Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Let's YES

I'm sick of people dissing the Argent Arts despite us being in the Domain building part of cultivation where the themes and lessons of the Arts are more important then their mechanics.

Why the hell would we not want to finish them if only to get to see what they could give our Domain bonus and themewise as well as getting to see what Argent Pulse could offer?

We have limited domain slots.

Domain gains experience when the cultivator cultivates arts of green 1 or higher potency compatible with their domain. At the beginning all arts are compatible, but as the domain develops this will narrow down.

Voters may be reckless/stupid enough to take first thing they see (Argent mirror) , it is important we master arts with usefull insights first.
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Except the point would be mastering them and finding out what lesson they would add to our domain if slotted (and what bonus we could get)

We have more than a year in the Sect to do it anyway.

Why would we vote to waste time on unthematic arts that are already obsolete whose sole virtue is being generalist (while Ling Qi is a specialist)? It's better to find arts that have themes that resonates with Ling Qi and the person she wants to be.
No quotes.

One quote that I call out as not proving anything just stating that something is happening.

No quotes supporting your position again.

No quotes again. Are you saying that your one quote in this whole discussion between us that I instantly called into question and you didn't refute is enough? Man you are remembering a very different conversation from me.

This is a very interesting look into your mind arkeus. Lets break this down again since we seem to be going in circles.

In the very first post that I commented on you did not at all. The English was very clear. If one of my students tried to tell me that the sentences you wrote meant what you later clarified it to mean I would have them rewrite those sentences.

You also have not provided any support for that idea at all. The single quote you provided could be used to prove anything. Heck I could use that quote to prove that Sixiang intendeds to have a more physical effect in the world based with her comment about it not being ready for the big fight we had last arc. How would a training site change that fight at all. How would personal buffs to Sixiang change that fight at all if she could not interact with the physical world at all. Boom I just 'proved' something complete different then what you were trying to support. If your quote can be used to support very different arguments then it is a piss poor quote.

"I haven't stated any of my ideas as fact, unlike you. You have stated that you are voting for something because [those have possible dangers], implying as fact that [this one doesn't]. I then explained to you why the one you dismissed as having no plausible danger does in fact have danger."

LOL ok lets break down some of your statements.

First sentence: Stone is Moon. Good this is a provable fact. Way to go arkeus! Second statement: "We don't know what exactly she is doing right now, but if she is locking her dreamscape this likely means that she will make the beginning of the equivalent of Zeqing's own locus." First part of the statement is a statement of fact and it's fine because we don't know what is happening. Next is a conditional statement, its an if:then statement. This is also were a huge chunk of the problem lays. Now here is what can trip people up. We don't need a then to create an if:then statement. It appears to be closest to a first conditional type statement. Now this type of conditional means that the result is not certain. However you still act like it is more certain then a first conditional type statement typical permits by including the word likely. A much better word choice would be the word 'could'. This changes the tone of the sentence completely. Instead of a tone of authoritatively assured it becomes the tone of hypothetical possibilities.

The new sentence would look like this: "We don't know what exactly she is doing right now, but if she is locking her dreamscape this could mean that she will make the beginning of the equivalent of Zeqing's own locus."

Do notice how much the tone changes from that single change in a word? This is very important because now it clearly clarifies that this is a hypothetical situation. It no longer is a situation where you have looked at the different possibilities and have decided which one is more likely given a course of action. By changing the word to could you now shoulder far less responsibilities to provide evidence for your theory. The reason for this is that the change in tone limits the ability for someone reading the sentence to assume the amount of work you did prior to making the statement. Can you see how this could be problem with reading your statement if people read that you did a lot of work when in reality you did not? If in fact you did look at different possibilities before deciding which was more likely then I am fully justified in asking for quotes to support the work that you did.

However it has become clear to me that you did not look at different possibilities and then decide which one is more likely. Instead you created a completely hypothetical outcome based on almost no framework. If there was a framework you used you could provide more than one highly subjective quote supporting it. Thus I can safely say that your theory is fairly useless and pointless. I suspected it from the beginning but it good to know.

There is also the problem of all the numbers you are using in the statement. I have asked for quotes for those number and you have yet to provide any. Thus I must assume that those are pulled from the ether and therefore useless.

You have not engaged with any of my quotes and offered counter quotes or alternative interpretations and instead keep repeating and repeating the same arguments and the same "facts" that I thought my quotes answered. If you thought my quotes did not answer the questions you were posing you should have stated so. For now I must assume that you have no answer to the quotes I provided expect to try screaming louder and hope that confuses me.

