Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
the only other Nightmare that we know of is Nightmare of a Burning Glade.

You know.

The name of that Weilu corpse dimension? The one the Moon showed us? With the broken pockets of frozen time and entropy?
Xuan Shi is the only cultivator we know of that uses Time.

Sure would be a shame if Kongyou (a Moon spirit) was able to slowly entrench Xuan Shi's dependency on them and then during a reasonable spirit expedition they stumble into oh no! A nightmare realm! And it's got me! Ack! Help Me Shi! You're my only hope!!

except. You know. Kongyou feeds on the tragic suffering of Xuan Shi dying alone in a pocket dimension where literally nobody could find him. There's no possible way for this plan to go wrong-

and then LQ gets a moon quest to seek the song of the Burning Glade! lol
Don't think u can die in the dream, mudboi died and only woke up with an injury.
Ah, poor Xuan Shi, I understand now why he mentioned Gan Guangli.

How much time left before the tourney? This doesn't seem to be a thing that Ling Qi can do much to fix without making things worse before they get better, but GG would be a perfect dude to get Xuan to stop moping.
Ah, poor Xuan Shi, I understand now why he mentioned Gan Guangli.

How much time left before the tourney? This doesn't seem to be a thing that Ling Qi can do much to fix without making things worse before they get better, but GG would be a perfect dude to get Xuan to stop moping.
A bit more than three more months before the outer sect tourney, though I am unsure of how much GG and Xuan Shi would actually help each others there.
I dunno about you folk, but I really like the interaction between Kongyou and Xuan Shi. Fears about her leading him to tragedy is plausible, and she probably does want him to cling to her after a failure, but I'm looking forward to how spirit and cultivator influence and change one another!
Maybe we're looking down on our Xuan boi here. Maybe Xuan Shi's extensive literary nerd knowledge will allow him to recognize the troupe that his spirit is playing out (if Kongyou even is malicious yeaaah, same name, so high probability of being malicious) and finally have his Character Building moment to grow as person.

Maybe next time we see Xuan Shi will be him sporting a mohawk and using jade earings, noserings, etc. as his Art support. Or something of the sort.
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I really do not read this as Xuan Shi knowing what he is getting into. This seems like textbook grooming to me.

Kongou is literally playing a Magic Pixie Dream Girl for Xuan Shi right now. Supportive! Kooky! Takes an interest in a Loser like him!

He's a perfect mark, and it seems like Kongou is going to build him up until she can knock him down and feast off the resulting tragedy. Tragedy isn't satisfying if everything is miserable all the time, after all. You have to build up the drama and character before things go Wrong.

Like on the surface, her advise to him isn't bad. Xuan Shi does need to get out more and try new things because he is never going to get friends and companionship if he stays turtled up in his shell. But it's coming from a poisoned chalice.

She's telling him things that sound good on the surface but when viewed through the lense of her probable intent, are much more sinister. She's going to build him up before she knocks him down.

All and all, we really need to hammer Xuan Shi's SL button if it comes up. Ling Qi needs to show she does consider him a friend and that even if it's not romantic, she cares about him.
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Problem is that we have only so much SL space to use.
I like Xuan Shi, but if i have to pick between him and the Best Snek, i will be hard pressed to pick Xuan.
Crap, this feels almost coercive, spend time with the turtle boy or the turtle boy gets it. :(
On the other hand, maybe Xuan is not just a victim waiting to happen, or maybe Kongyou is not the monster everyone expects them to be.
But can we risk it?
"Heh, good dreams can never keep nightmares at bay, you know that pretty well I'd think," the voice whispered. "And wow, I have to give it to you, what you've done to my sappy cousin here? Great stuff. Never would have thought I'd see one of them twisted until they could still themselves like this on purpose. Wow that's gotta hurt."
"Mmph, that's some good stuff too, that girl is a feast, but that boy out front…. Look at him go, gonna kill himself for a bunch of people who barely know his name. How tragic," the open ecstasy in the spirits voice was deeply unnerving.
"Oh, do you want out. I might be able to help with that," the voice wheedled. "Just cause I like you greedy girl. Kongyou's pretty good at getting where they need to be, you know? Want a hand? They're gonna die anyway if things stay as they are."
Oh no Kongyou is definitely the nightmare spirit we encountered to try and break through the cocoon and I'm betting it was implied she's doin some hypnosis on him when the pain in his arm was spiking and medicinal energies were helping cloud his mind.
This is all the makings of a toxic friend.
Impenetrable Mist gives Ling Qi the opportunity to save the people she's fighting with against overwhelming power, where Unbreaking Mirror gives her allies the ability to be more effective.

We've already seen Ling Qi's mother hen tendencies and her unwillingness to let those she care about fight, so thematically I prefer the option that lets her trust her friends to be strong. Helping them as they fight rather than being ready to catch them when they fall as the continuation of her Domain.

[X] Enlightenment's Unbreaking Mirror: B
Its possible to submit and still make it work. Heizui has little motives beyond chillin in the sun.
He's still never gonna respect Xuan Shi if Xuan Shi doesn't show confidence and assertiveness. If Heizui smells weakness (and he considers that as a weakness), he's going to take on the dominant role in relationship. While its possible to have a healthy relationship with one person being submissive and the other more dominating, Xuan Shi kinda wallows in his low self-esteem and thus is not the kind of person who can do that type of relationship in a healthy way. Sure, what we've seen in the commission is probs worse than usual b/c of Kongyou's influence but he's just a naturally self-conscious, shy guy. What Xuan Shi needs is to be built up and recognize his own strengths. I doubt he could achieve that with Heizui always keeping him down. You seem to be implying that Heizui is a just a chill dude but we haven't seen how he treats his inferiors b/c he only treats LQ as a superior.