Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Hello all! I just finished reading the available chapters and came here to ask. The chapters that Yrsillar puts on the royalroad this an edited material with minimal changes? Or can he / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire? Or he can / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire?
Nah. Story reads slightly different, but plot events are identical.
Hello all! I just finished reading the available chapters and came here to ask. The chapters that Yrsillar puts on the royalroad this an edited material with minimal changes? Or can he / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire? Or he can / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire?
The royalroad chapters are mainly the same as the original versions, with minor edits to make it work better as a story (for instance, the dice-rolling sections have been removed). There are, however, bonus chapters added alongside the regular chapters that are entirely new content, such as interludes or worldbuilding.
Hello all! I just finished reading the available chapters and came here to ask. The chapters that Yrsillar puts on the royalroad this an edited material with minimal changes? Or can he / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire? Or he can / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire?
The former, for the moment

The latter down the line
Thank you, it's means union with the Sun, without crippling the eye and accepting Bai feelings, is not worth waiting for( Cursed wiki with its spoilers.
Not sure about Bai feelings, but in Quest LQ were one 'choice' from denying crippling eye and one succeeding dice from, at least, attempting a union with the Sun.
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Hello all! I just finished reading the available chapters and came here to ask. The chapters that Yrsillar puts on the royalroad this an edited material with minimal changes? Or can he / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire? Or he can / has already changed events for the sake of the plot / integrity of the story / desire?
I wouldn't hope for any major changes to the outcome of events.

The biggest planned reworks I recall are moving later arcs around and doing some stuff to deal with pacing issues we faced when we spent a lot of in game turns "grinding" and avoiding major events that could mess with our schedule.

But overall I don't think you can expect any relationships to end up going differently than they did in the quest.
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Am I the only one that thinks that trying to hook Meizhen up with a guy (and seeing as she has shown zero interest in guys so far) is deeply unsettling?

Just because she's heading towards what would probably be best described as "marital rape", doesn't mean you need to speed it up.
To be honest, when Meizhen eventually marries, I feel more sorry for the husband-to-be than her. It's horrible to have a wife who obviously disdains you and is absolutely fucking terrifying. It's unlikely that their relationship ever progresses to the point where Meizhen's domain stops trying to put the fear of god into him... Yeah, he's unlikely to bother her any more than is absolutely necessary.

Just because she is female doesn't make her the victim in an arranged marriage.
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When you think of the words 'Meizhen' and 'victim' you usually add 'what was the name of her' to the sentence.

I doubt she will ever be a victim herself.
Am I the only one that thinks that trying to hook Meizhen up with a guy (and seeing as she has shown zero interest in guys so far) is deeply unsettling?

Just because she's heading towards what would probably be best described as "marital rape", doesn't mean you need to speed it up.
Because "obviously" trying to help Best Snek find a match that she can either tolerate or become good friends with in spite of their incompatible orientations is a bad thing?
Turn 3: Arc 4 End
She could not let herself forget that the important people in her life had thoughts and feelings as important as hers. That just because something would make her happy, did not mean it would make them happy. It seemed like such an obvious thing, but Ling Qi wondered just how many people there were that did not truly internalize that.

One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

Ling Qi and allies within close range receive a free dispel attempt against effects which would force them to act directly against someone with whom they have at least 2 ranks of positive relation

Yet she had little time to muse further on that thought. Not when the storm was picking up, and the soft mournful melody that underlaid the winds was growing stronger. The music struck deep, ringing like the miserable sobs of a loved one in deep in her soul, and it took every scrap of will that Ling Qi had to keep running. She knew it was only Sixiang's effort that allowed that much. She could feel the insubstantial spirits strain, their qi diffused through her every meridian as it pushed back against the cloying despair that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Why is Momma crying?" Hanyi whispered, her voice trembling. "I-if she really wants us to leave, why is she crying?"

Despite her resistance to the song woven into the storm, Ling Qi felt the tears that welled up in the corners of her eyes, only to freeze solid still clinging to her cheeks. Despite that she never allowed her legs to stop moving. "It hurts when someone you love leaves, but sometimes things have to hurt before they can get better. Hanyi please, tell me where I need to go next," she said, struggling to keep her voice from wavering.

"...Through that drift," Hanyi muttered, pointing out a high rampart of snow. "...If Momma really wanted me to stay, Big Sister would have never even made it this far huh?"

