"It's already spoken for," Ling Qi said.She could sympathize, a little, but not enough to hand over a prize for nothing and risk insulting one of the great families of the Empire. She felt sure that it was the right choice, but… it did make her feel a little unhappy. "You're people should do your best to convince your fellows that war with the Empire will only bring more such losses."
"Understood," Tcho-Ri said. They didn't make any show of being upset, merely resigned.
"I-" Ling Qi frowned. "I wish you and the people of Ha-yith-Kai well under our protection envoy, as far as that goes."
It felt awkward and perfunctory, more than pleasantries usually were. This was the way things were though, and changing them was beyond Ling Qi. It still rankled a little though.Maybe that was just Shu Yue's words rattling in her head though. It was the first time someone had ever called her unambitious.
Ling Qi wandered out into the garden, standing in the shadow of the glittering fountain in its center and stopped a moment to think. Why did she sympathize with this shishigui. Was it the suit which had the unsettling and ugly face, the setting, their clear submission and resignation toward a power greater than them?
"I think you're more empathetic than you think you are, but only when you talk to people directly," Sixiang whispered.
Ling Qi lowered her head looking into the rippling waters at the fountain's base. Sixiang was overestimating her, she was a selfish girl. When she was better, it was an active effort on her part. It didn't come naturally.
"I'm not sure that's a refutation.'Cause you do
make that effort, you know?" Sixiang said.
Ling Qi let out a huff of breath, ice crystalizing briefly in the mist around her. Seeking something beyond her own lifetime huh?
"Is this a poor moment, baroness Ling?"
She looked up to see Wang Lian standing beside her, facing the fountain as well.
"No, just contemplating the Way," Ling Qi said wryly. "What can I help you with Lady Wang?"
"I thought we should discuss some details of the arrangement we spoke of, now that time allows," the older woman said.
Ling Qi nodded, and they began to talk.
It was a pleasant enough conversation, they couldn't set precise dates yet, but Wang Lian provided her some numbers and information she could pass to her liege, and Ling Qi was able to provide her with more information on what Wang Chao had been up to, as well as giving some thoughts on her lieges plans going forward
Mountain Halls Questline Begun, to advance, Complete Mountain Survey Exploration actions and select a base site.
She also broached her plans for tomorrow, just in case Wang Chao forgot, thankfully as they didn't intend to leave the Sect grounds a lack of chaperone wouldn't be a problem. With that addressed, she soon parted ways with the elder Wang, and began to mingle with the rest of the noble guests.
She spoke with friendly Bao and quiet Luo, with Viscounts and barons, and at each turn she maintained what she had said, putting forth confidence in the project she and her liege had taken up, putting words to the value of peace and stubbornly sticking to their belief in ancestral connection. With some this was accepted with grace, with others… less so.
It was exhausting.
But there was pay off, at the end.
"-So of course, I had to just smile through and pretend I hadn't just been backhandedly called a savage," Ling Qi grumbled curling up in the plush armchair, that had been set out for her. She cradled a cup of watered wine, so cold it was nearly slush.
"How terrible, you've marked the miscreants name in your mind then?" Meizhen said idly. She was stretched out on a dark divan, across from Ling Qi.
"Spirits no, I've already forgotten his face," Ling Qi replied, scrunching up her nose in disgust. "Uh… brown hair, kind of twiggy. Oh, he had a kind of piggy nose."
"You are too lax with your foes," Xiao Fen sniffed. She sat on the arm of the divan by Meizhen's feet. Unlike her mistress she was incredibly stiff, and the drink in her hands, some kind of northern fruit juice was completely untouched. Meizhen had to prod her just to get her to take it.
"It's okay, I remember, if it ever becomes relevant again. Third grandson of a viscount- uh," Sixiang paused in thought, their illusory figure rubbing their chin from their own perch on the arm of Ling Qi's chair. "Qiao, yeah that was it."
"Truly, you are in disarray if your muse must take up your responsibilities," Meizhen chuckled. "You must find it appalling, yes Renxiang?"
"Hm? Ling Qi's ways are unorthodox, but she produces results. A single grandchild is likely not worth investigation," her liege said, cracking open her eyes. She sat straight and unruffled in an elaborately embroidered seat with much less plush padding than Ling Qi's chair, or Meizhen's divan. In her hands she held a single steaming cup of black tea, whose rich earthen scent Ling Qi could catch even from here.
She recognized it as a blend Renxiang favored when in the midst of a very large workload. There were some signs of strain in her lieges expression, though no where near as bad as when she had been alone with her Mother last year.
So Ling Qi smiled, and didn't comment on it. This gathering was meant to let them all unwind. Officially of course, it was just for the two of them. "I wasn't the only one enduring troubles though, was I Lady Renxiang?"
