The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

@Vesvius Will we know a material or something else that Kong's Dad would want when we see it?
Chances of getting something that actually affects the Warlord's Step at the market? In the Deeps?

So we preparing to go and finish the task in the last week?
Or are we going for it now?
It occurs to me that none of our actions up till now have been really "wasted".
We just focused our efforts mostly on character interactions and crafting rather than spending more actions on cultivation.
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So I'm thinking four limb training actions, one market with Shouxi, one sect job, one Nokai Social, undecided on the other two. Ming Hui social? Researching the Deeps in the archives?
So IF we have time for a social this week.

I want to do one with Ming Hui, it's been months since we got the guy up. Or even went for a social visit.
Awww that was so nice! The Band is back together!!! And Mei checked on us while we were out...

We should definitely hit up Ming Hui and thank him for the chow!

As for the week...

1 Ming Hui, 1 Nokai, 2 train limbs, 2 cycle limbs, 2 jobs, 1 market.

This is my thinking. We will have at least 12 talents at the start of the week, and 24 sect points. If we get at lest 16 sect points via jobs, then even if the exchange rate is 2 points per talent we'd have enough points to Master Blooming Spear right before we do the deeps. If the rates are better, we can do that AND buy a healing pill.
@Vesvius. Are we at the stage where we can cycle to our limbs?

We could always cycle to our limbs it was just considered unwise at this early phase. Before you start shoving anam into our new limbs we have to understand them or risk doing more damage in ignorance.

I believe that only once the description of the leg changes or we at least seem somewhat comfortable with the limb in the text should we even consider more cycling with the new limbs.
I'd like to buckle down and do a ton of limb training this turn to prepare for the deeps if possible.

@Vesvius: I was hoping we'd see a spar mechanically this update, to help us think about where to focus training. Any chance you'd be willing to say if we can use both limbs in a single fighting round? It seems like it would be a bit weird for only the best one to matter. But also, they're separate techniques, and I'd naively expect to only be allowed to use one technique at a time?
I'd like to buckle down and do a ton of limb training this turn to prepare for the deeps if possible.

@Vesvius: I was hoping we'd see a spar mechanically this update, to help us think about where to focus training. Any chance you'd be willing to say if we can use both limbs in a single fighting round? It seems like it would be a bit weird for only the best one to matter. But also, they're separate techniques, and I'd naively expect to only be allowed to use one technique at a time?
You cannot. One tech per round, and that includes the limbs.
Xu Yun is a total bro. Dude been working hard for us. Though I suppose Shouxi's charm was estimated to be worth Talents and Widow's Ward is a fair bit stronger.

Jai Fa is awesome. I wonder how many times per day she thinks that people are idiots.

It'd be good to spend time with Nokai again. We must thank Xue and Lan for their help! And ask for Nokai's help in the Depths.
I actually want a full social action with Shouxi and asking him for pills etc, and not just a tag along to the market.

I was considering cycling the limbs, but it seems like it's described as new born limbs? So maybe once Zhi doesn't feel exhausted walking around.

3 athletic rolls and one Jai Fa social/training for the limbs?

So Nokai, Shouxi, Jai Fa, Athletic (2x talon, 1x foot), market, sect job and Archive to finally look at channel cultivation and techniques.
I feel that we definitely need to spend some time with Noika, after the trouble we put her through she deserves our thanks.
We should also probably visit the Second of Eternity. I shall endeavour to effort post later
the spar mechanic with the two limb tech is probably deciding whether to throw a punch or kick or even a movement action maybe
[] Plan Putting in Work

[] You may now take assignments at the Delving Heart Assignment Hall. You will go, take one, and carry it out to the best of your ability. x2
[] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
-[] ( Talon of Remembrance ) x2
[] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
-[] ( Raptor's Foot ) x2
[] Ming Hui is planning a tour of the village's many street vendors soon so that he may be more inspired in his future dishes. If you wish a seat and a plate, one can be provided for you.
[] Nokai is beyond happy that Auntie Bi is gone. She wishes to celebrate with a trip to the Forest of Pearls. Perhaps some sunshine is what you need. You will accompany her.
-[] Offer her an invitation to join our expedition into the deeps
[] You have talents and you have sect points. They burn a hole in your purse and token the longer you have them. You shall go to the sect market and seek to offload some of your wealth.

Like I said, with 16 more points we could Max out BSA before the deeps even if the exchange rate is 2 points per talent. And if it is a better rate? 3-4 per talent? We could then use the extra to replace our healing pill or buy a crafting mat if a good one is on sale. Or hell, save the extra for next time.

For the others, perfect chance to invite Nokai now, and we should thank Ming Hui for the good food. Willing to switch out Ming Hui for Shouxi if people really want to ask him about pills. But I don't believe he can cook up the 4-7 wood pills we'd need before the deeps tbh

As a reminder, Mastering BSA will increase it's dicepool from 15d10s7 per use to 30d10s7 pre use. Effectively doubling the damage while still costing the same to use.
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A nice and comfy chapter. Glad to see which of our friends showed up and put in the effort to cheer us up, very heartwarming.

I think Zhi getting tired from the walk to Bi's and back is pretty indicative of the work it's going to take to be in mint condition for our upcoming expedition, I definitely think we should be putting in at least 8 more physical therapy training actions before we go to the deeps the week after next, split between Week 11 and 12 as best we can. Keep in mind everyone that we only have 16 actions left tops before we have to go, the deeps themselves take up 2. Going shopping for a new healing pill and whatever else we want will also take one. We could spend the time we have left training, but I don't think mastering any techniques is guaranteed, even if it might be possible to max BSA if we devote literally all of our time to that end. It's also not a bad idea to just train the heck out of our new limbs so that we aren't falling over ourselves in the caverns, it might even ease the penalty on our techniques and stats if we get them far enough. It also doesn't cost us anything to do so besides time because this training requires no anam.
I completely support trying to get BSA before the Deep. We are most likely going to have an boss battle, it only makes sense to do our utmost to prepare before going into a battle where we can die.

We are also being told by the narrative that we need to integrate more techniques so it's pretty much seems to be an win-win path to go.
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