Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

And there's a very high chance that in the process of trying to figure out how to do that they'll accidentally Grey Goo Earth Bet.

Canon nanomaterials don't seem capable of self replication, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Not sure if it was a Fog restriction or if she's using a different batch of it. Either way, I very much doubt they'd have any means of controlling that nanomaterial at all because it doesn't seem to use any kind of conventional information medium. Not laser, not radio. It's probably some funky quantum connection which means it's locked to her core so even donating a bucket of that stuff wouldn't help anyone thanks to Fog DRM.
Taylor could use her ability to transmutate artificial precious jewels to finance the renovation of the infrastructure of the port, then use that renovated port to attract industries near Brockton Bay to use that port to easily export their goods. There's lots of abandoned areas in the city, so construction could be an example of an industry that could settle in BB. Medhall is already there, so there's precedence for pharmaceutic industry too.

I'm not an economist, so I don't know how viable this plan is, but I think it's pretty solid. You just need to get rid of the gangs so said exported goods are not destroyed by super powered fights.
Except for the fact that this does not match Worm or this story, because we aren't seeing any of the effects on daily living that would arise from suddenly not having access to, say, the overseas oil fields that provide a massive portion of the oil used by the United States. Which would mean that it's likely that Danny wouldn't be driving to work, because gas prices are nuts due to major demand on a massively reduced supply. Likewise, the electronics industry likely couldn't exist as we see it in Worm without international trade, because otherwise these electronic devices would be catastrophically expensive due to difficulties in economically acquiring rare earth minerals.

Nevermind the electronics, IIRC it's been pointed out Taylor's family situation is described as struggling, yet the meals they eat have things like pasta and fresh vegetables that are not something you get when trying to make ends meet.

Wildbow simply sucked at matching environments to the events he set up. In all likelihood, he simply threw together the tags like "poverty" "world in a shitter" with major events to set them in motion but without actually considering how it'd effect day to day living.

"Wildbow fails to think things through - film at eleven." :rolleyes:
Taylor could use her ability to transmutate artificial precious jewels to finance the renovation of the infrastructure of the port, then use that renovated port to attract industries near Brockton Bay to use that port to easily export their goods. There's lots of abandoned areas in the city, so construction could be an example of an industry that could settle in BB. Medhall is already there, so there's precedence for pharmaceutic industry too.

I'm not an economist, so I don't know how viable this plan is, but I think it's pretty solid. You just need to get rid of the gangs so said exported goods are not destroyed by super powered fights.

It's not that solid. Ever since synthetic diamond production took off, DeBeers has been making lots of noises about how only 'natural' diamonds have true value, which has apparently worked. So we're likely to see something similar with nanomaterial made gemstones which will only go at the industrial prices.

It would be far more economical to simply patent the fusion reactors she's building and sell those as a source of cheap, (potentially compact), reliable and dense energy. Presuming of course, that a Fog derived fusion reactor isn't reliant on constant nanomaterial adjustments to keep functioning. If so, then she can pretty much write her own ticket much the same if she had come up with a sure fire cancer cure. In a crapsack setting like Worm, fusion reactors would be even more valuable than they are in ours due to the much reduced supply of conventional energy sources.
It's not that solid. Ever since synthetic diamond production took off, DeBeers has been making lots of noises about how only 'natural' diamonds have true value, which has apparently worked. So we're likely to see something similar with nanomaterial made gemstones which will only go at the industrial prices.

It would be far more economical to simply patent the fusion reactors she's building and sell those as a source of cheap, (potentially compact), reliable and dense energy. Presuming of course, that a Fog derived fusion reactor isn't reliant on constant nanomaterial adjustments to keep functioning. If so, then she can pretty much write her own ticket much the same if she had come up with a sure fire cancer cure. In a crapsack setting like Worm, fusion reactors would be even more valuable than they are in ours due to the much reduced supply of conventional energy sources.
Interesting. I went with gemstone creation exactly because I don't know how much of her tech can be reproduced through modern non-tinkertech means, but assuming it can be done...

