The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

So here's a cool thing.

We need 33 Wood anam and 22 Earth anam to Max out our Blooming Spear technique.

(The Blooming Spear btw doesn't suffer from the 50% debuff from our new arm)

We have 10 Earth Anam via our Grade 2 pill, and There is a Wood Wonder for rent.... The remaining Earth Pills we need would cost 14 points, and the Wood Wonder costs 50 points to rent, but has 200 Wood anam.

We'll have 12 talents as of next week, and Xu Yun should be giving us half his earned points this week. At a cost of 64 points, if the exchange rate is 4-5 we can most likely max out the Blooming Spear right before we do the deeps. Hell, if we do some sect jobs next week, we could still do it even if the exchange rate is 2-3

With our Spiritual Talent 4 and the Drive boost... it should only take 3-4 cycling actions on the last week, right before we do the Deeps.... raising it's Dicepool from 15d10s7 to 30d10s7 AND giving us another point in Strength

Combined with the Rakshasa? That's 50d10s7 per round, just from Kong Zhi!
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I doubt it will be so easy, the pills are random, and rarely we see more that one of the same pill on a visit to the market and the wonders are too expensive. Our best bet is asking Jai Shouxi the cost of making pills (and if he wants to make a ton of them, he's a genius but I doubt he wants to spend all his week making pills for us) and place an order of a bunch of the ones we need.
I doubt it will be so easy, the pills are random, and rarely we see more that one of the same pill on a visit to the market and the wonders are too expensive. Our best bet is asking Jai Shouxi the cost of making pills (and if he wants to make a ton of them, he's a genius but I doubt he wants to spend all his week making pills for us) and place an order of a bunch of the ones we need.
Some pills have been consistently for sale. Grade 1 and Grade 2 Earth pills have been available every time so far.
I doubt it will be so easy, the pills are random, and rarely we see more that one of the same pill on a visit to the market and the wonders are too expensive. Our best bet is asking Jai Shouxi the cost of making pills (and if he wants to make a ton of them, he's a genius but I doubt he wants to spend all his week making pills for us) and place an order of a bunch of the ones we need.
I thought that if a pill type was available, we could buy as many of that type as we wanted. But maybe im misremembering.
Maxing out BSA is tempting but expensive and time consuming. It might be better to put all those actions into our two new limbs. We might unlock some cool abilities/buffs eventually.
Maxing out BSA is tempting but expensive and time consuming. It might be better to put all those actions into our two new limbs. We might unlock some cool abilities/buffs eventually.
I mean... I'm not opposed.

But do you really think we'll be able to get something better than 30d10s7 and +1 Strength out of our limbs BEFORE the deeps?

The Limbs have 15 phases each. Even if we cycled right up until the deeps I doubt we'd master them in time.
Yeah, we just got an object lesson in why several NPCs have been raising eyebrows at us for not raising our anam techs. I'd love to work on our limbs, and I suspect there will be cool stuff lurking in those upgrade trees - they're awfully long to be just 2 dice a phase - but BSA is probably both easier and faster in the short run and will have a consistent return.
I mean... I'm not opposed.

But do you really think we'll be able to get something better than 30d10s7 and +1 Strength out of our limbs BEFORE the deeps?

The Limbs have 15 phases each. Even if we cycled right up until the deeps I doubt we'd master them in time.
I have no idea! But that dice roll is tempting lol. I def wanna at least get our limbs back to no Malus level sooner rather than later.
Getting a new tech we have a wonder for and getting our existing techs up aren't mutually exclusive. Mastering WC could benefit us by increasing our Resolve stat, which will improve our anam capacity, which we really, really need due to our small capacity.
They are not mutually exclusive, but they use the same resources so raising them both at the same time will take longer. That is if we manage to save up points to buy a new tech while spending money on pills.

If we get a time or steel tech that raises Constitution we'll have the same result as raising Resolve with regards to anam capacity.

If we've raised our strenght as well we'd get a better result since that would increase our physical talent to 4.

An Anam Threshold is equal to (Resolve+Constitution)*Physical Talent.

In addition raising Con will give us an extra physical stress box and +1 dmg threshold for each box.

They gain a number of physical stress boxes equal to Constitution/2,

Damage is dealt when a combatant's tallied successes equal the opponent's damage threshold (which is determined by averaging Constitution, Wits, and Charisma then multiplying it by 4)

I'd say this would put a new Con technique, preferably steel since we could basically do a closed cultivation at the Lost Armoury, at a higher priority than WC.
Summary of how attributes relate to different values, in case it's useful.

based off of this it seems to me that the most important stat seems to be con. Especially in the capacity of combat. though this could easily change based on new information. i find it likely that every stat will prob have a "also affects"

to me the best secondary stat based on the info we have is charisma. Because it affects combat. by affecting our damage threshold, but also has significant pull on social in general due to its affecting social boxes and our social talent. to me barring further information, it is the best stat to invest in if we want to push our social game currently, especially since our empathy is so damn high (despite the fact we seem to be horrible at reading other people lmao. you would think empathy would be the prime stat for that out of what we can see).
based off of this it seems to me that the most important stat seems to be con. Especially in the capacity of combat. though this could easily change based on new information. i find it likely that every stat will prob have a "also affects"

