The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Yessssss... I am here for all these supportive friends. Also Mo as a matchmaker is something I can totally see.
A Friendly Chat by CuriousRaptor
I had an Omake idea for this and it turned out to be one i could functionally parse into a workable text instead of a crazy idea. So, i figured why not add to the Omake pile?


"You know Tiaoyue, you caused a prospective student of mine a lot of trouble."

Surprise. Fear. Panic.

Siani watched with vague amusement as the giant tendrils of Blood from the kukuni flail upwards from it's biomancy as it draws itself up to fight or flee. After all the things that could sneak up on it in one of it's set up labs were few and far between, and were likely to make a meal of or it's works.

"Now, now, none of that Tiayoue, if i wanted you dead," Elder Siani smiled brightly, "You'd never have had the chance to even defend yourself. Still we gotta talk Man to Kukuni."

Acceptance. Relief. Suspicion.

"Not going to bleed out this conversation with small talk?" Siani chuckled. "Want me to cut to the heart of the matter? To get to the meat of the reason i'm here?"

Bemusement. Annoyance. Get on with it!

"Fine, fine, no need to get so bloody angry about it. My coming here is for a two fold reason. The first is, well the first is like i said, you mutated a student of mine fairly heavily."

Remembrance. Irritation. Hesitance.

"Now, now, don't get so defensive. It's from everything i can see, very good work for a combat oriented disciple to have. Good for a fight, strong and nothing that could cause bodily degradation. Frankly he'll probably need something like them soon, this world is harsh after all." Siani stopped and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Issue is, The kid isn't going to see it like that. After all he's a crafter, much like you are. He takes the broken bits of anam he's found and remakes them into something new. Something beautiful. It's something he's proud of and a large part of his identity as a person. That box he used on you? Something he made, and you took his ability to make things from him."

The Blood kukuni recoiled as if a giant hand had slapped each and every one of it's tentacles at once. After all what it had done would be tantamount to someone cutting off a large part of it's ability to aid in the rebirth of things.

Shame. Disgust. Sadness

"Which brings us to the second part of why I am visiting you Tiaoyue. You fucked up. You fucked up bad. You know you're not supposed to bein the upper depths during the Ninth Circle trial weeks. The fact you mutated the heir of Kong Shuren clan while his aunt is visiting made it worse."

Recognition. Embarrassment. Curiosity.

"Yeah, I figured you simply lost track of time and went up anyways, not like you've not done it before. Sadly Kong Bi is not happy with your OR the sect. In fact she's livid." Siani put his finger into view so close together that if Tiaoyue was not able to sense blood it'd not have sensed a gap between them. "She came this close to assaulting Elder Lei, Elder Hotei and myself to get into the sect and wreak vengeance on you, despite the gap in numbers and power. It took several promises on my part to get her to stop."

Incredulity. Fear. Apprehension.

"Indeed. Which means that you're going to have to go above and beyond to make amends this time. This is a huge egg on the face of the sect after all, and given events outside of the sect, we cannot have that right now. So in the future there will be acolytes sent to escort you to the tasks that we need done. Standard set up and identification protocols. However, in addition to that, if Kong Zhi survives the obstacles set in front of him by myself, and he becomes my student? I'll need you to stay in one place so he can seek you out."

Confusion. Resentment. Bluster

"Tiaoyue this is not me asking, this is the demand of the sect endorsed by every elder because you broke your rules and oath. Abide by it or die, and do remember..." Siani stopped and became something Other not a creature of flesh and blood, but something massive, something that dwarfed even Tiaoyue, something that by all rights should not even be able to fit inside the cavern, a monster manifested in the corporeal world.

You are but an ANT to my might Arbiter of Rebirth. Cross me at your peril.

And then the Monster in the guise of a man that was Siani was gone, as the Kukuni regained it senses about itself. It counted itself lucky that it lived even if all of its experiments were ruined beyond the realm of repair.
Last edited:
With so many omakes, I felt that the time was right for yet another OMAKE ROUNDUP! So here we go:

Omake: Clawed in a Crab Romance

Pincer Warning: No good can come of the perusal of this account save by the most upright and honorable disciples, and their stern and disapproving uncle figures. If you are not such a disciple, we urge you to become one. If you lack such a mentor, we urge you to remedy this character defect at once. You are to experience revulsion and horror for the subjects of this recounting, as well as joy and appreciation at the tireless work of the heroes who crafted it for you. You are NOT to root for the Mirror Crab or any of these other beasts, despite any valor or cunning they may seem to display.

The Mirror Crab and the Fire Crab moved in uneasy counterpoint, stepping ever sideways, pincers pinching the air in a furious martial display.

"You are like a baby," burbled the Mirror Crab, "In that you are weak and would be easily stolen from. You partake of this essentially baby-like trait, while lacking many other signifiers of worth and growth."

The Hermitage's central chamber rustled with appreciation at this gibe, particularly among the Mirror Crab's partisans, in the Lower Reaches. They jostled and bumped one another in their eagerness, snipping the air to convey their fury and contempt, desperate to witness their champion finally bring down this pampered fool from the upper chamber.

"You are the one who is like a baby!" snapped the Fire Crab, "Because you are slow and stupid, and no one knows where the discarded segments of the shell you hatched from are!"

The applause from the Upper Chamber was more subdued, by comparison, both because those whose lineage entitled them to perches within the Upper Chamber were more innately subdued and less numerous, and because the insult had been obtuse, relying too much on common knowledge and lacking a certain killing edge.

The Mirror Crab felt a surge within, a surge of something which in another species we would call bravery, but in crabs we know only as a loathsome death-urge. It called upon the Reflection Anam which empowered it, and lashed out with an Art long planned.

Science disciples have crushed many a crustacean, and smoked their remains in order to discover this terrible truth. The Fight Mind of a crab is lower order than its Scheme Mind, closer to the Action Spot. It has priority, and thus the Mirror Crab's lust to kill crushed and vetoed its next witticism, launching it headlong into atrocity.

The Reflection Anam worked as it would for any Artist, driven by its nature to seek perfection, even in so perverse an environ, and the Mirror Crab swapped places with its own reflection, emerging from a great pearl, behind and a little below the Fire Crab.

