Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I don't think Ysr is the type of DM who is out to trap or get us at every opportunity. The choices we had are pretty much what we would have got. Tricks such as "Haha! you thought it would go well but a wild Hanye appear and totally destroy Sixiang enterprise for no reason" aren't really his style.
I don't think Ysr is the type of DM who is out to trap or get us at every opportunity. The choices we had are pretty much what we would have got. Tricks such as "Haha! you thought it would go well but a wild Hanye appear and totally destroy Sixiang enterprise for no reason" aren't really his style.
When he has done "gotcha"s it has not been from a voter's choice. Refer Lakegate.
Late but...

In the days that followed their expedition Li Suyin vanished into her workshop almost completely, and Ling Qi did not begrudge her for it. She hadn't missed the way that Li Suyin's eyes had lit up when she handed over the bandoleer she had torn from the beasts corpse. She expected her friend would be doing the equivalent of closed door cultivation for most of the months remainder.

And the bandoleer was, as expected, probably the most valuable of the whole mess.
However, the days when Ling Qi would thoughtlessly retreat into meditation without consideration for anyone else were well past, and so Ling Qi was sure to take care of her obligations first.
[High as fuck Ling Qi flashback]
She hadn't expected it to be so dull though. Sitting off in a corner, a tome on imperial history open in her hands, Ling Qi tried to keep her mind from wandering. Keeping her ears open, listening the murmur of small conversations throughout the archive, she thought she might go a little stir crazy. While she knew that she wouldn't get anything really interesting with this method, the mundanity of peoples day to day lives still surprised her sometimes.

Remembering the cavern, and the nightmare before it, it seemed so incongruous that people could still be interested in petty little concerns when they were, one and all, people with real power at their fingertips, in a world filled with tribulations and challenges. She supposed she wasn't any better, hadn't she spent yesterday morning just chatting with Meizhen about nothing in particular?
Well, that goes to show that they are still people.

She was being unfair she knew, but it didn't help that even Sixiang was silent again, leaving her alone in her own head to try and focus on other people when the siren call of cultivation was singing in the back of her mind.
This is extra funny on the second read.
Because that was probably literally Sixiang cultivating in the back of her mind xD

Only a few minutes later she found herself distracted again. This time, by the feel of a familiar aura moving through her senses. A bolt of lightning stalked the archives, tense and crackling, tiny arcs of electricity snapping and coiling at any that dared approach it. There was only one person Ling Qi knew who cultivated heavenly qi to such an extent and singular purpose. At his side moved a frolicking wind, that danced around the lightning poking prodding and floating away laughing when the lightning snapped and crackled in turn.
Ah, biribiri!

"...Junior Brother Rong, to make an enemy of the archivists so early in the year. You truly do excel," she heard the second of the pairs voice at first, and it conjured to her the image of a rather pompous fellow.
...they caught him beating up the legal code didn't they?
"Just the one more," the other voice replied lightly, and Ling Qi heard the sound of leather striking flesh. He had presumably tossed Ji Rong another book.

"...Fu Fan's Guide to Administration for the Simple… are you making fun of me you windbag?" She could practically here the twitch of Ji Rong's eye.

"Hmph, Hmph, to show so little respect for your kind senior, Junior Brother Rong, where did I go wrong in raising you?" The stranger laughed. "Off to the reading room you, this Senior Brother has his own tasks to attend to."
He's so easy to tease.
Ling Qi restrained herself from matching his grimace with her own. "You never struck me as the type, Baron Ji," she said dryly, eyeing the titles of the books he held. Treatises on leadership, logistics, and yes, administration filled out most of the stack.

"What's it to you," he replied, meeting her eyes defiantly. "You think I'm too stupid to learn anything but punching or something?"

Ling Qi debated just leaving, but curiosity drove her to ask. "...Why though. Did my phantoms jar something loose when they were spinning you around?"

He looked like he wanted to spit blood at the reminder of his loss. She found it funnier than she probably should have. "Dunno, why do you care about the past all of a sudden?" He spat in return.
[Spits Blood]

Ling Qi glanced down at the book in her hands that she had been casually perusing. "...Even if it doesn't matter, seeing the patterns is important I think," she replied, thinking back to her encounter in the dream and Senior Brother Liao's own words on the futility of it. "I'll leave you to your study," Ling Qi said, closing her book and standing. There wasn't much point in antagonizing him, aside from petty satisfaction.

...And she had already indulged in that, doing more would just be gluttonous.
Is this what Kotomine feels like?

As she moved to pass him by though, he spoke. "They aren't any different," he said. "But that doesn't change the fact that I've been a shit Boss."

Ling Qi paused, eyeing the scarred boy without turning her head. "Are you making the comparison that I think you're making?" She asked, vaguely incredulous.

He let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, Guess I am, Gang Boss, Baron, Duke, Emperor. It's all a matter of scale, innit." He shook his head. "I'm never gonna be leading packs in a fight like that Cai or or pet giant, but if a Boss is what I am, I'm not gonna be a shit one."
It really is, and making the effort is laudable.

"That's not the kind of thing you should say Sect Brother," Ling Qi replied dryly. "Please consider your words more before you tarnish the Sect's reputation."
Paying it forward, Ling Qi?

"Whatever," he snorted. "I'm outta here in a couple years anyway. Not gonna run off and leave her alone like the rest of those parasites," he turned away from her then, resuming his path toward the reading desk in the far corner.
I actually wish him well in that endeavor, though that path sets us as future foes...who knows, politics are an ever shifting hydra.

Loyalty is commendable.

"Ling Qi, are you busy?" She paused, her step faltering as Sixiang spoke. Something about the spirits voice felt… insubstantial, or even fragile. It didn't sound right.
Missed this the first time, but...did Sixiang accidentally trigger a Tribulation from critting on domain building? She's barely present, almost back to a dream.

She probably could do with something to reinforce her structural framework, blended.

With Zeqing, that'd be Darkness to bind dreams with Desires or Cold to freeze them still, anchored around her musical nature.
With the Stones, that might be Earth or Sun, both symbols of constancy.
With the Argent Vent, that'd be the raw strength of self identity, reflected in the silver. Sixiang, but More.
"Nothing, nothing," Sixiang laughed. "It's just uh… might've put a little too much into my project, I'm almost done, I just need a little more…. Could you...find somewhere with better background Qi...please?" Sixiang's voice seemed to fade and waver in and out alarmingly with every word.

