Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Anyway, what Instrument would best fit Hanyi's theme of beautiful solitude?

Maybe violin? It would fit the classy Lady image Hanyi is building, and a violin apparently could etymologically mean
perhaps [coming] from Vitula, Roman goddess of joy..., or from related Latin verb vitulari, "to exult, be joyful
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I'm sure that 180 went over really well with the Bai, a clan known for its ability to hold a grudge.

You know, all this rehash regarding the Empress is making me wonder why exactly did Shenhua decide to ally with the Bai?

Long Term Legitimacy and time limited opportunity

As long as the Cai were close allies of the Imperial Throne, they'd continue to be seen as an Imperial Asset. Now they're clearly a proper player in their own right, and have gained the support (though more tacit acknowledgement in the case of the Zheng) of the traditionalist ducal houses (who usually are opposed to newcomers). Assuming Shenhua is assured about being able to produce a proper heir (note: she doesn't need to be correct about this, just that she thinks she has it handled), this means she's pretty much accomplished everything needed to ensure that the Cai will prosper going forward, short of making a sublime ancestor tier superweapon. And she's done all of this lightning fast because that's how Shenhua works, but also because....

Opportunity. The Bai were already recovering on their own despite their enemy's best efforts, and it's extremely unlikely that the Bai will ever be this weak again. The chance to gain the support (not mere respect, but active support) of the most prideful and traditionalist of the ducal houses is only available because of their current weakness. Add to that their prospective new head is of the "diplomatic" faction of the Bai, which, if all goes as planned, would help turn the Bai border into a massive trade boost for the ES and the alliance helps ensure Suzhen gets the spot (as opposed to her isolationist faction rival), this is an unparalleled diplomatic opportunity. But only if Shenhua acts now. The only chance to offer the Bai a helping hand up is while they're on their knees, and if they recover on their own it strengthens the isolationists (we didn't get any help, why do we need outsiders again?) and leaves the Cai in the position of "close ally of the Empress coming to treat with us now that we're strong again."

Also to consider is the Empress's response. She's already disinclined to spend more on bringing the Dukes to heel, instead focusing on her own agenda in strengthening her power base in the Peaks. She's also been losing political support and capital to keep kicking the Bai while they're down. The Cai are not down, and haven't done anything actually wrong. While she will most likely make her displeasure still known, it's unlikely it's going to be too rough even before you take into account the politics of meddling in a Duchy who is actively engaged in a war against Barbarians because the Empress has more pressing places closer to home to spend her time, money, and political capital on.

So to sum up, it gains the ES a lucrative trade agreement (another one external to her vassals the counts, giving her even more power and leverage to enact her reforms for ES), legitimacy among the Ducal Houses that otherwise would probably take a few thousand years straight up to get to the same point, turns an antagonistic border (Bai border with Ally of the Throne) into a positive one that now has trade links being built (which can be turned into a long term boost for the ES) at the cost of a border becoming neutral but with trade still freely flowing across it (since the ties of money and trade are still there) with the Peaks.

I fully expect the the Empress to both be very irritated by the move, but also acknowledge what a good one it was for Shenhua to make.
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I kind of suspect she might want like bells, though they aren't a particularly Chinese archetype oriented instrument. Her favored genre doesn't play nice with most types of percussion but bells can work.
Anyway, what Instrument would best fit Hanyi's theme of beautiful solitude?

Maybe violin? It would fit the classy Lady image Hanyi is building, and a violin apparently could etymologically mean
Violin works with the aesthetic she's going for. But will this be an instrument Hanyi plays for fun or just when she's performing? Or will it be an instrument she incorporates into her combat style like Ling Qi does?...Probs not, she needs her hands free to grab her prey and eat em right?
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I'm sure that 180 went over really well with the Bai, a clan known for its ability to hold a grudge.

You know, all this rehash regarding the Empress is making me wonder why exactly did Shenhua decide to ally with the Bai?
I believe that she said in almost as many words to CRX that the Zheng are getting past the phase of laughing at how their ancient rivals got thrashed, and are beginning to move to close ranks with a fellow remnant of the pre-Imperial era, and Shenhua wants to be on the winning side when the inevitable shift in the balance of power comes.
I kind of suspect she might want like bells, though they aren't a particularly Chinese archetype oriented instrument. Her favored genre doesn't play nice with most types of percussion but bells can work.
A series of bells or chimes would be interesting to see. They're also one of the relatively few instruments that would makes sense to make out of ice.
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How about a harp? Not particularly mobile but her main way of fighting involves drawing people close to her anyway. Her fighting style is probably going to remain focused around Voice for a while, though.
How about a harp? Not particularly mobile but her main way of fighting involves drawing people close to her anyway. Her fighting style is probably going to remain focused around Voice for a while, though.
If she's really gonna use her instrument in battle, it should probs be something mobile like LQ's flute. Maybe another Woodwind instrument like a recorder?
How about a harp? Not particularly mobile but her main way of fighting involves drawing people close to her anyway. Her fighting style is probably going to remain focused around Voice for a while, though.
It's probably going to remain focused around her Voice for the rest of her life. Most instruments beyond hand cymbals will get in the way of her arts. Remember Frozen Soul Serenade? That requires a laying-on-hands, and Hanyi's nature as something that "eats" by freezing living things in her grasp, so I expect a lot of her damage comes from the same source. If Hanyi were specifically looking to expand her arts and combat abilities, teaching her to use a weapon and getting her armor breaking arts would be more useful to her both as a predator and a performer. And that's assuming arts with the Dance keyword can't do damage, which even I don't believe because:
As soon as the thought was complete, she leaped down from his shell, landing a few meters ahead. As she landed, she spun, her gown flaring outward as she landed lightly and moved through the first steps of her dance. All around her in The Mist phantom dancers erupted, skeletal wraiths transformed, frost and rime transforming into glittering finery and grinning skulls transformed into coldly mocking faces.