The Fire Crab, gaping at the two dimensional image that appeared for a second and vanished from where its rival had once stood, was caught out, frozen out of its eternal sidestep by the momentary confusion about where its rival had gotten to. The Mirror Crab's pincers closed around the joint in its most important foreleg, as well as the high crest of its shell.

"Now you crack within my clutches," gloated the Mirror Crab, as its Scheme Mind reasserted itself. "Now you-"

But it spoke too soon, for its vile foe had tricks of its own up its sleeve. The Fire Crab reached out to the degraded Anam that pulsed through it's wretched excuse for a core.

Where the Mirror Crab's knife hands squeezed into its victim's shell a fire erupted, the blood spewing from the cracked carapace transmuted by some crustacean artifice into the much dreaded 'underfire', that vile and venomous antisubstance with which the depths are lit. The Mirror Crab let go instantly, jetting backwards and flailing its pincers in an attempt to disperse the burning encumbrance into the surrounding tide.

During this brief moment of distraction, the Fire Crab pivoted around, got its pincers up and squared away. They faced one another head on once again.

The two deadly foes paused for a brief second, each eyeing the other and trying to determine who had the better of that exchange, whether the cracked joint of the one or the burnt pincer of the other would prove conclusive, should their quarrel resume.

The Mirror Crab clicked one pincer together, then the other. It was sure it had the measure of its enemy now. When next it pounced, death would pounce alongside it.

"What's going on?" boomed a voice, far deeper and more penetrating than that of either challenger. It cut through the rustling of the crowd, silencing them in a hurried instant.

Both crabatants wheeled about, their Fight Minds chased away by the sound of their Elder. They dropped their shells before the terrible visage of the Dusk Crab as it made its way into the innermost chamber of the Hermitage.

"Nothing, your Emptiness!" wheedled the Fire Crab, "We were simply exchanging pointers, for the benefit of the youth."

How damning the times, when the facile excuse of far too many truant youngsters comes easily to the mouth-parts of undersea vermin! Mind your schooling, young disciples. Elders, now is an appropriate time to strike your charges about the head and shoulders and remind them of the danger of parental disapproval.

The Dusk Crab gazed down upon the pair, its eyestalks tracking from the singed claws of the one to the cracked crest of the other.

"Exchanging pointers, were you?" it asked, its stentorian tones far deeper than either beast would ever be able to manage. "And before that? On what subject were you discoursing, such that the moment seemed ripe for your unworthy selves to make such a spectacle."

Lethal pinchomancy, of course, was entirely unsanctioned within the sacred core of the Hermitage. Hovering over the conversation was the specter of the Dusk Crab's judgement. The Scheme Minds of both beasts worked furiously, desperately scrabbling at the knotty surface of the problem, trying to sidestep onto the path that would see them exalted, and their rival punished.

"I was just laughing at this baby's futile fumbling of the holy plan to annihilate and humiliate the Heedless One, o worthy Elder!" said the Fire Crab, stealing the timing from its rival by the barest possible margin. "Such failure provoked within me the charitable impulse to instruct my fellow, which led to its humiliating defeat, as you witnessed!"

Crabs, like certain unruly disciples, are not above attempting to reframe a battle without a certain conclusion as their victory. Reflect upon any similarities to these vermin, and internalize the shame! Keep it with you all your life to spur you to further heights of aggression and dominance! You are permitted a single tear, so long as two out of three stern father figures would characterize it as 'manly'.

"Tell me of this effort," requested the Dusk Crab, pinching its enormous claw in the air. "I will make my own evaluation."

"The jealous ranting of my junior does no justice to the cunning, the utter sagacity of my efforts," blustered the Mirror Crab. "My move was one of the utmost cunning, the sideways move, as the parable describes."

The Dusk Crab stood motionless, waiting for its underling to elaborate.

"It is no secret," the creature boasted, "That I had long mastered the art of writing words in the human's tongue. It is a simple matter of dipping my pincer into dark fluid and then dragging it gently across light surfaces. Effortless, really. A baby could do it, or maybe even the Fire Crab, if it had five or six helpers."

The crowd rustled at this sentiment, appreciating its wit in bringing the 'baby' insult back.

"I used this trick to write a message, promising great rewards to a human if they would obey the command that I'd written down. Unsurprisingly, one of the doltish beasts fell for my ruse, and soon made its way into the very fortress of the Heedless One, and retrieved from its den one of its most priceless artifacts!"

"Ingenious!" exclaimed the Dusk Crab.

"They dropped this 'hammer', redolent with Steel Anam, into the water, where my brood was waiting with pincers bared. The Heedless One has no idea where it has gone, nor who the author of its woes might possibly be. My ingenuity has seen it deprived of this precious resource, and left it none the wiser!"

"You dare to mock this noble endeavor?" demanded the Dusk Crab of the Fire Crab. "Surely this is a glorious victory for all crab kind!"

The Fire crab stood still for a moment, and the Mirror Crab felt the first stirring of unease. What possible aspersions could it cast upon such a triumph? What did it have up its shell? Why was it just standing there?

"The human pawn you used in this endeavor, you didn't compensate them as you promised?" it asked, smugly.

"Of course not!" snarled the Mirror Crab, not about to be drawn into admitting to aiding a human in the middle of the Hermitage.

"And so, in the event that you sent them more instructions, they would not be heeded?"

"Even such idiot beasts as humans would doubtless not fall for the same trick twice," boomed the Dusk Crab, "But what is your point?"

"Why didn't my esteemed counterpart command its human pawn to, oh, say, 'Kill the Heedless One', instead of merely stealing the hammer? You squandered the only pebble in your mound!"

Disciples should realize, at this time, from context, that when crabs wage war they pile throwing pebbles into great mounds, in the same way that archers store arrows in quivers. We trust that you are now able to comprehend the previous statement.

The Mirror Crab stood stock still, petrified by this accusation. A masterstroke! Even as its Scheme Mind began to ponder why it *hadn't* simply wished the fool's death its Fight Mind seized the reins again, speaking swift denials to save itself.

"Such are the deep mysteries of the human beast," it began, "of which I, and only I, have made intimate study..."

The Mirror Crab trailed off, even as its Scheme Mind caught up with the lie and began to weave an ending which would see it spared.

"They obey only certain words, these humans, can only be commanded to certain extremes. The lesser humans of their so-called Sect are weak and foolish. They are driven to steal, to beat, but their fear of those above them prevents them from taking one another's life."