What in the world had they done? Ling Qi thought with alarm, picking up her pace. Why would they do something dangerous without even telling her? Why… Ling Qi had a sudden sinking feeling that she now knew how Meizhen felt sometimes.
This is probably karma happening, yes.
Several updates ago, we saw Six expressing regret over the fight happening before she was ready - which implies that whatever she is doing now would be a combat enabler of some form or another. An artificial cultivation site doesn't match that.

Now, it is possible that she is building something that functions as both a combat multiplier AND a cultivation site, but at that point it is not exactly the simplest explanation out there any more.
Several update ago, she showed us what she was doing. That it enable combat help in a more significant form is of no surprise. Somehow ignoring that she actually showed us what she is doing, and what the thing she is doing looks like, to the point to say it's a 'bold claim' to take what she is telling us she is doing as "one of the possibilities" is all kind of ridiculous, and you know it.
I mean, you have to really twist @Neshuakadal's statement for that statement to say that Hanyi can get in our dantian. Like really twist it. I understand where you're coming from in that "how in the world could a random spirit distract Sixiang when she is in our dantian unless they got into our dantian," but that is, presumably, not what they are talking about.

Nowhere in their statement did the word "dantian" appear. However, we know that Sixiang can observe things that happen outside of the dantian, it's how she knows where things are in the physical world and can sense earth tremors before we notice it. Presumably, then, @Neshuakadal's post was about such a sufficient distraction in the outside world distracting Sixiang. I mean, they are free to correct me if I'm wrong, but to me, their post has nothing to do with another spirit invading the dantian and is merely about distractions in the outside world.
Then @Neshuakadal is being even more ridiculously on left field considering this is even more likely to happen in the argent vent than anywhere.... but even then, we have never seen Sixiang being actually influenced by things that can't enter our dantian before.

First sorry this is several hours late I read your post and then had to head to work. Now lets dig into your response.

First, where are your multiple interpretations on what is happening? You say it is likely that Sixiang is creating a locus and then offer two different versions of what that locus could do. One version acts as a site and another version of your locus affects only Sixiang. But it's the same idea. You think Sixiang is creating a locus. Then you provide two different outcomes of what that locus could be. Your idea that Sixiang is creating a locus is what I am calling you out for and asking for quotes. I don't really need to argue the two different outcomes because if you can't provide evidence for your theory then the two ideas based off of the locus theory are null.

Now lets move on to your statement that I have an idea of what is happening. I have no idea of what is happening. I hope that is clear enough for you. Nowhere did I even give an idea or a theory about what is happening. If you think that I did then your reading comprehension failed you. That is not my problem.

How do you know what is likely or not? What is your basis of belief that Sixiang is creating a locus like Zeqing? Next question how do you even know how locus form? We know very little about the talk from Elder Su about the nature of qi locus. Here is what we do know.

Do the powerful spirit beasts create those locus? Or are they drawn to locus that match them the most? We don't really know. We don't know how locus are made. We don't know how spirits add benefits to the locus they live in or even if they do at all. There is so much we don't know that saying it is likely that Sixiang is making a spirit locus seems super far fetched.

Then there is your 'proof' that she is creating a locus.

How is this proving Sixiang is creating a locus? The word or even concept of a locus did not appear at all. All this proves is she is doing something that acts kinda of like a domain. This could be so many different things. It could be a different ability that has an area of effect like a domain has an area of effect. It could be almost anything and pretending like you know all possibilities and that a locus is the most likely is super arrogant. It could be something that we don't even know exists yet. We know nothing about what is happening so lets not pretend that we do.

Now on to the next point about me calling you out on your ideas. You may not even realize it but you are stating your ideas as facts. This is made worse because you are adding numbers that seem to have been pulled from the ether into your theories. This is the huge problem I have with your style of writing so far. You have this terrible habit of just putting forth your ideas as facts without any proof backing them up. (Some example of your ideas being presented as facts; argent vents are artificial, qi locus have a pleseant feel unless stated otherwise) Then people see your confidence in the 'facts' you are presenting and just assume them to be true.

It is super frustrating to me to see you try and say that these are just your ideas, and I am "trying to prevent people from having different ideas," but in your post you put these ideas forth as facts. If you didn't want to put your ideas to be treated as facts and then get questioned about those 'facts' then you really needed to add a qualifier stating something about how this is all just your ideas and gut feelings. Even then I would likely have called you out about Sixiang creating a locus since it is so far from left field. However, then you would be able to say that you don't have any proof and it's just a gut feeling and that would be ok.

If you don't want to be called out on presenting your ideas as facts then you need to stop presenting your ideas as facts. Once again this is not my problem. If you don't want to be called out then you need to change your writing so that it is clearer what you consider facts and what you consider your ideas.

Locus idea is site idea. "If it affects Sixiang herself" is "if it's not a site idea".

I gave 2 different scenarios: one where it is a locus, one where it influences Sixiang herself instead. I marked those as two different scenarios. I said each was likely.
Now on to your jump to try and make me look like a hypocrite. Thor and Twin already did an impressive post about just how badly you failed at understanding my point but I rewrite my points in easy to understand language. The usage of wild spirit beasts and Hayni were meant to be examples. Proof that we don't have complete control at those other sites.

  • When working on cultivation sometimes distractions can be bad. We see this when Gu Yanmei stops us in week 20 and tells us not to disturb Xiulan.
  • We know things can effect spirits even in our dantian. We know this from week 47-48 Part 1 when we bind Sixiang and the armor is described as special "Having no physical form, Sixiang cannot be targetted or damaged by physical attacks unless the attack specifies an ability to damage spiritual entities." This makes it explicit that there are things that can effect Sixiang even in our dantian.
  • Our home is the safest spot listed. There will be no unexpected trials at our home. No unexpected visitors that we can't ignore. Any other spot something unexpected could happen.
Since our home has the lowest chance of the unexpected happening it would also stand that it has the lowest chance of a distractions happening. If something unexpected happened at the other sites would that be a distraction. Not necessarily, but my point was that it could. I do not want anything to go wrong with this unknown process so I wanted the site where we had the most control over what could happen. Right now I believe I have defended my idea well enough. If you feel like my defense is insufficient please call me out. I don't mind it and I feel like it helps enrich everyone that reads the posts.
For fuck's sake, our home has the highest chance of being distracted. That was my point.

We know for a fact that Ling Qi is expecting to be challenged any days now. Ling Qi, however, is not expecting Hanyi to disturb her (and it has never happened before), and she isn't expecting to be attacked in Silent Stones site (as preparing a site means you make sure there is no one here). Moreoever, we know for a fact that to distract Sixiang you need to influence Ling Qi's dantian. A challenger coming might well do that. A random spirit beast or Hanyi won't.

