Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.

Duty first. Scouts gotta scout.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
We're here to scout, so let's do some scouting.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.

Why isn't the voting closed already? Because it nearly always is when I start reading this thread. Very unusual and spooky.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Seek to quell and disperse the malicious spirits gathering at the Old Watch, and find what is causing the quelled spirits to rise again.
So, I haven't seen much discussion here regarding our domain bonus from slotting SCS. For reference, here is the text.
At all times, Ling Qi receives a bonus of twenty to Speed and Initiative, and a bonus of ten to Physical Avoid. Ling Qi is immune to effects which would reduce speed, Initiative or physical avoid if the effects rank is less than or equal to her domain rank(modified by potency).

Now, I really, really like this bonus. With the increases in SCS speed passives, we jump from low B's in speed to low A's. Basically, an entire rank of speed. Initiative gains a half rank, but those are the... least exciting. In my opinion.

No, the most exciting part is the increase in physical avoid and the fact that Ling Qi is immune to effects which reduce speed, initiative, or physical avoid as long as those techs are equal to or less than Ling Qi's domain rank. Now, our domain rank is... pretty weak right now. But the potential for this to be explosively good increases with each rank we get in our domain, something we are incentivized to do anyway.

Furthermore, we've seen effects which reduce physical avoid. Heck, Ling Qi has a couple herself. We've also seen others, such as Ji Rong and Sun Liling in the previous thread. How those have changed for the current thread is unknown, but techs which try to disrupt a person's physical avoid are known to exist. This also has some interesting synergy with Sixiang because, narratively at least, they have had difficulty in the past with the more physical aspects of debuffs. By allowing her to focus more on spiritual debuffs to dispell, we save her time and qi.

Fighting Ling Qi, at least once we get our domain rank up to a respectable level, will be incredibly difficult for the physically oriented enemies. Slowing her down and reducing her dodge will become increasingly difficult which means that they have to have to match our dodge with their hit, and won't reliably be able to reduce it. Meanwhile, we will be reducing their hit through PLR, Zhengui's ashfield, and possibly other later arts as well.

Ling Qi is going to be fast, quick on the draw, and extremely difficult to slow down or even contain (due to her other bonuses against immobility and helplessness.) It's going to be a nightmare to fight, and I look forward to seeing how this develops as Ling Qi gets stronger.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[x] Seek to quell and disperse the malicious spirits gathering at the Old Watch, and find what is causing the quelled spirits to rise again.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.
Ling Qi sped along a narrow ledge, no wider than her arm. Shimmering silver lights winked and glowed from within the folds of her gown, peering out like eyes in every direction, and the quiet hum of the Spring Breeze canto, gave her brief flashes of imagery from both the birds overhead and the beasts in the valley below. Each time a cloud passed over the sun, Ling Qi skipped forward, flickering a meter or two ahead without taking a step or missing a beat.
Now Ling Qi needs a foghorn to pass the Spring Breeze Canto through..
Also she's moving like a horror movie antagonist.
At all times, Ling Qi receives a bonus of twenty to Speed and Initiative, and a bonus of ten to Physical Avoid. Ling Qi is immune to effects which would reduce speed, Initiative or physical avoid if the effects rank is less than or equal to her domain rank(modified by potency).
Ooo, first Domain immunity.
It sounds like this is PROBABLY pretty essential to higher level combat, since while its weak now, it'd be a very different mess later, since the domain imposed absolutes makes any battle of peers or anyone fighting a superior to need to understand their opponent and thread their way through the holes in their concepts.
"You could just talk to them, you know?" Sixiang pointed out. "Like maintain the formalities I guess, but just jump down and have a chat?"

Ling Qi worried that letting on just how out of depth she was would undermine her supposed authority though. While that did not bother her much, wasn't that sort of thing supposed to be important for soldiers?

"Ling Qi," She winced, feeling as if Sixiang was giving her a flat stare. "You're making excuses."
She is alright.
From the first day, she just walked up to some of the highest nobility in the Empire and talked to them like it was nothing special.

"Dunno why your so worried Big Sister, it's just a bunch of weaklings, and they're not even family either. Who cares what they think,"
Hanyi drawled, sounding bored.

"Hanyi is really proud for someone who hides under Gui all the time," her little brother grumbled.
Hanyi: "That was only once! I usually sit on you!"

Ling Qi frowned as they descended to bickering again. She was making excuses, why though? Even as she leaped across a gap in the path ahead, the answer came to her. She had no idea how to interact with them. Was it even worth spending extra time on them? As long as they stayed together, she could take care of any difficult parts herself, and just let them take care of easy issues.

In her own mind, Ling Qi could not ignore the conclusion that arose. She wasn't really thinking of them like subordinates. She was thinking of them like charges to care for, or obstacles to be worked around. Ling Qi closed her eyes and sighed, ignoring Sixiang's knowing chuckle.
Tunnel vision + Inner Math Cabal: "Don't waste time on NPC mooks! They aren't cute!"
"No," Ling Qi replied, maintaining a stoic impression. "We are approaching the destination. I wanted to know if you were familiar with the area already, and if you had any recommendations on how we should proceed."

