Not gonna lie, that is low-key hilarious. Eh, let's go for broke. Here's the much worse, crack-fic, alternate universe sequel:

Dong Bai: Shuuuuu! I'm cold!

Liang Shu: I told you to put a cloak on before going out to play in the snow.

Dong Bai: But snow is white and fluffy. Like a sheep. And sheep skin blankets are suuuper warm. I didn't want to get hot. So I didn't put on a cloak.

Liang Shu: And now you're cold.

Dong Bai: But that doesn't make any sense!

Lu Lingqi: *walks up* Bai, why don't you go warm up by the fire?

Dong Bai: Okay!

Liang Shu: *turns to Lingqi* Thank you.

Lu Lingqi: No need to thank me. Watching you deal with the moron is thanks enough. 'Shu, the cat won't let me catch it! Tell it to let me!' 'Shu, I put on your sister's clothes but they won't fit! Make them fit!' 'Shu, help, I'm trapped underneath the blanket and can't find my way out! Help me!' It is literally hours of entertainment.

Liang Shu: I am so happy that my suffering entertains you.

Lu Lingqi: Oh it does, bird boy... immensely.

Liang Shu: Well, at least Dong Zhuo will eventually be back to pick her up and I'll be free of her. You on the other hand...

Lu Lingqi: What do you mean?

Liang Shu: Well, I know it doesn't really effect us here much, but if you recall... after Ding Yuan died in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Dong Zhuo adopted your father. That means that he is your new grandfather, and Dong Bai is your...

Lu Lingqi: Cousin... dear gods, that moron is family.

Liang Shu: Yep. I'll eventually stop being a babysitter, but the two of you will always be family.

Lu Lingqi: But you are forgetting one thing. After we get married, she becomes your cousin-in-law... and seeing as how much you two have bonded recently...

Liang Shu: I'll never be free of her.

Lu Lingqi: Yep! *starts to walk off* have fun, bird boy...

Liang Shu: Damn it.

Dong Bai: Shuuuuuu! I put on my cloak but then I stood to close to the fire and now my cloak is on fire and is burning my feet! Make it stop!

Liang Shu: *quietly*Gods damn it. *aloud* Coming, Dong Bai!
*10 Months later*
Lingqi: "What do you mean betrothed!"
Shu: "Feel my pain! Go greet your sister wife!"
Bai: "Sister Lingqiiiii! The doggy isn't letting me pet it. Come help meeeee!"
Babysitting (and eventually marrying) the spoiled rich girl is basically the equivalent of a life-long VIP escort mission. With all the downsides of escort missions, except there is no endpoint. Death is the only escape.
Babysitting (and eventually marrying) the spoiled rich girl is basically the equivalent of a life-long VIP escort mission. With all the downsides of escort missions, except there is no endpoint. Death is the only escape.
Or is it?

*Some time after Liang Shu dies*

Booming afterlife voice:
Liang Shu, for your good deeds and benevolence in life, the Jade Emperor has decided to grant you a wonderful afterlife... a mansion and infinite time to spend with your wives.

Liang Shu: Oh, well that sounds lovel- wait... all of them?

Booming afterlife voice: Yes, why?

Dong Bai: Shuuuuuu, this cloud won't let me ride it! Tell it to stop being so mean!

