caught?
Still: absence of corpse, ridiculous temperatures and quite a lot of time to turn bones into ash. I don't know what happened or how it happened, but the only way TT's dead is if Lung decided to take her skeleton/charred remains. I seriously doubt Lung took the time to either take her remains away or completely dust her, and I doubt the heroes would've left him to cook a girl into ash for more than five minutes tops.
So I have been enjoying the story so far. To add to the current conversation, Lisa is also currently 1 of 3 people who have even the foggiest idea that there is more to Relentless than being a really tough brute. The others are her dad, who unless you know who Relentless is, amounts to nothing in terms of info and Vista who is not who you would think to ask since she is not a Thinker unlike Lisa who at the very least knows that Taylor doesn't consider herself human. Until someone else picks up on that plot point, I refuse to believe she is dead.
Until someone else picks up on that plot point, I refuse to believe she is dead.
There's also the way Chris was speculating in that very same story post that with Relentless's demonstrated strength and big public debut thanks to the gamer goons more independents might decide to work with her in a new faction rather than the PRT, New Wave, or one of the established gangs. That's not even a Chekhov's Gun, coming right before another teen cape (well-known as a major character in the fandom even if she's no one important IC at this point) "dies" off camera in dubious circumstances.
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This story cannot go a single chapter without producing a controversy. I'm so sorry for you, @ensou.
Oh, you think I don't enjoy all this [random speculation and theorizing]?

(I do.) :P

It means that people care enough about what happens in the story to put this much thought and effort into picking it apart, which is satisfying in its own right.
Oh, you think I don't enjoy all this [random speculation and theorizing]?

(I do.) :p
"Before I begin the next chapter I would like to take some time to address a rumour floating around the thread. Some of you have come to believe that I like all this random speculation and theorizing. I wish to dash these rumours. I do not like random speculation and theorizing.

"I. Love. Random speculation and theorizing.

"Through my life I have discovered so many forms of random speculation and theorizing;

"You get up in the morning, you're still half asleep, and a thought about that fic your read before bed hits you so you post it before you finish waking up.

"Wrong thread random speculation and theorizing.

"You're on your break at work, and running out of time to finish typing in your favourite thread so you hit post before you can double check your reply.

"Poorly explained random speculation and theorizing.

"But then you find out that you somehow guessed the major plot twist of the next chapter without actually trying and you get to post that you called it even though you're secretly wondering how that happened.

"Accidentally correct random speculation and theorizing.

"Then in the afternoon you try and expand upon past posts but there's someone just ignoring what you're trying to say, trying to tell you what you really mean, or just making thinly veiled insults.

"Trolling random speculation and theorizing.

"You finally finish everything you need to do for the day and settle into your favourite chair to read the latest chapters of the fics you're following, but the author's are all running that same old song and dance.

"Cliffhanger random speculation and theorizing.

"What I am telling you, my fantastical fanbase of fanatical followers, is that I am a purveyor of random speculation and theorizing. And with your constant complaining, demanding, and complaining over the years I am now at the precipice of my true goal.

"You see, I want some simple random speculation and theorizing. No wrong thread random speculation and theorizing, no poorly explained random speculation and theorizing, no accidentally correct random speculation and theorizing, and certainly no trolling random speculation and theorizing!

"I swear, every damn thread...

"What I want is random speculation and theorizing that only I can bring. The true random speculation and theorizing. The author random speculation and theorizing. The question you've all been waiting for...

"I! Want! Random! Speculation! And theorizing! About! Whether! The fic! Is dead or not!"


Wait. I don't want you wanting that.

You're not a pudgy vampire Nazi robot, right?
"Before I begin the next chapter I would like to take some time to address a rumour floating around the thread. Some of you have come to believe that I like all this random speculation and theorizing. I wish to dash these rumours. I do not like random speculation and theorizing.

"I. Love. Random speculation and theorizing.

"Through my life I have discovered so many forms of random speculation and theorizing;

"You get up in the morning, you're still half asleep, and a thought about that fic your read before bed hits you so you post it before you finish waking up.