"Very dignified. Nine out of ten on the effortless poise," Sixiang murmured.

His eyes flicked in her direction as his boots continued to pound the ground, and though his expression remained even, she felt a fluctuation in his spirit that seemed to be wary surprise. "I have not made this run myself in some time Ma'am. I believe Mo Lian and Chun Yan are more familiar."

She glanced back, and a moment later, she was beside the younger man, who stiffened in surprise but didn't stumble. "You heard the conversation?" She asked, knowing perfectly well that he had. They were all running in a loose formation only a few meters apart.

"I did," he replied stiffly. "I had some hand in writing the reports you were furnished with Ma'am."

She gave him a sidelong look, there was the faintest hint of something accusatory there, well hidden behind discipline. "I am not asking you to repeat the report. I have read it. I wanted to know if you had any recommendations for how to proceed based on your experience with previous runs."

She felt a faint ripple of qi from her left, and glanced toward Chun Yan, knowing that the woman had restrained herself from laughing. "I may be more powerful, but I should not waste your experience. I would like to hear anything the three of you have to say before we begin."

Seeing them from all angles, it was impossible to miss the faint shifts in body language and expression that passed between the three scouts. It looked like she had managed to avoid embarrassing herself
Passed the hidden test then.
I wonder just how many proud noble scions just ignored the mooks and only looked at the reports?

...would Renxiang fall for the equivalent suckerpunch on her side?
The man beside her dipped his head slightly, despite not slowing his run in the slightest as she flickered and floated beside him. "...The most consistent danger is the river spirit that inhabits the main waterway. It is a volatile creature that is often difficult to predict. However, if it is calmed first its calm passes to the lesser water spirits as well, and makes the scouting simpler."

"The fat fish is bad tempered though and proud. Killing it will just makes things worse though. It'll have reformed by next season, and the fights always flood the valley's and make it harder for the ones coming behind. Puts it in a worse mood for the next run too," the woman added.

"...The last one to come through definitely killed it, didn't they," Ling Qi sighed knowingly.

"Amazing prediction," Sixiang chuckled.
Well, that sounds like a Wishiwashi. Killing it won't matter because its an agglomoration of all the minor water spirits(like a river is made of uncountable drops of water), theres no central identity to the thing to put it down, its a democratic entity.

I'd guess the previous batch killed it for the loots too.
The two soldiers shared a glance. "Yes Ma'am," the younger soldier replied, sounding mildly chagrined. "I was asked to leave the matter out of the report so…"

"Well don't stop there," Ling Qi said. "Any other surprises?"
Yep, deliberate test. Especially with their mentor emphasizing that everything's in the report huh?

She spent the rest of the trip there listening to details and anecdotes about past runs, both here and elsewhere. It took some time for the soldiers to begin speaking more freely. Conversation died down as they reached their destination. The region Ling Qi had been assigned to survey was a network of river valleys that lay between high cliffs, flowing down from glacial headwaters further south. It was much greener than most landscapes that lay this far south, rich with vegetation and beasts alike.
Ah hah! Classic Jianghu geography!

Taking the advice of her subordinates, Ling Qi's first stop was a wide stretch of the major river. Now that she was here, Ling Qi could see the signs of flood damage as she soared overhead, taking in a bird's eye view of the wide valley in the center of the region. The river spirit was indeed a 'fat trout' as Chun Yan had described. Six meters long and with scales that gleamed like sapphires, it nonetheless gave her the impression of a badly affronted and overweight merchant or dandy, with its wide face quivering whiskers and flowery speech.
This guy:

When Ling Qi had performed the ceremony to call it up, it had indeed been affronted and vengeful, sending the earth quivering the waters rising as it spat and cursed her. Thinking quickly, she had pacified the spirit by composing a piece on the spot to praise the beauty of its scales and the width of its waters and such. While there had been a false start or two, her songs soon left the waters and their spirit pacified, freeing them to continue on their way.
Well, it was a fair bit easier than a certain river eel.
From there, using Liao Zhu's advice, they fanned out, not separating far, but enough to cover ground more efficiently. Ling Qi took on an overwatch role, soaring overhead as the three of them combed the paths and trails in the region. Many had been washed out by flooding, but the damage was not too bad.

Far being relative when these guys can all sprint a mile in a minute easily.

As the sun began to descend tfrom its zenith, they came back together atop a high cliff overlooking the river to compile what they had found over the course of the morning and early afternoon.

"It looks like we'll have to update the maps quite a bit," Ling Qi mused, seated in a tree branch. "Is that normal out here?"

"It is not natural for rock spirits to move so much in a single year," Cheng He said, from his position by their small fire. "One or perhaps two passes shifting is normal enough, but we have already discovered four that have closed, and the earth spirits are agitated."

There had been a certain majesty to watching whole cliffs and hills groan and crawl, shifting visibly before her eyes. However, Cheng He was right, it was an unusual and worrying phenomenon. One not so easily solved as a single rowdy and vengeful river spirit.

