Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Third option is to try to pacify. This feels even more risky, even if it is really cool in terms of characterization.

So I personally think that killing is less likely to succeed, mostly because I assume Hills are strongly specialized towards tanking.

The more I think of it the more I'm leaning towards wall-off, as much I initially disliked it. I think Kill or Pacification both require more DPS or Disney Princess than we have reliably.

Can't we just keep draining more Qi from it?

On the hill, weeping vents opened, stinking of stale air and sulphur, and sparks flickered in the air, threatening to flare up at the barest provocation. The first such explosion had wiped away her hastily erected mist after all.
Ling Qi isn't really worried about its non aura effects in a fight. She just doesn't know if she can actually kill it before running dry on qi, So... that say what I think needs to be said about stats. I can add a block if people would like
Well, yeah.

Like, if he just has stupid armor and durability, that's one thing, we can bypass a lot of that. But if he's got SSS Health, then even a standing target might be... Not something we can kill in time.

CtE super nuke does work against standing targets after all, and we've got lots of tools that bypass armor and damage reduction, but if it's got so much health that it can tank a couple of those nukes, the odds get too dicey to risk.
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The women moon bro saw sounds like the daughter of the ice witch we read about in the barbarian interlude. It sounded like she was kinda nuts and the barbarian were scared of her. Not good that they are in our general region now.

As for the hill, I'm defaulting to killing it. Not sure why honestly just feels like we shouldn't leave it around. Even if we think we can wall it off safely.
Im pro pacification because it gives a research subject to army experts if we succeed. That said, i feel its the highest risk/reward choice as it requires us to be in close combat with it without Six's aid and attempting a difficult pacification.
Yeah, my standpoint is.

"If it's got a high but reasonable amount of Health, let's go for the kill, we can get gibs out of that and possibly some exotic stuff we can use to make a weapon or something"

"If the health level is too daunting, we should box it in instead"

Why box it in?

Well, to be blunt? Ling Qi is really good at retreating thanks to the SCS capstone, and I'm not willing to count on it staying pacified unless we sit on it, which has obvious problems. Even assuming it can be pacified at our current level, which is sketchy as it's already exhibiting extremely divergent behaviour from what we know of hills and mountains (AKA: It took offense at the presence of what's a bunch of dust mites to it, and grew hydra heads and is lashing out at everything).

Like, the silly thing is double corrupted between the Darkness Beneath and the Color out of Space, there's a point where you put something like that down or contain it. You don't try to act like you can fix it in this lifetime.
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Like, the silly thing is double corrupted between the Darkness Beneath and the Color out of Space, there's a point where you put something like that down or contain it. You don't try to act like you can fix it in this lifetime.

Yeah, the more I read the line....
t was threaded through with deathly qi, and corruption of multiple types. There was the slimy, oozing, filthy feeling that pervaded in the deep caverns, but their was also the nauseous emanations which they had so thoroughly burned out of the blighted vale.

...the more I'm certain pacification is beyond us. Talking down the Vain Fish was in our wheelhouse, this is very much not. If we were teamed up with Xuan Shi and Li Suyin we could probably tackle the pacification but we're not really kitted for it. There's a time and place for winging it, and this ain't it.
Yea I don't see long killing a hill and even if she can this seems like a bad time to exhaust herself. If go for pacify, if it works, great, if it doesn't then at least the attempt should distract it so the others can finish barricading it
Health: SS30 Init. E
P. Armor. A
S. Armor. A

Yeah.....I'd want some more Green Damage going for us or our Yellows out of the line of fire to go Ham on this. And that's assuming there's no "Popped boil explodes, but with acid", "What doesn't kill me makes me meaner", "Good job, you killed me, now my nasty is leaking out faster" mechanics going on.

The last time these spirits were mentioned Yrs said like 5 times how slow they were. Slow it down, wait for Du Feng and Li Suyin to catch up so they can do their jobs.
Yea I don't see long killing a hill and even if she can this seems like a bad time to exhaust herself. If go for pacify, if it works, great, if it doesn't then at least the attempt should distract it so the others can finish barricading it

It's hard to calm someone down while cutting off every avenue of their escape, though I admit I don't have a great understanding of the Hill mindset. Additionally, we won't be as able to defend our squad with active techniques if we're focused on using the POWER OF MUSIC to convince someone that they should chill out even though existence is pain and every piece of normal matter and qi they sense is salt in the wound.
Yeah, that's a daunting but not insurmountable damage block.

I'm leaning towards contain now, stay out of its reach, distract it, abuse our dodge to harry it, and then make it have a hard time getting out.

Pacification would be my bet--but it's so fucking warped that it strikes me as being out of our weight class.
She could use her allies or nearby beasts for batteries.

Something about the whole "Hill monster spewing Acid and giving off explosions" situation leads me to believe that any Beast still nearby is either too stupid to have a qi pool or too strong for us to drain.

Also, using Allies for Batteries is how you get assigned to "Solo, behind enemy lines scouting" assignments during the Barbarian Invasion Interupt Arc's mandatory Inner Sect Draft.
Yeah, that's a daunting but not insurmountable damage block.

I'm leaning towards contain now, stay out of its reach, distract it, abuse our dodge to harry it, and then make it have a hard time getting out.

Pacification would be my bet--but it's so fucking warped that it strikes me as being out of our weight class.
It would be great skill training even if we fail.
Yeah, that's a daunting but not insurmountable damage block.

I'm leaning towards contain now, stay out of its reach, distract it, abuse our dodge to harry it, and then make it have a hard time getting out.

Pacification would be my bet--but it's so fucking warped that it strikes me as being out of our weight class.

I would want to risk trying to Pacify it if it wasn't for the mention of it damaging the area while we fought, and the Yellows in the danger zone.

Remember the asshole killing the fish last time they did this run making it harder for the army to pass through? Not fucking up the woodland in kung fu fights is part of our job here too.
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I dunno aren't we leaving a lot of things for the main force to deal with then? Will we have dealt with any more serious issues on our own if we don't kill this?
I dunno aren't we leaving a lot of things for the main force to deal with then? Will we have dealt with any more serious issues on our own if we don't kill this?

We pacified the fish that normally floods the valley.

Every single Outer Sect Lifer in the main body of the army will breath out a sigh of relief as they realize we didn't kill the thing to get +5 to our next action cultivating Water, Lake, Reflection and TooSexyForMyStache Arts,

We cleared some passes that would have been impassable by having our Xuan Wu headbutt some mountains/molehills then talking to them.

All the other dangers, the ones we didn't handle? We mapped them out and reported their location and a description. Because we're scouts.
Zhengui's got stuff to heal and protect, and LQ's got stuff to get energy back...

So yeah, I'm down to fight a mutant hill.