Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Cultivators are psychologically different than mortals in this setting though - and they only get more different the more they cultivate.

It isn't just physical frailty but more of an inherent difficulty of understanding cultivators which Qingge might somewhat overcome but that is nonetheless a big barrier at the moment.

I think you are drastically overstating the differences. Yes, cultivation seems to flat-out increase processing power and hard drive space. Yes, cultivators' minds are changed the further along in their Way they are. But they still have human minds, which shows in ever single one of our interactions, which remain quite starkly human. We may live in very different worlds, but Qi acclimated to those changes and didn't freak out in her first week at the Sect. The way to acclimate Qingge to the cultivator world is to actually start telling her about it.
Amazing. Trully, Ling Qi is the perfect dense protagonist. Hopefully when se leaves the mountain, she tries to act like nothing happened, and that she didnt just risk her life with no one the wiser as to where she did it.
Ling Qi: "Perfect, I got out of there smooth as butter with no one the wise...!"
*Gets back to Inner Sect grounds, immediately running into Meizhan, CRX, Xin, and Jiao*
Cultivators are psychologically different than mortals in this setting though - and they only get more different the more they cultivate.

It isn't just physical frailty but more of an inherent difficulty of understanding cultivators which Qingge might somewhat overcome but that is nonetheless a big barrier at the moment.
Oh definitely, people raised in 'regular' society suddenly being introduced to the actual reality of people who could, by accident, cause her to die from immediate heart failure or sudden hypothermia. Meizhan through her Aura, Zeqing through her Domain, Zhengui's shell will almost certainly become hot enough that he causes plants near his shell to combust, and Ling Qi has already begun to develop her own Aura of mist-ery and frosting over nearby objects.

There is knowing certain things that "Those immortals over yonder," are capable of and taking comfort from such powerful protectors. It's quite another thing to suddenly be facing those same Immortals as not only active presences in your life, but knowing that you may be required to face them down.

I could imagine that living near Yellow+ Cultivators as a mortal is like living in a community of people wearing full power armor carrying tactical heavy weapons while you are assured that you will be fine in your regular jeans and t-shirt. It's gonna be nerve wracking even without having any direct involvement.
*Gets back to Inner Sect grounds, immediately running into Meizhan, CRX, Xin, and Jiao*

An interaction with Xin would be pretty good for her right now honestly.

Xin is the only person I could see Qi asking directly "Is Zeqing going to be ok, or was my only achievement just now killing her so Hanyi wouldn't have to?" who will have the perspective and inclination to answer honestly and gently.
The problem is that at the 770's there are going to be full foundation people, which will be incredibly difficult to deal with. As well as the fact that after our combat performance without zhengui, they may very well be hesitant to do a combat challenge, and instead focus on a different skill set.

Which means that for the first big power spike where the 2nd level archives are free there will be about 6 ranks we can get before hitting foundation level people. So while I would like to reach that level as soon as possible as well, it is going to be even more difficult than the last challenge.
We aren't going to be able to challenge that high without being fully Foundation ourselves.
I wouldn't say "Fully". If we manage to be Green 3/ Bronze 2 by Turn 5, this should be enough to try a challenge.

Sure, we wouldn't actually have potency green 3 arts then, but Zhengui/Sixiang/Hanyi for spirit beasts should be better than average, FVM/FSS/SCS/TRF/PLR for mastered to appraisal core arts should also be better than average if not at the right potency, and our derived stats would be high A's for p.avoid and high B's for the rest at that point.

It probably wouldn't be, well, "challenge a duel specialist foundation" good, but it should be good enough for a challenge.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

shoulder yuki getto
Let's talk about... Domains. Here's Ling Qi's in its capacity for direct material influence in events at the moment:

Domain Effect: Allies in a scene with whom Ling Qi has at least four ranks of positive relation receive a one rank bonus to Spiritual Avoid, Armor and Combat Perception(Boosted Rank cannot exceed Ling Qi's), So long as at least one such ally is in the scene with Ling Qi she receives a half rank bonus to resisting or avoiding effects which would induce immobility or helplessness. In addition, when within a space Ling Qi considers to be 'hers' she receives a half rank bonus to Social Perception.

