Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Nope! Molecules only interact via the electromagnetic force.
Ok, here I must intervene.
There is a mindfucking thing known as dispersion forces. They are quantum in nature (or, more specifically, comes from the fact that electrons are indistinguishable from each other), are essential for folding and functioning of enzymes and cannot be simulated by mere electric fields.

So, nope. Doesn't work.

Also, another mecha-Lisa option.

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I`ts been a while since I checked QA`s interlude so I`m not sure, but wasn't implied that QA was using the new information on nanomaterials to reconfigure and fix as much damage as it could? If it found a way to ether produce or transport nanomateriasl in/to the empty Earth where it is locate there is a possibility we may see a new and improved version of QA given enough time.

Edit: Last paragraph of QA interlude:

The shard settled in, observing, adapting. It still had a great deal to do before it was fully integrated into this new network, before it could emulate sections to tie itself in seamlessly, but such a thing would be required now that it was with a new Core.

There was so very much to learn.
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And now she's a cyborg? Yeh. Cyborg. I'm interested to see where this takes us
It sounds more like this is going to end as a consciousness transfer to a purely mechanical body (considering her entire body is apparently dead), so I think it would be properly identified as an android, unless you take a religious slant on it and count the soul as a human object, in which case an argument could be made for cyborg at least on a philosophical/theological basis anyway (no biological components to mix with the technological, which is where the core definition of 'Cybernetic Organism' lies). This is going more into semantics though, so not a big deal except for Lisa and Taylor on legal issues (if they talk about it, although that might be forced if Lisa tries to argue that she is not a robot/AI and deserves human rights, which would start as whether she is her previous self, or if she is an unchained AI that believes itself to be Tattletale...if she keeps her power, I believe that would help her case, since I do not know of anyone's powers being transferred outside of Butcher and Fairy Queen, and there powers keep themselves as a core identity[/trait in the case of Butcher]).

Happy to see you are happy that you got it right on her not being fully dead :)
It sounds more like this is going to end as a consciousness transfer to a purely mechanical body (considering her entire body is apparently dead), so I think it would be properly identified as an android, unless you take a religious slant on it and count the soul as a human object, in which case an argument could be made for cyborg at least on a philosophical/theological basis anyway (no biological components to mix with the technological, which is where the core definition of 'Cybernetic Organism' lies). This is going more into semantics though, so not a big deal except for Lisa and Taylor on legal issues (if they talk about it, although that might be forced if Lisa tries to argue that she is not a robot/AI and deserves human rights, which would start as whether she is her previous self, or if she is an unchained AI that believes itself to be Tattletale...if she keeps her power, I believe that would help her case, since I do not know of anyone's powers being transferred outside of Butcher and Fairy Queen, and there powers keep themselves as a core identity[/trait in the case of Butcher]).

Happy to see you are happy that you got it right on her not being fully dead :)
Her brain is still perfectly intact and being sustained and everything, so why would a consciousness transfer be necessary?
Brian would probably be forced into the Wards by his circumstances and/or father.
Is Brian younger? In canon, he was 18 at this point, so it would be Protectorate and his parents wouldn't have any rights in the situation regardless of the organization.

Her brain is still perfectly intact and being sustained and everything, so why would a consciousness transfer be necessary?
I must have misread. I thought it said her biological body had fully died. My mistake
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Energy? Where does Taylor get her power from anyway prior to installing the stuff she took from Squealer?
From what I remember the nanites get their power from some weird n-dimension shenanigans that provides a relatively small trickle of power for effectively unlimited duration. Which is why she needs a more conventional (if an A-mat reactor in a pocket dimension is conventional) power source for high draw applications.
Because, along with "nanites," "quantum uncertainty" is the current "do-anything sci-fi phlebotinum," we could potentially explain monomolecular and sub-molecular manipulation by saying her nanites exert energy fields that let her sift through quantum uncertainties until taking a measurement yields the configuration she wants. Or something similarly technobabbly.
As long as those parts are alive, her 'ghost' won't separate so building her a cyberbrain would let them transfer. But a direct copy to another meat puppet would just result in INTERESTING THINGS as our homunculus would be based on her but it's own individual.