"Do you expect us to believe-" began the Fire Crab, swift to keep its rival wriggling within the claw of censure.

"Just as in their laughable 'duel', between the Heedless One and the Jin, did not both humans survive?" demanded the Mirror Crab, its voice riding over that of its enemy with the power of certainty.

The Fire Crab subsided, as the rustling of the crowd gave their verdict.

The Dusk Crab, seeing which way the tide was turning, swiveled its baleful stalks to gaze upon the Fire Crab.

"And your own efforts? What have the nobles of the Upper Chamber contributed to the efforts of the Hermitage? You, who quibble and writhe about the Mirror Crab's results, state this instant your own boast, or stand ashamed and silent!"

"We have not stood idle, oh great Elder," wheedled the Fire Crab, "Nor did we rely upon the humans as our knife hands. No, we stretched out our own appendages, rose from the deep as a tide unstoppable! We plundered and ransacked the wealth of their great sect!"

"What does this have to do with-"

"We did so under the Heedless One's own bulbous nose! He interrupted our ancient rite, even as we were doing the Dance Of Stolen Robes!"

Even the Mirror Crab stood transfixed at this astounding tale. Was it a fabrication? But no, there were far too many Patricians for them to stick to such a story. One would doubtless betray the others.

"How did you survive such an interruption?" it demanded. "The Heedless One is a crab squasher of great puissance! I see no empty perches within the Upper Chamber!"

The Fire Crab strutted before him, relishing the moment.

Crabs are wretched creatures, filthy really, who deny their readers from finding out what happens next for their own sadistic amusement, and to prolong an artificial tension. Any author who did such a thing would be placing themselves, as near as possible, on the crab's own level.

We have nothing but pity for such disciples, and urge them to get immediately to the point and continue the narrative.

It would be really, truly deplorable to stall as the Fire Crab did at this moment.

Just the worst.

"The beast was daunted by our dancing!" it exclaimed, at last. "Instead of leaping forth and striking at the cores of the robes, and crushing us like a righteous hero, it stayed back and mewled in its corrupt human tongue, while we took the best loot and absconded."

Throughout the core of the Hermitage the rustling arose, crab after crab mocking the Heedless One's cowardice and lack of personal hygiene, as well as its propensity to spend too much time on the creation of a certain cubic charm.

"What could you possibly have stolen, in such a brazen manner?" demanded the Mirror Crab, its Scheme Mind only too aware that the audience was stepping sideways, as the old crab expression goes.

If you don't know the old crab expression, Disciples, then that is all to the good! Such ignorance of the verminous enemy does your credit. Mentors, refrain from clouting your charges about the shoulder areas, and instead thump their backs in a vigorous, manly fashion.

"A sample of Marble," said the Fire Crab.

"Is that all?" demanded its rival, relieved, "I think it is plain that the hammer my dupe took was-"

"As well as 13 and a half baskets of vegetables and most of a shipment of robes!"

The Mirror Crab stood shocked, appalled. So much plunder, so easily seized, how could it possibly discredit this enormous haul in the eyes of the Dusk Crab?

The Dusk Crab towered above the pair, its stalks swiveling from side to side as it eyed them, the twin fruits of its orchard of evil.

"Mirror Crab, is it your belief that the Fire Crab's plunder is sufficient to take revenge on the Heedless One?" it demanded, its stentorian voice echoing and reechoing across and about the confines of the Hermitage.

"Of course not!"

"Fire Crab, what think you of the hammer which the Mirror Crab stole, can it give us revenge?"

"Impossible!" declared the Fire Crab, dipping its crest in utmost humility.

Then, suddenly, the Dusk Crab stepped sideways. Despite its enormous size, it still possessed all the abilities of their dire race, and its monstrous disciples could only gasp as it vanished away from before them, revealing a regal and distinguished visitor framed within the tunnel that it had previously blocked with its immense bulk.

"As you hear, your Maliciousness, the Emperor-In-Steal's concern was unfounded. Our humble Hermitage is unworthy of the guidance of one of such an elite Klepocrab as yourself."

All crabs tremble before the name of this monarch of their kind, and we advise young readers to return to running laps this instant, rather than learn any more of the maneuverings of the most terrible of monsters and its vile court.

"How...disappointing," rasped the dignitary. "I'd been so looking forward to working closely alongside such bold heroes."

The effect of this being, of its countenance, of the sultry sway of its pincers, and of the glorious parasites which encrusted its shell, slammed into the minds of the Fire and Mirror Crabs like Kong Zhi's hammer should have slammed into their shells. This was the AristoCrab, a sinuous temptress from the Court of the Emperor-In-Steal, a walking, talking, embodiment of crustacean desirability.

The Dusk Crab, in its pursuit of power, had seen nothing remarkable about the tiny thing. But to the rivals, its presence was electrifying. The Fight Mind was not the deepest, not the most commanding and crucial of a crab's many minds. Beneath it, trumping it, was the Mate Mind. As the Fire and Mirror Crabs saw the Aristocrab demurely hide its chuckle behind a single claw, their Mate Minds seized full control, and within the space of a second, their priorities were utterly altered.

"I suppose I'll have to return to His Perniciousness," it sighed, in what a crab would consider a fetching manner "and-"

"Noble Elder," interrupted the Fire Crab, even as the Mirror Crab cried out, "We weren't finished!"

The Dusk Crab scowled down upon the pair, even as the AristoCrab regarded them with newfound favor.

The bitter enemies, become suddenly allies, exchanged a single glance, communicating in the manner of all thirsty adolescents, of every species. Unspoken, a single phrase passed between them.

*We can't mate with it if it leaves!*

"What I said about the Hammer that the Mirror Crab so nobly purloined was...incomplete," began the Fire Crab, trying desperately to figure out a way to walk back its earlier condemnation.

"As were my comments about the bevy of treasures that my Patrician friend so nobly acquired," answered the Mirror Crab.

The Dusk Crab sneered down at them.

"What absurdity is this?" it demanded, pincer hovering menacingly closer, "You were each quite clear that the other's effort was insufficient to achieve a proper revenge."

The two stood, frozen, Scheme Minds whipped into action by their Mate Minds, racing round and round like a donkey tied to a post, achieving nothing.

"...each," whispered the AristoCrab, its voice honey to the ears of the pair. Its stalks crossed for a moment, an expression roughly equivalent to a human wink.

