Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Good point about the fish, kinda forgot that it would be a big deal to other culitvators.

We cleared some passes that would have been impassable by having our Xuan Wu headbutt some mountains/molehills then talking to them.

I didn't think we did anything with the hill other than have a quick chat. I don't think we stopped them or anything just made it pause long enough to say why they were all running away. I figured they are all still running.
I'm not clear what we're draining or how?

The Hill is clearing our Mist, and it's a single enemy engagement.
Energy, qi, mana, whatever. There's arts that can drain it. And doesn't LQ also have qi pills?

The hill can clear our mist, but I don't think that's anything new. Someone else mentioned that a higher technique would decrease the chance of dispelling, and it requires "provocation" to trip the hill's explosions, so it doesn't seem like a conscious action.
She wasn't mentioned but choosing the kill option reads like a chance for a duet with Hanyi. If Ling Qi isn't confident that she can do enough damage on her own then adding Hanyi's synergistic attacks seems obvious. Or at least having her set up HC so that Qi only has to use JT and CTE.
Well I don't see much reason not to try our hardest when failure should not hurt us.

Failure won't injure us.

It will hurt us.

Getting our subordinates injured or killed here (For no reason) will lose face for ourselves and Renxiang and lose possible Sect rewards for ourselves, even if you ignore the whole "human beings suffering because of us" bit.

Ditto spreading toxic shit all over the Sect's lands and/or waking up more of these things with the fight.

Ditto taking too much time to finish our area because we had to hunker down in an InstantZhenguiFortress(TM) because we bit off more hill than we could chew.

And of course any situation where one of those things would have happened but doesn't because Moon-Senpai intervenes hurts us even more. Because he'll be disapointed. We can't allow that, we need a backup husbando for in case Xuan Shi turns out to have been a Xuan Wu in Human disguise the whole time or something.
Containing it or pacifying sounds boring. We should fight it!

Also, the thing has an abysmal speed stat, so if we are losing then we can just fly away (yes, even our yellow subordinates can do so easily)
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Energy, qi, mana, whatever. There's arts that can drain it. And doesn't LQ also have qi pills?

The hill can clear our mist, but I don't think that's anything new. Someone else mentioned that a higher technique would decrease the chance of dispelling, and it requires "provocation" to trip the hill's explosions, so it doesn't seem like a conscious action.

Qi pills are no longer relevant in combat time.

Sure, we have Dispel resistance, but that requires two actions of setup.

Sure, it says provacation before the note on the dispel. It says "Barest Provocation". Personally, I consider Mist full of monsters clawing at me a few levels of provocation above Bare, but who knows what the specific mechanic is.
Most of the combat time relevant ways of regaining Qi are all susceptible to the aoe dispel the hill used against our mist.

I'm really leaning towards boxing it in for the main army to clean up.
I lean towards wall. I just dont think the benifits of the other two options are worth the risk. But I'm pretty cautious as a person.
We have many other ways of regaining Qi besides our mist. Someone should total them up.

Like Mist, they all have spoolup time, and are all also vulnerable to dispel. Additionally, all actions we use to get a Qi economy going are not being used to end the encounter quickly or protect the squad.

Don't be short-sighted, we'd do it if they were willing, obviously.

I dunno man, I feel like ASKING itself is pretty shitty.
I lean towards wall. I just dont think the benifits of the other two options are worth the risk. But I'm pretty cautious as a person.
Well, walling it in hinges on it not breaking out again. So either we are back to this again or nothing happens and we leave it to the main force. Like worst thing that can happen in the kill or pacify options are that they dont work and we have to flee. LQ is not suicidal so she will run before things get too hot. And it got movement H so anything can pretty much outpace it.

Our subordinates only gets involved in the pacify option, though dont think we have ever seen how that will work range wise etc but LQ should probably have mentioned if she thought they where in danger during that option, and it cant really hurt LQ nor Zhengui enough with what we have been shown.
Qi pills are no longer relevant in combat time.

Sure, we have Dispel resistance, but that requires two actions of setup.

Sure, it says provacation before the note on the dispel. It says "Barest Provocation". Personally, I consider Mist full of monsters clawing at me a few levels of provocation above Bare, but who knows what the specific mechanic is.
Ah, I didn't know that qi pills got nixed from combat actions. Sorry about that.

Two actions of setup against something that doesn't seem like it can intentionally activate its dispel looks like a pretty good deal. Additionally, there was only one mention of that dispel explosion, and I think LQ got her mist back up after that. It's described as "aimless in its rampage", and it's mostly focused on LQ, so there doesn't seem to be as much of a risk towards her subordinates if we decide to fight it. Especially since they're staying away and setting up barricades.

