Alright, let's put my thoughts on paper.
Winter Hearth Resounding
An old art developed by the clans of southern emerald seas, during the age of civil strife. A meditation on the nature of home and family created during the long winters which once plagued the hills of the province. This art offers few stand alone techniques, and instead focuses on effects which bolster other arts.
Potency: Green 3
Potency growth: Green 4(3) Green 5(6)
Max level: 6
Boundaries, Hearth, Security
Cold, Composure, Fire, Music, Resist
Needed Meridians: Spinex3, Heartx1
Experience: 300, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1100
+15 to Resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Health
+5 to Music
Burning Hearth, Winter Wind: C
Upkeep 5
Through the reverberations of this technique, cultivators' Music arts are altered subtly. Manifesting as a faint background support to a song, melody or composition(or enhancing such an effect if already present) the cultivators art effects are enhanced. Firstly, arts which do not distinguish between ally and enemy gain this feature. Secondly, arts enhanced by this technique are more difficult to dispel. All activated music arts gain one 'shield' charge, when a technique would be dispelled, this shield charge is removed instead. A technique must be reactivated to regain the shield charge. Dispels of A rank or higher adjusted for potency may ignore this effect.
Allies within the effect of the users Lung or Heart arts also receive a small bonus to Resist and Resolve.
Frozen Walls, Homely Keep: C
Duration: Long
Focusing their conception of hearth and home upon a single location or themselves, the cultivator calls forth a potent warmth that enwraps allies and a frozen chill that assaults invaders. Effects radiate from the point of origin out to Far range. Allies receive D rank qi regeneration and bonuses to spiritual Avoid and Armor. Enemies suffer D rank qi drain and penalties to Spiritual Hit and Penetration. If the user is the designated point of origin, they receive D rank qi regeneration and a significant increase to Spiritual Armor and Resist.
So, WHR. I dub thee the ugly workhorse. You're not going to win any prizes for beauty or speed, and your eyes may not be perfectly symmetrical, but put you behind the plow and work will be done. In general, people seemed to have wanted a personal resist art and a group sustain art. This does both... adequately. It's not going to win prizes for one or the other, but it is a compact little art that will pull its weight. The shield is nice as upkeep as it means it takes twice as long to dispell our music art techs. Which, while ideally it would be all techs, is still fairly decent, especially if our Domain counts. The group sustain is alright, and gives some other defenses to spirit defense. So, my opinion is... meh. It's alright.
Frozen Lake Gleaming
An art developed by a cultivator of the western fens, observing the interplay of lunar qi upon the frozen waters and the revelry of fairies of ice and moon alike. This art teaches the cultivator to shroud themselves in reflection and ice to confound and punish foes who seek to wipe away their true arts.
Potency growth: Green 4(3) Green 5(6)
Max level: 6
Illusion, Reflection, Retribution
Cold, Composure, Moon, Music, Resist
Needed Meridians: Spinex3, Armx1
Experience: 300, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1100
+15 to resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Spiritual Hit
Icefield Flowering: C
Duration: Long
When activated, this art chills the air around the cultivator, calling forth gentle flurries of snow and adding a faint melancholy melody to other effects. The user appears to shimmer, as if cloaked in clear ice. While active the user receives a significant bonus to Resist and Spiritual Armor. While active enemies attempting to dispel the users techniques and fail suffer a backlash the effects of their technique rebounding on them. The rebounded dispel is in all ways identical to the original in potency and effect. This technique cannot recreate potencies above Green 8
Shimmering Silver Reflection: C
Duration: Long
Damage: C
While active enemies attempting to dispel the cultivators arts or target them with spiritual effects suffer an immediate spiritual counterattack if within Far range. On Damage, the targeted enemy suffers a penalty to Combat perception, which stacks up to five times.
I like the themes of this art. It's a fun little twist on cold and ice and counters. It does provide "significant" resist, but all of its retaliatory effects happen when the opponent fails to dispell. Which is nice, but doesn't really help against someone who can already dispell our stuff. It doesn't make our techniques last longer or trigger the retaliation if they succeed on dispell, it just boosts our resist and punishes failure.
This does, however, have some nice synergy with our domain and its ability to trigger an automatic dispell attempt. That has some really fun niche uses where we can force a counter dispell at them, and if they don't have good resist they will lose a technique. So, fun synergy, but, alas, no group sustain. Which is fine, we can't have everything... unless you want to be an ugly workhorse (Looking at you, WHR).