Now, if your argument was "Zeqing site would have Qi that is too potent" that might have some legs, but it isn't your actual argument.

This is a little bit of a jumbled mess to me but I will try to parse it. First off is the mocking tone. Check. Next you say I created a scenario that couldn't happen. How do you know the scenario I created couldn't happen? Right here you have stated a fact that the scenario I created, a distraction happening and proving costly, couldn't happen. So.. do you have a quote to back this up? Or is this just another one of your ideas that just 'happens' to be presented as a fact? Because I believe I have already showed that it is possible for something to effect Sixiang while she is in our domain.

The next part of the sentence is really weird. "when it has more chance of happening for your[my] own desires," doesn't really fit with the previous part of the sentence. I think this may have been an undeleted first draft trying to talk about how I am increasing the chances of an event to suit my own wants. But honestly I have no idea what is trying to be said here.

The final part "is a totally valid reason to not vote for something;" is pretty clear. I agree with it too. Anything is a valid reason to vote for something. From gut feelings to cold logic. Anything is ok for a vote. What is not o.k is misleading people about what the facts are by presenting your ideas as facts.
Yes, and that's what is grinding my gear is. There are clear fact that were presented about each options, but there have been deliberate misinformation made in order to pretend those facts don't exist.

Argent Vent is the option that helps the most enhance foundation. Zeqing Site is the option that is the most potent. Silent Stone is the site that has the most suitable Qi to Sixiang.

However, some people disliked the idea that they were voting for a gamble plan, and so first began saying Silent Stone was a bloody moon site until they were told it wasn't, then they said the distance would make any site but Argent dangerous until it wasn't, and then we were told "Argent Vent is only safe place because we could be interrupted in any other places" when Argent vent is the site with highest odds of being interrupted.

Basically, I dislike it when people present opinions as relevants when they go against established fact. I can't know if it was done in purpose to misinform voters who don't actually follow the thread, or if it's just a question of "My vote can't be a gamble", but going around "Aahahah! There is a 0.0001% chance that something happen in this site (and 1% it happens for my vote), so my vote is safer and this is why I vote for it" is actually misleading people through fearmongering.
Several update ago, she showed us what she was doing. That it enable combat help in a more significant form is of no surprise. Somehow ignoring that she actually showed us what she is doing, and what the thing she is doing looks like, to the point to say it's a 'bold claim' to take what she is telling us she is doing as "one of the possibilities" is all kind of ridiculous, and you know it.

Then @Neshuakadal is being even more ridiculously on left field considering this is even more likely to happen in the argent vent than anywhere.... but even then, we have never seen Sixiang being actually influenced by things that can't enter our dantian before.


Locus idea is site idea. "If it affects Sixiang herself" is "if it's not a site idea".

I gave 2 different scenarios: one where it is a locus, one where it influences Sixiang herself instead. I marked those as two different scenarios. I said each was likely.

For fuck's sake, our home has the highest chance of being distracted. That was my point.

We know for a fact that Ling Qi is expecting to be challenged any days now. Ling Qi, however, is not expecting Hanyi to disturb her (and it has never happened before), and she isn't expecting to be attacked in Silent Stones site (as preparing a site means you make sure there is no one here). Moreoever, we know for a fact that to distract Sixiang you need to influence Ling Qi's dantian. A challenger coming might well do that. A random spirit beast or Hanyi won't.

Now, if your argument was "Zeqing site would have Qi that is too potent" that might have some legs, but it isn't your actual argument.

Yes, and that's what is grinding my gear is. There are clear fact that were presented about each options, but there have been deliberate misinformation made in order to pretend those facts don't exist.

Argent Vent is the option that helps the most enhance foundation. Zeqing Site is the option that is the most potent. Silent Stone is the site that has the most suitable Qi to Sixiang.

However, some people disliked the idea that they were voting for a gamble plan, and so first began saying Silent Stone was a bloody moon site until they were told it wasn't, then they said the distance would make any site but Argent dangerous until it wasn't, and then we were told "Argent Vent is only safe place because we could be interrupted in any other places" when Argent vent is the site with highest odds of being interrupted.

Basically, I dislike it when people present opinions as relevants when they go against established fact. I can't know if it was done in purpose to misinform voters who don't actually follow the thread, or if it's just a question of "My vote can't be a gamble", but going around "Aahahah! There is a 0.0001% chance that something happen in this site (and 1% it happens for my vote), so my vote is safer and this is why I vote for it" is actually misleading people through fearmongering.

You are now claiming something that you did not write. If you intended to write two different versions of what could happened then you needed to split them up better. The way you wrote your idea made it very clear that those two options were branches of Sixiang creating a locus. Also, you still haven't added any quotes about why you think either of those options are happening or where those numbers you are throwing around came from. Still no quotes though which I find really interesting. I added quotes to defend my idea which you did not acknowledge in the least.

Once again you are stating your ideas as facts arkeus. Why is either of our options likely to happen? The dream sequence could be almost anything. Is Sixiang trying to bring her dreams into the physical world? We don't know so don't act like you do. Where is your proof that our house would cause the most distractions? Who can enter without our permission? What distractions could possibly happen in our house. Until I know why you think our house is a minefield of distractions I can't really engage this. I think our house has the least chance of distractions because it has the least number of people and the least number of variables.

The only way we could be challenged was by someone giving us a challenge. Those are delivered by paper. If they wanted they could try to talk to us. But since we are going to our house we would just lock the door. They would not be able to enter our house without permission so if they knock on the door we just ignore them. If you think differently please let me know. I simple don't view as the idea of someone sitting outside our house as a distraction.

You also added in that line about the facts given to us about the different sites. I don't disagree with those facts. However those fact were not important to me when I made my vote. Nor are they important to my argument so I don't know why you would bring it up.

You appear to misunderstand my argument , whether on purpose or blindness. You also keep adding interesting words like 'only' to my statements. Words that I never used.

I made it very clear that the chance of anything happening at any site was very low. You seem to have kept ignoring these statements from me. I was incredible honest about why I voted for what I did. I am worried that unknown may pose a danger so I voted for the option with the least amount of unknown. I also posted my reason, and my only non vote post, with only about 15 minutes left and didn't post about it again until you thought it proved me a hypocrite.