"Wrong thread random speculation and theorizing.

"You're on your break at work, and running out of time to finish typing in your favourite thread so you hit post before you can double check your reply.

"Poorly explained random speculation and theorizing.

"But then you find out that you somehow guessed the major plot twist of the next chapter without actually trying and you get to post that you called it even though you're secretly wondering how that happened.

"Accidentally correct random speculation and theorizing.

"Then in the afternoon you try and expand upon past posts but there's someone just ignoring what you're trying to say, trying to tell you what you really mean, or just making thinly veiled insults.

"Trolling random speculation and theorizing.

"You finally finish everything you need to do for the day and settle into your favourite chair to read the latest chapters of the fics you're following, but the author's are all running that same old song and dance.

"Cliffhanger random speculation and theorizing.

"What I am telling you, my fantastical fanbase of fanatical followers, is that I am a purveyor of random speculation and theorizing. And with your constant complaining, demanding, and complaining over the years I am now at the precipice of my true goal.

"You see, I want some simple random speculation and theorizing. No wrong thread random speculation and theorizing, no poorly explained random speculation and theorizing, no accidentally correct random speculation and theorizing, and certainly no trolling random speculation and theorizing!

"I swear, every damn thread...

"What I want is random speculation and theorizing that only I can bring. The true random speculation and theorizing. The author random speculation and theorizing. The question you've all been waiting for...

"I! Want! Random! Speculation! And theorizing! About! Whether! The fic! Is dead or not!"


Wait. I don't want you wanting that.

You're not a pudgy vampire Nazi robot, right?
The Major isn't a vampire. He is a pudgy Nazi robot, but he isn't a vampire.

Also, assuming Tattletale lives long enough to see Taylor with a full ship form, anyone think she'll finally be left speechless?
Also, assuming Tattletale lives long enough to see Taylor with a full ship form, anyone think she'll finally be left speechless?
If Tattletale's still alive, I'm pretty sure she'll have gotten her episode of speechlessness before Full Ship Form happens.

Seeing the bullshit in person is likely to leave an impression, but less of one for someone who'd been pretty sure it was coming.
Oh, you think I don't enjoy all this [random speculation and theorizing]?

(I do.) :P

It means that people care enough about what happens in the story to put this much thought and effort into picking it apart, which is satisfying in its own right.
Even when it means having to rewrite chapters? :confused:
Considering that half the time in fanon (dunno about canon) it's Calvert who is behind PRT prisoners escaping it's really not unreasonable to assume he arranged the whole thing to get his hands on Lisa again.
I had a thought on what might actually be happening that's... pretty out there, but it kinda fits the narrative and some if not all of the established facts about Admiralty-chan and Iona's side project.

Consider the following:
1) Taylor's Fog powers didn't just get popped into place by whim of evil author god, they were locked in during her trigger.
2) Therefore, it seems possible that shards are vulnerable to Fog shenanigans during trigger events.
3) Being locked in an inescapable Thinker-proof box while a large angry man with fire-lizard powers rampages right outside sounds like a great recipe for a second trigger.

Following the chain of dubious logic we get this possible scenario: Lisa may very well have died during Lung's escape, only to be reborn as Relentless' first escort vessel. How much Lisa remains in the Fog to be determined; depends on how dark ensou wants to go, probably.

I dunno. I think I'm clever but I also tend to overestimate myself when it comes to cleverness. Also this kind of swerve would probably set off an epic level shitstorm the likes of which we have not yet seen in this thread. But you've gotta admit it's at least a little more interesting than lol-Coil-did-it for the n+1e10th time.
I'm going to back the darkhorse and say that Lisa isn't dead...because Lung helped her fake her death.

That's right. During state-mandated group therapy, Lung communicated a simple plan through interpretative dance: she agrees to help stage a break out, and during the chaos he would "attack" her in his dragon rage, turning her corpse to ash.

