Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Dealing with all that which, by everything I know, should have killed her already. Hell, just the drop from the bridge would have risked killing a healthy person, to say nothing of the impact splitting what's currently masquerading as her 'skin' open like a ripe tomato. And I'm not sure at all about her regaining consciousness considering the shock from the pain/damage, plus the massive blood loss. Plus, she's been bleeding/dying for at least a few minutes by this point, because Lung had to drag her all the way out of the cells to the bridge.
She wakes up again

You can sometimes manage to do the strangest things when injured. I very nearly bled to death after an accident, i still woke up several times between accident site and when i got sedated at the hospital so they could start cleaning up my injuries, they were too deep for that to work while i was anywhere near conscious.
The place where i bled on the street, it was still faintly visible 15 years later, somewhere between half and a squaremeter in size. Another half hour before i was found, and my survival would have been uncertain according to the docs. An hour and it would have been very unlikely. And I still managed to stagger up the stairs to my house and unlock the door all by myself after the guy that found me got me back home. Not that i have any memory of that.

But all praise to the painter guy that was just turning into the street i was on to turn his car around before going home for the day, instead getting me first back home and then when it became clear just how bad it was, all the way to the hospital.

There doesn't seem (to my personal opinion) any reason to have Lisa suffer this much other than solely to have Lisa suffer. You could have had Lung hurt her half as much and still had the exact same results, but more believability in regards to Lisa actually surviving to the point help finds her.

At least, that's what it seems like to me. I hope I'm not missing something.

Taylor could then likely have managed to keep Lisa COMPLETELY alive, in the normal biological fashion. What happened was exactly because it was so severe that Taylor could barely keep her alive AT ALL, and couldn't let her focus slip even the slightest. Forcing a necessary tunnelvision, with the end result we just read.
A Fog-built cyborg body wouldn't have to require brute ratings, honestly.

And Tats isn't going to want to go anywhere anytime soon, even if she trusts Taylor not to have built in failsafes. Both Coil and Lung would be very interested in meeting with her again, if she popped up somewhere.
Eh, Taylor just has to make her look different. I don't see how Coil or Lung would be a serious issue unless TT really messes up. Then as long as she gets away, Taylor could change her appearance again.
I just hope that Tattletale doesn't go all "I didn't ask for this" after Taylor spent hours trying to save her, and only went for the cyborgization as an absolute last resort because she considered life to be better than death.

Unless it's irony. Then yes.
I just hope that Tattletale doesn't go all "I didn't ask for this" after Taylor spent hours trying to save her, and only went for the cyborgization as an absolute last resort because she considered life to be better than death.

Unless it's irony. Then yes.
On the plus side, she no longer has to deal with pesky body urges and hormones. Her power already wouldn't let her enjoy physical intimacy (not even pg stuff, IIRC). So the new body would likely be an improvement for that alone, from Lisa's PoV.

The trick will be if, after Taylor makes a nanomachine body replacement, what happens next. After all, she'd have to find some way of turning the nanomachine control over to Lisa. Otherwise, Lisa is a glorified slave to Taylor.
Surely salt water would be less bad for infection? Not that it matters much by then.
Pure salt water, yes.
The ocean is very much NOT pure salt water. There are two reasons not to drink ocean water directly. One of them is that it's salt water, so dehydration. The other reason is that all the fish in the ocean don't get out to go to the bathroom, or when they die and rot (at least, not often), and humans have been dumping waste into the ocean for decades now. Ocean water is gross as hell, and Tattletale was basically 100% open wounds at that point.
Her shard isn't wrong that she's got 100% chance of infection from that, though given the amount of time such wounds would leave her, the odds of appreciable infection were actually pretty low.

And now she's a brain in a jar. At least she'll know the answers to all her questions about Relentless now, even if she'd never have wanted to get them this way.
Kind of? I'm talking about how... Okay, so you have the Biological Systems and the context built up from life to understand what your sense tell you, then you have the mechanical systems themselves (the artificial nerve-endings), and then you need something to translate between the two because the former is used to having biological nerve endings and there's probably going to be some differences.

