The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Because we don't plan on using the Thicket as part of the construction process. Like... we aren't going to use the trees as part of the charm or as a tool.

Vs using the Anvil in the construction process. The Anvil that, when we pounded a plain metal ingot on it got infused with War anam that Chui Dao then proceeded to eat.

That being said, if all you want to do is design the charm in the wonder in the hopes that it will provide a crafting boost or insight, that's totally fine.

My worry is about involving the Anvil in the actual construction.
Both the leading plan and the one you're voting for include doing the actual crafting at the Thicket too :V

I mean, on some level you're right in that our "experiment" isn't really an experiment in that we just saw Steel and Steel and are lazily slapping them together in hopes just being in the Thicket will yield a handout but not contaminate with Wood - not that using an Anvil to forge an Axe is a particularly big brain move, but it's at least an active experiment on Zhi's part. If he wasn't involved with the process from start to finish or if we weren't making a weapon I'd be more hesitant, but as it stands? This worry doesn't seem commensurate.
I have no idea how long a cultivator might live, but given that this was long enough ago that the empire was not even the empire I think that most involved would likely be dead by now due to circumstance rather than time.

Anyway, I'm not sure where you are getting life or death struggle from?

As near as we know this was an opportunistic conquest by the proto-empire who saw "things we want" and decided "gimmie." Of course its hard to tell with what-ifs of history, this conquest might be responsible for the empire being the behemoth it is now, but I think we can be confident the protoempire was at no risk of being destroyed.

I reach forth from the depths of lurk to smite at thee! :p

In what other circumstances would the Radiants deploy a weapon so terrifying as to make a Sage drop everything to immediately go and murder it before it could recover power, and still get quite seriously injured even when calling on the hoarded power of their Demesne? Two biggest options I can think of if this was a Radiant production are either life and death war that was deliberately papered over in the histories or 'oh hey I made this thing let me experiment on the savages with i- OH FUCK WHAT DID I DO' kinda shame so deeply buried that the Radiants just want to pretend it never happened. They just want the thing(s) dead and gone and no one to remember beyond those who must for the Empire to survive them if they ever reactivate.
The Autumn Hunter (Dances) by mintyfreshbless
Well, someone's proud of his newest charm.

Thought I'd try my hand at drawing our boy with his swanky new form. Did a couple of things with this piece I haven't done before, and I'm not entirely sure I'm satisfied with it, but oh well.

Most of the plans I'm seeing have this as the write-in for communing with CD:
While it's good to check on his health I guess, and the Thicket does match one of his anam types, isn't our goal to unlock CD's combat abilities? How does the write-in accomplish this goal?
That's certainly a goal. But Chui Dao isn't just a hammer. It's a kukuni, potentially a very powerful one given that it took over the Armory kukuni. It occurred to me that it might be best to not think of it as an artifact with magical powers we can unlock and more as an ally/companion/familiar with its own goals. In which case, seeing if there's a way to establish a dialogue might be a good foundation.
My one wish for our new form is that we stop to chat with one of our friends, they don't realize who we are, and we have a conversation for several minutes before they put two and two together.

Bonus points if the conversation includes gossip about us!
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-Use our 2 grade-1 Wind Pills as needed if we Cycle Plume on company time.
-[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
[] Jai Fa has been seen in the training craters preparing for a duel of some kind. She does not seem worried about the outcome in the least, but she will always welcome a sparring partner.
-[] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[] You have promised a charm to Jai Fa in exchange for her services as champion. She is not expecting it for quite some time, but there's never any shame in starting a project early. You will work on her charm. (You will begin work on the agreed on Axe charm) X3
---[] Design the Charm in the Thicket
---[] Craft the Axe in the Thicket
-[] Lu needs extra training in tracking down prey that doesn't want to be found, and Nokai wants to give it to him. She would like you to come along with the pack to assist; something about serving as 'bait'. (Pack Mentality Roll: 20! May be taken at no cost this week!)
-[] Mo Hanying has begun work on her grand competition and you are in charge of judging the charmcrafters. Six currently remain, and it is time to pass final judgement!
-[] Kumi is preparing to leave the Heart for a mission of some sort, and she is gathering her resources. She would not say no to an extra pair of hands to carry bags as she gets ready to venture forth.
--[] Bring up the Niece comment by Siani.
-[] You've recently discovered the location of the Glorious Respite, or rather the Bathhouse as some of your seniors know it. You will head there and use it's refreshing springs to cleanse your mind of troubles. (Counts as Two Actions. Removes one box of mental stress. Up to two disciples may be invited on this trip, with a roll determining if they accept.)
--Invite Sima Tun
--Invite Ming Hui

-WE ARE STILL AT Mental: [X] [] []
[X] Plan: Mei AND Mo AND Kumi AND Nokai AND hammers!