It's the perfect plan. Nobody would suspect Lung of all people to spare an annoying, diminutive, white teenage girl, let alone cooperate with her. They're partners in crime, and now Lung's reputation has grown and Lisa is free from Coil with nobody the wiser.
I'm going to back the darkhorse and say that Lisa isn't dead...because Lung helped her fake her death.

That's right. During state-mandated group therapy, Lung communicated a simple plan through interpretative dance: she agrees to help stage a break out, and during the chaos he would "attack" her in his dragon rage, turning her corpse to ash.

It's the perfect plan. Nobody would suspect Lung of all people to spare an annoying, diminutive, white teenage girl, let alone cooperate with her. They're partners in crime, and now Lung's reputation has grown and Lisa is free from Coil with nobody the wiser.

inb4 coil being genre savvy and doesn't believe tattletale is dead
Considering that half the time in fanon (dunno about canon) it's Calvert who is behind PRT prisoners escaping it's really not unreasonable to assume he arranged the whole thing to get his hands on Lisa again.
Eh, canon Calvert has fewer confirmed prison breakouts than Madcap does. You know, the guy who used to specialize in Birdcage breakouts before his heel-face turn? Calvert breaking people out is pretty much, if not outright, pure fanon.
Eh, canon Calvert has fewer confirmed prison breakouts than Madcap does. You know, the guy who used to specialize in Birdcage breakouts before his heel-face turn? Calvert breaking people out is pretty much, if not outright, pure fanon.
Of course, there is the fact that, in canon, Coil never really needed to breakout anyone. Most of the time, any of his important assets would get support from his power when they needed it. Any assets that weren't worth using his power for probably wouldn't be worth recovering. Disposing of, perhaps, but not retrieving.

This, however, is a situation not explored in canon: What might happen if someone truly useful to Coil were to be captured? We don't really know, so thus Coil getting Lisa out is a potential outcome.
They don't know each others civvies, but Vista has seen Taylor without her armour. Granted, she shapeshifted herself to look something like Weld at the time, so that's not really a big help.

At this point, I suspect Vista would recognize Taylor without even looking at her. There are very few human shaped objects that Vista can actually use her power on.
Actually, I'm more amused at both how cold some speculations are and how close others are.

I will say that nothing in Triumph's report was intentionally wrong, nor were the events reported falsified or faked some way, so take that as you will. :P

And this, my fellow readers, is an author amused enough at our flailing to stir the pot so we will flail more. :rofl:
Actually, I'm more amused at both how cold some speculations are and how close others are.

I will say that nothing in Triumph's report was intentionally wrong, nor were the events reported falsified or faked some way, so take that as you will. :P

This makes me think there's something super fishy going on here. Tattletale's not going to turn up as another Fog ship now, is she? That would be epicly awesome, but not sure where that would go...
Being locked in an inescapable Thinker-proof box while a large angry man with fire-lizard powers rampages right outside sounds like a great recipe for a second trigger.
Only if the first trigger was being locked in a regular box while a regular angry man was rampaging outside. Second triggers aren't just bad days, they're specifically your first trigger except worse. Tattletale's original trigger was entirely dissimilar to this (unless I'm hugely off base with regards to her mental state) so she didn't second trigger here.
The Major isn't a vampire. He is a pudgy Nazi robot, but he isn't a vampire.
Eh, he does weird shit with blood. Close enough, considering the setting he's from.

Only if the first trigger was being locked in a regular box while a regular angry man was rampaging outside. Second triggers aren't just bad days, they're specifically your first trigger except worse. Tattletale's original trigger was entirely dissimilar to this (unless I'm hugely off base with regards to her mental state) so she didn't second trigger here.
Two problems with this.

Firstly, from what I remember, Lisa lied about her trigger. It was close enough but not entirely true, so her trigger can be practically whatever any author wants.

Secondly, it's not about what happened, it's about how it makes her think/feel. If we take her description of her trigger as truth, then being trapped and lonely and unable to effect her situation with an angry/uncaring adult amd being unable to understand exactly what's going on around her is, basically, how she triggered.

I wouldn't say this is what happened, and nothing says she'd be able to survive even if she did second trigger, but it's still possible.