Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Well this fic is getting me to want to read/watch, whichever is better, the source material from the crossover.
Reading, probably. The anime (and movies that follow it) is... different. The manga is more complex, and probably more interesting? Your mileage may vary, of course.
Well this fic is getting me to want to read/watch, whichever is better, the source material from the crossover.

For now though, I only have one question...

Would Lisa's power and situation be more suited to a Destroyer or a Carrier Vessel? I mean, provided it all works out, and she doesn't go completely batshit I could see her enjoying the sensor suites, defensive and offensive capability, and the escort role of a destroyer. Her power though might be more useful to Taylor as a CV, operating as a command, communication, and control center.

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting how arpeggio works.

Also, all this talk about robo-Lisa's gave me flashbacks to Phantasy Star Online II... and the goddamn terrifying gynoid from there named Lisa.
Destroyers in Arpeggio tend to not have mental models. There are exceptions, but thatbis usually from a bigger ship donating extra processing power.

Carriers are an entire different kettle o' fish, and get referred to as 'suppression vessels' or 'assault ships'' and apparently can do some really funky tricks with their klein fields from the little we've seen.

Amusingly, they stopped using aircraft because they're too small for The Usual Fog Tricks, so humanity can shoot down Fog aircraft reliably. It's made the carriers a bit bored, since being a carrier was still their primary purpose.

Of the two that have shown up in manga, One of them spends her time fishing while the other collects books and antique nautical navigation equipment.
She could've died before Taylor found her... or she could've hung on until morning, laying on that boat. Our bodies are crazy unpredictable like that.
Thank you.
So yeah. As long as you landed face up in the water, anyone could very easily have that exact situation happen (5th degree burns, dropped into the ocean in a boat graveyard, drift for an hour, and wash up on a boat) and survive to the point when Lisa did. She was more than likely beyond the point of actual saving without bullshit Biotinker or Biostriker powers by the time Taylor found her, but being 'still alive, but dying' is very different from 'dead'.
@ensou you're entirely in the clear. Good job actually researching this stuff to keep it realistic where you could. (Ignoring the space-whale chunks that grant super powers and the rest of that stuff.)
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I'm almost certain that Lisa's situation is going to end up more Ghost in the Shell than anything else. I even have some evidence: @ensou has been liking most of the posts making GitS references and fairly few referring to other IPs.

So Lisa is probably going to end up as her original and mostly biological brain stuffed in a robotic body. Since she's going to be keeping her puny organic (and not even the fun polymer side of organic) brain, and I'm betting her shard is probably going to mostly maintain it's present configuration (the shard is hooked up to her meat brain and works through it, it won't need to reconfigure and can just make use of Lisa's meat brain's new and improved sensory inputs), Robo-Lisa won't be able to use nano-material due to its control requirements. I'm thinking she's going to end up with a very GitS-style body with the only nano-material being essentially hard-wired to perform specific activities (things like maintaining her brain, being interfaces between her brain and body, maybe some auto-repair for the body). Lisa will basically have no more control over the nano-material than she will her cells.

Lisa becomes Major Kusanagi, except instead of being a badass commando she's an annoying teenager.
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Hmmm... if Taylor did not tear Lisa's brain to chunky salsa with that trick... and if she doesn't get access to any of the fancy stuff the Fog has, like building a core or even that gizmo where Gunzo was placed into after his sub feint... part of me wonders if TT would end up being this world's version of U-2501, only with a brain in a jar instead of a Union core.
Well this fic is getting me to want to read/watch, whichever is better, the source material from the crossover.

For now though, I only have one question...

Would Lisa's power and situation be more suited to a Destroyer or a Carrier Vessel? I mean, provided it all works out, and she doesn't go completely batshit I could see her enjoying the sensor suites, defensive and offensive capability, and the escort role of a destroyer. Her power though might be more useful to Taylor as a CV, operating as a command, communication, and control center.

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting how arpeggio works.

Also, all this talk about robo-Lisa's gave me flashbacks to Phantasy Star Online II... and the goddamn terrifying gynoid from there named Lisa.
Why is everyone immediately jumping to "Lisa gets her own ship" ?

Lisa's power and situation - meaning she's a human brain in a (hopefully) operational nanomaterial body - doesn't make her a potential Fog ship. It does, however, make her a great potential sonar / sensor specialist. Dealing with information, finding the patterns, and so on. Particularly so if Inference Engine decides that this is something it wants to support. Whether that comes from QA discussing things with IF or IF reaching that conclusion on its own the Shard can most likely mitigate the "Thinker Headaches" that Lisa has had to deal with.

And, if that doesn't happen, there's always nanomaterial medicine to help deal with the problem.

Evolution is the dumbest, least efficient way to build a system that isn't purely random chance. The entities using evolution doesn't mean they're smart, it means they're terrifically dumb.

I feel a good way to describe what the entities are doing is actively leveraging whole planetary populations into War Innovation on their own tech base.
Lisa will basically have no more control over the nano-material than she will her cells.
It's not impossible that Taylor will put together some kind of AR control interface, to let Lisa have some control.
After all, it's not like it would be difficult for her to hijack Lisa's senses or detect the exact locations of all her extremities for gesture control.
Of the two that have shown up in manga, One of them spends her time fishing while the other collects books and antique nautical navigation equipment.
While that's true Lex took it a bit further.
She became a university professor. In the city of Lexington of course. She's currently on paid vacation as she hitches a ride with the U-2501.

