Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Wow, this is... words are failing me here, wait, I think I have some... HOLY SHIT!!! WTF Just Happened Here!?! Update, UPDATE NOW!!! I NEED MORE!!!

If Taylor cannot get the biotech interface working right Lisa is going to be in sensory deprivation permanently. As in something humans have used to torture other humans.
Taylor's own translation systems between her mechanical interface and her biological context and expectations seems to work fine. And mechanically speaking, touch, hearing, and sight are all simple enough to replicate.

She does have all the pieces she needs to make it work.
Actually, if Taylor can copy Lisa's physical brain in sufficient fidelity, the corona connection might work anyway. Dragon is proof you don't need actual meat bits to connect to a shard.
All the comments are pointing to Lisa being a full cyborg with a nanomachines body...

Okay, lets go with that.

Still, while Taylor saved Lisa, she did confess to not have the knowledge necessary to heal her body.

Making a correct interface machine/body is going to be iffy: thus she needs help.

Three potential helpers: Dragon, the PRT and the Admirality network.

Actually, if Taylor can copy Lisa's physical brain in sufficient fidelity, the corona connection might work anyway. Dragon is proof you don't need actual meat bits to connect to a shard.

True... and there is also Crawler and Weld...

Hum... QA was incorporated by the Fog network... Think they can help Lisa too?
Taylor's own translation systems between her mechanical interface and her biological context and expectations seems to work fine. And mechanically speaking, touch, hearing, and sight are all simple enough to replicate.

She does have all the pieces she needs to make it work.
You mean the software that mimics what Taylor expects for a human experience? I'm talking about having the nanotech interface with Lisa's biological nerves. So, just for example, using the right stimuli on the optic nerves to let Tattletale see. (Or see anything recognizable.)

Edit: Whoops, got Taylor & Tattletale confused in one case..
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Guess i should have posted that my guess was, after the previous post, here comes the next part of the fleet... :)

Not quite what i expected, but fairly close. And definitely more interesting.
Lisa could really use an upgrade. But can she get a core, or something like it? Otherwise she's going to be very limited by Taylor's ability to always keep enough attention on her.
Could get complicated indeed.
two main questions:
-how did she get to the bridge? Did Lung immediately carry her or randomly throw her?
-How did she survive the several hours it would take to wash ashore? is the bridge near the Ship Graveyard? (then it would take half hour to an hour)

honestly it would have been easier to just save the brain, Taylor got the fact that humans are organic robots right but then went and tried to save the whole robot rather then the AI Core. If she can automate the process of feeding the brain then she could have saved Lisa, the body was already a loss from the state it was in. Well, at least Coil lost a important asset! fkin' dumbass
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Kind of don't get why Lisa is still alive.

You've got her...
In the Bay. Dropped from force-field bridge. Fourth and fifth degree burns over 60% of body. Mostly cauterized. Burns exacerbated by saltwater. Infection guaranteed. Slowly bleeding out. Right leg broken from impact. Upper left arm broken by Lung. Throat raw from screaming.
Dealing with all that which, by everything I know, should have killed her already. Hell, just the drop from the bridge would have risked killing a healthy person, to say nothing of the impact splitting what's currently masquerading as her 'skin' open like a ripe tomato. And I'm not sure at all about her regaining consciousness considering the shock from the pain/damage, plus the massive blood loss. Plus, she's been bleeding/dying for at least a few minutes by this point, because Lung had to drag her all the way out of the cells to the bridge.

Lisa Wilbourn mercifully blacked out.
Which means there's even more time spent bleeding to death before...
The waves had brought her closer to shore
She wakes up again and is capable of dragging herself up onto a ship after more time dying the slowest death possible.

And, well... Why?

You wanted Taylor to nanowhatsit her, or this to be a change, or whatever, and that's perfectly fine! Or at least it probably will be, because you're a good author but it's not like I have any idea where you want to go with this until you write and post it.

But you have Taylor specifically thinking about how she knows virtually nothing about the human body, and then spending over two hours just to stabilize Lisa's brain, at which point the body is scrap anyway.

There doesn't seem (to my personal opinion) any reason to have Lisa suffer this much other than solely to have Lisa suffer. You could have had Lung hurt her half as much and still had the exact same results, but more believability in regards to Lisa actually surviving to the point help finds her.

At least, that's what it seems like to me. I hope I'm not missing something.
So, a mental Model Lisa... without her power since i think that in canon the telepathic emitters/receptors of the shard need a biological support (the corona)...
Not so fast. We have In-Story confirmation that Shards can interface with Union Cores. Exactly same thing happened to Taylor when she duked it out with Lung. QA connected with her Union Core which enabled her to offload fuckton (read: about 30%) of her processing to it. Basically, If Lisa will be converted to Mental Model, her Pericognition will just remodel itself for new interface.
You mean the software that mimics what Taylor expects for a human experience? I'm talking about having the nanotech interface with Lisa's biological nerves. So, just for example, using the right stimuli on the optic nerves to let Tattletale see. (Or see anything recognizable.)

Edit: Whoops, got Taylor & Tattletale confused in one case..
Kind of? I'm talking about how... Okay, so you have the Biological Systems and the context built up from life to understand what your sense tell you, then you have the mechanical systems themselves (the artificial nerve-endings), and then you need something to translate between the two because the former is used to having biological nerve endings and there's probably going to be some differences.

My point was Taylor has everything she needs to make the nerve-endings for touch, hearing, and sight since those are as heavily personalized as taste and smell are, but that she also has the translation software because while everything is reported to her from mechanical systems she, by all appearances even from her own perspective, still uses the context built up from her biological life-time.

If it even needs that level of translation. High enough resolution artificial eyes may not need anything, and if she can perfectly mimic the amount of nerve-endings humans have in their skin and how they plug into the central nervous system... *Shrug*

My main point is that sensory deprivation really just shouldn't be an issue.
Not so fast. We have In-Story confirmation that Shards can interface with Union Cores. Exactly same thing happened to Taylor when she duked it out with Lung. QA connected with her Union Core which enabled her to offload fuckton (read: about 30%) of her processing to it. Basically, If Lisa will be converted to Mental Model, her Pericognition will just remodel itself for new interface.
Add that to the fact that Wildbow has said that that particular Shard cheats by extrapolating off of the host's perception, and there shouldn't be much of an issue in the long run.
I didn't notice before, but given how Taylor was having trouble focusing on multiple things at once in this chapter, it appears that QA didn't provide her with a nigh-infinite multitasking ability? Or is that being dedicated to controlling her nanomaterials instead with no bandwidth available for splitting her thinking?

So Taylor assimilates Tt. Will she be able to access Tt's power or will Tt be totally independent? Not sure I'd trust a villain with a cyborg body that will probably have significant brute ratings without some sort of fail safe(s).
Not sure I'd trust a villain with a cyborg body that will probably have significant brute ratings
A Fog-built cyborg body wouldn't have to require brute ratings, honestly.

And Tats isn't going to want to go anywhere anytime soon, even if she trusts Taylor not to have built in failsafes. Both Coil and Lung would be very interested in meeting with her again, if she popped up somewhere.
This was the first thing I thought of when I read this scene:

That really scary...

Can you imagine a Lisa using her power to predict combat and unleashing her version of Panzerkunst?

Especially since i can really see Lisa (if she has the control) transform her nanoby in a Gunm-based Berserker body (plasma generation, regeneration,...)
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