This suggests to me some interesting dynamics with how it might interact with the coming scene. Currently, neither Zeqing nor Hanyi qualify for any of these effects. hanyi doesn't even have an official rating at all, though I assume that's mostly from lack of relevance; I'd tentatively put it at a 2. Zeqing is at 3 and the kind of event that it is has so far resulted in increases, so she could very well hit 4 during the chase and have bonuses kick in, the ones for avoiding immobility or helpessness being quite useful. Not that the numbers really mean much besides being a shorthand for more relevant factors, where the question looms: is Zeqing an ally in Ling Qi's mind, in this scene?

I would argue that she is. Ling Qi set this event off for Zeqing's benefit. Zeqing who, though Ling Qi is fond of Hanyi, it is that she is taking on the risks for. It's not her only motive. She's also trying to help Hanyi, but helping Hanyi also helps Zeqing. It's also resolving to meet Ling Qi's own resolutions and face danger for the sake of those she cares about, but that obviously requires that her motivation primarily be about assisting Zeqing. The Winter's Muse is the fulcrum to the coming sequence, and she remains a friend, a mentor, and I would argue "ally" as far as Ling Qi's Domain cares.

So it's interesting that the effects of the Domain will manifest themselves in evading the grasp of the ally she seeks to help, while she safeguards a person who yet falls short from her Way's aegis. The Domain could apply to Hanyi, via two rationales that I can see at the moment, but I wouldn't hold my breath. There's no pressing necessity for Ling Qi's Domain to cover Hanyi for the scene, after all.

The first is that the event's context and visceral responsibility Ling Qi feels, both in meddling to kick it off and the very real mortal peril faced, simply catapults Hanyi to the appropriate stratum of emotional intimacy. It's plausible, but a bit cliche and, well, I don't think the fundamentals are in place for Hanyi's side of the relationship to justify making that leap. Besides, it stifles room for further bonding(and monopolization of our social link votes).

The second possibility is that Qi's Domain shelters Hanyi out of vicarious regard for the needs of Zeqing, operating under the logic that shielding Hanyi from Zeqing's meltdown protects Zeqing herself. This is the more interesting possibility because it should still require mutual emotional intimacy, but if Ling Qi is operating through the Zeqing-centric rationale, then so could Hanyi, and there's a recent angle that makes it kind of workable: Harmony of the Dancing Wind. A music perception art that examines the connections between people is the kind of tool that might plausibly allow for such a fleeting vicarious connection in extenuating circumstances. It plays looser with the mechanical side of things, arguably, but narrative supremacy is a thing, the thing really, and of the two it doesn't leave a lasting bond gain hanging around awkwardly high. Even without Domain shenanigans, Harmony could be good for keeping Hanyi safe. Hmm. And if our hands are occupied, we have to sing. Vocals breakthrough pls.

In any case, piggy back rides are cool and it feels in Ling Qi's character to take on a more direct supportive and protective tactic considering the situation's urgency. This should be a lot easier moving forwards if we manage to gain her confidence anyway, and it's not really the time to not have confidence in our persuasive chops. Succeed or fail, it's good to make the attempt forthrightly. Also, carrying Hanyi should emphasize the importance of training Strength, which is my secret ulterior motive.
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Xin is the only person I could see Qi asking directly "Is Zeqing going to be ok, or was my only achievement just now killing her so Hanyi wouldn't have to?" who will have the perspective and inclination to answer honestly and gently.

We're not killing Zeqing, she's Cyan and way above our level. The problem here is that Zeqing genuinely cares for Hanyi and Ling Qi, which then causes issues with her natural covetousness that wants to keep them with her forever. However, keeping them with her forever would be very bad for them, so Zeqing came up with the idea of training Ling Qi into someone who can resist her power and also genuinely cares for Hanyi. This would allow Ling Qi to take Hanyi away from Zeqing when her nature becomes too much for her to hold back.

There's also some hints (like a lineage of snow spirits in that exact mountain, Zeqing's ability to recall memories of her predecessors, the cracks in Zeqing's face) that suggest that Zeqing's current state may be the start of a new instance of Zeqing, since full spirits are weird. After all, the birth of Hanyi has been stated to go against the nature of Zeqing as a spirit of Endings, so the mountain ice spirit lineage could not have occured through begetting life and likely came about as the consequence of the End of the last spirit.