I also don't view my opinion as going against established facts. You would need to find some quotes to support the "established fact" that our house is more likely to have distractions then places that have other people living them or wild spirits surrounding them. I do agree with you that people presenting opinions that go against established facts are annoying. But the established facts in this vote are: Argent vent has foundation building qi, Stones has moon qi, and Zeqing site has the most potent qi. My opinion or argument doesn't go against that and if you want to establish other facts then you need to find really good quotes that are hard to argue against.

If I was fearmongering I would have kept hammering people about the dire consequences of going to any site but the site I chose. I would state the horrific things that would happen. I would keep badgering and badgering people and trying to build up as much fear as I could. That is fearmongering. I put forth a concerned I had that caused me to vote the way I did and then left it at that. That was not fearmongering. I view your implication I was fearmongering as a simple attempt to discredit my request for quotes with a character attack.

I am sorry if you feel targeted by my attempts to ask for quotes Arkeus. You are influential and your words and ideas carry a great deal of weight on this thread. You have a great deal of information about this world and people realize that. Because of that, your ideas and theories carry far farther than most other ideas. The reason I am asking for quotes from you is to help keep the line between gut feeling and solid theories clearer. When you write it is often very hard to tell the difference between grounded ideas based on the story YRS has told and speculation about what could happen in the future of this story. I feel it is important for as many people as possible to keep those as separate as possible. You do tend to blur the line between those two aspects of theory crafting and because of that I am asking for quotes to try and clear that line up.

Having gut feelings and speculating wildly is complete fine. I enjoy doing it. I did it quite a bit with my gnawing ones theory posts. However it is generally not helpful and having quotes to back up your ideas really helps to dig deeper into what is going on as people pick apart those quotes. More quotes are always a good thing.
You are now claiming something that you did not write. If you intended to write two different versions of what could happened then you needed to split them up better. The way you wrote your idea made it very clear that those two options were branches of Sixiang creating a locus. Also, you still haven't added any quotes about why you think either of those options are happening or where those numbers you are throwing around came from. Still no quotes though which I find really interesting. I added quotes to defend my idea which you did not acknowledge in the least.
I had already added quotes before. More than that, I also explained why your whole argument is dishonest: someone asked what people's ideas were. I answered "those could be ideas". Literally.

I was very clear about having multiple scenarios (one locus, one not), and I was responding to someone creating their own ideas. Saying "those could be ideas". That you yourself want to dismiss any ideas not fitting your own pet theory means nothing.
Once again you are stating your ideas as facts arkeus. Why is either of our options likely to happen? The dream sequence could be almost anything. Is Sixiang trying to bring her dreams into the physical world? We don't know so don't act like you do. Where is your proof that our house would cause the most distractions? Who can enter without our permission? What distractions could possibly happen in our house. Until I know why you think our house is a minefield of distractions I can't really engage this. I think our house has the least chance of distractions because it has the least number of people and the least number of variables.

The only way we could be challenged was by someone giving us a challenge. Those are delivered by paper. If they wanted they could try to talk to us. But since we are going to our house we would just lock the door. They would not be able to enter our house without permission so if they knock on the door we just ignore them. If you think differently please let me know. I simple don't view as the idea of someone sitting outside our house as a distraction.

You also added in that line about the facts given to us about the different sites. I don't disagree with those facts. However those fact were not important to me when I made my vote. Nor are they important to my argument so I don't know why you would bring it up.

You appear to misunderstand my argument , whether on purpose or blindness. You also keep adding interesting words like 'only' to my statements. Words that I never used.

I made it very clear that the chance of anything happening at any site was very low. You seem to have kept ignoring these statements from me. I was incredible honest about why I voted for what I did. I am worried that unknown may pose a danger so I voted for the option with the least amount of unknown. I also posted my reason, and my only non vote post, with only about 15 minutes left and didn't post about it again until you thought it proved me a hypocrite.
I haven't stated any of my ideas as fact, unlike you. You have stated that you are voting for something because [those have possible dangers], implying as fact that [this one doesn't]. I then explained to you why the one you dismissed as having no plausible danger does in fact have danger.

I myself stated everything about how my things were ideas/low odds when they were... but you instead take it as fact that your solution is safe, when we know for a fact it isn't. After all, we know that Ling Qi is expecting enemies to come to her room soon.

I haven't misunderstood your argument. Your argument is "Those are dangerous, so I am going to vote for this choice because it's not dangerous". Except we know for a fact that the one you are saying is not dangerous has significantly higher odds of being dangerous than the others.

The reason I am not saying it has good odds of being dangerous? Because the odds are actually negligible. It doesn't change they are higher.
I also don't view my opinion as going against established facts. You would need to find some quotes to support the "established fact" that our house is more likely to have distractions then places that have other people living them or wild spirits surrounding them. I do agree with you that people presenting opinions that go against established facts are annoying. But the established facts in this vote are: Argent vent has foundation building qi, Stones has moon qi, and Zeqing site has the most potent qi. My opinion or argument doesn't go against that and if you want to establish other facts then you need to find really good quotes that are hard to argue against.

If I was fearmongering I would have kept hammering people about the dire consequences of going to any site but the site I chose. I would state the horrific things that would happen. I would keep badgering and badgering people and trying to build up as much fear as I could. That is fearmongering. I put forth a concerned I had that caused me to vote the way I did and then left it at that. That was not fearmongering. I view your implication I was fearmongering as a simple attempt to discredit my request for quotes with a character attack.

I am sorry if you feel targeted by my attempts to ask for quotes Arkeus. You are influential and your words and ideas carry a great deal of weight on this thread. You have a great deal of information about this world and people realize that. Because of that, your ideas and theories carry far farther than most other ideas. The reason I am asking for quotes from you is to help keep the line between gut feeling and solid theories clearer. When you write it is often very hard to tell the difference between grounded ideas based on the story YRS has told and speculation about what could happen in the future of this story. I feel it is important for as many people as possible to keep those as separate as possible. You do tend to blur the line between those two aspects of theory crafting and because of that I am asking for quotes to try and clear that line up.

Having gut feelings and speculating wildly is complete fine. I enjoy doing it. I did it quite a bit with my gnawing ones theory posts. However it is generally not helpful and having quotes to back up your ideas really helps to dig deeper into what is going on as people pick apart those quotes. More quotes are always a good thing.
I have already provided quotes, though. I am not going to provide them again.

