Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

The "if you don't see a body, they're not dead" rule applies.


RIP Tattletale.
Very nice chapter, I'm guessing Coil arranged Tt. escape and made it look like she was killed for some reason? Or it could be comic book physics.

One offtopic semi-nitpick: The only thing strange about assembling a one-off device by hand being faster than preparing a mask, programming a P&P machine and loading it appropriately is someone finding it strange. P&P is meant for mass production so Chris thinking that it's odd it takes longer is odd.
Chalking up the p&p programming is shard sheningans?
You actually caught me off guard with killing of TT, but then I saw the scenario around, and I'm agreeing with most of the others that she's likely not dead. She's smart enough to use the distraction to find a way out, and make sure people won't be looking for her.
I had the same reaction. "Did you just kill TT? Would someone really do that?"

Then I saw the "no body was found". Yeah, right. Either Coil kidnapped her or TT kidnapped herself. I give equal chances for both.
Unless they've been hit by a literal star, or a disintegration ray.

Still, I have to agree. My money's on Tattletale having Kidnapped herself out of that situation. Thinker magic BS is still BS.
You actually caught me off guard with killing of TT, but then I saw the scenario around, and I'm agreeing with most of the others that she's likely not dead. She's smart enough to use the distraction to find a way out, and make sure people won't be looking for her.
This was my take on it as well - she felt/heard/otherwise perceived the commotion, her shard told her what was going on, whatever was done to bust open Lung's cell also worked on hers, and she let off the most godawful shriek she could muster before hightailing it. My money is on her having shimmied down one of the Rig's support legs and swum for it, and Taylor is going to discover a half-drowned rat fox of a stowaway on one of the ships she's nomming in the next hour or so.
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Also why would Lung bother completely incinerating Tattletale? I mean killing her, sure, he'd do that... But why take the time to completely incinerate someone in the middle of a prison break? He would have better stuff to do, like escaping.

Tattletale can be remarkably annoying, and Lung is very thin-skinned. I could see Tattletale being dead, and Lung being angry enough with her to burn her to ash.

Especially if Tattletale and Lung were in adjoining cells where they could talk freely to one another.
I dunno guys, this may be a shenanigan but I wouldn't say it's impossible that Tattletale really did get ganked. I think it makes sense within the narrative, though it really depends on how deep into lolCoil shenanigans the plot gets before the newt shows up.
So Kid Win managed to create a tiny blue bubble there. Proof of concept for something like a Klein Field? Some other graviton-based tech? Whatever it actually is, Relentless is the clear inspiration, and seend to have gotten him a step closer to figuring out his specialty

This oughta go fun places
This was my take on it as well - she felt/heard/otherwise perceived the commotion, her shard told her what was going on, whatever was done to bust open Lung's cell also worked on hers, and she let off the most godawful shriek she could muster before hightailing it. My money is on her having shimmied down one of the Rig's support legs and swum for it, and Taylor is going to discover a half-drowned rat fox of a stowaway on one of the ships she's nomming in the next hour or so.
And wouldn't that be awkward. I could just see Taylor discovering that and using the nanobots to create a face, or avatar on one of the walls to ask what the hell she's doing there.
What I want to know is what's going to get leaked to the press.

I could see TT continually telling the PRT agents that she wasn't safe near Lung, to the point where someone actually recorded on their phone her telling them to move her. That video being released to the press by some agent, who knows if they are just upset or a mole, and now the PRT take a huge hit to their image.

Wonder what that would do to the politics of the bay?
I'm so much not a fan of TT, and when I read that she'd been killed I was honestly impressed thinking that someone had dare to kill her, but then I read her body hadn't been found and... yeah, she's totally alive. Very disappointing honestly because the old 'the body was never found' scenario has been done to death.
Yeah, gotta agree, was about to give props for actually doing it, but no body so it's extremely unlikely she is dead and any impact for that revelation is gone. Would have been better if you had left a charred corpse, either hers or a decoy.
I love how nobody (ha, pun!) thinks Tt is dead.
A character of some importance (or that could be rather important, considering this is an AU) apparently dying without leaving behind a body is literally one of the oldest tricks in the book. I'd be surprised if anyone (outside the story) were fooled by that. Hell, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she were actually dead, just because this trope is so old even averting it has become expected.
Or, this is just the story being told to the rank and file, with instructions that it is not to go any further. That way, the PRT can give a generic statement to the press, while all the moles pass along that TT is dead, and hopefully Coil hears and believes it.
As I said, for a short term operation it's belivable.

Unless they've been hit by a literal star, or a disintegration ray.
In which case there wouldn't have been any screams.

Chalking up the p&p programming is shard sheningans?
Not sure what you meant here, but I suspect you misunderstood me. Kid Win was thinking it's wierd that assembling a one-off device by hand takes less time than setting up P&P, I'm saying that's normal and the only weird thing is that he finds it weird (although he's a teenager so it certainly plausible).

Tattletale can be remarkably annoying, and Lung is very thin-skinned. I could see Tattletale being dead, and Lung being angry enough with her to burn her to ash.
Agreed, except if Lung had done that Tt. should have died too quickly for any screams. Although as I noted that could be another example of comic book physics.
I would also give low odds for the 3rd option of Cauldron rescuing/kidnapping her. The whole way she just disappeared in the chaos (and everyone assumes Lung burned her), seems like she got a Door to escape through at exactly the right moment.

I don't think Cauldron knows about her or would even care about her. She hasn't exactly made any big waves with her power after all.
She hasn't exactly made any big waves with her power after all.
Trying to predict how logic, reasonable in-universe knowledge or any other Watsonian explanation meshes with PtV is an exercise in futility. Tattletale wasn't a new trigger, and the PRT already knew she was a fairly valuable thinker. If the plot demands it, Cauldron will get her. And based on how perfectly convenient the faking of her death was (if she really did survive), I'm suspecting Cauldron's hand in it.
I forget, do the out of costume Wards know out of costume Taylor in this fic?

Also, my bet is that Lung "adopted" Tattletale. She probably annoyed him, but he is not above browbeating an annoying but useful person into submission. Faking her death might have been her idea.