Madam Ling
"Madam Ling, would you kindly-"
"Madam Ling, may you please-"
"Madam Ling, if you may-"
Ling Qingge, who felt odd when called Madam, sat down after a long day. She must have paced twenty thousand steps since noon but there were no kinks in her back or aches in legs. It felt unsettling. It
was unsettling how respect for her had - once again - shot up overnight.
Lady Qi was a hero, the news said. Lady Qi had saved a city from cave demons, the crier cried. Lady Qi was Madam Ling's daughter, the people in town said.
In her Ling Qi's abscence, Qingge was responsible for managing the family's relationships with neighbors and other families in the community. The Sect Head's storm had not changed that. It was an obstacle to be worked around. But what was she to do, when every wife of every businessman asked her to tea? When guardsman stood straighter in her presence like
she was the one responsible for saving a city? When daughters of her friends and servants bowed and asked for stories of Immortal Qi with starry eyes?
Qingge put her face in her hands and let out a muffled scream. It was unbecoming, but she felt better.
Her personal exercises were group exercises, Qingge thought with fondness. Little Biyu immitated her as much as shorter arms and legs would allow. The wind had carried fanciful tales to her younger daughters ears and with it her chances of peace and quiet. Biyu knew her sister had defeated some big bad monster; Biyu knew her sister practiced special stretches; Biyu knew Qi had taught Qingge. And Biyu wanted magic powers like Qi.
Qingge had folded under Biyu's neccessant badgering. It was embarressing. She was certain Qi would approve. Under her mother's watchful eye, Biyu was in no danger of hurting herself.
As she moved from pose to pose, Biyu's chatter pleasant to her ears like birdsong, Qingge felt stress melt away. Not much. But perhaps enough.
There was no shortage of mortals willing to hitch their wagon to the next shining star. For many, this is a great opportunity. There are little honors better available to those without cultivation.
But the sufferage of mortals is not her primary concern, Qingge reminded herself. The clan had enough servants. Still, her heart beat strongly when young women knowtowed for work. Gossip spread like crows among the vulnerable; they learned who wronged them and who did right by them; the people said Lady Qi was a safe Immortal. She treated servants honorably. Gave honest jobs for former prostitutes. There was nothing...untoward to fear from her or her household.
Security was worth its weight in spirit stones. Ling Qingge knew that well. Not long ago, she would have done anything for what she offered now. The only path then was a different kind of Madam. So if she was a little soft, if she hired a little more...well, there was no-one below to gainsay her. No one above who cared. Her daughter wouldn't even notice the cost.
Qingge smiled. Perhaps she could grow into this Madam role.
...Her daughter was creating a frontier settlement. Ling Qingge was not ready.
A/N: I wrote a short omake about Qi's mom. Hoping we see more of Qi's family soon.