Your argument is fearmongering because you know very well yourself that not only it has negligible odds of happening, but you know yourself we were warned previously about higher odds of interruption for our house, both in this latest update and earlier ones... which is also negligible. Your argument is also fearmongering because you know perfectly well that it's the at least the third such argument that contradict known information made by people trying to paint Argent Vent as the "safe choice", when the designated "Safe Choice" is the Silent Stone vent.
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Stone is Moon. We don't know what exactly she is doing right now, but if she is locking her dreamscape this likely means that she will make the beginning of the equivalent of Zeqing's own locus. So, if it's a site, this means something like 1.3 to moon, 1.3 to music, with each being added. Fairly useless to us, but fairly useful to Sixiang herself. If it has an effect on Sixiang herself rather than a site, then we can expect .4 to music/moon rather than .2 to her spirit beast bonus.

Argent Vent is Foundation, so if it's a site we can either expect a 1.2 to Imperial elements, or a 1.2 to everything. If it's a bonus to Sixiang herself, we can expect her spirit beast bonus to give 0.1 to Imperial elements, as well as a 0.1 to base cultivation to Sixiang herself.

Zeqing Site is Potency. As such, if it's a site we can expect 1.2 to moon, music, wood, water, and if there is multiple ones they are added. If it's to Sixiang herself, then increase each bonus she already gives by 0.1, so moon/music to 0.4, wood to .2, water to .2.
No quotes.
Huh.... you are aware I explicitely said that locus was just one of the interpretation, which is why I gave multiple interpretations of what could happen, right? Are you saying that when asked "what are your ideas on what could happen", we aren't allowed to give any ideas at all? If so, why aren't you calling me out for saying that it could instead enhance Sixiang herself? Or is it because that's your own bold prediction, and as such we are allowed that one but no other?

As for why she would be creating her own locus, it's because last time we saw her she told us that:

"What is this?" Ling Qi asked, managing to stand up after a few moments and begin picking her way across the treacherously soft 'ground'.

"Um, I guess you could say this kinda like my Domain?" Sixiang replied, not looking back at her. "Not bad for a first try, huh? I haven't gotten all the physical bits finished though. I wanted to wait a bit before I invited you in."
As such, it sounds extremely likely that is, in fight, creating a locus where we can train in in our dreams (or she can train in all the time).

I mean, if we are talking about 'bold claims', Welll.....

Though paradoxically, that means people are not going to be inclined to give us one if they're smart.
It shouldn't be too hard to find an opponent that focus on ass kicking, I think.

One quote that I call out as not proving anything just stating that something is happening.

Several update ago, she showed us what she was doing. That it enable combat help in a more significant form is of no surprise. Somehow ignoring that she actually showed us what she is doing, and what the thing she is doing looks like, to the point to say it's a 'bold claim' to take what she is telling us she is doing as "one of the possibilities" is all kind of ridiculous, and you know it.

I mean, you have to really twist @Neshuakadal's statement for that statement to say that Hanyi can get in our dantian. Like really twist it. I understand where you're coming from in that "how in the world could a random spirit distract Sixiang when she is in our dantian unless they got into our dantian," but that is, presumably, not what they are talking about.

Nowhere in their statement did the word "dantian" appear. However, we know that Sixiang can observe things that happen outside of the dantian, it's how she knows where things are in the physical world and can sense earth tremors before we notice it. Presumably, then, @Neshuakadal's post was about such a sufficient distraction in the outside world distracting Sixiang. I mean, they are free to correct me if I'm wrong, but to me, their post has nothing to do with another spirit invading the dantian and is merely about distractions in the outside world.
Then @Neshuakadal is being even more ridiculously on left field considering this is even more likely to happen in the argent vent than anywhere.... but even then, we have never seen Sixiang being actually influenced by things that can't enter our dantian before.

First sorry this is several hours late I read your post and then had to head to work. Now lets dig into your response.

First, where are your multiple interpretations on what is happening? You say it is likely that Sixiang is creating a locus and then offer two different versions of what that locus could do. One version acts as a site and another version of your locus affects only Sixiang. But it's the same idea. You think Sixiang is creating a locus. Then you provide two different outcomes of what that locus could be. Your idea that Sixiang is creating a locus is what I am calling you out for and asking for quotes. I don't really need to argue the two different outcomes because if you can't provide evidence for your theory then the two ideas based off of the locus theory are null.

Now lets move on to your statement that I have an idea of what is happening. I have no idea of what is happening. I hope that is clear enough for you. Nowhere did I even give an idea or a theory about what is happening. If you think that I did then your reading comprehension failed you. That is not my problem.

How do you know what is likely or not? What is your basis of belief that Sixiang is creating a locus like Zeqing? Next question how do you even know how locus form? We know very little about the talk from Elder Su about the nature of qi locus. Here is what we do know.

Do the powerful spirit beasts create those locus? Or are they drawn to locus that match them the most? We don't really know. We don't know how locus are made. We don't know how spirits add benefits to the locus they live in or even if they do at all. There is so much we don't know that saying it is likely that Sixiang is making a spirit locus seems super far fetched.

Then there is your 'proof' that she is creating a locus.

How is this proving Sixiang is creating a locus? The word or even concept of a locus did not appear at all. All this proves is she is doing something that acts kinda of like a domain. This could be so many different things. It could be a different ability that has an area of effect like a domain has an area of effect. It could be almost anything and pretending like you know all possibilities and that a locus is the most likely is super arrogant. It could be something that we don't even know exists yet. We know nothing about what is happening so lets not pretend that we do.

Now on to the next point about me calling you out on your ideas. You may not even realize it but you are stating your ideas as facts. This is made worse because you are adding numbers that seem to have been pulled from the ether into your theories. This is the huge problem I have with your style of writing so far. You have this terrible habit of just putting forth your ideas as facts without any proof backing them up. (Some example of your ideas being presented as facts; argent vents are artificial, qi locus have a pleseant feel unless stated otherwise) Then people see your confidence in the 'facts' you are presenting and just assume them to be true.

It is super frustrating to me to see you try and say that these are just your ideas, and I am "trying to prevent people from having different ideas," but in your post you put these ideas forth as facts. If you didn't want to put your ideas to be treated as facts and then get questioned about those 'facts' then you really needed to add a qualifier stating something about how this is all just your ideas and gut feelings. Even then I would likely have called you out about Sixiang creating a locus since it is so far from left field. However, then you would be able to say that you don't have any proof and it's just a gut feeling and that would be ok.

