The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Do the Seer Dreadnoughts have specially made ebony spears/claws? Or Dreadnought scale- integrated force weapons?
Yep, active psychic powers aside from futuresight don't do much good but force weapons can be wired in easily enough.

And as many, many, many infiltrators have learned over the years it's much harder to infiltrate a place with future seeing Dreadnoughts than a place with just normal Dreadnaughts.
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You have some very prevalent spelling errors and grammar mistakes in this update. Might I suggest finding someone to beta read for you or perhaps some spellchecking software? It helps give a final polish to writing.
You have some very prevalent spelling errors and grammar mistakes in this update. Might I suggest finding someone to beta read for you or perhaps some spellchecking software? It helps give a final polish to writing.
Unfortunately while II have asked if anyone was interest in the very first post I can't make a Beta appear out of think air, I'll do my best to look back and fix what I can in the meantime though.
Unfortunately while II have asked if anyone was interest in the very first post I can't make a Beta appear out of think air, I'll do my best to look back and fix what I can in the meantime though.
You can use Grammarly, Gemini or ChatGPT for beta work. Grammarly is the best of the three, in my opinion, as it is simpler to use. But Gemini / ChatGPT work quicker, yet they tend to sometimes change the text from what you've written.
@undead frog what is the average psyker rank of our Librarians? What is the rank of chief Librarian?

Is it possible to have instructions or cross training between Uthane Farseers and our Librarians due to good relation and Favours?
I am going to be honest I love how Biel-Tan got hit so many times on their ego.
Eldrad probably will have a chance to have a bodyguard for making the Ynnead ritual because, let's be honest, our guys seem sane enough to see that there is a chance to kill a chaos god and would call so many favours for it.
That sounds like an instant Excommunicate Traitoris
Yeah this still the Imperium… that imperium bad tag ain't up their for no reason.
I am going to be honest I love how Biel-Tan got hit so many times on their ego.
Eldrad probably will have a chance to have a bodyguard for making the Ynnead ritual because, let's be honest, our guys seem sane enough to see that there is a chance to kill a chaos god and would call so many favours for it.
Biel-Tann is pretty much the elder version of the Imperium, except they never had the free rein to kill off all the other elder factions that disagrees with em like Big E did.

And yes the elder killing Slannesh is a possibly branching timeline you've enabled, much as the Verdant Eyes and the Oreo Mallius dislike each other the chance to kill a Chaos G is too good to pass up.

Which incidentally will probably lead to infighting since some factions in the Imperium are more scared of the Elder being unshackled by Slannesh.

Personally messing with the warp is such a risk these days that I don't think Slannesh going away is going to let them go full op… they still need to reach down into the turf of the other 3 who are much stronger than thru were under the Eldar after all.
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Yeah this still the Imperium… that imperium bad tag ain't up their for no reason.

Biel-Tannis pretty much the elder version of the Imperium, except they never had the free reign to kill off all the other elder factions that diagrees with en like Big E did.

And yes the elder killing Slannesh is a possibly branching timeline you,ve enabled, much as the Verdant Eyes and the Oreo Mallius dislike each other the chance to kill a Chaos G is too good to pass up.

Which incidentally will probably lead to infighting since some factions in the Imperium are more scared of the Elder being unshackled by Slannesh.

Personally messing with the warp is such a risk these days that I don't think Slannesh going away is going to let them go full op… they still need to reach down into the turf of the other 3 who are much stronger than thru were under the Eldar after all.
I personally think that a draw would be for the best, ynnead doesn't kill slaneash but Slaneash loses claim on those who act against her way.
Basically, Eldar now has heaven/reincarnation and hell. They are unshackled from Slaneash as long as they are shackled by morality.

It would fit the sons of Vulcan, the most compassionate and human/mortal of primarchs, those who overcame their gene haterade of knife ears and died to help them and galaxy, thus writing into Ynnead mythos that good can be rewarded.

I think Slaneash should lose some of its power over mankind, maybe by eating all of the souls of its cultist for the last huray to eat commoragh/convert the drukhari.
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