"Family is everything," Sun Shao said as he approached the map. "It is unfortunate that my nieces and nephews, and their children in turn, scorn this. The Sun clan is troubled, Liling."
"If only the might of ancestors is to be respected, then our choices are few," Grandfather said softly. His voice was sad, defeated
It was a bared blade, stained with dragon's blood.
There is a problem in the Sun clan. Not all of Sun Shao's nieces and nephews are following the motto "family is everything.". This was his Way that borderline forced him to carve his way into the jungle. This is why Bai Fuxi was willing to furnish Shao's expedition, but warned against going further than the river.
Sun Shao clearly felt his family would never be safe so long as the Barb menace was not exterminated, and in his arrogance or due to his Way, he pushed on beyond the River. Worse than dying though, he met the Sunflower Goddess, the bared blade stained with dragon's blood. The Blood of the Sage Emperor. She understands that the Bai might do the xianxia "exterminate whole line" because (apparently) a clan that follows "Family is Everything" might do some extremely stupid and dangerous things like go past the river.
Sun Shao also understands this, and decides to make a deal. He will be the goddess's in death, his death will fuel her garden. In exchange, he wanted power enough to punish the Bai that had not done this work for 12000 years and gotten Sage Emp and countless others (including Sun Shao's Wife) killed for their lack of proper exterminating reprisal. He would chop the head off the snake and perhaps with all the other provinces also hating the Bai they would crush them and allow the Sun to live as the new Ducal line of Thousand Lakes. Family is Everything after all, and it would be much preferable for the Empire to have a blood relative Ducal line with such a motto at their side than the treacherous Bai.
Again, through Way or through Arrogance, he is wrong. Lilling's loss in the tournament might have sped up the timetable, but I would expect this to have occurred before she was in Cyan because this seems like the exact sort of trauma that will mess up your Way if you're too far along.
In any case, he is wrong because the Bai are the family of the Empire. One of the 4 original ducal houses, and only one of two that have survived. They and the Zheng are old enough to have wisdom about "This World is a Death World. And humanity is often fighting anti-reality non-human threats. Grudges can wait and be patient and settled in ways that are not suicidal." Zheng are strong and rambunctious and adventurous and chaotic, but they are not so wild as to not show up for Humanity when the time comes.
He is wrong because the Bai are full of loyalists. Even if the head is cut two more shall rise in their place. A hydra of infinite heads and ancient wisdoms, the loss of the Bai would be a severe blow to a myriad of studies and Ways, and as stated a loss of one of the 2 remaining founding lines.
He is wrong because Grandmother Serpent's retaliation could be more disastrous than the Purifying Sun's self sacrifice. The Purifying Sun was attempting to do good. Grandmother Serpent may just annihilate as much as she can and presume that some of her brood will survive it. Apparently the effects of the Sun's explosion were so far reaching that even places in Heavenly Peaks were doused with a sort of radiation sickness (as learned about in the Medicine Saint interlude).
Having been hoping for a better outcome politically, he once again falls short and comes to bargain with the Sunflower.
"If only the might of ancestors is to be respected, then our choices are few," Grandfather said softly. His voice was sad, defeated
"Liling, give respect to your Great Grandmother."
Sun Liling's mouth went dry at the implication. They used barbarian arts, tamed barbarian spirit's but…
The figure was before her, and Liling felt her heart thundering as the spirit's disapproval fell upon her. Grandfather's hand tightened on her shoulder. Whispers of song battered against Grandfathers power.
"You accepted my proposal," Sun Shao, King of the Western Territories ground out, and the earth trembled. "I am yours, but my granddaughter is your granddaughter. The bargain was struck."
The figure before her shifted and Sun Liling shivered as she felt the touch of a bloody scarf, a talon and a sharp blade all in one.
"Sun Liling," Grandfather said. "Give respect to your Great Grandmother."
She could only obey. She brought her fists together, and bowed her head to the Goddess of the Red Garden. In her head, Dharitri laughed.
"At last, I did not trust myself not to ruin the surprise! Oh how wonderful it is, to be sisters in truth!"
"Your adoption will be painful, as all births are. You will be strong enough to survive it," Grandfather said softly as something wrapped around her, a vine or a scarf or a jungle serpent she knew not. "Everything for family."
Sun Liling could only scream as thorns erupted from her skin, verdant diefic qi overrunning her channels.
Sun Lilling has been forcibly converted into a Spirit Blood. We know she was stripped of the Heiress status. It seems likely to me that she will be the Spirit Blooded Founding Matriarch of the New Ducal Line. A Branch of the Sun that will eventually supercede the non-spiritblooded. Given that the Sunflower and Sun Shao both have a strong element of Death Qi, and converting Death into new Power . . . this is very bad for the original Sun clan.
I would expect that her Great Aunt's death is going to allow for a bevy of materials and cultivation for Sun Liling's newly established clan . . . .
War between Bai and Sun was always inevitable. But with this, Sun Shao ensures that his beloved Granddaughter, the one that stuck to the motto "Family is Everything", the one that was talented and martially unparalleled even amongst titanic ducal talents . . . .
was still defeated by a Bai, because the Bai's blood allowed for Meizhen to develop and inject a toxin through a bite.
Because the politics were too old, too entrenched, and too difficult to navigate when one is attempting to grind the martial excellence necessary to beat a Ducal Spirit Blood.
Because for all that everyone complains and "hates" the Bai, to all of them the Bai are family. There is kinship there deeper and older than Sun Shao can gain for his line.
And so it will no longer be his line, alone. It will be the line of the Sunflower Goddess as well. Because there will never be a return to occupy the Bai provinces. There will never be a moment he can replace the Bai as the duchy of Thousand Lakes. His people will need to live in the jungle, but living in the jungle is Dying in the jungle.
and the Jungle is the Goddess's. And if there is to be a fate beyond his own, the sacrifice of all that he is for the Jungle to devour, there will need to be a new accord. A new deal struck.
His Granddaughter will be the rebirth of the Blood Priestess' rule of the Jungle. May their proclamations and rule always remember,
"Everything For Family"
You remember that line earlier? That his nephews and nieces have forgotten? And how the dead are fuel for the power of the Jungle, of Sun Shao, and now of both halves of Lilling's lineage?
There will almost certainly be an internal reckoning. There will almost certainly be members of the family that have strayed from the motto for so long that they would rather die than break their way in such a manner.
And we all know what the dead are, to sunflowers.
Everything For Family