Now finally lets address your "fearmongering" attack against me.

First were is this warning about higher odds of interruption in our own house. I already provided quotes as too why I don't believe that to be true and the only person I have seen give out that warning is you. Right now, to me, it looks like you have created a warning just so you could blame me for fearmongering. Which is uhh.. cool.. i guess. Second fearmongering is "the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue." Did I deliberately arouse public fear? I would have to say no because you are the only one who seems to care about my statement and you only seem to care about it because you were trying to use it to attack my character. I also did not bring it up again until you tried to use it against me. If I was deliberately trying to arouse public fear I would have put in a lot more effort about spreading rumors about the dangers of the other sites.

Right now I am forced to admit this has been a complete waste of time as you seem to think only one quote that could be used to support almost anything is enough to defend your theories about what Sixiang is doing and you refuse to engage with the quotes I offered. I hope that when we discuss different theories in the future you will have calm down a great deal and are more willing to engage with what people actually post instead of what you think they post.
... yeah, at this point I am pretty sure I am being gaslighted, so I am going to bow out. This level of trolling is impressive. I can't believe you could write all of this with a straight face.
Several updates ago, Sixiang showed us building something that appeared as a location and was accessible by sleeping. Absolutely NOTHING about what we saw there suggested that this was a cultivation site. Nothing about the way Sixiang used the location or about how we ourselves experiences it suggested its use as a cultivation aid. In fact, the only connection to "cultivation site" I can see at all is that it is a "location". I suppose you said "training site" and not "cultivation site", and there is more evidence of that (given that a memory pool could be used as a training aid for certain skills), but even then the connection is tenuous. It is absolutely a bold claim to say that this is what Six's creation is intended for.

On a more meta note, the way you phrased the end of your sentence is insulting and arrogant. You are claiming that your points are so obvious that anyone disagreeing with you clearly has to be arguing in bad faith. Stop it, unless you are trying to alienate people.
On a more meta note, I was aked for 'ideas on what it could be', and then I gave multiple options on what it could be, with a site being only one of those, and was immediately insulted for bringing up that option.

I am not the one who was insulting and arrogant, here.

On a practical note, if you'd reread the actual scene you'll see that Sixiang heavily suggested us being able to train there with her.
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The Argent Art seems to be intended for lower level cultivators who need a firmer foundation. Using them for a domain would be strange unless we were trying to follow in the footsteps of the Argent Founder, which we aren't. In a different Xianxia story path, this would be the part where a hypothetical Xianxia Protagonist collects and slots all of the various Argent Arts that most people lose interest in and draws the attention of the Sect Head. Ling Qi is not such a Xianxia Protagonist.
Maybe it was because a majority of the voters thought AM's insight was something they wanted to be a part of Ling Qi's Way.
Well, self-reflection is a nice way to say, avoid Cultivator hubris going too far, for example, though I'll agree it might not be the best choice...I think there WAS something about being able to swap it out somehow at a price but uhh...I don't quite recall how that works.
Well, self-reflection is a nice way to say, avoid Cultivator hubris going too far, for example, though I'll agree it might not be the best choice...I think there WAS something about being able to swap it out somehow at a price but uhh...I don't quite recall how that works.
Domain insights should be treated as permanent. There may be ways to change those but we don't know what those are and YRS has stated before that they are pretty rare.
Still don't know what's up with the 'hidden ability?' listed as an advantage at the very beginning of the first quest.

I honestly don't mind keeping AM around in our domain. (though I'm not going to be strongly opposed against taking it out)
She can still be honest and self-reflective to herself even if it's not that strong (looking at this thematic-wise). I'm still looking forward to FVM+ & SCS+ when more access to upper floors come up.

While we're waiting for what's in store for us in this arc, I'm looking forward to the SL options that are going to be presented to us in the third arc of this turn. We know Zeqing is gonna be one of the options, but who are going to be the others. If the Xuan Shi option pops up, I'm going for that (as much as I like Zeqing and Hanyi).
Have been rereading parts of the previous thread.

Man, Huang Da was this close to getting brutalized by one mean, furious snake lady.
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Found it
Alright, we've reached the end of the year. So while I work out the start of the tournament arc, I'm going to let you guys vote on whether to include Argent Mirror in your domain. Internalizing an art is largely permanent, and though your understanding may grow or change with time, the core of the art will always stay with you.

The Mirror is clear, revealing all deceptions, including those of the self. Yet this is no matter of virtue or vice, only an understanding of the self. Whether following reason or passion, one must face forward and acknowledge the truth of their choices, without deception.

[] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.
-[] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.
[] Discard this realization
We do really had choice. I wasn't active in thread then, so i am curious to know why people still chose to include this insight (why not another one or discard it entirely).:confused:
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We do really had choice. I wasn't active in thread then, so i am curious to know why people still chose to include this insight.
Sure, there were a couple of reasons that were bandied about, but here is a slightly more developed reason. After all, this idea has had more time to develop.

"The Mirror is clear, revealing all deceptions, including those of the self. Yet this is no matter of virtue or vice, only an understanding of the self. Whether following reason or passion, one must face forward and acknowledge the truth of their choices, without deception."

The core insight of the Argent mirror is to confront the world as it really is, to carve away deceptions of self and others and make decisions using that truth. The particular method of the decision doesn't matter, either reason or passion, but it makes us confront the deeper truths of why we make certain decisions, or why the world operates the way it does, without relying on comforting falsehoods and deceptions.

Ling Qi has had a habit of running away from insurmountable problems, of always being tempted to flee when it might give an advantage. Retreat is a tool that Ling Qi uses to gain advantages that could not be gained by standing her ground. However, this mindset also appears when confronting truths that she doesn't like. Ling Qi hurt her relationship with Meizhen because Ling Qi deceived herself and Meizhen regarding the possibility of Ling Qi returning the affection.

The insight gained from the Argent Mirror helps to avoid such self-deceptions. It compels one to force the truth of themselves and deal with that truth, no matter how ugly that truth might be. It tries to keep one honest with themselves which allows them to make more consistent decisions with their desires as well as capitalize on the truths that are hidden in the deception of the self.

It is a difficult insight because it denies the comfort of self-delusion. We see this in the "King of the Forest" arc where Ling Qi could not hide behind the delusion that she would have stood up to the King for her real friends. It reveals to Ling Qi the inconsistencies in her thinking and forces her to confront the truth that she might not have stood up to the King for her real friends. That she lacks conviction about who her real friends are and what that means. It provides no answers, but assists in the revelation of the areas that we are unsure about ourselves.

Now, this might not be the only argument for Argent Mirror, and it is certainly a controversial argument. There are many people who hate the argent mirror insight, and no amount of reasons will convince them otherwise. But for good or for ill, it is the insight that we have, and it has some good potential to assist Ling Qi.
There were two main motives for including AM in our domain. First, we thought that AM's general fluff would help improve Ling Qi's self-knowledge and help out in terms of what sort of options we would be offered in the future. Second, at the time there was a fair bit of thought about being a sort of spymistress for CRX, and they figured that the bonus to beating illusions/lies would be useful for that.
Wonder if there's a phase of the moon that involves reflection. There's a fair bit of imagery when it comes to the moon being reflected in a placid lake.
Wonder if there's a phase of the moon that involves reflection. There's a fair bit of imagery when it comes to the moon being reflected in a placid lake.
There is indeed!

First Quarter / Half Moon
Reflective Moons
Quiet and contemplation, self reflection and peace, and togetherness; diplomats

This is in the information tab of the original quest. But essentially the First Quarter and Half Moon are called the reflective moons. The officer who is actually teaching us about being a scout is an individual who has cultivated those phases of the moon.
There were two main motives for including AM in our domain. First, we thought that AM's general fluff would help improve Ling Qi's self-knowledge and help out in terms of what sort of options we would be offered in the future. Second, at the time there was a fair bit of thought about being a sort of spymistress for CRX, and they figured that the bonus to beating illusions/lies would be useful for that.
But insight is a permanent thing, why choose something with attached value, reroll of C. Perception per fight seems far more dependable and still can help our spymaster role.
@FakePriest , if you're really interested in the arguments feel free to read the previous thread. I don't really want to argue that decision all over again, even if I could remember more than the general gist of them off the top of my head.
But insight is a permanent thing, why choose something with attached value, reroll of C. Perception per fight seems far more dependable and still can help our spymaster role.

It looked good at the time, I guess. (wasn't part of the whole debacle of the last thread)

Statement say: "discern through lies or see through illusions", people get interested. With that said, I get that it's permanent but I really don't think taking insights from AM is that bad at the time. (then again, I'm not one of the people pulling up spreadsheets so......) Fluff texts and themes are important as well in Ling Qi's growth especially in how this thread works now.
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@FakePriest , if you're really interested in the arguments feel free to read the previous thread. I don't really want to argue that decision all over again, even if I could remember more than the general gist of them off the top of my head.
Well i am not that curious, thank you very much.:whistle: Still, if someone remember i am sure that am not the only one who interested in reason behind this particular choice of our first domain insight.