"What?" boomed the Dusk Crab, too high up above the trio to catch the whisper.

"You asked us our opinion on this plunder separately, oh great Elder," began the Mirror Crab, "And we gave it truthfully, as all Crabs must when their elders pinch.-

"But the true value of our contributions can only be seen when they are employed as one!" finished the Fire Crab.

"What is this 'as one'?" demanded their Elder. "You will explain your plan at once!"

"That would be unwise," murmured the AristoCrab, its dulcet tones infecting and caressing the stones of the hall, "For the Heedless One no doubt has spies within this Hallowed Hermitage."

"Spies? Impos-" began the Dusk Crab.

"How else to explain," continued the AristoCrab, "Why your own efforts, revered Elder, have come to even less than those of your disciples?"

That shut the great beast up. It could crush the AristoCrab, could crush all three of them, but with that one sentence it had been reminded that other stalks had swiveled towards this meeting. What had begun as a simple revenge had now, with the Emperor-In-Steal and his KleptoCrab's involvement, become something much more. It was a great current, in which even a beast like itself must swim carefully. it did not want to attract the dire attentions of the AristoCrab's master!

"Then..." it began, its ancient Scheme Mind turning over as it tried to work out the best path.

"...I will take these two under my claw," said the AristoCrab, smoothly, "And I'm sure that they will prove a credit to your teachings. With their well gotten gains, and the techniques that the Emperor-In-Steal has given us, which will allow us to snatch human forms, there is no doubt that the foe will be undone."

The Mirror Crab was a hair faster in its genuflection than the Fire Crab, to the exultant delight of its Mate Mind.

"We will bring honor to the Hermitage!" they thundered as one, even as the crabs in the Upper Chamber and the Lower beat their pincers against one another in approval.

"After me," murmured the AristoCrab as it began to sway back into the small tunnel.

The two of them, enemies no longer but rivals forever, followed obediently after, each frantically wracking its brain for ways to outshine the other and bring ruin to the Heedless One.
I am once again scared that there is a mind that creates this. Take +2 Sense Motive and get out of my sight.
Been trying for an omake with these two characters for a bit, I think this works.


Shouxi sat in the kitchen and chewed his luncheon. Now that he had his sigil, his thoughts were free to wander, and in a strange way the freedom felt more oppressive than the the refining Elder's demands had been.

"This last task will be difficult for you, I know. And do not think that your clarity will help. Your Aunt spoke to us before you came to the sect. Now, unlike her, I have no fear of whatever is the cause of your affliction - I have my theories, and they are nothing we cannot handle. However, before I decide if it is worth putting in the effort, I must find out if you are up to the task of being a refiner of the Delving Heart. And that is why I have sealed your mind for the duration of the last test."

Shouxi had made a study of people. Quite literally, he had read books on the subject. He knew that there were layers to the test, and he had uncovered them as he went.

The first was as Elder Yixue said - if his clarity was the result of some malign spirit that would have to be expelled, she needed to know if Jai Shouxi of the Azure Gardens was worth the sect's attention, and not merely as a vessel for his quirk.

Fair enough.

The second portion of the test he had only realized in his second week. The nature of the anam tea, a stimulant, required a deep understanding of Fire. The actual touch of Fire in the mixture was light, so little that Shouxi had felt safe ignoring it. But in reality its tendrils had been everywhere, interacting with every other required ingredient. As a Water cultivator, from a province rich in Water herbs and ingredients, it had been a blind spot. But Shouxi had faced blind spots before. He did not need to learn a technique, merely understand an anam type inimical to him. Again, a fair test.

The third aspect of the test was the most insidious. There had been a band of performing acrobats in the Azure Gardens. They performed amazing feats of aerobatics with rope and flowing silk. When they practiced, or performed for a lesser audience, they would place a net underneath themselves, to catch them if they misstepped.

When performing for the Witness of the Azure Gardens and her family, they accorded themselves no such luxury. Shouxi had felt the danger to be thrilling, then. Fa had a few words on the subject, that they had practiced so long that the chances of them falling were slim to none. But Shouxi had not allowed her constant practicality to dim his enjoyment of the night.

For the first time in his life, for all the private suffering and horror that his clarity had brought him, he realized that it had been it's own sort of net. He had never truly before faced a challenge of refining or formations that seemed insurmountable. He always had his trump card.

Yixue had stripped that away from him. He didn't even know how, but that didn't matter - he could study for centuries and not know half of what she knew of the working of mind and body.

And in the end, he had been judged, and found - not wanting.

He was quite free, and had no idea whatsoever what to do with himself. He would have suggested a small celebration at his expense, were it not for Zhi's… encounter.

His musings were interrupted by a knock on the door. He rose and opened it -

The barbarian.

My son, I am so sorry to leave you and Fa, when you are so young, too young to understand my burden. You two are the light of my life since your mother passed. But the Emperor has called for a defense against the forces of the Sunholders, and I must answer. It is my honor to do so.

I hope that you need never read this letter. But if you should, there is much I need to tell you. Your aunt will take care of the Gardens in my stead, but when you are ready, the Jai will expect you to take my place. First you must always keep in mind-"

His hand twitched. The rod charm was not at his side. It would not have helped, from what Fa told him of the barbarian's strength. Kong Zhi's work was cunning, but they had all grown from those first two weeks. Still, he was not as helpless as Fa believed. Water could fill any shape, serve many purposes, and he had cultivated. Perhaps-

Nokai was looking at him with a head cocked. He was holding his breath. He let it out, slowly. This was not a battlefield. This was Kong Zhi's friend. He had even seen Fa speak to her in a friendly manner. He was being beyond foolish.

She was still looking at him. Had she said something?

"Hello… Nokai? Did you need something?" He hoped that sounded neutral enough.

He couldn't read the barbarian's expression. "I look for your sister. See if she wish to spar."

His brows raised in spite of themselves. He had not realized that Fa had made a habit of sparring with… Nokai, and that was something he wished she had discussed with him, but he supposed she hardly owed him such details.

"She is here, but she is resting after a hunt." After Kong Zhi had recovered enough to walk about, Fa had left the Spire with a grim expression. She had come back covered with blood and ichor - little enough of it her own, at least. No doubt the reminder of the dangers around them had made her feel the need to push herself farther, faster.

"Ah, I see." She still lingered. "Well-"

"Kong Zhi is not here. He is with his aunt." He didn't know why he volunteered the information.

