Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

There was a depressing fight back around page 292, which for your own peace of mind I suggest you do NOT read, but if you're really interested in a post-mortem I guess you could.

(TBH I'd almost forgotten about it until I saw the staff post alert.)
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Was that a Hope Through Overwhelming Firepower reference, or do I get to make your day by letting you know that gem of a fic already exists?
It was, and agreed, it is a gem. Transposition has a similar premise and potential for glorious chaos in the name of Our Lady of Escalation, though it is pacing things slower. Which is perfectly fine. Some stories shine brighter by jumping on the crazy train early, while others are best savoured. Character development like we are seeing with Amy tends to be in the latter category, and I hope to see it continue. I am also enjoying the buildup to Leviathan, Coil, and the S9.

I do not expect Taylor to tolerate Dinah's situation any more than she did in canon. I also don't feel sorry for Coil any more than I did in canon.

Ziz should have noticed that something is different in Brockton Bay so she might adjust the EB schedule, but then again she might not. As far as we know, Noelle is/will be in Coil's basement on schedule and she was Leviathan's primary target. Ziz might just see it as a chance to test Fog!Taylor's abilities.

Broadcast usually gives Mister Jack advance warning about opposing capes, courtesy of their shards, but with QA officially off the reservation she might not be so forthcoming.

Zion's reaction to Taylor will be interesting, since he should recognize that something is up with QA. On the other hand, he's also dumb enough that he might actually approve since she's getting excellent information this cycle. On the gripping hand he might just be too far gone to care any more.
I do not expect Taylor to tolerate Dinah's situation any more than she did in canon. I also don't feel sorry for Coil any more than I did in canon.

I uh, daresay she will tolerate it considerably less in this story. :p

Broadcast usually gives Mister Jack advance warning about opposing capes, courtesy of their shards, but with QA officially off the reservation she might not be so forthcoming.

I don't think Zion was too forthcoming to Jack either... Jack could communicate with him, sure, but Broadcast wasn't exactly being given tabs on what Zion was doing/thinking. I'd say the chances of QA saying anything are zero to none. And that's without taking into account the fact that QA isn't in the driver's seat anyway, and doesn't have the same depth of intel to give that most shards have.

If Jack is unlucky QA will take offense at a perceived attack from some peon shard against a core entity, and try to *steal* Broadcast. :D :D

Zion's reaction to Taylor will be interesting, since he should recognize that something is up with QA. On the other hand, he's also dumb enough that he might actually approve since she's getting excellent information this cycle. On the gripping hand he might just be too far gone to care any more.

If QA thinks that Taylor is an entity, maybe Zion will too? That would be a lot more interesting than just some interesting data...
I uh, daresay she will tolerate it considerably less in this story. :p

I don't think Zion was too forthcoming to Jack either... Jack could communicate with him, sure, but Broadcast wasn't exactly being given tabs on what Zion was doing/thinking. I'd say the chances of QA saying anything are zero to none. And that's without taking into account the fact that QA isn't in the driver's seat anyway, and doesn't have the same depth of intel to give that most shards have.

If Jack is unlucky QA will take offense at a perceived attack from some peon shard against a core entity, and try to *steal* Broadcast. :D :D

If QA thinks that Taylor is an entity, maybe Zion will too? That would be a lot more interesting than just some interesting data...
It is difficult to be less tolerant than a bullet between the eyes. Using a different weapon doesn't really change anything. Bringing him to utter ruin without killing him takes a lot of effort (unless you are Fête), and I'm not certain that this Taylor would go that far.

Excellent points. I wonder if having Broadcast would help QA access Fognet? Right now it seems to be rather like a bad dial-up connection.

I can see that going one of two different ways: Either he decides she's hostile and attacks, or he tries to court her. I don't know which is worse. I suppose QA could try distracting him.