"You get it, Hanyi," Ling Qi replied shakily, veering toward the sheer wall of tight packed snow. Her instincts told her to veer away or jump over, but Hanyi had said 'through'. Ling Qi just had to trust that her mentors daughter knew what she was saying. So, gritting her teeth, Ling Qi charged headlong into the snow. For an instant, she felt like she had run into a wall. Cold, wet weight crushed against her face and chest, even as struggled forward, pushing through.

Then, in the next it was gone, and Ling Qi rocked on her feet nearly stumbling as she found herself once again standing in an empty void.

"Left!" Hanyi cried out, her voice echoing in the dark. Ling Qi didn't even think, she sprang to the left as if her life depended on it. Wind screamed past her ears as she shot down what seemed to be an open corridor. Though her eyes saw only a uniform darkness Ling Qi could feel the churning, hungry nothing that had consumed the space behind her, and even now roiled outward like an invisible mist, devouring everything it touched. Zeqings house groaned and shook, like a cottage in the middle of a violent storm.

"Oh to nightmare with that, run faster please!" Sixiang shouted in her head, and Ling Qi obliged as as she darted around a corner at Hanyi's direction. Ling Qi heard a crack and a crash, like a heavy beam or rafter falling and crashing to the ground, and launched herself upward at Hanyi's shout to clamber up the invisible and glasslike surface that presented itself.

Yet, with each centimeter she climbed, Hanyi's weight grew ever greater, until her limbs trembled with the effort of holding them both up. For the first time, the mad dash she had been making felt like it was catching up with her. Fatigue dragged at her limbs and dulled her senses, and below the nothing churned, growing with every moment. Could she really do this? Zeqings resistance was growing stronger with each passing moment, and she knew that once it passed a certain point, there was no hope of success.

The darkness yawned nfinitely overhead and all around. Ling Qi knew somewhere in her mind that her fatigue wasn't natural, that the creeping despair that she felt rising wasn't her own, but it was so hard just to hold on. Even Sixiang's urgent fear was fading, growing dull under the weight that seemed to suffuse her entire being.

She stiffened as she felt Hanyi's arms tighten around her, and felt the young spirits face pressing against the back of her neck. "It hurts," she whispered, and Ling Qi felt the cold pinprick of tears against her skin. "It'd be better if I stayed, wouldn't it? You could get away, and I could be part of Mama again, wouldn't that be okay?"

"It wouldn't," LIng Qi grit out through clenched teeth, digging her fingers into semi solid darkness and dragging herself up another handspan. She hated this, for so long night and darkness had been safety for her, and no it rejected her, repelling her qi and pressing down like a smothering blanket.

"Why? It's my fault Mama is like this," Hanyi whimpered. "Before I started bothering her for lessons, everyone was happy."

Ling Qi Squeezed her eyes shut, fighting back the growing instinct to agree, to release her charge. She knew there was a reason, but it seemed so very hard to grasp at the moment. "She enjoyed it though," Ling Qi rasped, finding it difficult to push out words. "It was the same for me. She liked seeing us grow. Didn't it make you happy too?"

"Obviously not. If this is the result." All of the noise and motion and stress seemed to cease and time slowed. She was still moving, still scrambling upward, but it was if everything had slowed down a thousandfold except for her thoughts. "Why are you so determined to take my daughter from me? Put her down and live child." Zeqing's voice resounded from all around her. The weight of it was cold and crushing, almost suffocating in its intensity. Yet… there was something lacking to it, something hollow and almost mechanical.

It wasn't her teacher, or at least not all of her, not the part that had taught her, the part that had sympathized with her, that had done something as silly as participating in a birthday party for her sake. Yet, it still had power, enough to crush her in an instant, if it were unleashed. Ling Qi remembered the last time she had felt crushed by a superior power. Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared upward. "No."

"Uh, Ling Qi?" Sixiang whispered weakly, their voice barely audible or present. The cloying despair that threatened to devour her was having a much worse effect on her wholly spiritual companion

"No?" The not-Zeqing said, the faintest hint of bemusement entering its voice. "Do you…"

"Shut up," Ling Qi hissed, dragging herself upward another centimeter. "I'm not like I was. I'm not," she bit out. "Zeqing is my teacher, and that makes Hanyi my junior sister. I'm not going to betray that duty because of a… a, damn muscle spasm like you!" Because that's all this voice was in the end. She had spoken to the real, conscious Zeqing, the power trying to stop her was just an involuntary reaction. It was Zeqing's spiritual nature recoiling and reacting against her will.