It's also important to remember the increased physical talent (from raising str and con) will help with crafting. We'd probably be back to our regular crafting success rate if we get our physical talent to 4.
The increased talent will also help with the athletic rolls needed to get used to the limbs.
New reader who is nowhere near caught up and will probably take a couple of weeks to get there here: Hi. :)
(Still getting used to this forum style and story lingo. So I may get things a bit off.)
This looks *intriguing*, but I do slightly regret reading all the game mechanics sections...
However, while I have no idea what this time limit being mentioned is, my initial evaluation is that Cycling/Training anything you can do cheaply/quickly is worth doing over trying to get anything new.
I'm sensing a slight theme of "Perfection" going on here, and improving an ability not only makes it better, but also gives an extra bonus when maxed out. Whereas a new ability could likely be of equal usefulness to what is already available, and you probably can't use them all at the same time. So it will likely add nothing until there is time to Master it.
Hey, @Vesvius, would it be all right if you added a section on retreating to the Mechanics page?

I think part of the problem with our recent fight was that we didn't know how retreating mechanics worked, or what failure would look like if we did retreat.
A Pot of Tea by KreenWarrior
Been trying for an omake with these two characters for a bit, I think this works.


Shouxi sat in the kitchen and chewed his luncheon. Now that he had his sigil, his thoughts were free to wander, and in a strange way the freedom felt more oppressive than the the refining Elder's demands had been.

"This last task will be difficult for you, I know. And do not think that your clarity will help. Your Aunt spoke to us before you came to the sect. Now, unlike her, I have no fear of whatever is the cause of your affliction - I have my theories, and they are nothing we cannot handle. However, before I decide if it is worth putting in the effort, I must find out if you are up to the task of being a refiner of the Delving Heart. And that is why I have sealed your mind for the duration of the last test."

Shouxi had made a study of people. Quite literally, he had read books on the subject. He knew that there were layers to the test, and he had uncovered them as he went.

The first was as Elder Yixue said - if his clarity was the result of some malign spirit that would have to be expelled, she needed to know if Jai Shouxi of the Azure Gardens was worth the sect's attention, and not merely as a vessel for his quirk.

Fair enough.

The second portion of the test he had only realized in his second week. The nature of the anam tea, a stimulant, required a deep understanding of Fire. The actual touch of Fire in the mixture was light, so little that Shouxi had felt safe ignoring it. But in reality its tendrils had been everywhere, interacting with every other required ingredient. As a Water cultivator, from a province rich in Water herbs and ingredients, it had been a blind spot. But Shouxi had faced blind spots before. He did not need to learn a technique, merely understand an anam type inimical to him. Again, a fair test.

The third aspect of the test was the most insidious. There had been a band of performing acrobats in the Azure Gardens. They performed amazing feats of aerobatics with rope and flowing silk. When they practiced, or performed for a lesser audience, they would place a net underneath themselves, to catch them if they misstepped.

When performing for the Witness of the Azure Gardens and her family, they accorded themselves no such luxury. Shouxi had felt the danger to be thrilling, then. Fa had a few words on the subject, that they had practiced so long that the chances of them falling were slim to none. But Shouxi had not allowed her constant practicality to dim his enjoyment of the night.

For the first time in his life, for all the private suffering and horror that his clarity had brought him, he realized that it had been it's own sort of net. He had never truly before faced a challenge of refining or formations that seemed insurmountable. He always had his trump card.

Yixue had stripped that away from him. He didn't even know how, but that didn't matter - he could study for centuries and not know half of what she knew of the working of mind and body.

And in the end, he had been judged, and found - not wanting.

He was quite free, and had no idea whatsoever what to do with himself. He would have suggested a small celebration at his expense, were it not for Zhi's… encounter.

His musings were interrupted by a knock on the door. He rose and opened it -

The barbarian.

My son, I am so sorry to leave you and Fa, when you are so young, too young to understand my burden. You two are the light of my life since your mother passed. But the Emperor has called for a defense against the forces of the Sunholders, and I must answer. It is my honor to do so.

I hope that you need never read this letter. But if you should, there is much I need to tell you. Your aunt will take care of the Gardens in my stead, but when you are ready, the Jai will expect you to take my place. First you must always keep in mind-"

His hand twitched. The rod charm was not at his side. It would not have helped, from what Fa told him of the barbarian's strength. Kong Zhi's work was cunning, but they had all grown from those first two weeks. Still, he was not as helpless as Fa believed. Water could fill any shape, serve many purposes, and he had cultivated. Perhaps-

Nokai was looking at him with a head cocked. He was holding his breath. He let it out, slowly. This was not a battlefield. This was Kong Zhi's friend. He had even seen Fa speak to her in a friendly manner. He was being beyond foolish.

She was still looking at him. Had she said something?