Looks like it's time to consolidate.
In what other circumstances would the Radiants deploy a weapon so terrifying as to make a Sage drop everything to immediately go and murder it before it could recover power, and still get quite seriously injured even when calling on the hoarded power of their Demesne? Two biggest options I can think of if this was a Radiant production are either life and death war that was deliberately papered over in the histories or 'oh hey I made this thing let me experiment on the savages with i- OH FUCK WHAT DID I DO' kinda shame so deeply buried that the Radiants just want to pretend it never happened. They just want the thing(s) dead and gone and no one to remember beyond those who must for the Empire to survive them if they ever reactivate.
Or it had nothing to do with the Radiants.

There's a big difference between "did something horrible in a war" like an atom bomb equivalent and unleashing what is apparently Demensius devourer of reality.

The TLDR is I can't think of any reason for that to happen, nor do I think there is anything that could be controlled long enough for it to be a weapon of any power, instead I think its far more likely that one of the two took advantage of the other's attack.

In short I think you are really stretching to make the radiant's more of the villains than they need to be. FFS the history as recorded basically says "we killed them all for their stuff fuck off if you think we did anything wrong" adding in "also we almost fed the world to Cuthulu cause why not" is just being stupid.
[X] Plan: zero mental stress, glorious progress, hammer AND kumi
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service.
--[] If you end up cycling Elegant Plume, be willing to use your Wind Pills if needed to advance.
-[] You have promised a charm to Jai Fa in exchange for her services as champion. She is not expecting it for quite some time, but there's never any shame in starting a project early. You will work on her charm. x2
--[] See if the Steel anam of The Twice-Forged Thicket has any inspirations for this design.
-[] Kumi is preparing to leave the Heart for a mission of some sort, and she is gathering her resources. She would not say no to an extra pair of hands to carry bags as she gets ready to venture forth.
-[] Lu needs extra training in tracking down prey that doesn't want to be found, and Nokai wants to give it to him. She would like you to come along with the pack to assist; something about serving as 'bait'.
--[] You may be 'bait' again, but this time you aren't as defenceless. Time to swing your hammer in combat.
-[] Mo Hanying has begun work on her grand competition and you are in charge of judging the charmcrafters. Six currently remain, and it is time to pass final judgement!
-[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so. x1
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] Shatter the Mirror
-[] You've recently discovered the location of the Glorious Respite, or rather the Bathhouse as some of your seniors know it. You will head there and use it's refreshing springs to cleanse your mind of troubles. (Counts as Two Actions. Removes one box of mental stress. Up to two disciples may be invited on this trip, with a roll determining if they accept.)
--Mei daiyu and nokai

removed an action from faxe to add in kumi since people really want her apparently.

benefits of this plan:
-continues our road to integrating StM something that has been stated to be a significant milestone
-has a spa action to clear our last mental stress box or remove a box if cycling stm gives us one.
- goes to mo's tourney
-makes time for kumi.
-spends time with nokai AND potentially tests out chui dao in combat
- makes significant progress on fa's axe. it may not seem like much with only two actions, but we only need about 5 to complete it and with mo's tourney out of the way and our last mental stress box gone, we will easily be able to finish axe next week with the 3 actions remaining on it and after slotting another StM we will still have 3 actions to spend on either socials, warrens or both.

Cons of this plan:
-shoves an action for faxe to next week.
-were not doing warrens this week, but most plans don't have us doing that anyways
-maybe not the spa pair that you would want. i'm biased. sue me :V
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Oooooh let's ask Siani for that mental healing tech!
That's an idea I can get behind. I'd also love the tech The Broken Blade Reforged. The Steel tech that's lets us heal physical damage. It would give us a nice reversed symmetry to our Steel and Smoke techs.

Plume let's us become Smoke and TBBR would let us become Steel.
The Shadow of the Prince lets us make a construct of Steel and The Comfort of the Hearth let's us make a construct of Smoke.
TBBR heals our physical damage, Comfort heals our Mental damage.
Plume let's us dodge attacks, Prince let's us block attacks.
TBH, I'd much rather get a good Channel Map if we have a choice in the matter. We're not far off from hitting Farmer after all.