Biggest issue for me continues to be that Ling Qi just isn't setup well to benefit from whatever she may find exploring.
Finding spirit stones or materials she can sell for spirit stones is nice, if boring, but won't be that big of a benefit. We've got our budget mostly on track, and talismans don't even cost spirit stones anymore. Same issue with finding cultivation sites: she already has what she needs there, and any improvement is likely to be a marginal increase rather than something significant.
An art would be really difficult to fit into her build at this point, given how we have it planned out. Like, I'm not against randomly stumbling across a really good art, but the problem is that meridians are so jigsaw-y and we've already planned around that with the arts we already have. There's also the fact that capabilities tend to be split across separate arts. If we find a new art that does something we want better than we currently do, we have to juggle meridians and potentially multiple other arts, which would in turn potentially require us to scrap planned or started arts and start something else in our library from scratch. It's a really big headache.
Finding a viable talisman seems unlikely and considering we're deliberately getting a new one this turn for actual targeted reasons, very silly.
Ling Qi doesn't craft or research with rare materials she might find, and her current paths for gear upgrades are from entities that are more or less arbitrarily good at what they do, so improving their work with stuff we find isn't very convincing. Tailor David Bowie and The Moon are going to provide us with good accessories and flutes regardless. Ling Qi isn't helped by finding rare materials, not at this point.
There's no room for more spirits, so that isn't an option for a reward.
So what can Ling Qi get that actually matters to her? Books of old stories, maybe? A cache of music sheets? Or another manual on formations she doesn't use. Basically, there's a problem in that most things, actually everything I can think of, Ling Qi could find is likely to go unused even if it theoretically has potential, because of time constraints.
The bigger problem is that the question of why Ling Qi is going exploring needs to be addressed, and currently there aren't very many satisfying answers. What is Ling Qi actually hoping to achieve, here? We can't know that until it actually happens, obviously. But that's actually a big problem. If we can't come up with convincing reasons Ling Qi would choose to do this in her current circumstances, that's an indication that it's a narratively poor choice to make. I do not see why Ling Qi would do this, or what she could possibly hope to gain.