Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It looks like shapeshifting and dream are his specialties? I'm not sure Ling Qi is ready for a Zheng boy, though…
Shapeshifting is likely a broadly taught art set among the Zheng. Sidestory.
I prefer Zheng Fu as a side character, since another romance option also represents a functional zero-sum social action sink. His shapeshifting arts seem to straddle Green and Cyan, since his changes are directly tied to combat effects but aren't full-body. I'm guessing he's high Green, high enough that there will be power dynamic complications if we (ever) take him seriously as a partner.
I appreciate that the plot seems to be properly on rails and moving on, but I'm also a little unsatisfied about so much tell-not-show about the aftermath. The Xu Patriarch, Diao Hualing, the local officials - so many offhand mentions of very interesting-sounding social interactions that happened, that I would have preferred to have seen directly.
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Just want to say that I like the new husbando candidate from what I'm seeing of his entrance into the cast proper, and am excited to interact further.

...hmm? Story? Oh yeah I read for that too.

...but I figure other people got a handle on the direction and I can focus on shipping Ling Qi with every dude who catches my fancy. :V
Zheng Alert! Zheng Alert! Hide all your unmarried (and possibly married) scions! This is not a drill!

Oh man, this might mean we get to see Meizhen and a Zheng snipe at each other while FenFen fumes and the boys inch away from the blast radius

Personally between Zheng Fu hopefully being chill if he finds out Meizhen doesn't shoot his way and Meizhen being The Nicest Bai and her extensive Ling Qi Chaos Acclimation, it would be pretty funny if the two ended up getting along astonishingly well.

This weirds them out even more than it does everyone else.
Personally between Zheng Fu hopefully being chill if he finds out Meizhen doesn't shoot his way and Meizhen being The Nicest Bai and her extensive Ling Qi Chaos Acclimation, it would be pretty funny if the two ended up getting along astonishingly well.

This weirds them out even more than it does everyone else.

The Lady and the Brute: The Platonic Sequel!!!
Awesome update. This Law of the Hand turned out to be far more intense and serious, and profitable (at least for us), than I had anticipated.
We got the gratitude of a Voscount house!
"But, this too was soon done, and I found myself invited to the Manor of the Xu. Did you know, I'd actually met members of their family before?" Ling Qi said absently. She remembered Li Suyin crying in her arms. A bold duel in the dcenter of the Sect. Facing the elder sister of Suyin's tormenter with the backing of the Cai, to keep the duel fair.

The girl who took Li Suyin's eye was a branch family of the Xu? And now they are on our debt? And they are totally going to want to buy Li Suyin's underground access detection devices?
Man, that's so very deliciously karmic.

Now, this part right here.
Invisible in the Mist, Ling Qi sang, and called upon the second dirge, the song of the wolf god, practiced and mastered alongside the completion of the eagle god in her play.

Did we just master Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2, the Wolf God's dead, for free off-screen? Is that Yrs' way of dealing with the overabundance of Art Projects to complete?
That's awesome! But a couple questions.
Will we get the upgraded art's description in the next update? I can kinda guess what it does from the update, it turns the War Calling's constructs "real", but it would have been nice to get the art's description prompt during the battle.
Also Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 1 increased our Motion and Home Concepts, not sure if we hit double XP (10/5). Do we still get the Concept advancement from Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2, double or normal?

It perhaps helped that in the week since that day in the sewer, there had been a spate of reports details similar plots in settlements across the south and central Emerald Seas. Some much more successful.

WOW. I had guessed that other cities would have similar set ups as the one we just dealt with. But I thought there would be time tonstop them. It seems the situation was direr and the terrorist ploy more completed than I had anticipated.

She frowned thinking of th ecollapsed streets, the place in the south where one of the fungal towers had briefly blossomed into the fourth realm, it's poison puncturing a shelter. Light casualties she had been told.

Damn, that's too bad. I know you can't always save everyone, but it's still terrible. I guess which ever son of the viscount (or was it his sister) in charge of that section is in for a harsh reprimand.

In any case, I'm eager to see the end of this turn and our final lessons from it.
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Make way Bao boy. Move aside Turtle man. End of the line Meng Dan. We've got a new possible contender entering the ring!

This just gave me a brilliant idea. Now we know that Ling Qi is going to pick up a whole host of suitors due to being awesome and catalyst of politically important events. So, how does she decide who to choose? Of course, in the most sensible way possible, the way in which Xianxia Cultivators solve all their important problems and make all their big decisions: we host a Tournament! The winner gets a shot at courting Ling Qi, we get to gather a bunch of allies in one spot and have fun with our friends and family, and the best part is, we're not even technically obligated to marry the guy! It's a win-win for everybody!
Did we just master Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2, the Wolf God's dead, for free off-screen? Is that Yrs' way of dealing with the overabundance of Art Projects to complete?
That's awesome! But a couple questions.
Will we get the upgraded art's description in the next update? I can kinda guess what it does from the update, it turns the War Calling's constructs "real", but it would have been nice to get the art's description prompt during the battle.
Also Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 1 increased our Motion and Home Concepts, not sure if we hit double XP (10/5). Do we still get the Concept advancement from Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2, double or normal?
I'm pretty sure that's just the initial Wolf God tech, that buffs the Primal War Calling tech.
Did we just master Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2, the Wolf God's dead, for free off-screen? Is that Yrs' way of dealing with the overabundance of Art Projects to complete?
That's awesome! But a couple questions.
Will we get the upgraded art's description in the next update? I can kinda guess what it does from the update, it turns the War Calling's constructs "real", but it would have been nice to get the art's description prompt during the battle.
Also Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 1 increased our Motion and Home Concepts, not sure if we hit double XP (10/5). Do we still get the Concept advancement from Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2, double or normal?