My point was Taylor has everything she needs to make the nerve-endings for touch, hearing, and sight since those are as heavily personalized as taste and smell are, but that she also has the translation software because while everything is reported to her from mechanical systems she, by all appearances even from her own perspective, still uses the context built up from her biological life-time.

If it even needs that level of translation. High enough resolution artificial eyes may not need anything, and if she can perfectly mimic the amount of nerve-endings humans have in their skin and how they plug into the central nervous system... *Shrug*

My main point is that sensory deprivation really just shouldn't be an issue.
Taylor's mind is an emulator running in her Union Core. Nothing about her body is biological. She has sensors through her nanomaterial (somehow) that let her perceive the world around her. In order to not break her sanity that input is being presented to Taylor's mind in the same format she's grown up with - her human senses by default and occasionally branching out into things like infrared. That does not mean Taylor knows how to connect between her nanites and Lisa's biology.

If you want a real world analogy let's run with this - Taylor's nanomaterial is using AC current. Tattletale's brain is using DC current. Taylor needs an adapter - specifically a power inverter. Without the inverter the two electrical systems cannot interface properly.

Trying to figure out how to make that work could do "unique and interesting things" to Lisa. For example if Taylor gets the interface wrong she's going to damage whatever bits of nerve tissue she hooked her nanomaterial up to. In the earlier example of the optic nerves that's going to damage and/or destroy the nerves that should lead from Lisa's eyes to the parts of her brain that handle visual stimuli.
GLARING PROBLEM: Hair is one of the most combustible parts. So unless Lung was specifically making sure it wouldn't burn, it would be one of the first parts to go.

The survival of Tattletale is annoying, but as long as the new form has the same Dress Break function as 2B, it's tolerable (assuming Lisa's forbidden from changing her clothing options after accidentally triggering that, or just decides walking around with her ass showing is fun).
Personal prediction, Lisa's new body will be limited to what Taylor had at the start of the story, before QA joined her Union Core. Instead, Lisa will be connected to her shard, and end up getting a different set of Fog abilities.
All I know is that one of Taylor's assignments as requested by QA is "proliferation." I can only imagine, at least in this context, Tt being converted to a Union Core somehow. Thoughts?
So, a mental Model Lisa... without her power since i think that in canon the telepathic emitters/receptors of the shard need a biological support (the corona)...
Dragon's server farms where she keeps her main consciousness don't have biological bits, but I'm pretty sure she has powers. You know, the thinker thing that lets her reverse engineer tinker stuff.
GLARING PROBLEM: Hair is one of the most combustible parts. So unless Lung was specifically making sure it wouldn't burn, it would be one of the first parts to go.
Pretty sure he was. It's not like a Lung ramped up enough to have trouble speaking would have any trouble instantly killing a cornered person with baseline strength; he obviously wanted to play with his food here, giving her severe burns then tossing her in the Bay to die slowly.
All I know is that one of Taylor's assignments as requested by QA is "proliferation." I can only imagine, at least in this context, Tt being converted to a Union Core somehow. Thoughts?

Rather improbable, I think.
Taylor currently does not have any idea how to produce a core, let alone how to copy a personality into it.

And since the brain is intact, and she does know how to keep it this way, Tattletale in the box, asleep, followed by a full body cyberification is the most likely scenario for near future.

This said, Lisa might end up a core, but a lot later in the story, if at all.
This said, Lisa might end up a core, but a lot later in the story, if at all.
If something were to make her second trigger, with QA right there looking on with interest, that might do it.

And depending on how Lisa takes the "brain in a box" thing, that might not take too long.

But otherwise I don't see the Fog getting any new ships in Earth Bet just yet.
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And then her entire world was fire and pain.

The next thing she could remember
Suck it. That said:

Goddamn! And with goddamn, I mean GODDAMN! Who ordered body horror with a side of nightmarish surgery and an Android for dessert?

That'll be one rude awakening, that's for sure. But at least it'll be an awakening. Never before I have awaited a chapter of this so much.

Yeah but who put Lisa out of her cell?