Snarling, Ling Qi pushed qi outward from her dantian. Zeqing had taught her so much, given her so much, and she wouldn't fail to repay her, wouldn't fail her daughter like that. Darkness beat in her heart and cycled in her lungs. It crackled and flowed through her limbs and spine, and in the next moment, she seized the not-space around her and soared.

Yet, even as she rocketed upward and the darkness outside of her reached shrieked, even as she hardened her body with the Thousand Rings Unbreaking against the hail of razor ice that pounded down on her, she instinctively knew it wasn't going to be enough. Her energy was already starting to ebb, and the weight on her back was still too much. "Hanyi! Do you really want things to go back to the way they were? Do you really want to forget the things your mother taught you? To stay the same forever?!" she shouted over the sleet storm that engulfed them.

"I," the little girl murmured, shaking like a leaf. "I… I want to be like Mama!" She cried out, and immediately Ling Qi felt the weight on her back grow lighter. "I want to be strong, and smart and pretty and..." her voice choked off in a sob. "I wanna be able to go and come back!"

Their surroundings went mad. Ling Qi felt herself crash through something, splinters of the barrier leaving deep cuts on her skin even through her Thousand Rings. For the next several moments, the world was naught but a chaos of light and sound and auras.

...And then she crashed into a snowbank, and went rolling wildly across the field. Ling Qi pushed herself up off the snowy ground, but she was still dizzy and groggy. Her vision swam and she staggered as she got back to her feet. There was something missing, but…

Then she looked ahead, and saw where was. Ling Qi stood on the mountaintop, and ahead of her lay the ruins of Zeqing's home, wood and glass and straw lay strewn across the snow, and even now it was fading, losing its color and melting like frost on a spring morning. Yet her eyes were drawn up, to where a silent figure floated above the rubble. She saw Zeqing floating there, gown rippling in a phantom breeze, and face upraised toward the stars. They were at the center of a great storm. Great dark clouds rumbled and churned below their feet, masking the world below the peak from sight.

"...Mama?" Ling Qi startled as she heard Hanyi, only now noticing that the spirit's weight was missing from her back. She glanced to her side, and saw what she thought was Hanyi struggling to her feet, looking up at Zeqing. The spirit had changed, grown taller and more slender, though she was still clearly a child, seeming no more than eleven or twelve. Her silver hair hung loose down to her shoulders, and rippled in a phantom wind like her Mother's. Her childish dress was gone as well, replaced with a garment of pale blue silk that with billowing sleeves and a hem that dragged against the snow. Unlike her mother though, she had solid form, pale blue hands reached up toward Zeqing, and hanyi left faint tracks in the snow.

Zeqing looked down, and Ling Qi winced at the cracks crisscrossing her face, the gaping hole here her left eye its matching brow should have been. She felt the disorder and damage to her master's aura and could only swallow, and offer a last bow.

Zeqing gave her a shallow nod, and turned her gaze to Hanyi. Her cracked lips moved, and though Ling Qi heard nothing, Hanyi let out a quiet sob.

Then Zeqing turned her eyes back upward, and the wind rose once again, a mournful howl that echoed from the mountaintop. When the flurry of kicked up snowflakes settled to the ground, Zeqing was gone, and all that remained on the mountaintop was the odd little fruit tree and the two of them.

Ling Qi hunched her shoulders and held in the tears that wanted to well up. She had thought this might happen but… she couldn't regret it. This was what Zeqing had wanted.

"She's not totally gone," Sixiang murmured quietly even as Hanyi fell to her knees atop the snow, crying openly. "Though I can't say whether the spirit that reforms in this place will be her or how long it will be."

Ling Qi gave a faint nod of acknowledgement to the muse's words and moved over to Hanyi, kneeling in the snow herself to wrap the young girl in a hug. "I'm sorry junior sister," she said quietly. "But… she was happy at the end, wasn't she?"

"She was," Hanyi sniffled. "She said she was proud of me, and...and she was glad she got to see me grown up."

Ling Qi closed her eyes and let the younger girl get her tears out. She had done her duty to her teacher, and now she had another little sister to take care of.
It would only become more important that she kept growing.

Cultivation penalty removed.
Origin Temple of Winter's Muse lost.
1.3 multiplier to darkness arts gained

In appropriate arts Water Element becomes 'Cold'

Athletics +1
Perceptiveness +1 Skill Capped
Empathy +3
Spirit Ken +5 Skill increased!

