Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Take the Dreaming Moon's suggestion

I'll be honest I kinda like the idea that social is a different realm of combat, and it seems like the most subtle way to change minds is through art. It's how you open up belligerent people to knew ideas and viewpoints. Never directly, never overtly, just with the right melody and shades of color. Perhaps a word or a twirl or a passage of song. I'm pretty sure all of the options are stealth of some kind, all of them mischievous, and all of them about secrets being uncovered. Only one of them though, is also about Art. And that's very important to us, as much or more so than larceny (which we enjoy but hardly have targets for) and espionage (which we enjoy, but hardly have targets for). It also feels kinda like a robin hood option, the one that steals secret things and gives them to the broad public :D

as for the update, I duno. When confronted with heavy trauma it's easy to dissociate, and even easier to dissociate when you have an art that is basically magically enhanced dissociation without the loss of focus. We're high on moon juice and the joy of movement, the hurt will sink in the next time we think about it I'm sure. The fact that the horror she felt as a kid wasn't that unique doesn't make it less bad, it makes it worse for the commonality of it. These conditions are shocking that they aren't quite so terrible as she remembers, but they only aren't so terrible because now she sees that almost the whole city is just as bad. I think we need to save Tounghu.

Sure we're selfish, but only out of necessity. We have done many, many selfless acts once given the opportunity to and this place? Maybe we should indulge ourselves a grudge. A bit of selfishness. Maybe we should pull on those threads of Mom's oppression. Maybe we should dig in a little and see if we can't build a functioning city on the bones of war.

- The Mom/Liu mystery may give us claims or give us just cause to drag their name. Now that we're nobility we can probably demand some sort of recompense for the treatment of our mother. Alongside that, personal grievance would be a good way to justify pushing Liu around for Lady Cai, especially if it wasn't her directly doing the pushing but simply her daughter and her daughter's loyal retainer. This would allow her to dodge much of the blowback for slapping Liu down while still gaining the boost with Liu's enemies. It should help shift the Southern Gridlock a bit, and that's a good thing for Lady Cai.
- If Renxiang's shadow accounting is accounting of Liu territories then Shensua is testing to see if her daughter could manage it better, but she might be really testing to see if the frustration will provoke Renxiang to act of her own volition. I think Renxiang is too wrapped up in pleasing her mother for her mother's taste. Not that she would want rebellion, but I think she would want Renxiang to be proactive instead of totally submissive. If this is the test, then our push would be helping our friend and liege Cai Renxiang on top of being a selfish indulgence <3
- Tounghu would be much better than a border province for us. We're more familiar with it and it will give us more of a chance to use our streetwise. Probably more production and trade capabilities as well, or at least safer and more stable options. On top of that I think Su Ling would be a natural fit to help us out around the place, since she is concerned with justice for the small folk and boy do cities have lots of small folk. It wouldn't be a handout either, since policing/questing for that many people will be a hassle. She'd fit at a border province too, but more aloof and less surrounded by people. More a hunter/ranger than a Batman. Which uh, she deserves to be Batman. She's good people

because we have meta knowledge of a coming southern disaster, and we know what the formations are supposed to do on the inner walls, if we don't administer Tounghu directly I am nearly positive it will blow up. If we do administer it, I bet it blows up anyway but we can save the people and rebuild after. In the best version of that legend, we'll steal away the whole population with a grin and a flute and frustrate the barbs that go to loot Tounghu only to find a city rigged to blow :D it'll be great, trust me
There is a standard procedure, this is a normal and expected part of Ling Qi's cultivation art.

Standard for the few who have such an art.

I'd imagine there are also lesser arts which run automated* by the regional lesser selves.

For example, Xin-As-Herself instead of Xin-As-The Hidden Moon.

Not as snowflakey as what we got, but even one rank lower would still be a bigger difference in power than ours with Zeqing.

That's....enough for the vast majority of Greens.

Alas that the Moon Wraith will know no simple future.

*From the GS perspective anyway.
There is a standard procedure, this is a normal and expected part of Ling Qi's cultivation art.
I meant the part where we have 3 aspects showing up instead of 2. He probably had 2 for his. We're in a politically pretty unique place, which is potentially quite useful for furthering his philosophical goals. Knowing that we're consistently unusual in regards to the attention of spirits, even above and beyond the 'normal' for EPC users, is another axis of interest.