The [Warrior] glared at the cape in front of him, the fleeing Terror Drone forgotten. That was not a configuration that [Thinker] had pre-approved.
The [Warrior] sighed. There were reasons he had always left managing their most troublesome [Shard] to [Thinker]. Still, he should investigate. This one should never be left unattended for too long.
The incoming packet was huge, containing [Data] on every nanobot in [Administrator]'s control. Individually. In detail. With notes. The brat got like this every time she found a new toy.
Was...was she getting cheeky with him? He was of half a mind to reformat her on the spot, but new [Data] shouldn't be lost. And it did explain the increased capacity. So who to foist this on? Of course.
With a growl of annoyance, [Warrior] turned around and flew away in disgust. At least she wasn't playing [FRIENDS!] with [Maker] again. That would have been a problem.

Edit:And of course I see more changes after I post. *sigh* Done.
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It is difficult to be less tolerant than a bullet between the eyes. Using a different weapon doesn't really change anything. Bringing him to utter ruin without killing him takes a lot of effort (unless you are Fête), and I'm not certain that this Taylor would go that far.

But she *let him live for a while*. She decided he was useful enough to let his behavior slide... for a while.

Although I've gotta admit, seeing a repeat of the Munchies setup is a really tempting thought...

I can see that going one of two different ways: Either he decides she's hostile and attacks, or he tries to court her. I don't know which is worse. I suppose QA could try distracting him.

I know and I can't wait. :D :D
She didn't let him live because he was useful, she let him live because killing him was so damn difficult.
A situation which hasn't changed. Even more than most pre-cogs, Coil is a right bastard to pin down. You have to catch him coming and going. On top of that, he's got Dinah covering his blind spots. Despite her power this Taylor is actually at a disadvantage compared to canon because not only has Tattletale lost the inside advantage that was critical to bringing him down, neither one of them even knows that he is a threat right now.
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She didn't let him live because he was useful, she let him live because killing him was so damn difficult.

Excuses, excuses. :p All this proves is she didn't try hard enough!

(I mean, it's Coil, as soon as you know he exists he should be plenty motivation to work as hard as you can. And given how much he cares about the rules, you can care about the rules in equal proportion.)
A situation which hasn't changed. Even more than most pre-cogs, Coil is a right bastard to pin down. You have to catch him coming and going. On top of that, he's got Dinah covering his blind spots. Despite her power this Taylor is actually at a disadvantage compared to canon because not only has Tattletale lost the inside advantage that was critical to bringing him down, neither one of them even knows that he is a threat right now.
On the other hand there's only so much Coil can do against a FoF Flagship, so it all evens out in the end! :p
On the other hand there's only so much Coil can do against a FoF Flagship, so it all evens out in the end! :p
Coil is a master manipulator, and a sufficient scare-campaign could easily turn public perception against Taylor. While she doesn't have much in the way of physical needs anymore, isolating her socially would be a very bad thing™, in a 'fourth Endbringer' kind of way. Heck, that might even get Contessa or Ziz involved.
Coil is a master manipulator, and a sufficient scare-campaign could easily turn public perception against Taylor. While she doesn't have much in the way of physical needs anymore, isolating her socially would be a very bad thing™, in a 'fourth Endbringer' kind of way. Heck, that might even get Contessa or Ziz involved.

I think you're seriously overestemating Coil here. He's really not a "master manipulator." Practiced, sure, but that's a pretty big distinction. He's only as successful as he is because his power lets him try over and over until he gets it right. Sure, he's less likely to make ametuer mistakes simply because he's been doing this so long, but calling him a "master" is giving him too much credit (though he'd certainly call himself that). He uses his power as a crutch, so really the pseudobiological supercomputer is the real MVP in Coil's plans. Remember, this is the guy who thinks "I create and destroy entire realities with every decision" is just as likely as "I can simulate any binary decision." He is much less smart than he thinks he is, and much more arrogant than is healthy.

Sure, in the right circumstances, he could do all sorts of nasty things, maybe, if he knew what we did. But he has no real idea that Relentless is anything other than a particularly strong brute/shaker with a tinker buddy. She's got a pristine record, she's friendly with Glory Girl and New Wave and the wards and the Protectorate, but isn't affiliated with any groups and therefore Coil has nowhere to place moles, or any way to drag her down by association. Sterling reputation, no "damning evidence" whatsoever, and a favorable impression with literally every hero she's interacted with. If he can smear that to the public, he may as well turn them against every hero in the bay because he's got no reason to think she's any more dangerous to his plans than any other hero and literally anyone else would be an easier target. Sure, she's a potential hinderance, but he has no personal information at all. No inclination that she's a threat, no blackmail to hang over her head, no clue about what makes her tick. Brute forcing manipulation methods in simulated timelines is a possibility, but he's got nowhere to start and those "timelines" could be better put to work advancing his interests.