Sable Grace +1

Resolve +3
Composure +3

+30 successes to Physical Cultivation(turn total)

Monthly Gains

+2 Speech
+2 Government
+1 Art
+1 Music
+1 War

Zeqing Bond raised to 4 Terminated
Hanyi Bond gained, raised to 2

Spirit(Hanyi) acquired

Upkeep 15

.2 Multiplier to Cold and Music Arts
.1 Multiplier to darkness arts
+10 to Penetration of Cold Arts
+5 to Hit of music Arts

Early Green(7)
Early Bronze (7)

Strength: F
Dexterity: C
Stamina: E

Intelligence: D
Wits: E
Resolve: C

Presence: B
Manipulation: D
Composure: C

Base Health: D16 (Stamina E, Qi C10) LWM 10

Available Qi: C10

Base Speed: C10 (Dex C, Athletics C), FSS 10

Base Initiative: E10 (Wits E, Manipulation D)

Derived Attributes

Physical Defense
Avoid C10 (Dex C, Dodge C) FSS 10
Armor E5-E15 (Stamina E, Fortitude: F) Equip 10

Spiritual Defense
Avoid: D (Wits D, Fade E) FSS 10
Armor: C20 (Resolve C, Resilience C) Equip 10, LWM 10

Physical Offense
Hit: E10 (Dex C, Unarmed G), Equip 10
Penetration: G5 (Str F, Unarmed G)

Spiritual Offense
Hit: B (Manipulation D, Vocals B) Base 20, Equip 10
Penetration: B (Presence B, Vocals B)

Combat Perception: E10 (Wits D, Perceptiveness D)
Social Perception: E10(Wits D, Empathy E)

Dispel: - (Presence B+Tech Rank)
Resist: - (Composure C+Tech Rank)

Academics: F
Art: F
Athletics: C
Dance: E
Perceptiveness: D
Spirit Ken: E
Empathy: E
Music: C(Max)
-Vocals: B
Speech: F
Stealth: E

Dodge: C
Fortitude: F
Fade: E
Resilience: C
Unarmed: G

Lonely Winter Maiden
+10 to Spiritual Hit
+10 to Health
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Speech(conditional)

Enrapturing Silhouette: D
Using this technique Hanyi draws the attention of a target at Far range to herself. On success the target must move toward Hanyi at full base speed and cannot attack her until after her next action. The target receives a large penalty to their avoid while under this effect, which last for a Short time.

Mournful Lullaby: D
Usable only against those caught in the effects of Enrapturing Silhouette, this technique receives a significant bonus to hit against such targets. if successful, it extends the effect for an additional Short period, as well as extending the period in which they cannot attack Hanyi for another action. Targets of this effect receive small penalties to All Hit, Avoid, and Initiative, which stack with each application.

Snow Maiden's Embrace: C
With either full embrace or a clasping of hands, Hanyi draws a beguiled foe to their doom. As long as Hanyi maintains physical contact with the target, their qi and health will be sapped, a fraction of which is restored to Hanyi, who can receive temporary qi or health exceeding hr maximum by up to one letter grade.

Frozen Peak Serenade
+10 To Spiritual Hit
+10 to Speed
+10 to Physical Avoid
+10 to Spiritual Avoid
E rank damage reduction against Cold

Springs End Aria: D
Duration: Short
The first notes of the users song herald the end of warmth, draining the heat from the area and around them and crystalizing the moisture in the air into snow and ice. Enemies Very Close to the user find their qi growing sluggish, sapping their spiritual defenses and bolstering the singers own. Qi expended in failed assault of the singer drains away, flowing into the singularity of cold created by the singer's voice. Those whose dantians have been fully drained find their flesh frosting over and their blood running cold as they are lulled into the final sleep.

Hoarfrost Caress: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: C
The user's song rises into the howl of of a blizzard in the depths of winter as they focus the expression of their will upon a single enemy. The song tears and freezes the flesh of the singers enemy, and spreads through their blood and meridians, carrying the chill deeper still, like a frigid poison seeking the heart of its victims warmth.

Flurry Gown: +10 Physical and Spiritual Armor. Provides an additional +10 to spiritual Hit of Cold Arts

New Disciple Rank Gains: Second floor access reduced to 20 points.