What about the rest? New port to attract industries, maybe even include that cheaper energy made with fusion reactors as another attractive? What other factors would make this plan to renovate BB's economy fail?
I normally disagree with Mashadarof402 on a lot of things, though I don't voice those opinions, but I actually mostly agree with him/her here. At least partially that is. Taylor has no way to positively affect the technological development of Earth Bet without doing something drastic like conquering it. Humanity, even tinkers, have no real way to make use of any technology she could provide, and if particular individuals or groups don't try and hoard and/or weaponize it, I'll eat my dressing gown.

One of the major issues in worm is that parahuman conflict escalates what's already there. Humanity hates itself, plain and simple, there's prejudice everywhere and over every little thing, people with powers just makes that worse, especially those with ideologies that don't include every different type of person that exists. On top of that, groups such as the PRT can't allow Taylor to enact such massive scale industrialism without her being under their purview. The PRT exists as a government agency that is supposed to be in control of the situation, like the police is supposed to control crime. They can no more allow her to run loose than police can allow vigilantism to exist.

Obviously, things in Worm aren't perfect, as groups such as New Wave already enact their own form of vigilantism, but there are limits to what they can be allowed, otherwise the PRT would lose any sense of legitimacy. On top of that, the Endbringers force situations that, quite frankly, aren't natural, and promote the fact that parahumans are more important than regular folks. I say this because these parahumans have abilities beyond the norm, and without them humanity simply can't survive. If it wasn't for things like this, villains would be dealt with in a far more harsh manner, especially killers the likes of Hookwolf and Lung.

TLDR: Taylor's best option is to maintain as much independence as she can from all current organizations.
I normally disagree with Mashadarof402 on a lot of things, though I don't voice those opinions, but I actually mostly agree with him/her here. At least partially that is. Taylor has no way to positively affect the technological development of Earth Bet without doing something drastic like conquering it.
If you consider talking to scientists "something drastic" this is true. While you may be right that there's no way for Taylor to give Fog technology to anyone she could help scientist and engineer develop technology which while far inferior to Fog tech would still be superior to what they have.
Taylor, with her knowledge and (even still-limited) databases could notably uplift humanity within a reasonable amount of time, even faster if she was directly involved herself. Even just writing papers and publishing them in the scientic community could influence enough to speed things up by decades (mass-production of graphene, properties and creation of room-temperature superconductors, the expanded unified model of particle physics that she has, the extremely accurate properties and rules of subatomic interactions, proof of theoretical particles like the graviton and dark matter/energy, etc.)

The problem with all of this (which Taylor has noted herself) is her growing lack of interest in the welfare of humanity as a whole while she becomes further immersed in her inhuman nature. Her concerns are becoming significantly more restricted to the "anchors" she's trying to cultivate, including her father, Leah, Vista, Victoria, and even more nebulously her "image" as a hero and Brockton Bay as a whole, which she considers hers---her birthplace and home port and all that entails. She's not terribly motivated to try and uplift humanity, especially considering what we've done with rapid tech/science developments in the past, and the fact that she has millennia to look forward to. What's a few decades if it means figuring things out on their own at a pace that allows people to adjust to the changes?
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Adjusting to things is actually a very good point.
Giving a medieval society nuclear power might be considered a step forward, but it's neither relevant to them nor something their society can really sustain or make use of.
The problem with all of this (which Taylor has noted herself) is her growing lack of interest in the welfare of humanity as a whole while she becomes further immersed in her inhuman nature. Her concerns are becoming significantly more restricted to the "anchors" she's trying to cultivate, including her father, Leah, Vista, Victoria, and even more nebulously her "image" as a hero and Brockton Bay as a whole, which she considers hers

The problem with giving up your humanity to become something more is that, almost always, you simultaneously become something less.
Humanity is more than just being flesh and blood, and as Taylor goes deeper into the being of logic and metal, she loses more of the spark of humanity. Those 'anchors' are quite literally anchors to her humanity, to keep her functioning as a human.

That means that most of her 'human' concerns are, indeed, limited to the things she cares about. Which does not include humanity as a whole, beyond how it relates to her attention and care within the Bay.

And I have mad respect for the fact that you are making sure that that is a point being addressed. I also seriously respect you for not spelling it out in story. You've done excellently with 'show, don't tell' in my opinion.
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Anyone have any relevant "Will of Humanity" speeches handy?
All I can come up with is Kamina's "Kick Logic to the Cirb!"
It's kinda ironic. Canon AoBS is about A.I. superweapons becoming human and the opposite is happening here. Taylor is going to have to hold on to her "anchors" (anyone want to buy a death flag?) tight because I doubt she, or anyone really, wants to see what happens when they're gone.

