Idea-Man, He Who Shits Ideas
- Location
- West Africa
- Pronouns
- He/Him
To say that Sun Shao didn't consult with people about his war is wrong. He literally went around pitching his idea to other clanheads to see if they want to join. He barely even hid his incoming treason or his preparations. If anyone were against it, all they needed to do was tattle on him to the Bai.
But other clans wanted to get out from under the Bai. They wanted it so badly that were willing to do almost anything to get away from the Bai - sacrifice their lands, their homes, their cities and soldiers for a chance to live somewhere else. Sun Shao managed that - now they have an entire province to live in and run as they see fit. Sure, it's a murder jungle, but a) people knew beforehand it will be a murderjungle and b) I belive a lot of them would consider murderjungle a tremendous improvement compared to the Bai.
Sun Shao wanted revenge, for sure; but he also wanted a better life for his family. He partially succeeded imo.
Yeah. I added "or Fuxi" because I realized he did that. But really, the anyone falls under the Bai since they're the leaders of TL. I should have been clearer. I apologize for that.
But they're really not running the Jungle. The Jungle is running them. They're basically the newest iteration of the jungle barbarians.
And again, most of said family are dead because he wanted revenge against the Jungle. And they really don't have a whole province to live in. They can only build cities in the potholes the Sage Emperor's dragon mom left in the Jungle. I really doubt it's better than the Thousand Lakes.