Many of the shishigui let out barks and yips of terrified panic as phantom dancers seized them and whirled them away from their comrades, disrupting nearly a half dozen formations and packs. Of her targets, only the spear wielding rider of the larger hounds resisted the revel's grasp. The spinning haft of his spear disrupted Ling Qi's laughing revelers.

However, there were still scores of enemies, and as with the prepared barbarians, it seemed that it actually mattered.
Hounds leapt at her wildly, clawing and biting, they erupted from the ground, glowing slingstones flew and exploded into noxious gases and goo. Ling Qi wove through them all, but it was a closer thing than she liked. She could not simply ignore her weaker foes, given the weaves of qi empowering claw and fang and stone.

But, she wasn't fighting alone.

Roots erupted from the ground around her, like a circle of spears, driving enemies back and giving her room to breath, and snapping fangs caught leaping hounds midair and flung them away burning. Hanyi's voice rang out through the cold laughter and noise of the revel, and her phantoms clapped in adoration as hounds flung themselves themselves at her, some died on Zhengui's roots, some burned on his volcanic shell, and others, she caught in her arms, grinning brightly as she inhaled their warmth and vitality, dropping the broken corpses behind her like withered leaves.
While this is two separate arts that my emphasis is pointing at, the idea of a wood dance art that shoots spears out of the ground sounds like the kind of thing someone specialized in dance could do, and so Hanyi might decide to pick up Dance to develop both her music, and abilities in battle.
It's probably going to remain focused around her Voice for the rest of her life. Most instruments beyond hand cymbals will get in the way of her arts. Remember Frozen Soul Serenade? That requires a laying-on-hands, and Hanyi's nature as something that "eats" by freezing living things in her grasp, so I expect a lot of her damage comes from the same source. If Hanyi were specifically looking to expand her arts and combat abilities, teaching her to use a weapon and getting her armor breaking arts would be more useful to her both as a predator and a performer. And that's assuming arts with the Dance keyword can't do damage, which even I don't believe because:

While this is two separate arts that my emphasis is pointing at, the idea of a wood dance art that shoots spears out of the ground sounds like the kind of thing someone specialized in dance could do, and so Hanyi might decide to pick up Dance to develop both her music, and abilities in battle.
Well for her, it might be icicles or something be shot from the ground outward. The fact that neither she nor Zhengui have picked up new elements in their arts is an example of how much less flexible spirits are than humans.
So on second thought, I agree with you that instruments are pretty impractical for her to incorporate into her combat. Whatever instrument she chooses, it'll serve purely as a performative part of her music...Having said that, I think she should choose something that will allow her to sing and play at the same time. Maybe a violin would be good then.
The Burning East
The east burned.

It had been one hundred years, and still it burned. Since that day of Cataclysm, when all the sky was washed in flame, the east had burned. Millennial groves had been laid flat by the pressure of the Sun's dying, and their children burned each summer. Fresh shoots caught flame when summer came. Newborn's man and beast alike suffocated when the sweltering heat grew too much.

For one hundred years, Wu Jin had come each morn to meditate upon the tallest standing hill which overlooked the devastation. The tap of his staff stirred up ash and dust as he ascended, and the only sound was the scuff of his sandals and the soft whisper of wind. As he reached the top of the hill, the wind picked up, and dust and grit swirled. Wu Jin raised a hand to shield his mouth, and when it passed, adjusted the cloth which covered his empty sockets, ensuring it was snug. The sand would get in and irritate them otherwise.

Wu Jin stood at the top of the hill, and tapped his plain wooden staff against the ground thoughtfully, feeling the land around him in the echoes. Wu Jin recalled the first day he had stood upon this hill and looked east. He remembered the terrible pressure, and the sky going white. He remembered the feeling of his eyes trickling down his cheeks like tears.

All in all, he had been a lucky fellow, Wu Jin mused. Carefully, he sat down, feeling the ache in aging bones. He was going to die soon. He knew this with the certitude that only a cultivator could have. There would be no fourth realm for him, no adjustment to Death's ledger granting him another hundred years.