"Hello… Nokai? Did you need something?" He hoped that sounded neutral enough.

He couldn't read the barbarian's expression. "I look for your sister. See if she wish to spar."

His brows raised in spite of themselves. He had not realized that Fa had made a habit of sparring with… Nokai, and that was something he wished she had discussed with him, but he supposed she hardly owed him such details.

"She is here, but she is resting after a hunt." After Kong Zhi had recovered enough to walk about, Fa had left the Spire with a grim expression. She had come back covered with blood and ichor - little enough of it her own, at least. No doubt the reminder of the dangers around them had made her feel the need to push herself farther, faster.

"Ah, I see." She still lingered. "Well-"

"Kong Zhi is not here. He is with his aunt." He didn't know why he volunteered the information.

She nodded at him. "And he is… well?"

Shouxi slumped slightly. "I do not know it is my place to say. I believe he was working with his tools this morning. But he came down in a panic, and asked for his aunt."

Nokai stayed on the other side of the threshold. She tapped a foot. After a few seconds, she spoke. "There was man I knew once. Fought in war. Lost arm, eye. He was great hero. Saved lives by fighting. Honored by all."

Shouxi sighed. "I have no intention of treating him as any less because of his… changes. Many artists seek after such things. I believe-"

"This man? He walk into wilderness after month. No one see him again." She tapped her foot again, and stared at Shouxi. "You will watch Zhi. And if there trouble, any kind, you come find me."

Shouxi met her gaze. Something in him relaxed. "I will. But I don't think he needs it. He is very determined. I think he will be fine."

"Yes, he will. But… if he falls, we catch." She nodded, and turned away.

Shouxi thought. He raised a hand. "Nokai, would - you like to share a pot of tea?" Did barbarians drink tea?

"You no have fermented mare's milk?" She cracked a smile at his expression. "Mo Hanying has taught me tea. You have Elder Jasmine?"

Shouxi feigned shock. "I shall have to speak to Lady Mo about her taste! I have Golden Serenity, a far superior blend in the same vein! From my home province, of course. I have walked the fields where it is grown myself."

"Hmph. We will have to see if true." Nokai stepped forward and Shouxi let her through. As they chatted, he thought about people, and grief, and nets.
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Reconciliation by colah
Inspired by @KreenWarrior omake, I tried to imagine a step towards reconciliation between Mei Daiyu and Mo Hanying. Also, Mo starts shipping Zhi/Mei.


Seeing the noble be caught flat-footed was a small consolation, but Mei supposed she'd have to take what she could for having to deal with Mo Hanying. She inhaled, pushing down the unpleasant memories that Hanying's presence brought to mind, and stepped forward. She was forced to interact with her occasionally, but this would be the first time she did so by choice.

For a moment, the noble just stared at her. Then she turned to the small entourage following her. Taking a hint, they started stumbling over themselves to wish her well before heading off, glancing back curiously at the pair of martial disciples. Hanying didn't seem particularly disappointed to see them go.

"There's only one reason I could imagine you seeking me out." Mo eyed her carefully. "And I confess that reason seems at least as unlikely as you coming to see me at all."

Mei raised a brow. "Oh?"

Mo nodded. "You're here about Kong Zhi, aren't you?"

Mei's lips thinned. "I'm here to remind you that you owe him." You owe him because he turned his back on me to help you, she doesn't say.

"That's a very mercenary way to see my relationship with Zhi," Mo mused, "But I'm curious why you're seeking me out. If there's anyone who has reason to be glad to see Zhi face such... complications it is you, Mei Daiyu. Well, you and Jin Yazhu. So, why are you here?"

Mei stared the other woman down. Mo met her gaze. As the seconds trickled by, she seemed perfectly content to wait for Mei to respond. "Kong Zhi must traverse the Depths to receive his sigil. I will accompany him, as will Jai Fa. But with Zhi's changes, we may not be enough for the dangers. I wanted to let you know that if Zhi can't secure sufficient help, I would not object to your presence."

"Well, that just makes me more curious. Why would you take on such danger, and tolerate me, for someone who abandoned you in your own moment of need?"

The noble clearly wasn't going to let the question drop, and waited patiently. An image of a shadowy version of herself emerging from an engraved box flashed through her mind. Zhi breaking down telling her about his task. "I'm not sure."

Mo's gaze softened, a hint of an amused smile on her lips. "It says a lot about you."

Mei wasn't sure how to respond to that. She hadn't expected Mo to be so confrontational, so blunt, and was caught off guard. So she returned to her original question. "Will you help?"

Mo nodded. "You didn't need to try to persuade me of a debt, you know? Zhi is my friend. I was already looking for ways to help him. I hadn't know about this plan of his to go into the Depths, but I'll help him as best I can. And perhaps that will mean you and I fighting beside each other."

"Then my business is concluded." Mei said, turning to walk away. "Thank you for your time, Sister."

The noble smiled. "You know, it isn't really my place to say this, but it would serve you and Zhi well for you to figure out why you are helping him and to tell him. He's quite clueless."