If you don't want to be called out on presenting your ideas as facts then you need to stop presenting your ideas as facts. Once again this is not my problem. If you don't want to be called out then you need to change your writing so that it is clearer what you consider facts and what you consider your ideas.
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Locus idea is site idea. "If it affects Sixiang herself" is "if it's not a site idea".

I gave 2 different scenarios: one where it is a locus, one where it influences Sixiang herself instead. I marked those as two different scenarios. I said each was likely.
Now on to your jump to try and make me look like a hypocrite. Thor and Twin already did an impressive post about just how badly you failed at understanding my point but I rewrite my points in easy to understand language. The usage of wild spirit beasts and Hayni were meant to be examples. Proof that we don't have complete control at those other sites.

  • When working on cultivation sometimes distractions can be bad. We see this when Gu Yanmei stops us in week 20 and tells us not to disturb Xiulan.
  • We know things can effect spirits even in our dantian. We know this from week 47-48 Part 1 when we bind Sixiang and the armor is described as special "Having no physical form, Sixiang cannot be targetted or damaged by physical attacks unless the attack specifies an ability to damage spiritual entities." This makes it explicit that there are things that can effect Sixiang even in our dantian.
  • Our home is the safest spot listed. There will be no unexpected trials at our home. No unexpected visitors that we can't ignore. Any other spot something unexpected could happen.
Since our home has the lowest chance of the unexpected happening it would also stand that it has the lowest chance of a distractions happening. If something unexpected happened at the other sites would that be a distraction. Not necessarily, but my point was that it could. I do not want anything to go wrong with this unknown process so I wanted the site where we had the most control over what could happen. Right now I believe I have defended my idea well enough. If you feel like my defense is insufficient please call me out. I don't mind it and I feel like it helps enrich everyone that reads the posts.
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For fuck's sake, our home has the highest chance of being distracted. That was my point.

We know for a fact that Ling Qi is expecting to be challenged any days now. Ling Qi, however, is not expecting Hanyi to disturb her (and it has never happened before), and she isn't expecting to be attacked in Silent Stones site (as preparing a site means you make sure there is no one here). Moreoever, we know for a fact that to distract Sixiang you need to influence Ling Qi's dantian. A challenger coming might well do that. A random spirit beast or Hanyi won't.

Now, if your argument was "Zeqing site would have Qi that is too potent" that might have some legs, but it isn't your actual argument.

This is a little bit of a jumbled mess to me but I will try to parse it. First off is the mocking tone. Check. Next you say I created a scenario that couldn't happen. How do you know the scenario I created couldn't happen? Right here you have stated a fact that the scenario I created, a distraction happening and proving costly, couldn't happen. So.. do you have a quote to back this up? Or is this just another one of your ideas that just 'happens' to be presented as a fact? Because I believe I have already showed that it is possible for something to effect Sixiang while she is in our domain.

The next part of the sentence is really weird. "when it has more chance of happening for your[my] own desires," doesn't really fit with the previous part of the sentence. I think this may have been an undeleted first draft trying to talk about how I am increasing the chances of an event to suit my own wants. But honestly I have no idea what is trying to be said here.

The final part "is a totally valid reason to not vote for something;" is pretty clear. I agree with it too. Anything is a valid reason to vote for something. From gut feelings to cold logic. Anything is ok for a vote. What is not o.k is misleading people about what the facts are by presenting your ideas as facts.
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Yes, and that's what is grinding my gear is. There are clear fact that were presented about each options, but there have been deliberate misinformation made in order to pretend those facts don't exist.

Argent Vent is the option that helps the most enhance foundation. Zeqing Site is the option that is the most potent. Silent Stone is the site that has the most suitable Qi to Sixiang.

However, some people disliked the idea that they were voting for a gamble plan, and so first began saying Silent Stone was a bloody moon site until they were told it wasn't, then they said the distance would make any site but Argent dangerous until it wasn't, and then we were told "Argent Vent is only safe place because we could be interrupted in any other places" when Argent vent is the site with highest odds of being interrupted.

Basically, I dislike it when people present opinions as relevants when they go against established fact. I can't know if it was done in purpose to misinform voters who don't actually follow the thread, or if it's just a question of "My vote can't be a gamble", but going around "Aahahah! There is a 0.0001% chance that something happen in this site (and 1% it happens for my vote), so my vote is safer and this is why I vote for it" is actually misleading people through

No quotes supporting your position again.

I had already added quotes before. More than that, I also explained why your whole argument is dishonest: someone asked what people's ideas were. I answered "those could be ideas". Literally.

I was very clear about having multiple scenarios (one locus, one not), and I was responding to someone creating their own ideas. Saying "those could be ideas". That you yourself want to dismiss any ideas not fitting your own pet theory means nothing.
Once again you are stating your ideas as facts arkeus. Why is either of our options likely to happen? The dream sequence could be almost anything. Is Sixiang trying to bring her dreams into the physical world? We don't know so don't act like you do. Where is your proof that our house would cause the most distractions? Who can enter without our permission? What distractions could possibly happen in our house. Until I know why you think our house is a minefield of distractions I can't really engage this. I think our house has the least chance of distractions because it has the least number of people and the least number of variables.

The only way we could be challenged was by someone giving us a challenge. Those are delivered by paper. If they wanted they could try to talk to us. But since we are going to our house we would just lock the door. They would not be able to enter our house without permission so if they knock on the door we just ignore them. If you think differently please let me know. I simple don't view as the idea of someone sitting outside our house as a distraction.

You also added in that line about the facts given to us about the different sites. I don't disagree with those facts. However those fact were not important to me when I made my vote. Nor are they important to my argument so I don't know why you would bring it up.

You appear to misunderstand my argument , whether on purpose or blindness. You also keep adding interesting words like 'only' to my statements. Words that I never used.

I made it very clear that the chance of anything happening at any site was very low. You seem to have kept ignoring these statements from me. I was incredible honest about why I voted for what I did. I am worried that unknown may pose a danger so I voted for the option with the least amount of unknown. I also posted my reason, and my only non vote post, with only about 15 minutes left and didn't post about it again until you thought it proved me a hypocrite.
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I haven't stated any of my ideas as fact, unlike you. You have stated that you are voting for something because [those have possible dangers], implying as fact that [this one doesn't]. I then explained to you why the one you dismissed as having no plausible danger does in fact have danger.

I myself stated everything about how my things were ideas/low odds when they were... but you instead take it as fact that your solution is safe, when we know for a fact it isn't. After all, we know that Ling Qi is expecting enemies to come to her room soon.