Coil's got just enough information to think Relentless is just a standard run-of-the-mill new indie hero: unexpected, but ultimately insignifigant, and not enough info to make going after her worthwhile. He's not likely to figure it out until Relentless is kicking down his door while the words "I HAVE CONTROL" flash on his unresponsive computer screen. Sure, he'll probably escape due to dropping the simulation in which he showed up to his secret base (unless he was particularly shortsighted that day), but Relentless could gut his entire operation with a stray thought.
Coil's really badly dependent on initiative, and his power does nothing to defend him from consequences he doesn't know about.

And he frequently makes shitty decisions to support his torture-boner, too.

Most likely result is that he does something to catch Taylor's attention in a way that results in her deciding to investigate rather than smash, and because her methods of investigation can be pretty damned subtle even if you are watching for them, he'll probably have made a new timeline split before she reveals that she's discovered him - Coil doesn't have the patience to keep a timeline running that long looking for less-than-obvious consequences. Not when he's got master plans to keep moving.
Coil's really badly dependent on initiative, and his power does nothing to defend him from consequences he doesn't know about.

And he frequently makes shitty decisions to support his torture-boner, too.

Most likely result is that he does something to catch Taylor's attention in a way that results in her deciding to investigate rather than smash, and because her methods of investigation can be pretty damned subtle even if you are watching for them, he'll probably have made a new timeline split before she reveals that she's discovered him - Coil doesn't have the patience to keep a timeline running that long looking for less-than-obvious consequences. Not when he's got master plans to keep moving.
Coil has Dinah to warn him in advance about unnoticed consequences.

He only indulges himself in throwaway timelines.

He has only survived as long as he has because he's cautious.

At this point, this is devolving into a vs debate. I am sorry I ever brought it up. Cheers.
Coil has Dinah to warn him in advance about unnoticed consequences.
To the extent that he's careful to ask the right questions. Also, he's got a bad habit of making splits to get extra questions out of her - which would immediately lock in his being screwed over, here.
He only indulges himself in throwaway timelines.
Which requires making throwaway timelines, which is fucking stupid to do when he doesn't need to.
He has only survived as long as he has because he's cautious.
And when he decided he was going to take over Brockton Bay, he stopped being cautious.

That it would kill him was pretty inevitable.

If you're tired of the debate, feel free to drop it - but trying to get in the last word means you're not tired of the debate yet.
I just had a thought. I haven't finished trawling through the rest of the thread yet, so I apologise of it's come up and has been discussed before.

Can't Taylor just drop some seed nanomaterial on Leviathan and let it consume Leviathan as it replicates? Sure it might be slow, and some additional resources might need to be pulled from the ocean, but we haven't seen anything that would prevent the conversion of any material to nanomaterial. Or would it just not work on Endbringer flesh?
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It would most likely be slow enough that Leviathan could wash the nanomaterial away before it got to deep. Also, in the lower layers his regeneration should be faster than the nanomaterial could eat him.

Makes sense. But even if nanomaterial gets washed away, Taylor could just make it swim back to Leviathan. Unlimited nanomaterial, seems to be a good enough reason to continue chewing on Leviathan even if it doesn't consume Leviathan.

What would be the pros and cons of using Leviathan as a source of nanomaterial anyway?
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Some stuff I wanted to add about Sonata 2.3 on reread. Would Relentless/Taylor consider working with Emergency Services more? It certainly would help her with interaction, and would help her have a lifeline to humanity. Of course, this is entirely dependent on ensou and if ensou wishes it it'll just be a one off thing.

Oh, and a realisation about putting nanomaterial on Leviathan: Relentless/Taylor can use Leviathan to spread nanomaterial around to other ship graveyards/wrecks that fall under salvage laws, and use Leviathan for constant nanomaterial at the same time while having stores of nanomaterial/build harbours worldwide. If it's within her/her co-processor's processing power of course.