Arrival in Snowblossom
Light pierced through the scattering clouds, dappling the rice fields through which the road wound. White-capped mountains framed the valley on both sides, to east and west, and a fresh breeze gently blew from the North. Idly chewing a stalk of long grass, Lai Shengren kept an eye on the horses pulling his wagon south to Snowblossom while letting his straw hat block out the sun's glare. They were making good time, steady and sure, which suited him just fine, even if it drove his wife to boredom. A quick glance to the side informed him that she was still having fun twirling around stalks of rice, each step atop the water sending ripples through the pools. After a few moments of watching her, Lai Shengren turned his attention back towards the road, albeit with reluctance. His wife was much more enjoyable to watch than an empty road.
A quick flick of the reigns kept his horses from slowing down to nibble on the shoots of grass poking out of the path, the greedy things. Another turn of the road later and the walls of their destination appeared. Or rather, the mists which served the same purpose a wall might. A cooling summer gust bringing the scent of fresh flowers was the only signal Lai Shengren received that his wife had rejoined him on the wagon before she slid close to him. Laying her head on his shoulder, she gently entwined her fingers with his.
"Are you sure you'll be alright dealing with that bastard Yingli yourself? It's not necessary for me to visit family right away. We can sell the wood first."
"No," Lai Shengren responded with a smile. "I'll be fine. Visit your relatives, be scolded by well-meaning aunts for not eating enough, and greet your parents properly. By the time you wrap it all up, the wood will have been sold, the iced iron bought and stored, and you'll be begging me to hit the road as fast as possible."
His wife slapped the back of his head with a frosty breeze as she pulled away and pouted. "I do not beg," she said, "I am insistent. There's a difference."
"Yes, yes."
"Hmmmph. Don't 'Yes, Yes' me. I'll have you know that begging is undignified and beneath my station. Since I'm not undignified, what I do can't be begging."
Instead of answering, Lai Shengren just let go of Quanshi's hand to wrap his arm around her shoulder, bringing her to nestle back against him. Squawking a halfhearted protest, she bopped his nose with a chilled wind before leaning into him and closing her eyes. He smiled as a breeze left the wagon, carrying with it a thousand specks of his wife's spirit, each one circling the wagon before drifting off to survey the fields and mountains.
Absently, he took his hat and covered Quanshi's face. She wouldn't like it if one of the guards recognized her. Then their wagon rolled into the mists of Snowblossom. Darkness closed around him as the cold vapor rolled through the wagon, curling around barrels and chests. In the darkness, off to each side, space stretched and twirled. Spots of light could be seen within the swirling space as phantoms patrolled the deep night-lit maze which sheltered Snowblossom proper from those who meant it harm. Just when the chill and mist became unnerving, the maze released them back into the warm sunlight. As well as in front of a small toll station. Smiling a genteel smile, he flicked his qi and produced the necessary identification and toll exemption papers from his storage ring, handing them to the senior officer. Nodding, the officer scooted back into the guard building to verify the papers while the junior guardsman began walking around the wagon, ostensibly inspecting it. Which was all well and good, until they reached the front of the wagon.
"Sir," the guardsman began, glowering at Quanshi. "I would request that you remove your companion's hat."
wife is resting, and the sunlight is bad for her complexion." Lai Shengren lied softly.
Frowning, the man twitched as if he had bitten something tart before his face grew even stonier. "Regardless of how bad sunlight is for your wife's complexion, the hat will need to be removed."
"Hmmm… I'm sorry that I lied about the hat protecting my wife's complexion," Lai Shengren lied again, "truly it's because her beauty would distract you from your duties for the rest of the month."
Again, the guardsman twitched as if he had bitten into something too tart for his taste. Reaching down to grab the saber at his side, the man's face split with an ugly sneer. "I insist. If you fail to comply you will be detained… and I think your wife would prefer not to wake up in a cell."
"You may insist all you wish, but it will take more than an unfulfilled desire to see my wife's face to detain us."
Sliding out the saber and pointing it at Lai Shengren, the guardsmen began his speech. "By the powers vested in my office by the Ling, you and your wife are…"
Suddenly, the door to the guard building burst open and the senior guardsman stepped out into the road. "Your papers are clear and good to go, Lord Lai," he interrupted his junior. "Thank you for…" he stopped looking at the drawn sword pointed towards Lai Shengren. "What is going on here?"
"Ahh," Lai Shengren began with a smile, "I had a disagreement with your subordinate here about whether guardsmen have the right to see my resting wife's face. He took exception to that."
"They failed to follow orders from a guardsman!" The junior guard blustered, face reddening.
"Improper and salacious orders," Lai Shengren said pointedly.
"My orders were not salacious! Or improper!"
The senior officer looked between his subordinate and Lai Shengren before sighing. "Lord Lai, your papers are in order. Please enjoy your stay at Snowblossom. Officer Tanlan, a word please?"
"Thank you," Lai Shengren said before flicking the reigns to get the horses moving again.
As their wagon left the toll station, he felt a breeze, carrying back flecks of Quanshi's spirit. Nestling deeper into him, she murmured, "What an asshole."
"Officer Tanlan?"
"Yeah, he's arguing with Officer Youyue that he was merely fulfilling his duties with dedication and drive. Clearly, it's not because the bit of power he has got to his head. Well, I'm sure he'll be just as dedicated at a frozen forgotten outpost for his next assignment."
"Why not forget about him? You have bigger things to worry about."
"He pointed a sword at you, dear, after you extolled my beauty," she said sleepily, "some things should not simply be brushed under the rug and ignored."
"Is it because of me, or would anyone do if they praised your beauty?" Lai Shengren said with a smile.
Stretching her head upwards, Quanshi gave him a quick peck on the cheek before shifting away. "I'll let you figure that one out yourself."
"Yes, yes."
"Well," she said, stretching her arms above her head and arching her back, "I'll be heading out. Have fun with Yingli."
"I always do."
Smiling, Quanshi faded away into the breeze, her spirit moving up towards the Ling manor that overlooked the town. He, meanwhile, kept the wagon on track to the merchant's quarter. The wood wouldn't sell itself after all.
@yrsillar another omake for the omake throne. I hope people enjoy the read as much as I enjoyed writing it!