Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] [adjective][possessive noun][Eye/Ear]
[X] Lithe Quintet's Iris
[X] Peeping Peeper's Peeper
[X] Dancing Sight's Ear
[X] Mystic Eyes of Qi Perception
[X] [adjective][possessive noun][Eye/Ear]

I'm hopeful this means Yrs will just stuff it through a word generator everytime it appears in a chapter =L

[X] Dancing Sight's Ear

Puns are good!

[X] Reclusive Musician's Ear

Keeps the acronym, and my favorite of the "serious" votes.

[X] Ashen Shadow Eyes

It'll win eventually!
From the latest RR interlude:
"Haha! Quite an improvement!" Gan Guangli said cheerfully, clapping [Gun Jun] on the shoulders even as he sank wheezing to his knees.

"Y-you are too kind, sir Gan," Gun Jun gasped. "This meager growth is nothing."

"Too humble by half," Gan Guangli chuckled. "Miss Ma! Get our friend a cool towel if you would. He has earned a little rest!"

The girl who looked to have been contemplating fetching one on her own, practically jumped in her seat at his mention. "Y-yes, right away Sir Gan!"
Gan Guangli totally ships it, doesn't he? After reading the Glaring Daggers sidestory I thought he was completely oblivious, but now I'm rethinking things. Did he notice in the interim between chapters, or is he having fun messing with them?
From the latest RR interlude:

Gan Guangli totally ships it, doesn't he? After reading the Glaring Daggers sidestory I thought he was completely oblivious, but now I'm rethinking things. Did he notice in the interim between chapters, or is he having fun messing with them?
Gan Guangli is actually a genuinely perceptive and insightful guy. There's a reason CRX misses her philosophical discussions with him and he always seemed to understand Ling Qi when they meet. He's not just strong and brave, his mind and affinity for people is just as great. He's a commander, not a warrior, and probably as good an influence on CRX as Ling Qi.
As a no longer mortal, Li Qingge now has actual rights now right?
She's kinda had rights since our family was ennobled, in that cultivators other than ourselves and the ministries couldn't mess with her anymore.
Technically she even had some legal protections as a mortal, just nobody cared until we got that senior magistrate involved.
Now that she's red she'd be considered a cultivator in our clan instead of a clan mortal so I'm guessing that new doors open up for her, we don't technically have complete control over her anymore (though we likely have nearly complete control as the clan matriarch/head), though she may have slightly less protections from other clans idk.
Honestly I'm guessing most of her rights would be her acting as the second most powerful human in the clan, and as a representative of our clan.
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As a no longer mortal, Li Qingge now has actual rights now right?

Big assumption that anyone has rights in Xianxialand.

More seriously, it's not that mortals don't have rights, rather they have less compared to cultivators and have more difficulty ensuring they can actually apply their rights.

Which I imagine is the same case as you go higher and higher in the political chain, culminating in the Empress having theoretical maximum rights with an Empire to enforce them, with many stages of nobles with various levels of rights between mortal and Empress.

More relevantly here, I do remember it stated at one point that Qingge as a mortal family member of Qi's was more or less Ling Qi's property, and whether that's changed is up in the air.
You know, I wonder if Qingge could theoretically move to some podunk city and join their city guard now that she's a Red cultivator. I'm not saying she's likely to do so, but I do wonder if it is an option for her. She lacks combat training and relevant arts, but she does have the baseline superhuman physique they expect.

(Yes, I've been wondering what'll happen to the family if LQ dies. Best-case scenarios involve them selling stuff and maybe getting regular money from Zhengui, but worst-case scenarios aren't looking great).
(Yes, I've been wondering what'll happen to the family if LQ dies. Best-case scenarios involve them selling stuff and maybe getting regular money from Zhengui, but worst-case scenarios aren't looking great).
CRX would have to die as well for the clan to return to poverty. If Qi died and CRX survived I'm sure that she'd keep the clan afloat as it should still legally be a vassal clan iirc. She'd probably even sponsor Biyu going to a sect and hope she gets strong enough to keep the clan afloat herself later.

Plus we are likely to have a massive windfall from the auction that would likely to be enough to keep a small clan afloat for decades.
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More seriously, it's not that mortals don't have rights, rather they have less compared to cultivators and have more difficulty ensuring they can actually apply their rights.
I mean, if we're talking about any conception of "rights" I think the mortals possibly have the most in many ways - since that's kind of how the empire thinks about them in terms of the responsibilities of cultivators.

While for cultivators it's more about what their family gives them, with any conception of rights further up being more like Magna Carta shit and arguments about the rights of the nobility vis a vis their liege. Common cultivators I think, in a sense, might actually have less "rights" than mortals?
The funniest part about this vote is that the current winning option doesn't even match the format we were supposed to use.

Silent Songseeker's Regard doesn't end with Eye or Ear.
Maybe yrsillar will jettison it for the first runner-up that actually is valid? Shrug.

(I'm confused why Silent Songseeker's Regard is so popular. We're not silent!)
The most recent bonus chapter on RR has Fefe musing on how she remembers having always wanting to serve a white serpent. But we've learned from some arts that memory is very malleable. It makes me wonder just how far the black vipers go to insure prefection.
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The most recent bonus chapter on RR has Fefe musing on how she remembers having always wanting to serve a white serpent. But we've learned from some arts that memory is very malleable. It makes me wonder just how far the black vipers go to insure prefection.
Raise them correctly and there's no need to alter anything just like the people who are raised to be tools