Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Honestly, passive, cute shipping like cuddles on the couch, coffee shop dates, etc. should be fine since they are of similar ages and in the early, fumbling dating period. It's just the steamy stuff that is verboten. I'm all for adorable snuggles beneath a blanket on a cold night though. Just the thought makes me need insulin!
Or, more likely, they go out on the town and half the E88 come down with sudden type 2 diabetes with no external clue as to why. Except Purity who just thinks it's cute.
About Levi; yeah he's pinned in place, but so is the ship firing (which has to lower it's Klein field in order to do so) and the water under Levi's control is still free to move. He'd have plenty of time to annihilate a Fog ship trying to use an SGC well before the big flashy doom cannon finishes charging, especially if he realizes the threat and quits sandbagging.
True, however the effect itself is achieved in the first place by gravitationally repelling the water -- even if Levi tried to lash out with the water, it may just "fall" back outward against. Like trying to attack a high-altitude plane with a geyser, more or less.
The timeline seen in the volumes of manga indicates that someone in the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire discovered nanomachines towards the end of WW2, and they were beginning to activate in the closing days thereof. However, because of the defeat of both Germany and Japan, the activation was never completed. Then , in the mid 2030's, they suddenly became active again, and thus, the world became re-acquainted with WW2 era ships loaded out with ordnance and armament that would make Star Wars Empire cackle gleefully.

Corrosive Torpedos appear to generate a virtual singularity and event horizon on activation. The only defense appears to be the Klein field, which is itself a manipulation of local space-time, hence why a mental model needs to devote processing resources to keep ahead of the collapse of local space time from the torpedo by expanding portions of the Klein field to counteract the collapse, and not let it hit the hull...

IMHO, A corrosive torpedo could damage an endbringer. However, you'd have to hit them first. The one most likely to be hit would be Behemoth; Leviathan moves too fast, and Ziz would simply see it coming the day before and be elsewhere. I'm unsure about Khonsu or The Twins, though.
AFAIK, the event horizon they generate is a containment field. It isn't there to cause the damage; it's there to limit and focus the damage.

I haven't found a technical description, but going by the naming and the after-effects of heavy use, "corrosion torpedos" literally corrode space.

Whatever that means.

Event horizons are already really dangerous, but if it was just an event horizon... Well, that's a klein field. The Fog doesn't consider black holes to be an efficient form of attack, it seems.
Endbringers are pretty WTF themselves, and IIRC the entities have attacks that constitute of ripping space, scrambling physical laws, chaotically distorting reality etc., and while these are generally more effective than other stuff, they are far from one hit kills against endbringers.

So it may really be up in the air.
The Fog doesn't consider black holes to be an efficient form of attack, it seems.

The biggest problem with using a black hole for a weapon is the minimum destructive power required to make one.

The minimum mass requirement for a singularity isn't huge, only as much as a large mountain, if you're going to create one artificially. It takes much more mass to naturally collapse it with gravity, but that's the threshold for the singularity to hold together once formed.

If you have the ability to crush a mountain into a singularity, or enough energy output to mimic that mass, you can just crush/melt/burn your target directly instead.

Also, a black hole "popping" from Hawking radiation throwing off mass would cause an energy release capable of shattering the planet. Yet another reason not to use one.
Welp I think I'll reread this. It's what I used to do for stories while waiting for updates. Before I favorited over 1.3k stories on
You absolute madlad, how has your brain not melted? I doubt even half of those could be decent quality, if they are teach me your ways.

Kind of on topic, whether the torpedos can damage endbringers is probably up to the author. They have been shown resisting effects exotic enough that it wouldn't be surprising if they could resist fog weapons very well, but theyre both Clarketech abominations in the end so who really knows.
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Taylor should have made her body in the form of the USS Akron. A flying aircraft carrier--with all of that space being used for advanced tech and a plethora of capabilities instead of lighter-than-air gas--would have been a lot more useful for fighting crime in various cities across the continent (as well as in Brockton Bay) than a submarine, IMO. Not to mention the sheer style points :p
Taylor should have made her body in the form of the USS Akron. A flying aircraft carrier--with all of that space being used for advanced tech and a plethora of capabilities instead of lighter-than-air gas--would have been a lot more useful for fighting crime in various cities across the continent (as well as in Brockton Bay) than a submarine, IMO. Not to mention the sheer style points :p

she can probably create more than one ship so at some point we will see uss Akron
We already saw her using a transatmospheric fighter that was made and later dispersed into the general nanomaterial mass in minutes or seconds. If Relentless needs to be somewhere fast or just wants to fly, there's nothing stopping her.
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The showdown between Haruna/ Kirishima and Takao/Atago is showing one thing, when the Fog want something built and can put the processing power to it do and nanomaterial to spare build disturbingly fast. Like 5 meter x 2 meter block of ice formed around Haruna to catch her in her tracks and that was nanomaterial that was only activated when forming the block.

Haruna builds something on the scale of a destroyer turret almost as quickly.
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Is it bad that I think if Taylor ever find out about the Tillman battleship that was a paper ship she might want it
can someone here search the biggest Flying thing that also functions as a carrier we all are thinking about it and it will hopefully give the author some more ideas on what to start doing on the next chapter