And something unique.
well until Kongou and Choukai would do it OTL

If the Siren is able to move like this it may even draw Her eye
I guess I wasn't clear, and that's my fault. Let me rephrase.
What I'm asking is, as bluntly as possible 'how long would it take before she died, lying on the boat.' Not 'how long until she couldn't be saved' which is, obviously, a very different time frame.

Oh! Well, in that case? Given the rate that Lisa is apparently losing blood after pulling herself up out of the water. Hrmm.. You've got hypoxia already affecting her extremities, or what's left of them inside of five minutes, her blood pressure would be horrifically low. In my honest opinion, her shard's estimation on her condition is off, but then Lisa isn't exactly capable of, or more importantly, possessing of enough cognizance and TRAINING to properly assess her own injuries, and her Shard has been proven wrong before. Doesn't happen often, and here I sincerely doubt it's getting enough data to give her accurate information.

But I'm digressing. To give a ballpark estimation as best as I can given the situation she could've very well died mere moments after her shard tells her:
Dying. Approximately 14 minutes until loss of consciousness. 18 minutes until brain death.
Or she could've hung on for another fifteen, twenty minutes past that eighteen-minute deadline her shard gave her easily if she falls into a comatose state.

Funny thing about comas. They're one of those 'oh shit' emergency measures that the body will enact that I talked about earlier that don't really help... save for situations like Lisa's here. She falls into a vegetative state, and in her condition.. It'd keep her brain alive for longer, but she'd still be almost certain to take some degree of brain damage. I really can't give a more accurate guess to her survival rate. She could've died before Taylor found her... or she could've hung on until morning, laying on that boat. Our bodies are crazy unpredictable like that.

...your current choice of avatar makes that entire statement about two hundred percent funnier, I just have to point out.

Also, amusingly, I imagine Taylor may have cleaned up the bay by accident. She's been growing nanomaterials and leavimg them more or less on 'auto replicate (slow)', yeah? she may have nommed the heavy metals and the like in the water for parts without noticing. Tis a funny image to my mind, anyways!

*look at Desty Nova avatar*

I hope you won't mind if I categorically refuse to go under your knife ? :p

LMAO Funny thing is, I've had this Avatar on various forums since 2011 at least, because the good doctor is one of my favorite mad scientists/antagonists of all time. So now that I'm a medical professional for almost three years now, I never actually considered what it would look like to others to have someone like me hiding behind Desty Nova's flan-loving, cackling visage! :D:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Thinking about it, Entities are even dumber than obvious. Instead of careful engineering and experimentation to optimise their processes, they continously cripple themselves, hoping that the forming scar tissue is better than the healthy tissue was before. I mean, what the hell? They manage to copy how much tech from the races they destroyed, but didn't even bother to adapt the basic rules of science? The fact that they somehow manage to get a positive result out of a cycle built on self mutiliation is completely crazy.

Err. You do realize that what you describe is very close to the textbook definition of evolution?
Folks, there are two different two-word phrases, which, when used appropriately, perfectly describe exactly how fog nanomachines work in the Wormverse.

Author Fiat
Fucking Tinkers
I am surprised that no one else has mentioned this for brain in a jar cyborg Lisa...

Upgraded with nano machines for the win.
Well this fic is getting me to want to read/watch, whichever is better, the source material from the crossover.

For now though, I only have one question...

Would Lisa's power and situation be more suited to a Destroyer or a Carrier Vessel? I mean, provided it all works out, and she doesn't go completely batshit I could see her enjoying the sensor suites, defensive and offensive capability, and the escort role of a destroyer. Her power though might be more useful to Taylor as a CV, operating as a command, communication, and control center.

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting how arpeggio works.

Also, all this talk about robo-Lisa's gave me flashbacks to Phantasy Star Online II... and the goddamn terrifying gynoid from there named Lisa.