She nodded at him. "And he is… well?"

Shouxi slumped slightly. "I do not know it is my place to say. I believe he was working with his tools this morning. But he came down in a panic, and asked for his aunt."

Nokai stayed on the other side of the threshold. She tapped a foot. After a few seconds, she spoke. "There was man I knew once. Fought in war. Lost arm, eye. He was great hero. Saved lives by fighting. Honored by all."

Shouxi sighed. "I have no intention of treating him as any less because of his… changes. Many artists seek after such things. I believe-"

"This man? He walk into wilderness after month. No one see him again." She tapped her foot again, and stared at Shouxi. "You will watch Zhi. And if there trouble, any kind, you come find me."

Shouxi met her gaze. Something in him relaxed. "I will. But I don't think he needs it. He is very determined. I think he will be fine."

"Yes, he will. But… if he falls, we catch." She nodded, and turned away.

Shouxi thought. He raised a hand. "Nokai, would - you like to share a pot of tea?" Did barbarians drink tea?

"You no have fermented mare's milk?" She cracked a smile at his expression. "Mo Hanying has taught me tea. You have Elder Jasmine?"

Shouxi feigned shock. "I shall have to speak to Lady Mo about her taste! I have Golden Serenity, a far superior blend in the same vein! From my home province, of course. I have walked the fields where it is grown myself."

"Hmph. We will have to see if true." Nokai stepped forward and Shouxi let her through. As they chatted, he thought about people, and grief, and nets.
A fun little piece. Take +2 Persuade.
Inspired by @KreenWarrior omake, I tried to imagine a step towards reconciliation between Mei Daiyu and Mo Hanying. Also, Mo starts shipping Zhi/Mei.


Seeing the noble be caught flat-footed was a small consolation, but Mei supposed she'd have to take what she could for having to deal with Mo Hanying. She inhaled, pushing down the unpleasant memories that Hanying's presence brought to mind, and stepped forward. She was forced to interact with her occasionally, but this would be the first time she did so by choice.

For a moment, the noble just stared at her. Then she turned to the small entourage following her. Taking a hint, they started stumbling over themselves to wish her well before heading off, glancing back curiously at the pair of martial disciples. Hanying didn't seem particularly disappointed to see them go.

"There's only one reason I could imagine you seeking me out." Mo eyed her carefully. "And I confess that reason seems at least as unlikely as you coming to see me at all."

Mei raised a brow. "Oh?"

Mo nodded. "You're here about Kong Zhi, aren't you?"

Mei's lips thinned. "I'm here to remind you that you owe him." You owe him because he turned his back on me to help you, she doesn't say.

"That's a very mercenary way to see my relationship with Zhi," Mo mused, "But I'm curious why you're seeking me out. If there's anyone who has reason to be glad to see Zhi face such... complications it is you, Mei Daiyu. Well, you and Jin Yazhu. So, why are you here?"

Mei stared the other woman down. Mo met her gaze. As the seconds trickled by, she seemed perfectly content to wait for Mei to respond. "Kong Zhi must traverse the Depths to receive his sigil. I will accompany him, as will Jai Fa. But with Zhi's changes, we may not be enough for the dangers. I wanted to let you know that if Zhi can't secure sufficient help, I would not object to your presence."

"Well, that just makes me more curious. Why would you take on such danger, and tolerate me, for someone who abandoned you in your own moment of need?"

The noble clearly wasn't going to let the question drop, and waited patiently. An image of a shadowy version of herself emerging from an engraved box flashed through her mind. Zhi breaking down telling her about his task. "I'm not sure."

Mo's gaze softened, a hint of an amused smile on her lips. "It says a lot about you."

Mei wasn't sure how to respond to that. She hadn't expected Mo to be so confrontational, so blunt, and was caught off guard. So she returned to her original question. "Will you help?"

Mo nodded. "You didn't need to try to persuade me of a debt, you know? Zhi is my friend. I was already looking for ways to help him. I hadn't know about this plan of his to go into the Depths, but I'll help him as best I can. And perhaps that will mean you and I fighting beside each other."

"Then my business is concluded." Mei said, turning to walk away. "Thank you for your time, Sister."

The noble smiled. "You know, it isn't really my place to say this, but it would serve you and Zhi well for you to figure out why you are helping him and to tell him. He's quite clueless."
Another fun piece of character interaction. Take +2 Sense Motive.
I had an Omake idea for this and it turned out to be one i could functionally parse into a workable text instead of a crazy idea. So, i figured why not add to the Omake pile?


"You know Tiaoyue, you caused a prospective student of mine a lot of trouble."

Surprise. Fear. Panic.

Siani watched with vague amusement as the giant tendrils of Blood from the kukuni flail upwards from it's biomancy as it draws itself up to fight or flee. After all the things that could sneak up on it in one of it's set up labs were few and far between, and were likely to make a meal of or it's works.

"Now, now, none of that Tiayoue, if i wanted you dead," Elder Siani smiled brightly, "You'd never have had the chance to even defend yourself. Still we gotta talk Man to Kukuni."

Acceptance. Relief. Suspicion.

"Not going to bleed out this conversation with small talk?" Siani chuckled. "Want me to cut to the heart of the matter? To get to the meat of the reason i'm here?"

Bemusement. Annoyance. Get on with it!

"Fine, fine, no need to get so bloody angry about it. My coming here is for a two fold reason. The first is, well the first is like i said, you mutated a student of mine fairly heavily."

Remembrance. Irritation. Hesitance.

"Now, now, don't get so defensive. It's from everything i can see, very good work for a combat oriented disciple to have. Good for a fight, strong and nothing that could cause bodily degradation. Frankly he'll probably need something like them soon, this world is harsh after all." Siani stopped and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Issue is, The kid isn't going to see it like that. After all he's a crafter, much like you are. He takes the broken bits of anam he's found and remakes them into something new. Something beautiful. It's something he's proud of and a large part of his identity as a person. That box he used on you? Something he made, and you took his ability to make things from him."

The Blood kukuni recoiled as if a giant hand had slapped each and every one of it's tentacles at once. After all what it had done would be tantamount to someone cutting off a large part of it's ability to aid in the rebirth of things.