I haven't misunderstood your argument. Your argument is "Those are dangerous, so I am going to vote for this choice because it's not dangerous". Except we know for a fact that the one you are saying is not dangerous has significantly higher odds of being dangerous than the others.

The reason I am not saying it has good odds of being dangerous? Because the odds are actually negligible. It doesn't change they are higher.
I also don't view my opinion as going against established facts. You would need to find some quotes to support the "established fact" that our house is more likely to have distractions then places that have other people living them or wild spirits surrounding them. I do agree with you that people presenting opinions that go against established facts are annoying. But the established facts in this vote are: Argent vent has foundation building qi, Stones has moon qi, and Zeqing site has the most potent qi. My opinion or argument doesn't go against that and if you want to establish other facts then you need to find really good quotes that are hard to argue against.

If I was fearmongering I would have kept hammering people about the dire consequences of going to any site but the site I chose. I would state the horrific things that would happen. I would keep badgering and badgering people and trying to build up as much fear as I could. That is fearmongering. I put forth a concerned I had that caused me to vote the way I did and then left it at that. That was not fearmongering. I view your implication I was fearmongering as a simple attempt to discredit my request for quotes with a character attack.

I am sorry if you feel targeted by my attempts to ask for quotes Arkeus. You are influential and your words and ideas carry a great deal of weight on this thread. You have a great deal of information about this world and people realize that. Because of that, your ideas and theories carry far farther than most other ideas. The reason I am asking for quotes from you is to help keep the line between gut feeling and solid theories clearer. When you write it is often very hard to tell the difference between grounded ideas based on the story YRS has told and speculation about what could happen in the future of this story. I feel it is important for as many people as possible to keep those as separate as possible. You do tend to blur the line between those two aspects of theory crafting and because of that I am asking for quotes to try and clear that line up.

Having gut feelings and speculating wildly is complete fine. I enjoy doing it. I did it quite a bit with my gnawing ones theory posts. However it is generally not helpful and having quotes to back up your ideas really helps to dig deeper into what is going on as people pick apart those quotes. More quotes are always a good thing.
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I have already provided quotes, though. I am not going to provide them again.

Your argument is fearmongering because you know very well yourself that not only it has negligible odds of happening, but you know yourself we were warned previously about higher odds of interruption for our house, both in this latest update and earlier ones... which is also negligible. Your argument is also fearmongering because you know perfectly well that it's the at least the third such argument that contradict known information made by people trying to paint Argent Vent as the "safe choice", when the designated "Safe Choice" is the Silent Stone vent.
No quotes again. Are you saying that your one quote in this whole discussion between us that I instantly called into question and you didn't refute is enough? Man you are remembering a very different conversation from me.

I had already added quotes before. More than that, I also explained why your whole argument is dishonest: someone asked what people's ideas were. I answered "those could be ideas". Literally.

I was very clear about having multiple scenarios (one locus, one not), and I was responding to someone creating their own ideas. Saying "those could be ideas". That you yourself want to dismiss any ideas not fitting your own pet theory means nothing.

I haven't stated any of my ideas as fact, unlike you. You have stated that you are voting for something because [those have possible dangers], implying as fact that [this one doesn't]. I then explained to you why the one you dismissed as having no plausible danger does in fact have danger.

I myself stated everything about how my things were ideas/low odds when they were... but you instead take it as fact that your solution is safe, when we know for a fact it isn't. After all, we know that Ling Qi is expecting enemies to come to her room soon.

I haven't misunderstood your argument. Your argument is "Those are dangerous, so I am going to vote for this choice because it's not dangerous". Except we know for a fact that the one you are saying is not dangerous has significantly higher odds of being dangerous than the others.

The reason I am not saying it has good odds of being dangerous? Because the odds are actually negligible. It doesn't change they are higher.

I have already provided quotes, though. I am not going to provide them again.

Your argument is fearmongering because you know very well yourself that not only it has negligible odds of happening, but you know yourself we were warned previously about higher odds of interruption for our house, both in this latest update and earlier ones... which is also negligible. Your argument is also fearmongering because you know perfectly well that it's the at least the third such argument that contradict known information made by people trying to paint Argent Vent as the "safe choice", when the designated "Safe Choice" is the Silent Stone vent.

This is a very interesting look into your mind arkeus. Lets break this down again since we seem to be going in circles.

I was very clear about having multiple scenarios (one locus, one not),

In the very first post that I commented on you did not at all. The English was very clear. If one of my students tried to tell me that the sentences you wrote meant what you later clarified it to mean I would have them rewrite those sentences.

You also have not provided any support for that idea at all. The single quote you provided could be used to prove anything. Heck I could use that quote to prove that Sixiang intendeds to have a more physical effect in the world based with her comment about it not being ready for the big fight we had last arc. How would a training site change that fight at all. How would personal buffs to Sixiang change that fight at all if she could not interact with the physical world at all. Boom I just 'proved' something complete different then what you were trying to support. If your quote can be used to support very different arguments then it is a piss poor quote.

"I haven't stated any of my ideas as fact, unlike you. You have stated that you are voting for something because [those have possible dangers], implying as fact that [this one doesn't]. I then explained to you why the one you dismissed as having no plausible danger does in fact have danger."

LOL ok lets break down some of your statements.

Stone is Moon. We don't know what exactly she is doing right now, but if she is locking her dreamscape this likely means that she will make the beginning of the equivalent of Zeqing's own locus. So, if it's a site, this means something like 1.3 to moon, 1.3 to music, with each being added. Fairly useless to us, but fairly useful to Sixiang herself. If it has an effect on Sixiang herself rather than a site, then we can expect .4 to music/moon rather than .2 to her spirit beast bonus.

Argent Vent is Foundation, so if it's a site we can either expect a 1.2 to Imperial elements, or a 1.2 to everything. If it's a bonus to Sixiang herself, we can expect her spirit beast bonus to give 0.1 to Imperial elements, as well as a 0.1 to base cultivation to Sixiang herself.

First sentence: Stone is Moon. Good this is a provable fact. Way to go arkeus! Second statement: "We don't know what exactly she is doing right now, but if she is locking her dreamscape this likely means that she will make the beginning of the equivalent of Zeqing's own locus." First part of the statement is a statement of fact and it's fine because we don't know what is happening. Next is a conditional statement, its an if:then statement. This is also were a huge chunk of the problem lays. Now here is what can trip people up. We don't need a then to create an if:then statement. It appears to be closest to a first conditional type statement. Now this type of conditional means that the result is not certain. However you still act like it is more certain then a first conditional type statement typical permits by including the word likely. A much better word choice would be the word 'could'. This changes the tone of the sentence completely. Instead of a tone of authoritatively assured it becomes the tone of hypothetical possibilities.

