Since several of you don't seem to be getting the point I am trying to make I will try and be more clear. The issue isn't that Ling Qi is performing Integration. It's the narrative process of getting her there.
Ling Qi clearly didn't do her research on what integration actually is. Hence asking Renxiang. She is then clearly disturbed by the revelation of what is involved and in particular the effects this can have on personality. However, rather than take some time to think about this and it's consequences., or do some research she immediately decides to press on in what is clearly established as a decision she has previously come to on what art to integrate despite new information coming to light on the possible effects this could have on her personality.
Essentially Ling Qi goes from clearly disturbed about this new medical procedure she is to perform on herself and what it did to Renxiang to entirely accepting and ready to go within 2 lines.
This could easily be solved by having a couple of lines about Ling Qi having done some more research before hand and merely asking Renxiang for a more personal account. Or by having a short period of "break" (a few hours or days) where Ling Qi narratively takes some time away to do research on what the old "trial and error" was, and to think about which art to pick in light of the new information about personality changes.
@yrsillar Pinging to try and clarify what my issues were.