Right now, Zeqing needs space to do her thing without people she cares about potentially getting killed by her nature. We're likely going to end up talking to Xin about Zeqing anyways, though.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

Piggyback time! Kind of reminds me of a certain pair
We're not killing Zeqing, she's Cyan and way above our level. The problem here is that Zeqing genuinely cares for Hanyi and Ling Qi, which then causes issues with her natural covetousness that wants to keep them with her forever. However, keeping them with her forever would be very bad for them, so Zeqing came up with the idea of training Ling Qi into someone who can resist her power and also genuinely cares for Hanyi. This would allow Ling Qi to take Hanyi away from Zeqing when her nature becomes too much for her to hold back.

There's also some hints (like a lineage of snow spirits in that exact mountain, Zeqing's ability to recall memories of her predecessors, the cracks in Zeqing's face) that suggest that Zeqing's current state may be the start of a new instance of Zeqing, since full spirits are weird. After all, the birth of Hanyi has been stated to go against the nature of Zeqing as a spirit of Endings, so the mountain ice spirit lineage could not have occured through begetting life and likely came about as the consequence of the End of the last spirit.

Right now, Zeqing needs space to do her thing without people she cares about potentially getting killed by her nature. We're likely going to end up talking to Xin about Zeqing anyways, though.

Oh, I'm not saying we're killing Zeqing in a fight.

I just think there's a slight but nonzero chance we're literally ripping out a vital organ, or at least a foetus from her womb.

Even then, it would be impossible, except that she's helping us herself.
Ling Qi did a bully and inflicted conflicting logic. Zeqing doesn't want to give up her husband because she covets his fragments jealously. But holding onto them, pursuing stasis, also conflicts with the shape of the future she desires. Now she's gotta reconcile that conflict, and without the innate flexibility of a human.
Ling Qi did a bully and inflicted conflicting logic. Zeqing doesn't want to give up her husband because she covets his fragments jealously. But holding onto them, pursuing stasis, also conflicts with the shape of the future she desires. Now she's gotta reconcile that conflict, and without the innate flexibility of a human.

Makes me all the more curious as to what would've happen had the other options won, cause I feel that it would've led to a similar outcome, yet different reaction.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
Makes me all the more curious as to what would've happen had the other options won, cause I feel that it would've led to a similar outcome, yet different reaction.

Tbh, most of LQ's reasoning was internal. She didn't say to Zq "you're a monster" which was what I've feared. She only said that she should end that thing, which was common in all votes, so I'm not sure how much would've changed. Reasoning? Sure, other accents would be made in her thoughts, but no much regarding current situation.
Tbh, most of LQ's reasoning was internal. She didn't say to Zq "you're a monster" which was what I've feared. She only said that she should end that thing, which was common in all votes, so I'm not sure how much would've changed. Reasoning? Sure, other accents would be made in her thoughts, but no much regarding current situation.

Considering her past interactions and views of Zeqing, calling her a "monster" would be way too out of character for Ling Qi, even with her developing morality.

The "outcome" I was talking about was her and Hanyi going down the mountain together while Zeqing lets loose. I'm glad that Zeqing seems accepting of our reasoning, but all the while, I had this growing sense of dread as the interaction went on. Had the vote gone the first one, I have no doubt that the interaction would've went differently (hence I was curious how different it would've gone).
Ling Qi grimaced, glancing briefly at the thing they were discussing. She thought of the past, and the things she had seen on the streets and in her Mother's home. Leering faces and her mothers limping steps and bruised limbs rose all too clear in her memory. She recalled well those less cunning and lucky than her, who had fallen into servitude, legal and otherwise in the slums.

If she met those people now, could she say that she would be inclined to treat them any better? For a moment, she brought herself to imagine that long ago night, the last one she had spent in her mothers home. She remembered the stink of alcohol on rich robes, and the feeling of a fat sweaty hand on her shoulder, before mother had distracted him and shooed her off to her room. She imagined that hated face paling in terror as ice crept up his robes, and his choked scream as winter stole the breath from his lungs.

It was one of the most satisfying things she could remember imagining, made all the more so by the simple fact that if she truly wanted too, she had no doubt that she could make it reality. She had left old grudges behind these days, too busy to waste time contemplating them, but in her heart, some still simmered, she knew that. She was a practical person, but she was not forgiving. Yet, the thought of taking that man, and binding his frozen soul to her like a spirit was repugnant. To keep a source of hate and pain chained to herself, she couldn't imagine the satisfaction lasting long at all. It was pointless and wasteful. Though she knew it was not the same, she couldn't see stretching out the punishment so as a good thing.