The new sentence would look like this: "We don't know what exactly she is doing right now, but if she is locking her dreamscape this could mean that she will make the beginning of the equivalent of Zeqing's own locus."

Do notice how much the tone changes from that single change in a word? This is very important because now it clearly clarifies that this is a hypothetical situation. It no longer is a situation where you have looked at the different possibilities and have decided which one is more likely given a course of action. By changing the word to could you now shoulder far less responsibilities to provide evidence for your theory. The reason for this is that the change in tone limits the ability for someone reading the sentence to assume the amount of work you did prior to making the statement. Can you see how this could be problem with reading your statement if people read that you did a lot of work when in reality you did not? If in fact you did look at different possibilities before deciding which was more likely then I am fully justified in asking for quotes to support the work that you did.

However it has become clear to me that you did not look at different possibilities and then decide which one is more likely. Instead you created a completely hypothetical outcome based on almost no framework. If there was a framework you used you could provide more than one highly subjective quote supporting it. Thus I can safely say that your theory is fairly useless and pointless. I suspected it from the beginning but it good to know.

There is also the problem of all the numbers you are using in the statement. I have asked for quotes for those number and you have yet to provide any. Thus I must assume that those are pulled from the ether and therefore useless.

You have not engaged with any of my quotes and offered counter quotes or alternative interpretations and instead keep repeating and repeating the same arguments and the same "facts" that I thought my quotes answered. If you thought my quotes did not answer the questions you were posing you should have stated so. For now I must assume that you have no answer to the quotes I provided expect to try screaming louder and hope that confuses me.

Now finally lets address your "fearmongering" attack against me.

Your argument is fearmongering because you know very well yourself that not only it has negligible odds of happening, but you know yourself we were warned previously about higher odds of interruption for our house, both in this latest update and earlier ones... which is also negligible. Your argument is also fearmongering because you know perfectly well that it's the at least the third such argument that contradict known information made by people trying to paint Argent Vent as the "safe choice", when the designated "Safe Choice" is the Silent Stone vent.

First were is this warning about higher odds of interruption in our own house. I already provided quotes as too why I don't believe that to be true and the only person I have seen give out that warning is you. Right now, to me, it looks like you have created a warning just so you could blame me for fearmongering. Which is uhh.. cool.. i guess. Second fearmongering is "the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue." Did I deliberately arouse public fear? I would have to say no because you are the only one who seems to care about my statement and you only seem to care about it because you were trying to use it to attack my character. I also did not bring it up again until you tried to use it against me. If I was deliberately trying to arouse public fear I would have put in a lot more effort about spreading rumors about the dangers of the other sites.

Right now I am forced to admit this has been a complete waste of time as you seem to think only one quote that could be used to support almost anything is enough to defend your theories about what Sixiang is doing and you refuse to engage with the quotes I offered. I hope that when we discuss different theories in the future you will have calm down a great deal and are more willing to engage with what people actually post instead of what you think they post.
Several update ago, she showed us what she was doing. That it enable combat help in a more significant form is of no surprise. Somehow ignoring that she actually showed us what she is doing, and what the thing she is doing looks like, to the point to say it's a 'bold claim' to take what she is telling us she is doing as "one of the possibilities" is all kind of ridiculous, and you know it.
Several updates ago, Sixiang showed us building something that appeared as a location and was accessible by sleeping. Absolutely NOTHING about what we saw there suggested that this was a cultivation site. Nothing about the way Sixiang used the location or about how we ourselves experiences it suggested its use as a cultivation aid. In fact, the only connection to "cultivation site" I can see at all is that it is a "location". I suppose you said "training site" and not "cultivation site", and there is more evidence of that (given that a memory pool could be used as a training aid for certain skills), but even then the connection is tenuous. It is absolutely a bold claim to say that this is what Six's creation is intended for.

On a more meta note, the way you phrased the end of your sentence is insulting and arrogant. You are claiming that your points are so obvious that anyone disagreeing with you clearly has to be arguing in bad faith. Stop it, unless you are trying to alienate people.
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It seems to me more like they just really really really didn't want Argent anything for any reason.

i think argent genesis is still something we plan to do sometime in the future, when we have a vent that makes it cheap enough, but yeah in almost any other case the word 'Argent' is reason enough for negative comments

On the other hand, I think there are still argent supporters? though there werent many comments supporting Argents since we did the archive actions
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When Biyu attends the Sect, you know the first art she's gonna pick up? Ashen Shadow Art. And it will be awesome and we will be jealous.
I'm still interested in seeing Argent Pulse but I know a lost battle when I see one.
The fight is not over yet, i think that with our full GSS training turns we can now finish AC in 1AP and AS in 2.
Once we get AS cost down to 1AP (pill? better argent vent? green 3?), investing 1AP in each would be worth, if only to have a couple of Arts we can try to modify without fear of breaking them.
Let's YES

I'm sick of people dissing the Argent Arts despite us being in the Domain building part of cultivation where the themes and lessons of the Arts are more important then their mechanics.

Why the hell would we not want to finish them if only to get to see what they could give our Domain bonus and themewise as well as getting to see what Argent Pulse could offer?
Let's YES

I'm sick of people dissing the Argent Arts despite us being in the Domain building part of cultivation where the themes and lessons of the Arts are more important then their mechanics.

Why the hell would we not want to finish them if only to get to see what they could give our Domain bonus and themewise as well as getting to see what Argent Pulse could offer?

Because 3 AP for one art is a lot worse than one AP for 4/5 like we have with the sect library.

Moreover the fact that we can't teach them to our familly make them useless to us (as argent pulse wouldn't be usefull in the tournament (as art in green seems to be two step or three step long and it start in green 1).).
Look, if people want to see new cool arts we can just spend 1 AP going to the archives. Then we can see lots of things!

If we want more support arts - and I would argue we do since we're actually kinda running low here - then we can always go looking for them.
Because 3 AP for one art is a lot worse than one AP for 4/5 like we have with the sect library.

Moreover the fact that we can't teach them to our familly make them useless to us (as argent pulse wouldn't be usefull in the tournament (as art in green seems to be two step or three step long and it start in green 1).).
Except the point would be mastering them (AS and AC primarily) and finding out what lesson they would add to our domain if slotted (and what bonus we could get)

We have more than a year in the Sect to do it anyway.