Shame. Disgust. Sadness

"Which brings us to the second part of why I am visiting you Tiaoyue. You fucked up. You fucked up bad. You know you're not supposed to bein the upper depths during the Ninth Circle trial weeks. The fact you mutated the heir of Kong Shuren clan while his aunt is visiting made it worse."

Recognition. Embarrassment. Curiosity.

"Yeah, I figured you simply lost track of time and went up anyways, not like you've not done it before. Sadly Kong Bi is not happy with your OR the sect. In fact she's livid." Siani put his finger into view so close together that if Tiaoyue was not able to sense blood it'd not have sensed a gap between them. "She came this close to assaulting Elder Lei, Elder Hotei and myself to get into the sect and wreak vengeance on you, despite the gap in numbers and power. It took several promises on my part to get her to stop."

Incredulity. Fear. Apprehension.

"Indeed. Which means that you're going to have to go above and beyond to make amends this time. This is a huge egg on the face of the sect after all, and given events outside of the sect, we cannot have that right now. So in the future there will be acolytes sent to escort you to the tasks that we need done. Standard set up and identification protocols. However, in addition to that, if Kong Zhi survives the obstacles set in front of him by myself, and he becomes my student? I'll need you to stay in one place so he can seek you out."

Confusion. Resentment. Bluster

"Tiaoyue this is not me asking, this is the demand of the sect endorsed by every elder because you broke your rules and oath. Abide by it or die, and do remember..." Siani stopped and became something Other not a creature of flesh and blood, but something massive, something that dwarfed even Tiaoyue, something that by all rights should not even be able to fit inside the cavern, a monster manifested in the corporeal world.

You are but an ANT to my might Arbiter of Rebirth. Cross me at your peril.

And then the Monster in the guise of a man that was Siani was gone, as the Kukuni regained it senses about itself. It counted itself lucky that it lived even if all of its experiments were ruined beyond the realm of repair.
I am amused by the byplay. Take +2 Bluff.
Been messing around with a map of the Radiant Empire. Most of the named things on here were made up by myself to fill up space and the things named in story were given placement based on semi-educated guesses when possible.

Oh, and just to warn you, it is a bit large.
And finally, a map of questionable accuracy. Big fan. Take +3 to Knowledge (Geography).
94. The Wisdom of Auntie Bi
A/N: A big thanks to the 29 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.
[] So that was technique integration... I have also heard the term channel cultivation, what benefits do that provide and how can I do it? Pruned and combined with other questions.
[] Sometimes i find myself at the time wonder i found not of my own volition, any idea how this could happen? it the time anaam messing with my subconscious or something?
[] Do you have any advice for dealing with kukuni?
[] is time anaam sentient? from my time interacting with it it seems to have a personality
[] The healer disciple mentioned that integrating Sage techniques could help revert the changes. Have you seen any charms that can do the same? Could I make something that helps? Pruned and combined with other questions.
[] Can you tell me about the next Step? How do I take it?
[] what are time techniques capable of? Is there any I should avoid? Do you know of any?
[] do you know of any Sage techniques that I could learn that might help with the changes?
Auntie Bi's eyes hold yours for a long moment as her words sink in. But eventually, she breaks her stare and takes another sip from her cup. When she next speaks, her words are brisk, almost businesslike. "I am certain that you have questions, Zhi," she says after swallowing a mouthful of oolong. "Speak them whenever you are ready to."

...Yes. You have several questions.

But you don't just open your mouth and let the words fall out. First, you have to get those words in order. So you take a moment and linger over your own teacup as you do just that.

Slowly, as you savor the tea, you mull over what Auntie Bi has told you. Weeks ago, when Elder Siani interrupted your Soldier's Step with his overly generous offer, you had suspected that time anam had it's own hidden dangers. Some paths are riskier than others to walk after all, and something as ephemeral as time seems like it would be harder to break a solid road in. In your more quiet moments, you had allowed your mind to linger on what the dangers lying within time could truly be, and the resulting images were never pleasant.

Not once, however, had you imagined that the danger would be revealed to be some form of calamity spirit haunting your aspect itself.

Part of you is horrified by the revelation, and that portion of you already wants to glance over its shoulder to see if this Symphony is waiting for you in a shadowy portion of Bi's tent. A greater part of you wonders what could have been if you had simply chosen to accept Elder Siani's offer; you're sure that creation Artists don't have to deal with things like this. But a surprisingly large part of you is simply offended.

After all, Time is your aspect.

Your core may be forged of smoke and steel as well, but dozens of artists use those aspects to further their path. Jai Fa is a greater steel artist than you suspect you will ever be, and she is far from the only one. As for smoke, if Huo Shi can have a natural treasure exuding it, it cannot be unheard of. But time? You have not once encountered a time artist in the Delving Heart and you're starting to doubt you ever will. Time is yours and yours alone, and you cannot help but feel irrationally protective of your primary aspect.

You shudder slightly as you think back to the affectionate embrace of Time, so unlike the cold march of Steel or the overpowering radiance of Beauty. The thought of your own spirit having it's fate bound with that of some nigh-mythical entity is enough to make you-


Now that you think about it, Time does seem rather different than other aspects you have cycled. For most aspects, describing them as having personality is purely poetic license. They respond to you in their own manner, are cycled at your direction, and flow as they will, but...

The image of the Midnight Rakshasa dances before your eye, the dark figure taking steps that you yourself drilled into your body with the aid of the Second of Eternity.

...has that been true of time?

"Is… is time anam self-aware?" you muse. At Auntie Bi's prompting look, you continue. "When I have cycled it, it seems to do more than I wanted it to. Does it have it's own consciousness?"

Auntie Bi's dark eyes seem to twinkle as she considers your question for a moment, drumming her fingers on the armrest of her seat. "You do ask the most interesting questions, Little Zhi," she muses. "Were you to ask that of a scholar, I am certain you would be treated to a most… rigorous answer." Her voice makes clear her opinion of scholars. "But as I have not devoted my life to theoretical discussions, all I can offer you is my own experiences and studies."

"I have never had the pleasure of cycling time," she continues, looking slightly put out at the admission. "But I did avail myself of the family archives before making my way to this august sect. From all recorded accounts of time artists, time acted in accordance with its nature much like any other aspect. It showed no more 'intelligence' than one would find cycling beast anam. Do your own experiences differ?"