Sixiang laughed weakly in her thoughts. "I guess I see why my aunt wanted to show you that dream, don't forget now."
The seeds of spite lie within. She's got that in her.
Of course, seeds do need to be watered, and Ling Qi has been distinctly letting old grudges scatter behind her lately.

Though I'd note that she didn't deny it'd be satisfying. She just didn't think it'd be satisfying for long enough to be worth it.
Ling Qi paused. Could she square that, the satisfaction at personal retribution and the horror at the slaughter of that civil war. Was it a contradiction in terms? She didn't think so, but then she doubted that those two long dead Weilu leaders thought any different. She opened her eyes then, to find her mentor still staring at her, despite Ling Qi's minutes long silence. The fire was gone, the image of Hanyi and her… Father was gone. There was only Ling Qi and Zeqing facing one another in the endless dark. "You should end him Master Zeqing," she said quietly, meeting her mentors empty white gaze. "Things shouldn't persist past their endings."

"Of course you would have me give up what is mine," Zeqing said softly, tendrils of hungry darkness writhing out through the crack in her visage. "That is what you are here for is it not, my dear student."

"...I am," Ling Qi admitted. "Master Zeqing, you taught me to keep what I love close, but if I break those things in doing so, is there really any meaning?"

"There is," the spirit replied. "Even broken shards can be held close, to warm you in the night. Once a thing has ended, once it has left you, it is gone."
And that boils down to it. Zeqing is holding onto his tortured, warped remains, out of both love and spite. If she had to break him to make sure he's hers forever...she would.
"I don't agree," Ling Qi replied with determination. "I abandoned my mother long ago, but we're together again. She's still my mother, even if things are different now. Our relationship didn't end."

"Can you truly say that?" Zeqing asked, a cold wind beginning to blow through the darkness. "When I have seen and felt the way that you regard her? It hurts my heart to imagine my Hanyi seeing me in such a pitable light."

Ling Qi winced, shivering as the icy breeze cut through her gown and flesh alike, chilling her to the core. Yet she could only look down. It was true that she didn't tell her mother many things. She held her separate from most of her life, but for good reason. She knew well how far below consideration mortals were for most cultivators. "And yet I love my mother still, even if she cannot do anything for me. That…" she hesitated, unsure of how to articulate her thoughts.

Zeqing slowly rose, her empty gown shifting as she seemed to stand. The frozen spirit seemed so terribly tall in the dark. "A Mother protects her children. She keeps them safe, she teaches and nurtures. If a child leaves her, how is she to do these things?"

Ling Qi looked up at the looming figure of her mentor, her pale face seeming to almost glow in the absolute darkness. "Childhood has to end, sometimes sooner than it should," she replied quietly. "I have finished my lessons, Hanyi is growing up, even if you stop that end from coming...would it satisfy you?"

For the first time since they had begun speaking Zeqing's mask like visage twisted into an expression. She flinched, and the wind stopped dead as her features twisted in pain, like a woman who had been stabbed. Ling Qi startled as a sharp report, like a tree shattering from the winters cold echoed through the void. A new crack now spiderwebbed across her mentors face, stark and jagged. It cut through her nose and right eye, disappearing under her hairline.
Hmm...identity as a Mother warring against her nature?
"Master Zeqing?" Ling Qi asked, her resolve shaking as she felt the deathly cold beginning to creep up through the soles of her shoes, stabbing into her feet like a forest of pins and needles.

"Go to my daughter Ling Qi," her mentor replied dully. "Your final lesson is upon you. As your teacher… all I may do is ensure that your success is possible." The spirit turned away, dress billowing the howling wind that was beginning to build. "Take her and leave the mountain."
She's going to face herself.
One of her is going to be yelling "You're not me!"

And then the Shadow comes out from behind the mask
To her side, pale ghost lights arose, marking out a hall that no doubt lead to Hanyi's room, but Ling Qi hesitated moving to step forward and follow Zeqing as she drifted into darkness, only to be driven back by shrieking winds and blowing ice that left shallow cuts across her face and hands.

"I think you should listen to her. You knew what you were kicking off, didn't you?" Sixiang asked, their normally joyful voice somber.

"...I did," Ling Qi replied, straightening her shoulders as she turned on her heel to march down the hall. The time for hesitation was long past. She swiftly reached the end of the hall, flitting from shadow to shadow as she raced for the door that lay at its end. The handle turned easily under her hand, and the door flew open, leaving her face to face with a confused looking Hanyi.