"Yes, that Guo fellow was quite insistent on your attention wasn't he," Meizhen chuckled. "You maintained your poise well."
"His compliments were appropriate, and his pursuit not untoward," Renxiang said with a shrug. "His attraction is useful. I managed to find that an official embassy for Zheng ambassadors is being built in the capital of their province, for example, amongst other gossip of the fields."
"Truly? Those apes going out of their way to be... formal?" Meizhen asked in disbelief. "Truly, the world is turning on its head."
"Perhaps," Renxiang said. "I noticed that you had your own suitors."
Meizhen grimaced. "Let us not speak of that."
"Was Bao Qingling not invited?" Ling Qi asked. "She is the daughter of the Bao head."
Meizhen frowned faintly reaching to touch the pale blue sash at her waist. "She declined. I agree with her decision. It is not a venue for her."
"Is everything okay?" Ling Qi asked, straightening up and leaning forward.
"We have had some disagreements while you were away," Meizhen replied. "But… it has been for the better I think. We understand one another better now. Do not be concerned."
Xiao Fen looked deeply conflicted, and actually took a drink, when she noticed Ling Qi looking her way.
Ling Qi studied her friend for a long moment, but nodded, and fell back into her chair.
"Nosy," Sixiang teased silently.
Like you don't want to know, Ling Qi thought grouchily. She glanced toward Renxiang, who seemed content to sit and let the steam of her tea waft over her face, only rarely taking a sip.
"What of you Renxiang? Did your mother have anything to reveal to you?" Meizhen asked idly.
"Ling Qi and I will visit my sister tomorrow," Renxiang said. "The Sun delegation will also arrive tomorrow."
"Wait, what, go back to that first thing," Ling Qi said. She was going to be allowed to do that?
"I am not going alone," her liege replied stiffly, fingers tightening around her cup.
"...I see," Meizhen said. "I suppose the security must be sufficient that there is no threat from a third realm."
They all fell silent at that, the air growing more solemn as the consideration of what could have brought an unprotected infant outside the fortress of Xiangmen settled in.
"Yes," Renxiang said, short and clipped. "This is above our heads."
Ling Qi supposed it was.
"Well, getting back to what's in front of us. What do the other provinces think of our venture, Lady Renxiang?" Ling Qi said.
"As we suspected. The Zheng see it as a grand adventure, the Lakes are officially supportive but internally ambivalent," Cai Renxiang replied.
Meizhen tipped her head in apology. "The Duchess has sold it well, and her successful subjugation helps, but my kin do not easily approve of diplomacy."
Renxiang nodded faintly. "The Fields are ambivalent of course, but the Capital and Sands have signalled some disapproval. I believe we may need to accommodate an Imperial observer in our plans."
Ling Qi blinked and then frowned. That was unexpected. "The throne does not consider this provincial business?"
"The Throne has signalled that it has an interest in the matter," Lady Renxiang replied. "But is still to allow the Duchess' lead."
"Hmph, absent when they are needed, ever present when unwanted," Meizhen sniffed.
"D'you think they'll send someone who will mess things up?" Sixiang asked.
"I… do not know," Cai Renxiang said. "But it is a factor we will have to account for."
"Well, we'll work it out," Ling Qi said with a frown. "What is the plan for tomorrow anyway. I know our outline, but…"
"As the junior generation we will be leaving the adults to their business tomorrow," Meizhen said. "But we are expected to attend the tournament together. Trust building of course. I should like your continued assistance in deciphering the intentions of my assigned subordinates."
"Just whose retainer is Ling Qi?" Renxiang said over the rim of her cup.
"Yours, though only because I let her go," Meizhen teased.
"I am sitting right here," Ling Qi huffed.
"So you are," Meizhen said blithely. "What do you think of them by the by, aside from your admiration of Lao Keung's physique."
"Meizhen," Ling Qi hissed. "Spirits, I wasn't obvious right?"
"No, I just know you," Meizhen replied smugly.
"A match with the Thousand Lakes would not be terrible," Renxiang mused. "It would have disadvantages over an internal match, but not insurmountable ones. There would be benefits to the alliance as well."
"Lady Renxiang," Ling Qi complained, only to sigh. "I don't have too much of a read yet, I've only known them for a few hours. Lao Keung has some resentment in him a think, but it is not indiviualized. Xia Anxi is very prideful, but he seems frightened of you, Meizhen."
"As is proper," Xiao Fen sniffed, breaking her silence.
"Inevitable, but it does make things difficult if they will not speak plainly," Meizhen said. "If I were to hint that I want you accompanied for part of tomorrows festivities, which do you prefer?""
Ling Qi pondered that, teasing aside, this was for the purpose of giving Meizhen a better handle on the people assigned to her, which did she think she could handle better?
[] Xia Anxi, since they had some shared interests.
[] Lao Keung, who seemed more down to earth.