Booming Afterlife Voice: Oh, this is a reward for that kind of benevolence. Oh well, good luck kid.
Final Battle for Xinshen I - A New Dawn
[X]Plan Stay the Course
-[X]Quick Nock (10 Renown)
-[X]Swift Disengage (10 Renown)
-[X]Forceful Cleave (5 Renown)
-[X]Purchase Grey Carapace for Ce Xiang
-[X]Purchase Sturdy Buckler for Xu Jian
-[X]Purchase 279 Shields
-[X]Purchase 30 Spears
-[X]Merge Ce Clan Irregulars into Ce Clan Regulars
-[X]Merge 2nd Archer Unit into 1st Archer Unit
-[X]Equip Liang 2nd Levy with Armor and merge into 1st Levy
-[X]Equip 1st Liang Mounted Veterans with Shields
-[X]Equip 3rd Liang Mounted Veterans with Spears and Shields
-[X]Equip Taiyuan Youxia with Shields and Spears
-[X]Equip1st Crossbow Unit with Swords and take Bludgeons away
-[X]Equip 1st Archer Unit with Axes and take Bludgeons away.
-[X]Equip 1st Mounted Volunteers with Shields
-[X] Equip 2nd Mounted Volunteers with Shields
-[X]Equip Ce Mounted Veterans with Shields
-[X]Equip 1st Infantry Unit with Armor and Swords
-[X]Equip 6th Infantry Unit with Axes

Cost: 786W
Remaining: 94W

Dawn breaks. You awaken bright and early, with the full knowledge that today, the final battle for the fate of Xinshen will begin at last. Ever since you had captured that bandit on the side of the road with Zhu Fang, so many months ago, you had slowly been building towards this exact moment. You had gone from a weeping child, tears staining the grave of your father, to a man leading an entire army with a singular cause and goal. You had grown up fast. Faster than most. How many were relying on you? How many lives would be lost or spared based purely on your own actions? How many different paths could you have made, different choices could you have considered? As you put on your armour, you take deep, measured, controlled breaths. Such doubts need to be placed far from your mind, it is far too late for second thoughts or regrets. You have to rely on the bonds you have forged, and count on the hard work, grit and determination that have gotten you this far.
Peering into a somewhat cracked, small bronze mirror in your tent, you slowly tie back your hair, and make the final adjustments to your armour. Your sword is placed at your side, and as you reach for your helmet, you hear it. Low, and scattered at first, like heavy raindrops outside of your tent, you can hear a drumming sound. Then, it starts to get louder. More rhythmical, like the beating of drums. You peer out of your tent to see an astounding sight. Lined up in formation, all your soldiers are stood, ready, waiting. Many are banging the butts of their polearms or banners into the dusty ground of the camp in unison, others are beating their shields with their swords or axes. All at once, they begin chanting.




It is a surreal, almost breathtaking experience to hear so many voices chant your name at once, as you step out of your tent in full. It is perhaps only now you realise the scale of what you have accomplished, looking out at all your ranks lined up in the camp before you. Row after row of infantry, archers and cavalry, numbering well over three thousand. To have gone from a meagre handful of old retainers and veterans to a genuine force number in the thousands, in just a few seasons, is a real testament to the hard work of yourself and your loyal friends and retainers. As you look up to the myriad azure banners now being held aloft, you feel a sense of pride swelling within you. You feel although even if you were to lose this coming battle and fail in your objectives, your father and ancestors would still be proud of all you have attempted and achieved.

"Well, you're finally awake, I see! Hardly the best day to lounge around in bed all morning, is it?" The familiar voice of Lu Lingqi calls out from your left. Smiling, you look over to see her stood with all your other officers - nay, your friends. All of them chuckle, even the usually stoic Zhang Liao bursts into a slight expression of mirth. Zhu Fang has erupted into his usual belly laughter, whilst Cao Xing is hopping up and down, waving enthusiastically at you.

"My thanks indeed for the abrupt wake up call." You say with a grin, making your way over to them. "To be honest, I was hoping to get a few more hours of rest, until this racket woke me so suddenly." You joke.

"All this was Zhu Fang's idea!" Ce Xiang explains, extending an index finger. "He told us all in secret to rouse the Azure Lances early, to get everyone ready even before you awoke, cousin!"

The mighty hand of Zhu Fang pats you on the back. Any last remnant of sleep in your eyes is shaken out by the sheer force of this. "Garharharharhar! Look, my friend! Look at all those men, ready to fight for you and lay down their lives for this land and for your cause! Listen to those voices! Our army is like a beating heart, with unbreakable convictions!"

