Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
With Zhengui coming back and possibly binding Hanyi we are going to have a massive combat power spike. It seems that at our level most people have maybe 1 spirit. We are going to have 2 combat based spirits and a support spirit. The next month seems like an ideal time to challenge because of the power spike we are getting.
The problem is that at the 770's there are going to be full foundation people, which will be incredibly difficult to deal with. As well as the fact that after our combat performance without zhengui, they may very well be hesitant to do a combat challenge, and instead focus on a different skill set.

Which means that for the first big power spike where the 2nd level archives are free there will be about 6 ranks we can get before hitting foundation level people. So while I would like to reach that level as soon as possible as well, it is going to be even more difficult than the last challenge.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
I would like to try and get these rewards as fast as possible.

With Zhengui coming back and possibly binding Hanyi we are going to have a massive combat power spike. It seems that at our level most people have maybe 1 spirit. We are going to have 2 combat based spirits and a support spirit. The next month seems like an ideal time to challenge because of the power spike we are getting.
We aren't going to be able to challenge that high without being fully Foundation ourselves.
I would like to try and get these rewards as fast as possible.

With Zhengui coming back and possibly binding Hanyi we are going to have a massive combat power spike. It seems that at our level most people have maybe 1 spirit. We are going to have 2 combat based spirits and a support spirit. The next month seems like an ideal time to challenge because of the power spike we are getting.

Well, I understand that reasoning since it is true that the next reward set is just right there. At the same time, Foundation people are gonna start popping up (still iffy about that particular detail). Not to mention next turn is the perfect turn to set up especially since lots of shit is gonna happen. Not sure if I wanna dump Challenge into that.

Also, just remembered this but, how much CP did we earn from Liang He's fight?
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.

Dark and forbidding, he could faintly hear the screeching winds which seemed to be churning the clouds like a fluid in a bubbling cauldron. Already the enforcers who had the pleasure of experiencing Baroness Ling's training were activating spiritual defense arts. Which, given the strength of the storm was mostly a futile gesture, but it was good to know that Baroness Ling's instruction was still being heeded.

Random Enforcer: This feeling... this cold, empty loneliness and blinding terror that seeps into your very soul... oh god, it's her! Ling Qi just did something again!
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Random Enforcer: This feeling... this cold, empty loneliness and blinding terror that seeps into your very soul... oh god, it's her! Ling Qi just did something again!

I now picture that every one of those that Ling Qi trained... for the rest of their lives, every time they see mist or start getting cold, they reflexively activate spiritual defences just in case.
From just that one time? :confused: That one turn where we decided to go for Gan? :o

Qi must have really traumatised them in the short span of time.
We... certainly made an impression on them. Here's the actual text from the previous thread.

In the training field, half a dozen boys in the lower second realm lay on the ground, pale and covered in frost. One lay curled up in a ball, eyes wide as he glanced around in a panic. She felt a little bad, but he had been starting to rally the others, so she had trapped him with her elegy to prevent the group from beating the exercise. Even now, the mists still lingered on the field, clinging at the hems of her gown, and her breath came with particles of sparkling ice.
We had one curled up in the fetus position and in a panic, and that was the one who was going to rally the others. Admittedly, we used the focused elegy on him, but still. Since there is no blood on the ground we can assume that we didn't use Dissonance (because that would have been overkill) and merely used the Mists of the Vale, the perception-bending technique (which has merged with mists of the vale now) and Starlight Elegy.

Maybe Spring's end Aria, but I'm not sure if we had it at this point. Given the frost though... I think we did.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's wmeight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
Adhoc vote count started by ayula on Mar 14, 2019 at 1:57 AM, finished with 159 posts and 70 votes.
Su Ling stooped low over the cooling corpse of a Black Steel Bear. With careful precision, she made a small incision in the fur and began cutting through the meat to get to the core that lay within. It was tedious work, work that had been completed a thousand times before. And so she let her focus wander, letting her senses keep track of her surroundings so that a scavenger couldn't surprise her.
Wait, it just occurred to me: how many bears are even on the mountains?

What's the sustainability of all the hunting done by disciples?
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
We had one curled up in the fetus position and in a panic, and that was the one who was going to rally the others. Admittedly, we used the focused elegy on him, but still. Since there is no blood on the ground we can assume that we didn't use Dissonance (because that would have been overkill) and merely used the Mists of the Vale, the perception-bending technique (which has merged with mists of the vale now) and Starlight Elegy.

Maybe Spring's end Aria, but I'm not sure if we had it at this point. Given the frost though... I think we did.

Oh wow. Can't believe I forgot how Ling Qi specifically targeted anyone who looked like a leader. She is the ultimate No Escape Fun Allowed tutor. I kinda regret not picking Gan Guangli's option more often.

I can imagine some newer students coming in this year and wondering why so many of the older students are acting weird.

New Student: Honorable Senior Brother, why are we working on our spiritual defense again? Surely an offensive art would do better?

Older Student: *thousand yard stare* The Mists... the Mists....

New Student: Uh, Senior Brother? Are you alright?

Older Student: *shivers* Just keep working on that spiritual defense art. You'll thank me for it later.
Wait, it just occurred to me: how many bears are even on the mountains?

What's the sustainability of all the hunting done by disciples?

This is how I solve it.

We've only ever moved to other parts of the mountain on a "Things done in a week" timeframe back in Yellow. Even at Yellow, even conserving qi, cultivators with Leg arts are FAST.

It's not "What's the bear population density on this mountain?" it's "How big is this mountain?". I don't believe we've ever gotten WoG on that.

Besides, out of thousands of Outer Sect students, how many of them can tussle with a second realm bear for long before graduating into Inner Sect? All it would take is a sufficiently large breeding pool of mature specimen in a species for which the juveniles are good practice for the Outer Sect students but the 'elders' are in the "too strong to fight, weak enough to run away' sweet spot to result in a relatively stable population more or less immune from overhunting.

Any fine tuning of the hunting stocks can be done with Sect Jobs.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
[X] Let Hanyi ride on your back and give directions, though Ling Qi remembered the ice child's weight well, they would still move faster this way… probably. You'll have to waste precious seconds convincing her without alarming her though.
But her being a mortal isn't super relevant here. Yes, she's a mortal, this is a totally different world to her, but I don't think it's neccessary to drip-feed her and shield her as much as Qi has done. She's still an extremely tough woman, who has endured a metric ton of shit in her life while remaining both empathetic to other people and deeply dedicated to providing her children the best that she can give them.

Cultivators are psychologically different than mortals in this setting though - and they only get more different the more they cultivate.

It isn't just physical frailty but more of an inherent difficulty of understanding cultivators which Qingge might somewhat overcome but that is nonetheless a big barrier at the moment.