Wu Jin hummed to himself, and heard the land in his echo. It was so easy to be macabre here, surrounded by the dead. He remembered the grove which had once stood here, the burbling brook which had wound round the hill. Now there was only a plain of ash. There to the north was where the home his father had built with his own hands had stood. Now there was dust, and the glassed foundation.

Yet still the land lived. He heard it, the roots and life deep in the earth, struggling on after a hundred years. For his first three decades, he had worked tirelessly to aid them. He had sung songs of spring to growing shoots, and cared tenderly for rising saplings.

They had burned, when summer came. They always burned, when summer came.

He had spent his meager wealth importing soil from the west, and spent more still on wardings and artifice.

Dirt became dust, and the artifice of man crumbled before the heat of the dead sun.

Wu Jin dug his fingers into the dusty earth, and weighed it in his hand. Just ash and dust, hardly even a worm to be found. When the rains came, it made not fertile mud, but merely a gritty slurry.

In the next three decades, he had despaired, and the land lay fallow. Joining the sunguard a lordless company, he had struck out again and again into the dunes. He had slain the Walkers of ash in their hundreds and thousands, and came close to death a hundred times in turn. Wu Jin's grip on his staff tightened, and old sun cracked leather creaked. His wrinkled lips twisted into a smile as he hummed the beat of his company's marching song. He had never seen the banner he carried into battle, but his comrades had assured him it was glorious.

Wu Jin remembered the crack of dusty bones under his staff, the sounds of battle. He remembered voices going silent one by one, never to be heard again, unless beyond the veil of this mortal realm. One day, he had found himself alone, in a company of strangers, and never had the banner weighed so heavy.

So in the seventh decade, he laid it down and returned to his hill.

Once more he laid down the seeds. He sang the old songs of soil and root.

Summer came, and they burned.

Wu Jin had made his peace with that. He had no children, no nieces or nephews. No living kin at all. When he passed, this land would merely be wilderness once more. There was no one who would be harmed by his failure. No one would remember the grove and the babbling brook, or the song of the wind in the trees on a spring morning.

It was a sad thing, but the world was filled with many sad things.

Wu Jin listened to the sway of the saplings he had planted, the rustle of leaves and young branches. It was the first day of summer. Just one more time, he would allow himself to hope. After that, he would see about finding a place to rest.

The sun peeked over the horizon. The hot wind from the east blew on Wu Jin's sun lined faced, and the edges of his ragged robe began to smoke as the sun qi so deeply ingrained in the earth responded.

Wu Jin heard the first crackle of flame, then a heavy crack as a trunk burst, soil boiling. He lowered his head as he heard leaves take to flame. Wu Jin's staff fell from his hands, and his shoulders fell. How was it that after so many times, it still hurt so keenly?

Once more the trees burned.

But one lived.

He felt it first, a rustle of leaves where there should have been ash. Wu Jin raised his head, and his gasp of surprise carried his sight. There at the center of the grove he had planted, stood a single sapling. Already its siblings collapsed into ash and tinder, but the last tree lived. It burned, and it lived.

Wu jin crawled forward on his hands and knees. His staff lay forgotten, his aching bones lay forgotten. He tumbled down the hill, like a clumsy child, and staggered to his feet, covered in dust and grit. His empty sockets stung with grit as he walked unsteadily forward, ignoring the hot ash that clung to his skin.

His hands found smooth bark, and flames licked his hands. Wu Jin felt his lost eyes burn, not from grit, but from tears that could no longer fall.

It looked as if he would be seeing tomorrow after all.
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Do we know what cataclysm this references?
The one in Golden Fields. The Sublime Ancestor of the place fought the Twilight King and went boom, making the entire area a Death/Sun qi radioactive desert.

If you go to the Celestial Empire full map in the informational tab, it is the thing that made the Grave of the Sun and the grey area around it in the east.
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Please note that the Sublime Ancestor dying (Grave of the Sun) destroyed not only large parts of the Golden Fields, but also a neighbouring civilization with which the Empire traded with on the right of the continent. We do not know if a remnant of that civilization remains. On another note the current continental shelf to the south of this landmass on which the empire lies seems to slooowly move away from the bad, bad, grave of the sun and other nasties. Isn´t it neat when everything has a spirit of some sort and actively reacts to horrible cataclysms? 😅
Decent chance that side story depicts a Green 6 taking a 70 year break from his Domain Name Quest and then completing it right before his death and advancing to Green 7 with new hope of making Cyan.
Sounds like the story of Burning Glade Restoration, especially considering his singing and all.

Developed in the wake of the Purifying Sun's death, this melody was composed by eastern clans by observation of the adaption of forests on the border of the province. When the burning winds came from the east, the groves and plains burned, and there was much devastation. Yet nature is resilient and over time, the lands of the east adapted to regular burning, springing forth with new growth mere days after the passing of the flame.

Getting some of the history on it, it honestly fits our aesthetic and themes much better than I'd thought. Temperature extreme enough to render the soil barren might as well be Winter in Ling Qi's conception, never mind that it's warmth instead of chill.