"New paths open when old ones close, its annoying but not real trouble," said Chun Yan.

Threat assessment:
-Can we deal with it? Maybe. Ling Qi is good at Spirit Ken, and if the rock spirits can hear her, she can sense them with Spring Breeze Canto.

-Can our subordinates deal with it?
--Chang He(aka Long River) is specialized partly into Earth and Social arts and should be relatively well suited to asking the rocks whats wrong. His name is spelled differently from the previous post though.
--Chun Yan is going to be of limited use as a Wind based mobility-offensive specialist.
--Mo Lian is specialized partly into Earth and Sensory arts, which should allow him to penetrate ground cover.

-Can the main army deal with it? Theres not a lot they can do about valleys not being where they should be other than march down the valley and then navigate the hard way.

Typos in this section @yrsillar
"The desolation in the southeastern valley is more worrying. Last time I saw withering like that, my village lost its whole harvest to the Black Earthworms in the soil. Something been letting them grow beyond their normal numbers and size."

The valley Chun Yan spoke of was a withered heath, trees were bare of leaves and even the grass and weeds were withered and shrunken. She had seen all to familiar worms poking their eyesless heads out of the earth, the actinic scent of lightning drifting from their maws. She had only glimpsed Yan Renshu's real spirit beast once, but the worms that she had seen there dwarfed it in size.

"The tunnels I sensed were worryingly large, but we are far from any fields," Mo Lian said, tugging nervously at his beard
Threat assessment:

-Can we deal with it? Probably, we're unlikely to be in direct danger, though the worms can escape underground to avoid our mists.

-Can our subordinates deal with it? Its more or less straight combat assessment.

-Can the main army deal with it? I will note the main army has Yan Renshu, who's a specialist in these worms. And entire ranks of fight dedicated cultivators.
"I am more concerned about the Old Watch. The ruin has been silent for as long as I can remember, but you all saw the dancing bones and heard the cries in the air."

"The dead should not walk," Cheng He said darkly, making a sign with one hand, as if to ward something off "The Sect needs accept more aid from the temples."

The Old Watch was a fortification which had belonged to the clan which had technically owned this land before Ogodei. It had been the site of one of the early battles in the war. The people there had been slaughtered, and later a second army sent to recapture the site had been ambushed and killed by barbarians as well. According to the report the site had been thoroughly exorcised and and was now quiescent… if still uninhabitable, due to the malice infecting the air.
Threat assessment:

-Can we deal with it? Maybe. Spoopy shit is in our purview and theres plenty of shadows to teleport between.

-Can our subordinates deal with it? Depends on what exactly is up with the, but I will note that Ghosts mean spiritual attacks and none of them pack anything in the way of spiritual stuff.

-Can the main army deal with it? Really what you need here is some kind of massive area Dispel type cultivator to just scour it down to the rock of miasma while shedding all the spiritual attacks. *Eyes Renxiang*

Idly, she glanced toward the setting sun, and wondered where Liao Zhu was. She supposed it didn't matter.

It DOES seem likely for sempai to be posing with his back to the setting sun and then erase the memory of your seeing it...

[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.

Only one that the main army isn't better suited to deal with.
Ling Qi is channeling Renxiang here, isn't she? Meizhen would be more contemptuous, and Xiulan would be more arrogant. The cadence, the full-bodied explanation of her chain of logic, that's more reminiscent of how Renxiang would say this.

Which makes plenty of sense: the only real experience Ling Qi has of a superior speaking to their subordinates would be of Renxiang. No one else she knows is commanding anyone in a formal hierarchy in her hearing.
Also I'd note that Ling Qi taking after Meizhen and Renxiang is...pretty suitable? They're basically socially awkward people who learned how to formally social by the best tutors in the Empire, so they have approaches which are very compatible with her own difficulty at making connections(and Ling Qi goes full street rat with people she's comfortable with)
I thought Liao Zhu was not going to give advice just information on the regions previous states and procedures. Am I mixing up names again?
Thats what Ling Qi is running on. She asked Liao Zhu whats standard procedure for a group movement and the answer is "spread out a bit, keep your Green in position to reinforce your Yellows and make sure everyone is in range to regroup rapidly in the event of trouble"
Actually, how much moving do earth spirits impede cultivator squads' movement?
Lets put it this way, look at this:

And imagine the Green 5 Hill Spirit had decided to take a walk up to its opposite neighbor, right in the way of whats supposed to be a calm valley path. Only its now sitting in the river, water is building up into a small lake from all the agitated water spirits and its going to cascade out over the neighboring hills, and the map is completely useless in the entire affected zone. ...and then it moves AWAY and the impromptu dam is now gone.

And now remember that both Earth and Mountain elements are associated with stability and stillness. They won't move without reason. Usually "a few" will shuffle around because this is Xianxia and Reasons happen.
[X] Investigate the migrating earth spirits. Together you can try to tease out the source of their agitation, and save the cartographers some work.