Well, I assume there are different Heart Demon intensities, and what Ling Qi is dealing with is fairly minor, while CRX is more about being lost about what to do next right?
And on an inquest perspective, Ling Qi's willingness to change herself to at the least slightly fit the higher level arts she is cultivating could explain the 'availability' of our meta choice regarding any Insight she gets. She WANTS the changes, its the specifics she's dealing with.
On CRX, we know she already has a set goal she wants to emulate, and has arts tailor made to follow that goal. And in this case, one of those tailor made arts not only did not offer her any Insight, she specifically worded it as 'didnt find any meaning to it' (not sure if there is any big difference, but in this case I dont think it matters). This could be attributed to a difference in experiences (CRX is already following the end result, while Cai-mom, genius that she is, still had to custom make her own Way). [though if this is the main thing, where does Art Modification fit in? Not relevant to the vote though]
Also, not to rely on Troupes, but the reason Cai-mom called for a Saint to deal with her newborn might be due to some guilt as to what happened to CRX or maybe Cai-mom really wants to hold/interact with her newborn and only a 'Medical Saint' is strong enough to allow/shield the baby or something.
So to continue the Troupe, she might either be MORE hands on, or Less hands on with her newborn. We dont really know exactly what Cai-mom's goal is in having this many children in this short a time. Maybe its a result of her Way, so she wants to be 'Perfect Mom' and didnt manage that with CRX?
Either way, this uncertainty is ours to deal with.
I for one will probably vote for-
[] Ask her if that is really so bad? The Third realm was where cultivators set the foundations which guided the rest of their road. Of course divergences would appear.
This, because Cai-Mom will either push the newborn to follow her path (CRX 2.0, with all new sets of complications due to different experiences), or Cai-Mom will 'allow' Newkid to freepy express themself. Which means that CRX might 'lose out' due to her rigid path being a reminder that Cai-mom failed her Perfect Mom Plan.