...can I just say that I love that crazy goofball?:rofl:

Evolution is the dumbest, least efficient way to build a system that isn't purely random chance. The entities using evolution doesn't mean they're smart, it means they're terrifically dumb.
And yet, evolutionary procedures are used in Computational Intelligence all the time to innovate and discover new, better ways to do things. I wrote my Ph.D., in part, on the subject.

I suspect you're operating from ignorance, here, and making assumptions about it that are not warranted. Primarily, you're forgetting that, while in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice? There is.
Well this fic is getting me to want to read/watch, whichever is better, the source material from the crossover.

Reading, probably. The anime (and movies that follow it) is... different. The manga is more complex, and probably more interesting? Your mileage may vary, of course.

Depends on what you want. The Anime is certainly quicker to go through an more easily digestible if you just want to get a basic understanding of the setting and story. If you want the more complete experience by all means go for the Manga.

Evolution is the dumbest, least efficient way to build a system that isn't purely random chance. The entities using evolution doesn't mean they're smart, it means they're terrifically dumb.

Evolution is trial and error development, just taking place over centuries instead of minutes, hours, or days. Very few systems can claim they've been developed without trial and error being involved.
And yet, evolutionary procedures are used in Computational Intelligence all the time to innovate and discover new, better ways to do things. I wrote my Ph.D., in part, on the subject.

I suspect you're operating from ignorance, here, and making assumptions about it that are not warranted. Primarily, you're forgetting that, while in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice? There is.
I'm pretty sure that the problem is that evolution is relatively good at dipping into many things you wouldn't consider before, but awful at actually going full depth and improving on those dips enough that they're useful in any way.
The Entities are basically running a very complex evolutionary search algorithm, except they're using real living populations instead of virtual simulated populations.

I would say they're lazy. How hard it is to make a non-deterministic random number generator for exploration purposes and a Dyson Sphere to power the simulation for a couple billion years? Or computing everything near the edge of a black hole for infinite time, like my Computation Theory teacher says every semester to every new class?
I'm pretty sure that the problem is that evolution is relatively good at dipping into many things you wouldn't consider before, but awful at actually going full depth and improving on those dips enough that they're useful in any way.
Not as awful as you might think. The key is numbers. And the fact that, as you find the "dips" that work, they become the standard from which further "dips" are found. Thus the improvements occur.

It is a very powerful search and optimization engine.
Evolution is trial and error development, just taking place over centuries instead of minutes, hours, or days. Very few systems can claim they've been developed without trial and error being involved.

But the main goal of evolution is not producing "the best", but just "good enough" to meet the challenges posed by the environment. If by dumb chance you get better than "good enough", more power to you, but it's not what was intended.
If it's up for vote, which it sadly isn't, I'm in the 2B camp for Lisa's cyborg booty, because there's not enough Nier: Automata out there in the world of fanfiction and I'll take whatever shoutout I can get.

Though I admit the Xenoblade Chronicles suggestion also appeals to me.

As far as hooks go to have your audience come back for more, this certainly works. ^^"
I'm expecting Deus Ex/ Ghost in the Shell style for Lisa's body, myself. Which means 'human+' rather than 'machine with consciousness.'
How much of it is actually flesh though... well. Let's wait for the update to find out.
I'm expecting Deus Ex/ Ghost in the Shell style for Lisa's body, myself. Which means 'human+' rather than 'machine with consciousness.'
How much of it is actually flesh though... well. Let's wait for the update to find out.
Isn't it pretty much guaranteed to be a full body prosthesis at this point, since her brain and maybe part of her spine are pretty much the only things that are in any usable state right now?
It is a very powerful search and optimization engine.
Evolution is shit in designing from scratch. Actually, it can't design from scratch, period.
I'm expecting Deus Ex/ Ghost in the Shell style for Lisa's body, myself. Which means 'human+' rather than 'machine with consciousness.'
How much of it is actually flesh though... well. Let's wait for the update to find out.
Even then there are... options.
Isn't it pretty much guaranteed to be a full body prosthesis at this point, since her brain and maybe part of her spine are pretty much the only things that are in any usable state right now?
Yeah, but that's still Ghost in the Shell levels. The Major's body is almost entirely machine by the time of the televised series. Nier, on the other hand, is approaching humanity from the other direction: Full robots learning to think and feel for themselves.

Even then there are... options.
Pretty sure Taylor's gonna swing for as close to human-like as possible, for a multitude of reasons. If she's smart, though, she won't make it look the same as Lisa.

Evolution is the dumbest, least efficient way to build a system that isn't purely random chance. The entities using evolution doesn't mean they're smart, it means they're terrifically dumb.

We have not seen a complete Scion. Remember that he is extremely diminished in the story. Most of his abilities loaned to humans.

Now, a Scion that is complete will have EVERY power we see in the story. Leet's ability to make ANYTHING. Tattletale's ability to intuit. Dinah's ability to predict outcomes. Number Man's ability to crunch complex problems.

It is entirely possible that the entities have already tried ALL different discrete and intuitive methods to find the answer to the only question they have any interest in.

Reversing entropy apparently does not have an intuitive solution.

So, what is left? Look for unpredictable anomalies. When you find them, study them and see if they give you useful data.

The fully assembled Space Whales might not be as stupid as many, including myself in the past, have thought.

Evolution style research might be their only hope.