Hesitantly, you nod. "I cycled it for my martial techniques," you explain, "and later, when I infused my Dance there, some of those techniques were carried over to the charm. And more than once, I have wandered without purpose and found myself entering the Natural Wonder I used to forge my core."

Auntie Bi frowns. "That… some Artists do bind themselves very closely with a certain Natural Wonder. If certain rituals are performed, their subconscious can lead them to those wonders without thought. But I assume you have performed no such rites?" She barely pauses to observe the shake of your head before continuing. "Strange."

"All I can tell you, little Zhi, is that if time itself has developed some strange sentience of it's own that copies your techniques and guides your feet, it is a very recent development- or time is less well understood then we ever thought."

That is… less than comforting. You need to change the topic before you start staring at the shadows, waiting for calamity. "But the family archives...they contain information on time anam? Locations of wonders, artists who have drawn upon it before, techniques- techniques! Does the home archive contain any time techniques?"

Again, Auntie Bi shakes her head. "None that I have found. Most of what is in the archives is naught but story and fable." At your questioning look, she elaborates. "Old tales say that time artists could use their anam in ways that baffle the mind and confound the senses. They say that that time could be turned back in a small area, rejuvenating an elder or causing a wound to vanish as if it never happened. Time artists could ask their future selves for guidance and imbue one hammer stroke with the force of hundreds of repetitions."

"But those tales are only that- tales. Do not become obsessed with recreating them. I am certain your Master will have something more substantial for you to pursue; worry about recreating tales of pulling one's possessions from another life further down your path."

You mumble something noncommittal and move your head in a slight motion that might possibly be a shake. Auntie Bi speaks sense- but if there is a time technique that allows you to call upon a charm that you may have made if circumstances were different, you are learning it. Your Aunt quirks a brow and looks like she wants to add a further warning, so you move on as quickly as you can.

The silence settles in at the end, the tension growing. You reach out for your tea in a hope to ease the atmosphere. Unfortunately, you reach out with your right hand. The- your claw. The sharp appendage squeezes the cup with all of your nervous energy. Then comes the sound shattering of china and the feel sharp porcelain pricking your hand.

You stare at the claw, skin red to match the enormous veins lacing your limbs. It convulses as you fight to keep your fists from balling and biting into your own flesh once more- but only for a moment. Across the table, Auntie Bi flicks her wrist, the mess vanishes, and a new steaming cup sits in your hand.

You stare at it for a moment. "I...I was given a regimen by the healer," you explain, words once again struggling to escape your throat. "But I still have far to go."

Auntie Bi, says nothing, contenting herself with another sip of tea.

"The healer also mentioned…" you begin, pausing mid-sentence. Would this be asking too much? No, Auntie Bi would never begrudge you asking for help. "She mentioned that a sage technique would be the most appropriate remedy to my situation. Do you know of any that might help?"

Auntie Bi gives your talon a look that betrays nothing. Then she pulls her focus back to your face and takes another sip of tea. "That would be the logical solution," she allows. "Sage techniques specialize in the transformation of one's mortal form. Since your own has been… altered, the proper technique would indeed allow it to be changed back to something approximating it's prior state."

"However, I have not studied any such techniques," she continues. At your dismayed look, Auntie Bi elaborates. "Sage techniques, I have a-plenty. But they normally focus on changing your human form, not changing your form to appear human. I have no doubt such techniques exist, and the archives will be scoured for them, but I have none to offer at the moment."

The words, though gently spoken, hit you like a hammer blow. You lapse into silence and focus on your tea.

You had known that Auntie Bi would not have an easy answer for you. If she had such a thing, she would have spoken of it the moment you walked into her tent. But still, your heart feels like it's been pierced through with the admission.

The silence settles back over you like a blanket, muting the song of the birds and the rusting of the branches. Your eye drifts from the tea and back to the claw that holds it. As you lift your cup, your chair jabs into your shoulder blades. It takes a moment for you to realize that the sight of your own hand approaching your face caused you to flinch. You close your eye and bite your cheek, chastising yourself for such a foolish reaction.

Auntie Bi does not break the silence. She only sips her tea and waits.

It's up to you to fill the void. "My apologies," you mutter, gesturing to your body as if to elaborate on what you are apologizing for. "I… am still coming to terms with things. And-"

You glance towards the tent's ceiling, away from the patient gaze of your Aunt. "And I know that this matter with my core is important- it's the entire reason you came here. I should be focusing on that. But… why? Why should I worry about a spirit as far above me as this Symphony-In-Rags when I cannot even deal with a simple kukuni?"

"It is not even the first time," you continue, shaking your head. "There was another spirit in the river that I was completely lost against. It was only due to its own instincts telling it to flee that things did not come to blows- and considering that it was a river spirit in the water, I cannot imagine that would have ended well. Just… what are Kukuni? How can I even hope to deal with such an entity?"

From across the table comes the rustling of cloth and the clink of china. You glance back down to see that Auntie Bi has set her cup to the side and has steepled her fingers. "An excellent question," she says. "Allow me tell you about Kukuni." hadn't actually meant to ask her that, but your attention is riveted on her nonetheless.

"Kukuni… they are not like us," she tells you, voice almost wistful as she looks back into her memories. "They are not even like the Spirit Beasts. Both we and the beasts come into this world in a similar way. We are born to parents and we grown from there. We are born with a mind and Spirit Beasts, anam."

"But Kukuni? They come into life with both mind and anam, but no mortal flesh to call their own. And they are not born from others of their kind." Auntie Bi pauses and her eyes flash as a particularly vivid memory plays behind them. "No, they are the children of moments."

"...the children of moments?" you repeat. "What does that…?"

"Kukuni can be born anywhere and at any time," Auntie Bi continues. "There is only one requirement for a new Kukuni to spring into being: that a moment of great...impact, I suppose you could call it, takes place. When the world around us recognizes that something of sharp import has occurred, that is all it takes for a Kukuni to be created."

You digest Auntie Bi's words and then shake your head. "It cannot possibly be that simple for a Kukuni to be born," you say.

"Simple, is it?" Auntie Bi jibes. "So you think it a simple matter to perform an act or feel a passion so grand that the world around us itself finds resonance and echoes with its potency? In that case, you are a greater Artist than I, little Zhi."

