so we already know which places are available for the cultivation plan next turn.
I just want to say...
We need to improve our liminal carver trait now!
so we already know which places are available for the cultivation plan next turn.
We needed to improve Liminal Carver several months ago, and Ling Qi's general utility all year. Ling Qi's non-combat utility is very limited at the moment, and the quest is going to transition into fief managment, where non-combat utility will be increasingly important going forward.I just want to say...
We need to improve our liminal carver trait now!
Hmm, definitely exotic, its some kind of vapor that can pass through stone(seems to preferentially move in stone even), absorbs light and carries light through stone, while removing weight? While also prismatically splitting the light?The chamber was vast, its organic ceiling stretching far overhead, and the stone was shot through with colors, pink and gold, blue and green, with all the shades of the dawn between. Great pillars of limestone, smooth and slick with moisture stretched from the floor to the high ceiling above, shaped wholly by natures hand.
"The rock feels strange and light here, as if it might float away into the sky on the current that flows through it," Gan Guangli mused. "And the substance flowing in the stone drinks hungrily of the light and the sun."
"Well, we'll have to make note then. Maybe get a sample back to the Sect's alchemists," Ling Qi said. She clapped her hands twice and bowed toward the crystal, offering simple respect since she did not yet understand the sleeping spirits nature.
"Carefully of course," Gan Guangli said, following her lead. "Let us not forget the lessons of the Argent Vents."
"Naturally," Ling Qi said, straightening up. "Let me guide a little into a container and then-"
Exotic Deposit Found-Shining Air
I'd call it a focal pointIt was hard to tell, with the dense area of the cavern but she didn't think the crystal itself was a part of the spirit, but rather… a dwelling? In so much as those could be said to be separate things for spirits. She recalled well Zeqing's little house on the peak.
The floor of the space was a series of deep inky blue pools in scalloped depressions of varying height, rippling softly under the wind that blew through the cavern.
And there was light, because in the west of the chamber, above a series of rising platforms of stone that emerged from the water was a single huge crystal of numerous colors, through which the light of the fading sun refracted.
She could feel other smaller spirits though, swimming in the pure, clear waters and flitting through the gallery of growing stone above.
Fish scales, light hair, musical and youth. PRETTY generic as water spirites go, other than the youth part.She saw pale faces and bodies in the water, glimmering fish scales and fair hair like trailing water weeds. Wide and doe like eyes peered back with a seeming childish curiosity, and soft bubbling voices raised in song.
The chamber was vast, its organic ceiling stretching far overhead, and the stone was shot through with colors, pink and gold, blue and green, with all the shades of the dawn between. Great pillars of limestone, smooth and slick with moisture stretched from the floor to the high ceiling above, shaped wholly by natures hand.
And there was much wind. Ling Qi felt the movement of air currents above, arriving through holes worn in old stone, the piping arose as the wind flowed through the complex galleries of growing stone in the ceiling.
She could feel other smaller spirits though, swimming in the pure, clear waters and flitting through the gallery of growing stone above.