The chanting continues.

Liang Da gasps loudly. "So splendid! So glorious! My dearest cousin has truly proved his worth to the entire world! Let no one doubt his burning desires and ambitions!" He raises a hand to his forehead, "Oh, it is enough to bring tears to the eyes of men! How proud I am, to be a witness to pages in history about to be written!"

"The time has come at last." Zhang Liao says simply, with a slight nod.

"This is all because everyone here believes in you and your ideals, Shu." Lu Lingqi smiles at you. "You had better not let us down! Not that I will be doubting you for even a second, of course."

Xu Jian gives you a professional looking, military salute. "You can rely on all of us, my lord. We await your commands and orders. Please allow us to share in your burdens in the coming battles."

Cao Xing leaps onto the back of Zhu Fang's, who grunts in surprise, then clambers onto his shoulders. With quite impressive agility, he stands up straight, balancing on the taller boy's shoulders, as Zhu Fang tries in vain to shake him off. "Let the might of Lord Liang Shu quake throughout the entire realm! All will know his strength, and the righteousness of his cause!"

"H-hey, get offa me, you damn...gah...get down from there...!" Zhu Fang stumbles back and forth, as Cao Xing continues to balance perfectly on his shoulders. "I'm warning you, Cao Xing!"

"Stop messing around, you two!" Ce Xiang protests, whilst Lu Lingqi pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs loudly.

"Onward, loyal steed!" Cao Xing guffaws, now wrapping his legs around Zhu Fang's chest and clinging tightly to him.

As this goes on, you give Yu Zhong a quick glance. "Would you say we are ready, Yu Zhong?"

"I believe so." He gives a quick flick of his sleeves. "All preparations have been completed, at least given our limited time. All that is left is to show the fruits of our hard work and effort."

"Good." With that, you make your way past your gathered friends, and start pacing towards the centre of the camp, before the gathered columns of chanting soldiers. You hop up onto the back of a stationary cart some paces in front of the ranks, and stand up straight. Slowly, you raise a hand as you gaze out at the crowd, and before long, the noise and din starts to die down. The camp goes silent, as your mustered Azure Lances wait with held breaths, all eyes on you, their leader.

"My friends, my soldiers, my Azure Lances," You begin speaking in a loud, clear voice. "I would like to thank you. It is due to your bravery, your convictions, your strength of arms and your loyalty that we have protected Xinshen from disaster a myriad times over these last weeks and months. Time and again, villains have tried to bring misery and suffering to the people, or have attempted vile treachery against our beloved Empire. On each occasion, we have stopped them. Now, I must ask for you to gather your strength and courage, and steel yourselves one more time for me. A great evil, the basest of men, is approaching this fertile land with the desire to strip it of its bounty and beauty. This man wishes to plunder indiscriminately and without mercy. He wants to burn our homes and fields, pluck hard earned wealth, and even loot the very tombs of our ancestors if he gets the chance. This man, Chu Yan, wants to do to your families what he once did to my own father. I ask of you, Azure Lances, to assist me in stopping this cur. Fight with me, and together we can put an end to his treasonous ways and perform our duty to our families and our Empire. I have seen this moment for a long, long time now. It has always been there, creeping into the edge of my dreams. I have seen this chance for vengeance and justice every night, getting clearer and clearer. Now, many seasons have passed, and I am awake, with clear eyes able to see this chance to make dream reality. Ride with me, my friends and brothers, and fight with me not only for my own cause, but for your own families and homes, your friends and ideals. The whole world is spiralling into chaos, yet hope and honour still remain strong within the hearts of those willing to fight against disharmony and discordance. As we march into battle, all eyes will be on us, and we shall show all those watching not to fear evil and rebels. Here, in Xinshen, history will be written, and your names will be immortalised!"

There is a pause. A long pause. Uncomfortably long, in fact. Then, finally, you hear a voice speak out amongst the ranks of soldiers.