I think we did the Wold god project earlier, but never really got the chance to show it off? I wasn't here for it though so someone should verify
Zheng, in general, don't seem like a good husbando option tho.

Culturally, he's gonna be a wanderer with a wandering eye. And a wanderer who actually wanders off.

Even if he's a ducal scion, they, the Zheng, don't really practice inheritance or politics the same way as the rest of the Empire, so being a Zheng is worth less than Xuan Shi's connection to the Twin Admirals, politically and economically.

Unless his Grany is the Granny. Then we might have some sway if we tie the knot? Maybe.

He should totally be our platonic male best friend though. We need one of those.

The actual Qi-bowl gaining another player? I'm not so sure [or sure I'd like it].

Monke spirit blood maybe? But we don't want that. We want Ice Spirit blood or Zhengui spirit blood instead don't we?

The biggest upside is that the Zheng are used to women leading the way. Like the Bai are. Like the Wang are. Like the Diao are. Like the Cai are. Like the Sun and Mu (That's the Empress Clan right?) are. It seems like people in general are okay with female leaders. So this really isn't an upshot. Because it's honestly status quo in a lot of places.

I honestly want Zheng Fu to meet Ling Qingee and Ling Mom to go ghost white and point finger. Turns out Dad of Fu is Dad of Qi. That would be a good twist with this character rather than adding to an already stuffed (and kind of anemic despite the number of solid canidates) Qi bowl.

Little Xiangmen, BM? More like Little Mount Tai. Jeez. We have Bai, Jin, Zheng, Cai for sure, I forget if Xuan Shi is going to come hang out. Princess Sun is a no, but that's fine. And the Guo have at least shown interest in CRX directly, so who knows if one of them will show up for her. What if one of the grandsons/great grandson peakaboos shows up? Man.
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Zheng, in general, don't seem like a good husbando option tho.

Culturally, he's gonna be a wanderer with a wandering eye. And a wanderer who actually wanders off.

Even if he's a ducal scion, they, the Zheng, don't really practice inheritance or politics the same way as the rest of the Empire, so being a Zheng is worth less than Xuan Shi's connection to the Twin Admirals, politically and economically.

Unless his Grany is the Granny. Then we might have some sway if we tie the knot? Maybe.

He should totally be our platonic male best friend though. We need one of those.

The actual Qi-bowl gaining another player? I'm not so sure [or sure I'd like it].

Monke spirit blood maybe? But we don't want that. We want Ice Spirit blood or Zhengui spirit blood instead don't we?

The biggest upside is that the Zheng are used to women leading the way. Like the Bai are. Like the Wang are. Like the Diao are. Like the Cai are. Like the Sun and Mu (That's the Empress Clan right?) are. It seems like people in general are okay with female leaders. So this really isn't an upshot. Because it's honestly status quo in a lot of places.

I honestly want Zheng Fu to meet Ling Qingee and Ling Mom to go ghost white and point finger. Turns out Dad of Fu is Dad of Qi. That would be a good twist with this character rather than adding to an already stuffed (and kind of anemic despite the number of solid canidates) Qi bowl.

Little Xiangmen, BM? More like Little Mount Tai. Jeez. We have Bai, Jin, Zheng, Cai for sure, I forget if Xuan Shi is going to come hang out. Princess Sun is a no, but that's fine. And the Guo have at least shown interest in CRX directly, so who knows if one of them will show up for her. What if one of the grandsons/great grandson peakaboos shows up? Man.

Zheng in general are great husbando options. Terrible husbands mainly because they don't believe in the institute of marriage.

What we do know about the Zheng is they are prone to wander off but wouldn't that mean it would be all the more impressive if we actually tied got one to commit and stay around?

There also isn't The Granny, the Zheng have like a council and rotating clan leader.

Also why settle for only letting Hanyi and Zhengui having spirit blooded children? We can have all sorts of spirit blood descendants through adoptions and what not, we don't have to have the kids ourselves for them to be family.

They certainly don't practice inheritance the same way or politics but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any monetary or political gain from marrying/courting a Zheng it would probably just be very different from what we would expect.

Honestly I don't like a lot of our current prospects in the husbando wars and I'm excited to see potential new ones showing up.