Chastened, you slump back. Auntie Bi continues as if you never spoke. "A blazing inferno can yield a single fire kukunii- whereas a well-tended campfire can birth a dozen. A night of ill-deeds can unleash a kukuni of deception, or a powerful speech can create a spirit of inspiration. Your river spirit- it likely came into being from the power of the coursing waters. And the blood kukuni? It could have been created by an act of untold violence- or a healer taking great pride in their work."

"But kukuni are more than just the moments that birth them," she continues. "If they remained as they were when they were born, they would hardly be a threat. No, Kukuni grow and ascend just as we do. But theirs is a path of many smaller moments, all similar to those that created them. The more the world around them resembles their inner nature, the more powerful they become. The more powerful they become, the more body they add to their spirit. And the more body they add to their spirit, the more they can alter the world around them."

"To defeat a kukuni," Auntie Bi concludes, leaning forward to capture your gaze once more. "You must know of it. You must know of its origin, you must learn of its moment, and thus grow to understand its nature. Only then will you truly find the path to crush any kukuni."

Skill Up! Knowledge (Cultivation) +1!

She pauses and leans back in her chair once more. Auntie Bi idly stirs her tea. "Or, of course, you could simply grow more powerful than the spirit. That has a tendency to work as well."

It takes you a moment to register what she just said. When it fully sinks in, your focus sharpens and you stare at Auntie Bi as if she's the only person in the world that matters. "I do suppose that could work," you answer, matching her casual tone with your own. "I don't suppose you have any guidance on how to gain that strength. Perhaps with suggestions on how to reach the next Step?"

With a definitive clink of porcelain, Auntie Bi sets her cup down for the last time. A flick of the wrist makes it vanish. Once it's gone, her lips quirk into an approving smile. "It took you long enough," she muses. The smile vanishes as quickly as it appeared and her lecturing expression takes its place on her face once more.

"You have already forged a core, and thus taken the Soldier's Step," Auntie Bi begins. "It was no doubt a painful, dangerous process. But as you continue to walk the path unending, you will find that it was but the least of your trials. It was also the only one that can be accomplished in a single moment."

"You will find the Farmer's Step far more challenging."

You go to ask questions, but Auntie Bi continues to talk, cutting you off before you even begin. "When you took the Soldier's Step, you took anam into your body and gave it a home. From your core it gives you strength and allows you to reach beyond the limitations of mortality. But having all of your power consolidated in one place limits the benefits that anam can grant you."

"Taking the Farmer's Step means growing beyond that limitation. In it, you use your core to burrow channels into your flesh and spirit. By doing so, you allow anam easier passage through your body. You grow stronger with each channel carved; faster, wiser, even further beyond what you once thought possible."

"I see…" you mutter. A new question occurs to you as you ponder Auntie Bi's words. "You said that it takes more than a day. When will I be done taking the Farmer's Step?"

"Only you will know for sure," comes the immediate answer.

At your look, Auntie Bi shakes her head. "I say this not to frustrate you; but as a simple fact. The Farmer's Step is a highly personal process that differs from Artist to Artist. Only your own instincts will tell you when you are done carving channels and when it is time to begin teaching your anam. It could be that a single channel will be enough to satisfy your ambitions- though I doubt that. No Kong will ever be satisfied with something that is merely 'passable'. It is far more likely that you shall be carving channels for years."

Auntie Bi favors you with another smile. "But if you approach the Farmer's Step with anything close to the dedication and ferocity you approached the Stallion's Enclosed Garden, I have no doubt that you will find your own balance faster than anyone can imagine."

Relationship Up! Auntie Bi +1!

Your cheeks flush at the unexpected praise- but then you regain your focus. "Is there anything else you can tell me?" you ask. "Where to carve the channels? How to even get started?"

"I would not want to rob your Master of all his fun!" Auntie Bi answers, tone light and breezy. "I am certain that he will have some ideas on how your pathways should best be laid out. Though there are some channel maps at home that have proved sufficient for others; if you are interested, write to the Archivists."

"And as for how?" Auntie Bi flicks her wrist. Around you, the tent flickers and vanishes as if it were never there. "That at least has an easy answer: gather your anam, will it to a point, and drill."

She takes a step forward and rests a hand on the crown of your head. "Now, little Zhi, as pleasant as this excursion has been and as much as I would like to linger and meet all of your little sect friends, I have word to bring home. I am certain a letter from your father shall arrive in good time."

Your throat closes and you clever it with a violent cough. Once that's done, you nod. "My thanks, Auntie. And… thank you for coming on such short notice. It was… it has been less terrifying than I expected."

Auntie Bi frowns. "Truly? We cannot have that." She leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead. When she rises up, she seems to be considering something. But then she shakes her head. "Next time," she tells you. "Next time I shall strive to be more terrifying."

And then your Aunt is gone, vanishing as abruptly as she came, leaving you with a clearing, a single chair, and a long walk back to the Delving Heart.
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Lots of good info here!

We now have an idea how to do Farmer's Step, but we probably shouldn't try until we have some idea what we're doing. Sounds like layout is as important as number.

Kukuni are very interesting - and sound eerily linked to Time tbh.
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By the way, since Auntie Bi's our first relationship at 4, I thought it'd be prudent to quote the description.
4: Ally. This person has your back. It doesn't matter the situation or the opposition. If you're in trouble they'll be there to bail you out in a flash. It doesn't matter if helping you harms them- they'll do it anyway. That's how much they value your relationship.
Yay, we have new family members that we apparently just recalled about!!!!!:lol:

also about the farmer's step, wonder how Zhi's gonna know when's he's done completing it
I'm thinking Beauty channels running through that groin spot (if that's still an option), and all along the kukuni's gifts.
We should keep the chair, might be good mats. Did we also kept the tea cup? That too might be valuable since its from an established family china set.
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Time Wonder = Systems Access?

Initially I though Kong Zhi's consciousness was getting stored in the Second, but maybe, rather than splitting off into alternate timeline selves, the Kong Zhi's can store anam/items/knowledge in the Second and push them forwards and backwards?

This would explain anam getting pushed backwards so that Kong Zhi could finish up his cycling way back when, and could mean that the hammer mat was pushed forwards in time for a later date when we visit the Second, possibly marinated in Time anam.

Kong Zhi has already done the binding ritual in the future, which is why he can find the Second in the first place in a kind of closed predestination loop.
There's an interesting question as well: what differentiates a kukuni from a vestige at the metaphysical level? Both are beings with mind and anam but without bodies, after all.