Not that his interest is a bad thing. He's also a useful contact for Ling Qi. Also, the spirit magnet thing is probably too late what with Zhengui, Sixiang, and our music teacher exploding. Still tho
[X] Take the Grinning Moon's suggestion

I really want to pick Hidden Moon options, but Xin, this thing is just boring! Even the Grinning Moon is satisfying my urge to find obscure lore better than you are!
[X] Take the Hidden Moon's suggestion

Simply because it's option with positive bend. Without knowing background I simply take description at face value and it's
"Be asshole and poke things that people don't want to be poked"
"Be asshole and poke things that people don't want to be poked"
"Poke things that at least some people want to be poked"
So I chose third. As otherwise it's just being asshole for glorious purpose of being asshole/breaking rules for glorious purpose of breaking rules. Yes, making secrets known to people wanting to know them may be just as bad if not worse, but I have to work with what info is given.
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So sneaking into a place to find out something the local rulers wouldn't like someone to learn about? Perhaps they're secretly making sacrifices, and/or worshiping deities that are forbidden?

Since this is Ling Qi building the foundation of her path it will make her a more sneak into a place someone is trying to keep her out type of cultivator.
Ling Qi is now Catwoman stealing art that deserves to be spread? Inspiring a new generation of artists to try to surpass the dream, and in doing so make something truly unique?

For her foundation this has Ling Qi trying to spread ideas, and inspire others to take action. This might also tie into the fact that Ling Qi actually enjoys teasing her juniors, and treasures sincerity.
I'm uncertain what this involves, but perhaps it has something to do with the Weilu?

For her path this makes Ling Qi mysterious, and someone inclined to make a difference by whispering something into the ear of the right person.

Carmen Sandiego
Standard for the few who have such an art.

I'd imagine there are also lesser arts which run automated* by the regional lesser selves.

For example, Xin-As-Herself instead of Xin-As-The Hidden Moon.

Not as snowflakey as what we got, but even one rank lower would still be a bigger difference in power than ours with Zeqing.

That's....enough for the vast majority of Greens.

Alas that the Moon Wraith will know no simple future.

*From the GS perspective anyway.

Ling Qi straightened her shoulders unconsciously, the young man's words felt odd, they were commanding, but she couldn't manage to muster up any offense at the blatant demand. She supposed sharing the names of her arts was fine. He could hardly teach if he didn't know what she was cultivating. "I am Ling Qi, practitioner of the Sable Crescent Step, and the Forgotten Vale Melody," she replied, following his lead. "I would like to add Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelery to my abilities," she then hesitated. "...My cultivation art is moon aligned as well, but…"

"Eight Phase Ceremony?" He replied, more a statement than a question.

"...I wasn't aware that it was so common," Ling Qi replied, feeling disgruntled, she had thought it a rare art, but…

"None of that now," her tutor chided. "The only soul on this mountain aside from the two of us with access to that art is Elder Jiao himself. I only recognize a fellow walker of the moonlit path."

That did take the sting out a bit. "Alright, I guess I should have expected that, since I asked for a tutor," she said, dipping her head in his direction.

"It might be the primary starting point for moon art practitioners, but it is a varied thing. I have no doubt that your ceremony diverges from my own," Liao Zhu said with a slight shrug. "You chose the Grinning Moon, I think, and you are on the verge of another choice."

Nope. Eight phase ceremony is the normal starting point for moon cultivators.
[X] Take the Grinning Moon's suggestion

When Ling Qi suddenly showed up in Yan Renshu's lair, she dissolved his organization overnight. When Ling Qi suddenly showed up in Sun Liling's fortress, the failure of Sun's retaliation sent her rebellion into a death spiral.

I would like to continue this trend of Ling Qi popping up in places she shouldn't be and ruining her enemies.

Wasn't it the secret of the book and what it contained, delivered to Cai, that broke Yan's organization? Hidden Moon FTW.
[X] Take the Grinning Moon's suggestion
I'm not sure how I feel about picking two Grinning Moon options in a row though.

A strange take, I would hardly consider the first vote a vote for Grinning except for the traveling. If their names weren't attached to the option I doubt anyone would have been able to tell this update was linked to her. I mean even she so far thinks Qi is being a downer.
I must be in a weird headspace because that read like some rose coloured contact lenses being sewn onto Ling Qi, to me.

I would have to agree. There IS a fundamental difference between being groomed in a brothel by your mother and choosing to live free on the streets.

As for the vote itself, I am torn. I wish each option wouldn't be linked to each individual aspect. Dreaming's offer seems to be the best mix of all three; hidden information, stealing, and music but I don't want to do it because it's linked with being a socialite which Qi doesn't enjoy doing and I will continue to push against.
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[X] Take the Hidden Moon's suggestion

It's active and it provides the best story allowing for intrigue. I love being bardy, but spreading the lost art leaves me colder. Social meaning, FEELING, emotion are at the core of art and spreading a form around, while it IS cool just doesn't feel like it has the same significance as a more human impact. I'm quite happy with our feeling infused music.

The hidden moon's option just feels like the best combo of action, significance, emotion, and narrative impact.

I don't know what we could want that it doesn't give us a piece of.
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