Burning Glade Restoration
Developed in the wake of the Purifying Sun's death, this melody was composed by eastern clans by observation of the adaption of forests on the border of the province. When the burning winds came from the east, the groves and plains burned, and there was much devastation. Yet nature is resilient and over time, the lands of the east adapted to regular burning, springing forth with new growth mere days after the passing of the flame.
Potency growth: Green 4(3) Green 5(6)
Max level: 6
Destruction, Endurance, Renewal
Fire, Fortitude, Music, Resilience, Resolve, Stamina, Wood
Needed Meridians: Spinex1, Heart x3
Experience: 300, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1100
+10 to Health
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Physical Armor
+10 Resolve
Ruin Flower: C
Duration: Long
The cyclic combination of wood and fire qi within the users channels expands outward, soaking into allies and imbuing them with the resolve and fortitude to withstand the trials of battle. Grants the user and allies D rank Qi regeneration and E rank Health Regeneration. This effect extends out to the Far range.
Flame-Drinker's Eaves: C
Duration: Immediate
Among the eastern glades some trees have developed fire aligned qi themselves, and in the fire season, their leaves burn but do not die. So it is with this art. This art may affect the user or any ally within close range. It provides an immediate boost to physical and spiritual armor as well as Damage Reduction D. If damage is prevented, the attacking techniques qi is transformed into a burst of warmth and vitality in a close range, providing C rank healing and D rank Qi restoration to allies.
This art seems to really be Zhengui focused. Wood and fire, renewal, destruction, stamina. Qi and health regen is the focus here and it loves to draw out the fight, as the longer the fight goes on the more value this art has for the user and their allies.
Unfortunately... it's not a resist art. Which is fine, but it seems like the a significant group of people wanted a resist art primarily, and this is not that. So, I'm going to set it aside for now, but I'm watching you, you beautiful little art.
Undying Hearth's Embers
If fueled, even the tiniest spark may leap back to roaring life. Through careful regulation of the flows of ones qi a practitioner of this art may prevent their techniques from being wholly snuffed out, and recover even when driven into a corner. The users compositions are lent a faint reverberating quality, showing that they will last beyond the fading of the initial notes.
Potency growth: Green 4(3) Green 5(6)
Max level: 6
Endurance, Hearth, Renewal
Music, Resist, Resolve, Stamina, Wood
Needed Meridians: Spinex4
Experience: 300, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1100
+15 to Resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+15 to Health
Sparks in Ash: C
Duration: Long
While active, users of this art receive a bonus to resist. Upon a technique being successfully dispelled, the user may reactivate it as a free action at one rank reduced cost. Reactivated techniques receives a small bonus to Resist, which stacks up to five times. This effect is countered by Dispels of rank A or higher, adjusted for potency.
Refusal of Ruin: C
Duration: Long
A home once burned can be rebuilt, only death ends the potential for recovery. Upon activation, the user receives a bonus to Resist. When a technique would dispel one of yours, you receive Qi restoration equal to the rank of the technique dispelled or the dispelling technique whichever is higher.
So... I've walked myself back on thinking that this art is so busted and broken as to not be feasible in the system and needing a nerf. I still think it is hand's down the best resist art here, will be able to completely replace SES meridian wise, and, I think, function-wise. Let me explain, however, why I think this is the most broken art of the set.
It takes two actions to set up a self-perpetuating cycle which feeds you more qi than you expend. And it works on every single technique we cast. There are two ways for the self-perpetuating cycle to be broken, either dispelling Sparks in Ash, or using dispels of rank A or higher. Dispelling "Sparks in Ash" is easy to fix for us, we recast it for C rank qi. Unless it is automatically dispelled, which would be strange because it doesn't attack or defend against an opponent's techniques, then the cycle continues with only a slight hiccup.
If a person uses an A rank dispell... then we won the fight. Not only did they use A rank qi to do the dispel, but we also get that A rank qi ourselves, basically filling our qi reserves to the top. It's a complete shift in the fight to our advantage.
The only downside I'm seeing to this art is that it doesn't really stop our arts from being dispelled, it just accepts that as inevitable and then recasts them. Which is ok for a lot of our arts, but other arts may be more determinately affected.
All in all, I think that this is the best resist art of the set, and can completely replace SES for us without any additional meridian shenanigans.