The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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No no no! We are doing Fenris because HOLY DAMN! I very much hope we can get these bloody space wolves gene-seed. If you want, we can plant Shamed on one of the worlds on the Fenrisian system, at least we will have 2 free trainings.
I would not base an entire plan around the hopes of getting Space Wolf gene-seed, other reasons sure but I would strongly recommend not making the major motivation.
I would not base an entire plan around the hopes of getting Space Wolf gene-seed, other reasons sure but I would strongly recommend not making the major motivation.
Well...that is very understandable let down given everything but...still, we could do Shamed request on that Samurai and Ninja world because it looks very interesting concept, and hey, free Champlain and political training.
I would not base an entire plan around the hopes of getting Space Wolf gene-seed, other reasons sure but I would strongly recommend not making the major motivation.
I support this. Some issues just can't be fixed, and frankly, it gives Space Wolves something unique and interesting. If we suddenly made it possible to have succesors Chapters, by just placing Chapter near Fenris, just feels incredible cheap, especially with those new, interesting planets in Fenris sub-sector.

Also, question Frog, we will have 80 points for the 11th Chapter to use or not? Because I'm genuinely unsure at this point, due to all the talk about the rule changes previously.
Well...that is very understandable let down given everything but...still, we could do Shamed request on that Samurai and Ninja world because it looks very interesting concept, and hey, free Champlain and political training.
'Because it's cool' will always be a valid reasoning in either of my Space Marine founding quests.
Also, question Frog, we will have 80 points for the 11th Chapter to use or not? Because I'm genuinely unsure at this point, due to all the talk about the rule changes previously.
Considering they're just a regular chapter besides the large scout company, I think it was decided to focus on gaining enough favors from all factions so that once they gained enough, they can put an stop to the fighting
Well...that is very understandable let down given everything but...still, we could do Shamed request on that Samurai and Ninja world because it looks very interesting concept, and hey, free Champlain and political training.
What else should we train them for? Maybe Elite Assault Marines and More champions or Extra Terminators? Shamed kinda feel like a Penance Crusade like Chapter. So having them be really good at Assault. The Samurai/Ninja world would be neat if we could install a Bushido like code onto them.
Would the shamed need anything else?
Was the politics training actually usefull?
Yes, but keep in mind The Shamed comes with Political Training free so they probably need it.
Ah. A chapter that lives on and recruits from a planet living a forever winter remake. Would indeed be very good at scavenging and survival.

-Pandium Bolters: A series of unique bolters held by the Astral Gears, each possessing different capabilities - including one that has a form of cloaking technology built into it. Why exactly the magos responsible thought it was a good idea to make a bolter that turns invisible without doing the same to the Space Marine using it is anyone's guess. Rumors that another Marine Chapter has had a similar experience, but with dreadnaughts and the coffins placed into them instead, are thus far denied by the Administratum
Bwa ha hahahaha. Ok only one specific example of the promised quirky bolters but I must admit it is a good one.
[ ] Dugronk: A Feudal World located near Skaltland, and with a very similar culture overall, the land of Dugronk is mostly swamp interspersed with medieval castles. Of note, several remarkably intelligent but somewhat surly Ogryn tribes call this planet home. You wonder if you could take a look at them, you have been hoping to find a way to repair the genetic damage that leaves most Ogryn so simple minded... Bah, no time. (Fenris Region).
Although the next chapter should be the shamed I want to do a "do as you will" chapter on this world. Both to give Grimm a brake and so he can get some time to look into the Ogryns.
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