"Y-you gave me the courage to fight and entrusted onto me great responsibilities, despite my lack of talent!" None other than Gong Su speaks up, voice loud but cracking and wavering. "I will happily give my life for the S-Soaring Hawk!"

As you give him a grateful nod of acknowledgement, another man steps forwards from the ranks. It is the former bandit lieutenant who you spared, Bi Guang. "Despite my background and my own crimes, you showed me leniency and allowed me to show penance for my past mistakes. I still owe you my life, young lord, and I will gladly repay that debt tenfold."

You then see Gongsun Ye turn to address those soldiers stood around him. "Let us not forget that Lord Liang Shu has done much already to restore commerce to the county and beyond, and fought to maintain the livelihood of the people. Even in this tumultuous times, order can still easily be restored if men do not forget their duties!"

You overhear Mu Shun grunt something to the footsoldiers closest to him. "The young Hawk pays well enough. I would imagine this Chu Yan fellow is rich enough, which means we'll be rich once we slay him, eh lads?"

As some murmurs of acknowledgement and a few cheers come from all the ranks, Xu Jian steps before the cart, standing beneath you. He raises his own hand.

"I know that many of you were not born to be soldiers and never imagined this lifestyle," He says, "But each and every one of you have shown great courage and bravery. After just a few more battles, we will all be able to go home at last! We will be able to return to our homes, our families, our fields, our forges and shops, and live the rest of our lives in peace and harmony knowing we all did our part in restoring tranquillity!"

"Yes!" Ce Xiang shouts in agreement, stepping next to Xu Jian. "Your lord has shown you all great faith and favour, and worked thanklessly without rest for all of our futures! Let us march together and repay his generosity and belief in us! With Liang Shu's leadership, we have overcome insurmountable odds before, so these thugs are nothing to fear! Let us show them our true strength and unity!"

Just then, Zhu Fang, having freshly tossed Cao Xing off his back, rushes forwards in front of the soldiers, and raises his axe aloft. "C'MON! LET ME HEAR YOUR VOICES! CHEER, CHEER FOR THE SOARING HAWK!"

With that, finally, finally the Azure Lances erupt into full cheers. Weapons are raised aloft, and a booming, rallying cry erupts throughout the camp, shouting your name. For the first time, your entire force will be marching as one, their numbers over thrice what you deployed against Zuo Zizhangba just a month or so prior. As you take a deep, inward breath, Lu Lingqi leaps into the cart next to you, and touches your lower arm.

"Honestly, it was not a bad speech." She whispers to you, leaning her head close. "It was fine. Perfectly serviceable. Perhaps next time, though, Shu, you could run it by me first? It did sound mostly improvised."

"I'll be sure to rehearse fully in the future." You look to her with a smirk. "You disappoint me, though, I had hoped you would join the others in singing my praises."

She lightly shoves you with her shoulder. "What, and let your ego and arrogance swell even more? I don't think so, Bird Boy! Remember, I'm here to make sure you're always kept in check! Someone has to stop you from believing your own hype, after all."

You share a few laughs under the roaring din of the soldiers, before you eye Yu Zhong standing silently behind you, sleeves placed together. He gives you a look, and you exchange a few knowing glances, wordlessly expressing to each other to still be cautious of the treachery and untrustworthy nature of the Ge clan. After that, he steps forwards himself, and raises a hand aloft to the heavens.

"Late last night, I observed the movements of the stars and moon. A star in the eastern sky, symbolising a bird of prey, shone brightly and unimpeded. This morning, I watched the formation of the clouds, and monitored the speed and direction of the winds." He says, elegantly. "I have interpreted a clear, simple message from the skies. The Heavens themselves are on our sides. The next few days will be extremely good for battle, with glorious weather that favours the heroic. This is highly auspicious indeed, and a sign that our victory is ensured."