Argent Vent(Standard): Grants 35 resource dice to spiritual and Physical Cultivation. Grants a 2.2 multiplier to cultivation of Argent Arts. Grants 4 virtual Yellow stones per week to cultivation(16 total)

AN: alright, this is the end of turn, I'll be editing in the plan vote in a little while after I've had a moment to get some lunch. Until then enjoy


Sect: 2 Green Stones 40 yellow
Liege: 3 Green Stones

Household: 6 red stones

263 Red Stones
376 Yellow Stones
28 Green Stone
7 Sect Points

How many stones will you use?
16 Free Yellow stones automatically used due to cultivation arts and sites
[] Additional Stones

How much will you invest in pills and medicine this month?
Low-5 dice for 5 red stones per action
[] Medium- 10 dice for 15 red stones per action Provided freely from Cai Renxiang
[] High- 20 dice for 25 (40-15) red stones per action
[] Very High- 30 dice for 60(75-15) red stones per action

What would you like to cultivate this month? (Select 1 subvote per category)
[] Physical Cultivation
[] Spiritual Cultivation
[] Meridian
-[] Head, Heart, Spine, Arm, Lung, Leg
[] Argent Genesis
[]Sable Crescent Step
[] Argent Current
[] Argent Storm
[] Curious Diviner's Eye
[] Unlearned Art (replace with desired art
[] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP, provides penalized exploration roll)
[] Perform Sect Duties (Earns Contribution Points 1-4 per AP, provides a penalized exploration roll)
[] Exploration Via New Moon Sect Map (MAX 2 AP)
[] Research Arts in Sect archive (Max 1 AP)
[] Research Formations in the Archive(Max 1 AP)
[/] Xiao Fen Tutoring (1AP, Locked)
[/] Moon Quest (1AP, Locked)

[] Skill training

[] Skill plan 1
-Dex 3, Manip 3, Presence 1, Stamina 1(16 dice)
-Spirit Ken 3, Athletics 2, Dance 1, Empathy 2, Fade 2, fortitude 2, Speech 1, Perceptiveness 2, Stealth 3(18 dice)
-Woodwind 3(6 dice)

AN: We will be eliminating challenge research as a basic action, minor challenges will be background events, while larger jumps will be kept in the narrative, I do need to actually work on pacing and get the main plot threads churning after all.
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Thread mark?

Edit: Also, one less Social Link, nice. Just a few more dead friends to go and we might have enough social actions for them all. :^
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Also, one less Social Link, nice.

This update had no net change in SL number.
Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Mar 23, 2019 at 1:26 AM, finished with 179 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
    -[X] Pay Household expenses: 6 RSS
    -[X] use 8 GSS (4 free GSS + 4 paid GSS) and 12 free YSS
    -[X] use high pills (35 YSS (14x25 RSS))
    -[X] EPC to Spiritual Cultivation
    -[X] Physical x3
    -[X] Spiritual x4
    -[X] Jobs x3
    -[X] Meridian Openings x1 (Head, Lung)
    -[X] PLR x2
    -[X] CDE x2
    -[X] TRF x1
    -[X] SCS x1
    -[X] Moon Quest x1
    -[X] Xiao Fen tutoring x1
    -[X] Exploration Via New Moon Sect Map x1
    -[X] equip CDE
    -[X] unequip AC
    [X] Skill plan: Renxiang needs Help!
    [X] Skill plan: Renxiang needs Help!
    -[x] Resolve x4*, Presence x4*, Composure x1*
    -[x] Sable Grace x3**, Fortitude x4*, Dance x4**
    -[x] Academics x1**, Government x2, Speech x4, Athletics x1**
    [X] Skill plan: Silence in the Library
    -[x] Resolve x2*, Presence x4*, Composure x2*
    -[x] Sable Grace x4**, Fortitude x4*, Dance x4**
    -[x] Academics x4**, Athletics x4**
    [X]Plan: Building on our strengths
    - [X] Use GSS (4 free + 4 paid GSS) and 12 free YSS
    - [X] Use high pills (35 YSS (14x25 RSS))
    - [X] Eight Phase Ceremony bonus applied to Spiritual Cultivation
    - [X] Unequip Argent Current
    - [X] Equip Curious Diviner's Eye
    - [X] Moon Quest
    - [X] Physical Cultivation x 3
    - [X] Spiritual Cultivation x 4
    - [X] Jobs x2
    - [X] Repay Xuan Shi's favour by aiding him investigating the odd temple he has discovered
    - [X] Meridian openings x 1 (Head, Lung)
    - [X] Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry x2
    - [X] Thousand Rings Fortress x1
    - [X] Sable Crescent Step x1
    - [X] Curious Diviner's Eye x2
    - [X] Xiao Fen tutoring
    - [X] Exploration with New Moon Sect Map x1
    [X] Skill plan: Working towards becoming Cai Renxiang's right hand
    -[X] Stats: Resolve x 4, Presence x4, Composure x1 (18)
    -[X] Skills: Academics x3, Government x3, Speech x3, Dance x4, Athletics x1, Resilience x1, Empathy 3 (18)
    -[X] Specialised Skills: Sable Grace x2 (4)
    [X]Plan: Moon and Snakes
    -[X] Pay Household expenses: 6 RSS
    -[X] use 8 GSS (4 free GSS + 4 paid GSS) and 12 free YSS
    -[X] use high pills (35 YSS (14x25 RSS))
    -[X] Eight Phase Ceremony to Spiritual Cultivation
    -[X] Physical x3
    -[X] Spiritual x4
    -[X] Jobs x3
    -[X] Meridian Openings x1 (Head, Lung)
    -[X] Phantasmagoria Lunar Revelry x2
    -[X] Curious Diviners Eye x2
    -[X] Thousand Ring Fortress x1
    -[X] Sable Crescent Step x1
    -[X] Moon Quest x1
    -[X] Xiao Fen tutoring x1