"Ling Qi? What's wrong?" the little spirit asked, her face screwed up in concern. "Papa said that Mama needed to talk to him. Mama never talks to Papa," she babbled, her words coming out in a rush. "And… and the house is shaking and Mama is angry and hurting, it's like the whole past month but way worse and…"

Ling Qi crouched and rested her hands on Hanyi's shoulders. She tried her best to keep her voice calm, but she couldn't help the note of urgency that crept into her voice. "Hanyi, your mom is just...having some problems right now. She's not angry at you or me, I promise," Ling Qi tried to reassure her.

"But, why then…" Hanyi asked, her eyes bright with unshed tears. "Why has she been so…"

Ling Qi winced as the room shook violently and an icy wind ripped through the doorway sending their hair and gowns fluttering. "She's just very stressed. Your Mama just… needs a break. That's why she asked me to take you for awhile," Ling Qi replied, knowing she needed to hurry. "Zhengui will be waking up soon, I'm sure. Won't it be fun to visit him?"
A 'break'.
A Limit Break more like.

Hanyi eyed her suspiciously and sniffed, still keeping her tears back. "I wanna, but Mama…"


Ling Qi flinched as the entire room shuddered under the force of Zeqing's voice reverberating through the house, and the sharp crack that followed the pronouncement. Hanyi jumped as well, her eyes wide with alarm.

"...Your sure she's not mad?" Hanyi asked in a trembling voice.

"Not at us," Ling Qi assured her, holding out a hand as she stood up. "Come on, lets go Hanyi."
At herself, mostly.
I think you are drastically overstating the differences. Yes, cultivation seems to flat-out increase processing power and hard drive space. Yes, cultivators' minds are changed the further along in their Way they are. But they still have human minds, which shows in ever single one of our interactions, which remain quite starkly human. We may live in very different worlds, but Qi acclimated to those changes and didn't freak out in her first week at the Sect. The way to acclimate Qingge to the cultivator world is to actually start telling her about it.
Uh, they can have human minds They don't require human minds. Renxiang is one example of how starting early can distort you to the point where people wonder if you're a P-Zombie, and other discussion had shown that you can do things like excise your sexual orientation from your self-identity as part of cultivation, or the statement that it's "dangerous" to learn both Lonely Winter Maiden and Frozen Soul Serenade at once. The Weilu had "By what measure a human".

Put simply, the Empire had gotten a formula where people following the orthodox path are at least going to be comprehensible to each other...but they took much work, and the old clans and high end cultivators can find humanity all too easy to discard piece by piece.
Put simply, the Empire had gotten a formula where people following the orthodox path are at least going to be comprehensible to each other...but they took much work, and the old clans and high end cultivators can find humanity all too easy to discard piece by piece.

That must be the best defence and justification of the moral primacy of "orthodox" arts that I have seen in all of Xianxia.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by 1986ctcel on Mar 14, 2019 at 3:56 PM, finished with 187 posts and 77 votes.
Man, if we can bind Hanyi after this and Zhengui wakes up next month, our dueling power is going to multiply ridiculously for our future challenges. Most people only have two spirits; we have three, and one of them is a cardinal beast with a unique elemental affinity. I wouldn't be surprised if some people purposely choose non-dueling challenges against us just to avoid fighting such a combination, especially after the showing we gave in our last challenge.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

The vote is a little too close for comfort.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
Man, if we can bind Hanyi after this and Zhengui wakes up next month, our dueling power is going to multiply ridiculously for our future challenges. Most people only have two spirits; we have three, and one of them is a cardinal beast with a unique elemental affinity. I wouldn't be surprised if some people purposely choose non-dueling challenges against us just to avoid fighting such a combination, especially after the showing we gave in our last challenge.
Well yeah, thats pretty much inevitable.

If we can find some way to delegate FVM setup to a degree *cough*AngstTitan*cough* then we can spend early action economy on pure buffing setup, which in conjunction with Sixiang running Boost/Dispels, Zhengui on Tanking, and Hanyi on Overwatch/Support means that any offensively spec'd dueler like the previous dude is just gonna be SoL, barring superlative combatants such as the Ducal Scions.

Ergo, that means its time to brush up on Stealthiness and other skillsets in order to increase the breadth of challenges that Ling Qi can go for.