Whether or not his astronomical predictions are true or not, or even if he just made the whole thing up is irrelevant at this point. The cheering of your soldiers reaches fever pitch, with their morale soaring ever higher. If battles were fought with volume alone, your victory would already be ensured.

"AZURE LANCES!" You shout over the noise, standing up straight once more. "We move out now! We march to Xinshen City, and join forces with our allies!"

With spirits still surging, your men are organised into their units by their commanding officers. The cheers can still be heard as they march towards Zhang Xiu's main encampment, the Azure banners flying proudly overhead, and songs of Xinshen on the lips of many of your younger soldiers. On Dappled Cloud, you ride at the head of the Azure Lances, only hoping that your allies are half as ready as you are...

Ce Xiang Rapport +++
Xu Jian Rapport +++
Xu Jian Bond rises to Tier IV - Friendly
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Xu Jian bond down, Xu Jian bond up.... hmmm, Tsun Xu Jian?

Though overall this is a very nice pre battle scene. Gave everyone characterization, and Cao Xing riding Zhu Fang is amusing.
Ah yes. The one who always gets shafted in the quest.
The problem is he is 1) an all arounder which means we can use him everywhere on estate turns, 2) we have others that are better at the LEA or WAR but he is still good enough that we can trust him with home defense 3) he has a good bond level with his father who is basically stuck to the estate so they work well together 4) we trust him to protect our sisters while away.

Interesting to note the 2 who gained rapport with us were both of the commanders we left behind to defend the estate when we did our initial bandit battle.
Well. That was a good Speech indeed.

Now once more, onto the Breach! Let this Battle be the first Step on our Path to Greatness!

...Seriously, if this was a Dynasty Warriors-Game, this would no doubt be the first Battle of Liang Shu's Faction.
…and Xu Jian is back at Rank IV...hopefully that prattling about ignoring him at every turn gets now thrown out…oh great again :rolleyes:

No, Xu Jian did not always get chaffed. Honestly read the quest again. One occasion does not make it all the time. The numerous honors bestowed on him and his family say something else.
To be fair while we left them behind for the battle with Zuo they are now taking part in the big one
Yes, it was just interesting to me the two who gained rapport with both the ones who missed the battle with Zuo, kind of makes sense as the rest already gained rapport when we brought them to battle versus Zuo and you don't want the gain to happen too quick.

…and Xu Jian is back at Rank IV...hopefully that prattling about ignoring him at every turn gets now thrown out…oh great again :rolleyes:

No, Xu Jian did not always get chaffed. Honestly read the quest again. One occasion does not make it all the time. The numerous honors bestowed on him and his family say something else.
That was a timing issue where we left him behind right after that heart to heart at the party we held. But yeah I mean we left him behind because a lot of us expected an attack against our home while the main force was away and we had to figure out who we wanted to lead the defense (in this case Ce Xiang and Xu Jian). Xu Tong due to being chief retainer and thus getting 2 actions an estate turn was an obvious one to leave. It just ended up being poor timing.
The actual reason you gained Rapport with them is because you gave them items, fyi
Mechanically maybe but narrative it seems to fit that this time they go into battle with us instead of being left behind and this is what likely seems like the biggest battle they will ever have of their lives. I mean we know things are going to spiral over the coming decade, but they don't have reason to think so and I don't think even Yu Zhong would think they would spiral as far as things actually go. As far as everyone here is concerned this is going to be the defining battle for this region for decades if not longer. If you want to make a name this is where you do it.
Mechanically maybe but narrative it seems to fit that this time they go into battle with us instead of being left behind and this is what likely seems like the biggest battle they will ever have of their lives. I mean we know things are going to spiral over the coming decade, but they don't have reason to think so and I don't think even Yu Zhong would think they would spiral as far as things actually go. As far as everyone here is concerned this is going to be the defining battle for this region for decades if not longer. If you want to make a name this is where you do it.

For sure, narrative wise, it makes perfect sense. Just an amusing case of mechanics lining up with story, really.