Unfortunately the Wormverse is full of people who would go after those anchors just to see what would happen or, even worse, because they know what will happen and believe it will further their interests.
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There no reason for her to try to uplift humanity as a whole since their no huge benefits for herself and the huge amounts of problems she will face if she does so.

Anything she creates will have someone civilian, or federal with their hands out. Or just wanting to tie her up in regulations (PRT/Protectorate/State and Federal as well as a lot of alphabet agencies). Best to power herself up and create something to protect her loved ones.

I'm pretty sure that if someone came up with the cure for cancer every big pharmaceutical company out there would sue to halt it.
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I'm pretty sure that if someone came up with the cure for cancer every big pharmaceutical company out there would sue to halt it.
Not really. Well, the pharmaceutical industry isnt good, but not quite as bad as their reputation.

More, for something that obvious, all you have to do is go public with it, and the opposition disappears. Such things can really only work against stuff thats less obvious, so the public ignores it or theres enough leeway to play opinion against it somehow.
Not really. Well, the pharmaceutical industry isnt good, but not quite as bad as their reputation.

More, for something that obvious, all you have to do is go public with it, and the opposition disappears. Such things can really only work against stuff thats less obvious, so the public ignores it or theres enough leeway to play opinion against it somehow.

Its not that I don't trust the government, its that I don't trust the government like I used to.
And I'm sure they'd use gag orders and anything else if they could get access to any of her equipment that they could use to stay in the lead militarily.

The pharmaceutical industry? A good percentage of who are only in it for the money.
I'll never forget when I first worked in MICU and a handful of pills cost $5,000 and they actually had to have a meeting over which patient could have it, poor patient, or well off patient.

Kinda sours you on that industry.
Well, the pharmaceutical industry isnt good, but not quite as bad as their reputation.
Their reputation is that they will avoid researching cures, while giving priority to treatments, the longer the treatment, the better. A cured patient does not pay, while a patient in treatment pays, and pays, and pays...
More, for something that obvious, all you have to do is go public with it, and the opposition disappears. Such things can really only work against stuff thats less obvious, so the public ignores it or theres enough leeway to play opinion against it somehow.


While I find Earth Bet humanity collectively stupid enough to deserve extinction, my opinion for our humanity is not significantly better, except I've accepted that we're probably better than cockroaches at figuring out ways to survive whatever.
Europe is struggling with literal Nazi's who are very close to becoming a nuclear power.
I don't recall the Nazis being that big a deal. A problem, certainly, but nothing 'provoke a war with everyone' style. Could be misremembering of course.

On the other hand, the 'Europe is struggling' part has more to it than just Nazis. The Simurgh's first outing and Russia represent significant issues for the entire area. So even if the Nazis aren't as bad as you're making them out to be, the general area over yonder is hardly going to be focused on helping out international trade when most countries in Europe are more concerned about international pressure.

Taylor, with her knowledge and (even still-limited) databases could notably uplift humanity within a reasonable amount of time
The problem with all of this (which Taylor has noted herself) is her growing lack of interest in the welfare of humanity as a whole while she becomes further immersed in her inhuman nature.
Not to mention the other problem that doesn't care what Taylor does or doesn't do for whatever reason she does or doesn't do it.

Poking Scion and getting his attention doesn't tend to go well, after all.
There no reason for her to try to uplift humanity as a whole since their no huge benefits for herself and the huge amounts of problems she will face if she does so.
The lack of benefits to her are true, the problems, not so much.

Oh, if she tries to physically make things to do it? Sure.

But just dumping the contents of a chunk of her scientific database on the net or sent to a few thousand universities across the globe? That's a few minutes of work for her at worst, and since she can trivially avoid non-Cauldron attempts at tracking her internet activities, any fallback is pretty much Someone Else's Problem.
But just dumping the contents of a chunk of her scientific database on the net or sent to a few thousand universities across the globe? That's a few minutes of work for her at worst, and since she can trivially avoid non-Cauldron attempts at tracking her internet activities, any fallback is pretty much Someone Else's Problem.
Their still the problem that any person on the street could abuse that knowledge for their own gain.