    -[X] Exploration Via New Moon Sect Map x1

    - [X] Equip Curious Diviner's Eye
    - [X] Unequip Argent Current
Water's hold on us is slowly dying, thank you Zeqing. I'll live in hope that she'll come back from this. Guess we'll have to make sure Ling Qi and Hanyi grow into people she can be proud of when next they meet!
Cultivation penalty removed.

1.3 multiplier to darkness arts gained

In appropriate arts Water Element becomes 'Cold'


What an absolutely stellar arc, one of the best I can recall. It's a huge fucking bummer that Zeqing is now possibly dispersed enough that the spirit that reforms will be different, people were speculating that it was the letting go and surpassing her nature that would allow her to breakthrough into Indigo. I thought it might be that Zeqing would remain on the mountain with a desperate longing to regain what she has lost and that neither Qi or Hanyi could return without being swallowed up immediately. This feels a little weird honestly. She's probably just gone forever.

But we will take care of Hanyi, and surround her with family. Zhengui is (afaik) about to wake up, and boy has he got a job to do.

Additionally, Ling Qi just became an even scarier combatant. Three Green Spirits, yikes, people may be hesitant to go for duels when word gets out.
So that went as well as can be expected, and it is good to see Ling Qi have more reasons to grow stronger. Also water is dead, long live the Cold! :V
What an absolutely stellar arc, one of the best I can recall. It's a huge fucking bummer that Zeqing is now possibly dispersed enough that the spirit that reforms will be different, people were speculating that it was the letting go and surpassing her nature that would allow her to breakthrough into Indigo. I thought it might be that Zeqing would remain on the mountain with a desperate longing to regain what she has lost and that neither Qi or Hanyi could return without being swallowed up immediately. This feels a little weird honestly. She's probably just gone forever.

But we will take care of Hanyi, and surround her with family. Zhengui is (afaik) about to wake up, and boy has he got a job to do.

Additionally, Ling Qi just became an even scarier combatant. Three Green Spirits, yikes, people may be hesitant to go for duels when word gets out.
I agree, it was an amazing arc.

Zeqing dying doesn't feel weird to me at all, it was hinted at pretty heavily throughout the arc. Zeqing's face was cracking, and it was clear that she was in pain. Additionally, she told us that she had memories of her predecessors which indicated some cycle of death and rebirth for the spirit known as Zeqing.

I'm also glad that we learned from the King in the Forest arc, and just said no to the strong overpowering spirit. We trusted in our ability to escape and Zeqing's ability to keep her muscle spasm under control, and it paid off with character development!
So as a spirit with a human-scale body I wonder if Hanyi is going to want to spend more time outside Ling Qi's dantian than inside?

Will she wander around the Inner Sect grounds doing her own thing a fair amount of time? Make her own friends and socialize and such? It just seems like a spirit built on a human scale with a human-ish body and roughly human mannerisms might interact in Cultivator society quite differently than a Spirit Beast like Zhengui or a spirit with no body like Sixiang.