Zhengui can run interference for the scouts, heal when need-be, while Hanyi and LQ can start to chew away at this thing's health.
If I recall combat mechanics right, we'd need about 10 CTE charged with JT to kill that thing. We have the Qi for about 5. The rest would need to come from drain/regen, and we'd be out of Qi at the end.
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It is worth noting that Ling Qi hasn't had the chance to see the persistent aspect of HR; the tech deals its C rank (or B if JT-empowered) poison damage and it doesn't stop. Before we've been fighting things that died fast or that dispelled it somehow, but against a not-too-intelligent single tank we can focus on with our resist art it can make a difference.

On a different note, it's a kind of opponent that can really let Zhengui both show his stuff and grow from the experience. Besides its horrible aim and lack of ranged options it's basically running the build Zhengui's aiming for, so there's a lot for him to learn from here.
Ah, I didn't know that qi pills got nixed from combat actions. Sorry about that.

Two actions of setup against something that doesn't seem like it can intentionally activate its dispel looks like a pretty good deal. Additionally, there was only one mention of that dispel explosion, and I think LQ got her mist back up after that. It's described as "aimless in its rampage", and it's mostly focused on LQ, so there doesn't seem to be as much of a risk towards her subordinates if we decide to fight it. Especially since they're staying away and setting up barricades.

Zhengui can run interference for the scouts, heal when need-be, while Hanyi and LQ can start to chew away at this thing's health.

Oh, to be clear I don't think the scouts are at a big risk, I think what's mostly at risk is the terrain. The shit he's flinging around is killing the trees.

What would be a risk is if we got qi tapped at the same time it whipped out a surprise.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
Oh, to be clear I don't think the scouts are at a big risk, I think what's mostly at risk is the terrain. The shit he's flinging around is killing the trees.

What would be a risk is if we got qi tapped at the same time it whipped out a surprise.
True, the environment could become damaged, but it can probably be fixed in time.

I think we just have to balance the qi-draining techniques and arts with actually hurting it, and if @Black Noise is right about the DPS art, then we have a means to keep that going while we're doing other actions to prolong our qi pool.
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It is worth noting that Ling Qi hasn't had the chance to see the persistent aspect of HR; the tech deals its C rank (or B if JT-empowered) poison damage and it doesn't stop. Before we've been fighting things that died fast or that dispelled it somehow, but against a not-too-intelligent single tank we can focus on with our resist art it can make a difference.

On a different note, it's a kind of opponent that can really let Zhengui both show his stuff and grow from the experience. Besides its horrible aim and lack of ranged options it's basically running the build Zhengui's aiming for, so there's a lot for him to learn from here.
If it doesn't get dispelled, a JT empowered HR should kill it in about 20 turns.

If it does get dispelled, we can run the combo at least 10 times before getting low on Qi, even without any regen.

The damage/Qi rules really favour chip damage for cost efficiency.
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Seems too durable.

Walling it it only works if the walls can contain it, which they might. Don't know how tough they are.

It's basically made of pain, I don't think LQ could pacify it.
On a different note, it's a kind of opponent that can really let Zhengui both show his stuff and grow from the experience. Besides its horrible aim and lack of ranged options it's basically running the build Zhengui's aiming for, so there's a lot for him to learn from here.

I have to agree there, but I think he'll be getting up and close experience on this thing on either Wall or Kill.

True, the environment could become damaged, but it can probably be fixed in time.

I'm not worried about the forest no one lives in or exploits in the long term, I'm worried about how passable it will be to an army partially composed of Reds and Yellows in the short term and from how high of an elevation the dead trees scream "Someone's been fucking around, Imperials maybe?" to barbs.
I'm in favor of going for the kill as; there's potential insight bonuses with the way it's phrased as well as the sheer difficulty in killing/ending such a thing, such a fight should generate a lot of skill bonuses, while Ling QI's mist has been dispelled we know it becomes a lot harder once she gets set up, she has lots of buffs and debuffs which should neutralize the danger over time, and finally Zhengui hasn't ever really gotten a good fight I can remember. All his opponents have basically been able to avoid the strengths he has, where as in this fight he can hopefully push himself and utilize all of his absurd armor, health and regen and similarly to Ling Qi perhaps get some skill or art improvements himself given he's actually a spirit.

Finally, honestly it's just the more interesting scene I'd like to read.
I'd prefer to pacify it but I think it's too far gone or that. As for killing it, I'd consider it but so far most arguments in favor of that option boil down to, "I'm bored lets kill it." or "Bet it drops good loot." If that's how you wanna vote fair enough it's not bad, it's just I like my choices as IC as possible. I saw someone arguing that it's probably in a lot of pain and we could put it out of its misery, which seems more like something Ling Qi would think, but I need a little more to be convinced killing it is the right move.

[] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
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