The idea that Shenhua's cultivation secret makes her more human than other Whites is a common claim, but do we have any evidence of it? I think that people often overestimate how much high-level cultivators lose their personalities, and then see her having a personality as a rarity. At most, she may be differently alien from them due to being younger and set in her own Way without the influence of an ancient clan tradition.
The thing that's always brought up is her relationship with Diao Linqin, but if she did at Prism I don't see why she couldn't at White. Certainly Sun Shao, the other White we have much insight into, acts like he can love people and generally seems to show the same level of agency. We know that Imperial cultivation involves stripping away 'human' things and becoming more like a spirit, but spirits themselves have personalities - for example, nobody would claim that Xin, Zeqing or Sixiang are automatons. They have an essence which they can't directly go against, but they have thoughts and feelings and can work against that essence indirectly. The same seems to be true of all the White and near-White cultivators we've seen.